Page 43 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 11, 1946 PAGE THREE • Th' C . Golfers Open Women's AA. Picks Spring Practice Starts In Football In IS orner Season Today I Cage All Stars , • With Many Terror Veterans by N. J. Wolfshelmer, Meet George Washington AT THE W.A.A. Board meeting held First Spring Drills Since 1942 Attract Large Turnout; Sports Editor On District Course Thursday, April 4, the all. star col- FOR THE LAST ten days the coach- AFTER STRUGGLINGthrough an eigh- lege basketball team was chosen as Schedul. For Next Season Now Under Construction ing staff has had the football team teen hole qualifying round over for. follows: by AL RESNICK out for spring practice-the first est-like greens and windswept fair- Forwards: Margaret Ruppenthal, held at Western Maryland since 1942- ways on Wednesday, a Green Terror Joanna Mary Hauver, and Betty as Keckler, ANY AFTERNOONon the practice field thirty-odd men can be seen going with alter- Lou Stephens football practice. .Open In October six-man golf team is meeting George nate; Guards: Jean Baker, Ruth through spring maneuvers----eommonly known as spring amount of interest in body has shown a tremendous student The entire in Washing- University Washington Head coach CharJie Havens and his Wentz, and Reba Wentz, with Betty the coming season, since only the veterans and seniors remember western right hand man Bruce Ferguson are ton today in Western Maryland's first Raker as alternate. Maryland's former grid teams. The fever can be expected to increase grad- golf match since the spring of 1943. starting from the bottom of the foot- Re.ulU 01 Tolley games aho'll' ths ually until the end of next September with a jump on the evening of Friday, ball fundamentals with the men, but • Outlook Good .tauding. 8S follow.' October fourth when a big pep rally can be expected and a fervet- of excite- at this writing the players look much TIle team meeting George Washing. ,',~ ~"," ment on the following day when the Green and Gold opens against Gettysburg. as any Di~~~~~;:~eo1:· better than they did a week ago, and ton, still looking as promising ~~~\~~. This will also be the opening game of the season for the Bullets. no doubt that by the time that Ha- which has ever represented Western Dh'!Blon II .Eight Games Scheduled vens fields a team next October it will Maryland, will include Eddie Johnson, A tentative eight-game schedule has been arranged and is now before tlie be well representative of Western Captain Dick Hausler, Fred Hollo- ~~~~~~~o:eBB . : athletic council for approval. As usual most of the opponents will come from 0 Sophomoro Maryland. Many of the gridders that way, Bob Hendrickson, Al Jacobson, f'","hmen 0 teams in either the Mason-Dixon Conference or Eastern Pennsylvania Con- performed on Hoffa Field before the .and Bob Dubell, Bob Beglin or Joe Division III D 2 ference. Press releases from Hampden-Sydney have already stated that Freshmeu war have yet to return to college and Thompson. Holloway, Johnson and Fresh",e:> E 1 Western Maryland will play them on November 2, in 0 0 2 with those men plus additions next Hausler should contain the nucleus of FreshmenF . 0 of volley ball Westminster. the finishing With fall, the Green and Gold should be a squad around which the team will games, softball practice will start this able to win its ebere of games against be built with the remaining positions week. Freshmen will have Wednesday At the present time the men who are out practicing teams of the same caliber. being determined by the manner in and Friday practices, while upper- are expected to form the nucleus of a strong team. There It seems strange not to have base- which the other men whip their game classmen will have Tuesdays and is an abundance of line material, but weaknesses have ball during the spring. Golr and Ten- 'into shape as the season progresses. Thursdays . been noted in the backfield. nis have almost normal sized sched- • Johnson Is Star In the line at the-present time there are many of ules, but baseball is ccnscplcuous by Johnson still promises to be the the former players, Sig J ensen, who was a starting Mary. golfer Western best all-around its absence. Of course spring football land has ever enrolled. Holloway, re- Tennis Team guard in 1941, can play tackle and end in addition to his practice cuts into the baseball season guard post and now tips the beam at 200 pounds. Carlo and. would rob players that would -cently back from, China, looks like the Or tonal Ortenzi has seen a lot of action at end and should have normally be playing on the diamond same consistent scorer who won Set For Start a good season. rather than on the gridiron. But points for the Terrors in pre-war Joe Kittner played the 1941 season here and was picked on the All Mary- hasn't that always been the case years. Hausler is beginning to re- Loyola's Netmen Furnish land team that season and also the Associated Press picked him as the out- here? semble more the man who led the Ter- standing sophomore lineman of the sea- rors to victory in the Western Mary- Opposition Next Week son in the state. .Frat Sports land Invitation tourney in 1942: Still another big lineman is George The four fraternities, having re- -The schedule: PROF. FRANK HURT ran his tennis Norman, who played on the undefeated sumed normal activities, will start April squad through their ~rst formal 1941 frosh team and varsity the follow- their intra-fraternity sports program 11 George Washington Away practice last Monday afternoon in ing season. Others from the 1941 fresh- in the near future. There has always 16 Haverford Home Gill Gymnasium. Kenny Yolk, Sig man team are Reds O'Hara, at end, Joe been a keen rivalry among the four 27 Maryland Intercollegiates Jensen, and Kenny Volkart, all of Wilson at center and Al Resnick, a