Page 29 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug_,Nov. 27, 1946 Terrors Win State Championship In This Corn .. .Terror Boxers EndSeason With Record Of Five Wins Gold Bug To Run Coflege Start Practice Against Two Losses To Lead Field Table Tennis Tournament Jensen To Coach Fighters; Havensmen Have Best Gridiron S.ason Since 1938· ' Corrado Tops Stat. Scorers With 45 Points By N. J. Wolfsheimer Ortenzi Only Veter.n By Fred Holloway, Jr. Sig Jensen, the new Western Mary- (SpOl'tS EditOl', The Gold Bug) For the scoring in the second land boxing coach, has issued a call State Of Maryland quarter, one had only to look for pint- The Gold Bug will offer two large trophies for the winners of the men's for all boxers to start drills for the sized, but hard-hitting Joe Giannelli, singles and women's singles in the table tennis tournament that will start as coming campaign, Pet. who scampered for 70 yards to pay- soon as entries are received by the sports staff of the paper. The leather-throwers at present :g~ dirt, and in 7 plays more, broke loose As yet the trophies have not been received, but will be placed on display have a schedule of five matches ¥Ji~~~'~;;::~:'A.·;.'..~..'.·.!o:"m~,; :n~ for 25 more yards and a touchdown to in in the college book store, upon arrival at the college. addition to the Eastern Intercollegi- .143 contribute 12 points. In the final ate Boxing Association's tournament. ~[ount St. :!o[ary'. .000 half, Hank Corrado, Carl Mendell, • Entries Must Be Received By December 9 Games this week: There will be no entry fee, but partidpants must /1trnish their own table Penn State, Coast Guard Academy, Maryland at North Carolina State and Leo Lathroum all crossed the t"nnw baUs and the play must be conducted on one of the tables at the col- Bucknell, Army, and a home match Navy-Army at Philadelphia goal-line with Corrado booting four comprise the currently with .Bucknell lege. Entries must be received not later than Monday, December 9, to be al- extra points to bring his game total lowed to p(u·ticipate in the event. schedule, although Director of Ath- In gaining an easy 46 to 7 verdict to 10. This is the first time that the Gold Bug has furnished trophies for the letics Charlie Havens thinks that over the hapless Mountaineers from The Mount's lone tally came just winners of the tournament and it is hoped that a large number of students another match may be added to the Emmitsburg, Western Maryland's after the third stanza got under way enter the play. In the first round a player must win the best of three games schedule. grid team brought their most success- when Joe Boyle cut sharply through to defeat his opponent. ful season since 1938 to a close with the line, eluded two would-be-tacklers, An official entry blank will be found at the bottom of this page. Please a 5 won and 2 lost record, Only un- and outdistanced the Terror second- make certain that all blanks are filled in and placed in the Gold Bug box at defeated Delaware and once-beaten ary in a 66 yard run. This is the the entrance to the book store. Dickinson were able to tame the Ter- only score the Emmitsburg gc-ldders Pair inge will be published in the December 12th issue of the Gold Bug. rors, and the latter in the form of have made all fall. The try for point All results of the matches must be turned in by placing the scores in the same a mild upset. was good. box in which the entry blanks were placed. The win over Mount St. Mary's as- sured Western Maryland of its first • Basketball, Boxing, Wrestling Teams Practice State Championship since 1936. Terror Scoring Football i~ now finished for the year as far as Western Maryland is The Mt. St. Mary's ag~regation concerned, and now we can turn to basketball, boxing and wrestling, as these was far outclasssed by the Westmin- teams started practice this week. ster lads, as Art O'Keeffe, Sig Jensen, Bruce Ferguson's bnsketeers will dominatc Gill Gym this year as the Bart Norman, and George Norman, hoopsters have eight home games against the lone boxing match and two donned the Green and Gold uniform r 1, wrestling meets, The grapplers play host to the Mason-Dixon wrestlers on for the last time. From the opening March 8 when they have their annual tournament. kickoff the Terrors beganto roll, and The weekend of March 8 will be one of the busiest of all years for the in eleven plays, O'Keeffe had circled Green Terror athletes as they will engage in three tournaments. The basket- right end for 6 yards and a score. In the Dickinson test, little All- ball tourney will be held in Catholic University's gymnasium in Washington, Shortly thereafter, Sig Jensen made American Doug Rehor's throwing the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Association has not yet selected its loca- a fine over-the-shoulder catch of arm proved too much for the local tion for its yearly tournament, but that will be done in another week, and the O'Keeffe's long heave on the 8 yard .outfit, and after Dickinson displayed wrestlers will grapple in Gill Gymnasium. line and scored standing up. Since a much better-balanced team, the For both the basketball and the wrestling tournaments it will mark the Jensen pJayed tackle and guard until Terrors succumbed to a 25 to 20 de- first time that the locations of the tourneys have been outside Baltimore. The this season, these were the first points feat. Stan Kulakowski, Corrado, and basketball tourney started in 1941 in Johns Hopkins' gym and then moved he has ever scored in football com- Walt Piavis scored for the Green and ever to Loyola's larger hall the following year. The wrestling event is the petition. Gold, newest tourney and was held at Johns Hopkins' gym until the Mason-Dixon group decided to retake the tournament this year and Western Maryland landed it for 1947. For the first time since 1936 'Western Maryland is the top team in the Ca1·lo Ortenzi State of ~raryland in the football race. In 1938 the Terrors had a very suc- cessful season, winning five while losing only two against one tie, but that Heading the list of Terror boxers 1946-47 Western Maryland College Table year Maryland defeated the Green Terrors 14 to 8 to take the title. This will be Carlo Ortenzi, the 16S-pound season, based purely on t.he won and lost recnrd of the State teams that ap- champion in 1942. Ortenai is from a Tennis Tournament pears elsewhere on this page, thegridders of Charlie Havens have the best boxing family, as his brother Tony record of the Free State teams and deserve the title of "Champions, The State won the 175-pound championship in Name of Maryland." 