clubs, and that no doubt will again be Annapolis whom played here previously, will guard. present when the softball, tennis and 2' Loyola Home add experience to the squad while the • Big Linemen golf schedules are drawn up by the May list of hopefuls includes Jack Lechli- Cont.inuing- on with the linemen, an- fraternities. t Johns Hopkins Home ter, Mel Lashner, Al Resnick, and other big boy who is both fast and ex- The cinder track on Hoffa Field has Loyola Away Ernest Twigg. perienced is Walt (from the South) been the scene of the track men doing Haverford Away .Practice In Gill Gym Dorsey. On the other end might be their daily workouts during the past io George Washington Home Practice will be continued inside found Walt Piavis, who is both fast and week. It is hoped by the Athletic Di- 11 Delaware Away until the courts are dry and in condi- crafty. In the center slot Bill Anderson rector that a mile-relay team will be 18 Delaware Home has been looking very good. Other line- formed so as to .purtrclpate In both 18 Western Maryland Invitation, tion. Volk is getting along in fine men include AI Paul, Charley Chlad, to Mr. Hurt, and is style, according the Penn Relays and also the Mason- Tournament Home hounding into shape, while Jensen and Dick Brown. Dixon Conference track meet. At this and Volkhart have not as yet worked In the backfield there are not, very time it seems rather doubtful if there out to any real extent. Jensen at many experienced players, John Adamo- are enough men on the campus to Dear Ed: vlch is fast and a capable passer. Also have a full track team in addition to It feels good getting back in present is biding his time between Al Jacobson exeens in the running and the other spring sports. Then, too, the groove by selecting a couple spring football and his tennis duties. ;~; ~~~~~~~~= Twigg Both Resnick track is the infant sport at Western of winners. Forgive me for not shown possibilities, and while Lashner, have a ~:::i:foo~e~~~t~::t~e~t~~a!a~~;, Maryland and never had the response making some selections for the freshman who filled the No.4 slot on Via, and Ham Hammagren. Joe Hittner that other sports enjoyed. last issue, I forgot. (Editor's Prof. Hurt's racquet swingers have Note: There were not any easy the Central High School team in Phil- .More Men To Come looked very good in their workouts in selections fOT Zip to make.) adelphia, shows some promise. Per- According to Head Coach Charlie Havens, he expects his present material of the new- Gill Gym and should be in good For this time haps the most promising Lechliter, who with the help of a few more returning former Terrors and some freshmen to will be Jack comers shape next Friday, when they meet have a successful season next year. Havens expects Bart Norman, Georgo Loyola in Baltimore In the curtain Western Md. to beat George has displayed some good strokes and Piavis, Art O'Keeffe, Stan Kulakowski, Ed Mogowski, Carl Mendell and Curly raiser for the Terrors. Washington, Gol! plays a very good game. Coffman back from his former teams. Western Md. to beat Loyola, Stressed Tennis • Fundamentals strokes and service The ground .John Everhart Western Md. to slau~hter have been stressed by' Prof. Hurt and Theo. F. Shaeffer Heagy Brothers Golf Haverford, THE COLLEGE BARBER Zip's Record: much time will he devoted to these MASTER PLUMBER BARBER SHOP 92 W. Main St. AND BOBBER Won Lost Pct. parts of the game. Prof. Hurt plans Four Chairs-Quick Service 7 6 .538 to work his singlesmen against each Phone 359-J AT THE FORKS other when he gets them outside. He Westminster, Md. 24 W. Main St. Yours truly, also hopes to mold his double combi- nations in the near future. Expert All seven of these men will be car- Radio Electronic Service ried on the squad. Six will be regulars Kodachrome Photo and Finishing Kodacolor while the seventh will hold down the Service Lt. Price To Open 14 West Main Sttee~ reserve spot. COMPLIMENTS OF Headquarters for Everything The schedule for the coming season SELL AND REPAIR Teen-Ager Club is as follows: Authorized Photographic Dealers Eastman RADIOS (Continued from page 1, column 4) April Th. W. H. Davis C'c. Davidson Photo Finishers 20 Loyola Away drinks and sandwiches will be served. Telephone 703 27 Delaware Home 49 Colonial Avenue Cleanliness and no alcohol will' be May Westminster, Maryland the abiding rules of the Bar, 1 Johns Hopkins Away Lt. Price expects to return to W. 3 Gettysburg M. C, to earn his degree. 4 Loyola Home Home In Spring. 8 Gettysburg Away J. WM. HULL, Jeweler 11 Dickinson Away Gore Motor Company A Young Man's Fancy turns Compliments '4 Johns Hopkins Home Successor to Cassell's of Dickinson Home PACKARD CARS I to thoughts of good-looking BON SACK'S '8 The Store of New Fashioned- clothes. The kind he'll find at INTERNATIONAL Jewelry and Old Fashioned SODAS LUNCHES Honesty Save With Safety TRUCKS HUTZLER BJIOTHER:l @ Cootes' Barber Shop At The Times Building East Main St. Baltimore, Maryland Rexall Drug Store Phone: Westminster 640 Westminster, Md. Two Barbera Old Spice. Friendship Garden, East Main Street Cara Nome, ,-Orloff and Barnes Appliance Service Berganot Toiletries Run Right to SMITH & REIFSNIDER Listen to the Jimmy Durante- Bendix Home Laundry Incorporated Garry Moore Rexall Drug READ'S A11 kinds of Electrical LUMBER-COAL Radio Show every COMPLIMEIGS OF Appliances Serviced Friday evening For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries and Repaired WESTMINSTER, MD. 9130 P. M .• WCAO and and all your R.C.A. WFMD DRUG STORE NEEDS The Carroll Gardens 45 East Main Street Compliments of SCHMITT'S. Westminster, Md. REXALL DRUG STORE 15 E. MainSlreet, Phone 793 Westminster Laundry 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 Westminster, Md. Phone 328
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