1938. Carlo will fight in the light- The entire coaching staff and players deserve much credit for the good heavyweight class this season after season that was just turned in. This is the first time since 1938 that Western having several fights in that class College Address. Maryland has had a winning team and the old statement, " Everyone loves a during his tour of duty in the Army. winner," is still very true. The boxing room has been taken by Men's Slnglesf _..) Women's Singles (....) [check oneJ the college when the fraternities were Place this entry blank in the Gold Buy box at the en- • Corrado Leads State Scorers moved into A. N. Ward Hall, and this The team pulled a trick out of the hat by upsetting the apple cart in year the fighters will train in either trance to the college book store prior to Dec. 9, 1946. beating Gettysburg in the season opener, but had the tables reversed on them Yingling or Gill Gymnasium. when Dickinson won two weeks ago. In Hank Corrado the Green owns the Jensen boxed for two seasons at leading scorer for the State and the hard running freshm\n should have many With The Greeks more 'geed seasons ahead of him at Western Maryland. Western Maryland and had the record Havens is fortunate in having only four seniors on the team since the of never losing a dual meet, but was in the finale of the ElBA Preachers Nab Seventh Straight vast majority of the club will be back next year and the team should have an defeated by Sal "Toots" Mirabito, of even better offensive than this year's club that averaged 24 points a game Syracuse, while limiting the opposition to an average of 12 a contest. tourney in 1942, Jensen ran his streak eleven fights before being through • Four Lost By Graduation decisioned by Mirabito in what Touch Football Championship Art O'KeefJe, Sig Jensen and the two Nor'l114ns will proved to be the last fight in Sig's be lost through graduation, and oetting replacements for By Al Resnick the line will be tough. Next year the" three-year nde" The ElBA last year made several Harry Yingling. The attempt for the will again be enforced-barring freshmen from varsity Interfraternity League point after touchdown was not good, competition. This means that anyone who is to play on the changes in· the weight classes and Leading by a 7 to 6 count, the 1947 football team must enter college by the second se- they now are 125, 130, 135, 145, 155, 1"inalSlanaings \V L T Pt., Preachers clinched the game on a 165,175 pounds and unlimited classes, mester of this eurrent year. If no one enters in Febru- D.lta Pi Alpha .. , , .. <1 0 2 10 long pass from Hymie Dervitz to ary, the same team that played this year will be the team xr;~;'nG~~~ao;~u·· ... 1 ~ g : Chlad. The ball struck the hands of ArtD'KeefJe in 1947. Pi Alpha Alpha 0 <1 2 2 Joe Thompson and then bounced into The Preachers climaxed fra- Zip Picks ternity football season by the winning Chlad's arms, but under the special league rules the pass was good. Chlad All Fraternity Football Team Dear Boss: their seventh straight touch football ran 80 yards after catching the ball the championship they defeated as for the last score of the game. Gamma Bets 13 to 6, Gamma Beta • Gamma Bets Beat Bachelors With a 15 and 4 record and The following day the Gamma Bets First Team ) Second Team coming into the closing days of the Chi clinched second place by downing Charlie Chlad End . .. Paul Zlpnkevicz football season, it looks like I'll the Bachelors 7 to O. cemented their grip on second place (Delta Pi Alpha) (Gamma Beta Chi) have a good start into the basket- Carroll Wallace kicked off to the by defeating Alpha Gamma Tau. For the play was even and three quarters Bill Dudley ~Tackle _ ...Homer- Earll ball season. Gamma Bets to start the game. Nei- (Gamma Beta Chi) (Delta Pi Alpha) ther team was able to gain and the no team was able to score. Late in of Hal Hammagren kicking the the Jast period a long pass from 'I'om- of Dick Brown Center ._... .AI Resnick Army to slaughter Navy Bets stood out. my Price to Red O'Hara was good (Delta Pi Alpha) (Alpha Gamma Tau) North Carolina State over Mary- • Leap Scores First for 40 yards and gave the Bachelors Bill Pennington ~Tackle Bill Merriman Jand On a long kick from deep in the first down on the Gamma Bets' 3 yard (Delta Pi Alpha) (Pi Alpha Alpha) Georgia to beat Georgia Tech Gamma Bets territory, Ernie Leap line. On the next play Curly Coff- John O'Hara .End . ....Harry Yingling Notre Dame over Southern Cal. took the ball on the mid-field stripe man ran the ball to the one yard line, (Alpha Gamma Tau) (Ga,mma'Beta Chi) U.C.L.A. to thump Nebraska and galloped 40 yards for the first but on two passes the Bachelors Ken Volkhart. Back .... Dick Palmer North Carolina to take Virginia Delta Pi Alpha touchdown. On the failed to score. (Gamma Beta Chi) (Delta Pi. Alpha) Yonrs truly, play Leap received outstanding block- The Gammas kicked out to the Curly Coffman .. Back Reds Hammagren ing from center Dick Brown. The ~ mid-field stripe where on the next (Alpha Gamma Tau) (Gamma Beta Chi) extra point was collected on a pass play they intercepted a pass. With Carroll Wallace _.._ . Back .Jeeee Starkey from Wallace to end Charlie Chlad. less than a minute to play the Gamma (Delta pj Alpha) (Pi Alpha Alpha) Won Lost Pct. The Gammas came back on the of- Bets' passing clicked and scored the 15 ,790 feneive late in the third quarter to winning points on the last play of The aix>v<>team wu picked by ballot. from tbe raptaiD. 01 tba lOUT fraterDity team •. score on a pass from Ken Volkhart to the game.
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