Page 38 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 38
PAGE Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 14, 1946 Along The Way To pick up a pen and begin writing By DON CAPOBIANCO on a topic such as "better school By BETTY SCHMIDT spirit" may seem like "old stuff." But One of the fundamental bases for es are displayed, meetings that are we believe that, with the curtain The folJowing conversation between oners. One resident (male, naturally) fear is ignorance. We are frightened reminiscent of the German Youth scheduled to go up on Thanks for the Prof. Makosky and Dean I. was over- criticized her actions by saying, by the ghosts in the graveyard at Movement. Radio and educational fa- Memortee on Saturday night, the heard a few weeks ago by one of our "That's the trouble with women- night that are but inanimate tomb- cilities are being wooed to this end, sophomores deserve a push to the top staff members; they never let men finish their sen- stones by day. We enter a new land and out of it will spring a new of the wall from us so that they can D.I. "Is the faculty meeting at tences." ~ where everything is different and ev- Aryanism, and like all Aryanism it look ahead, with a feeling of past suc- 4:15? Which brings'to my mind some- eryone a stranger-we hesitate, we will be hated by the rest of the cess, when the curtain comes down on Mak. "Yes." thing I overhead the other day; The are cautious, we are afraid. And yet world. While it is important that we their Follies. D.1. "Well, what's at 8:151" mamma flea was telling papa flea it is but a short time before we are respect and obey our own democratic Cries went up that "Western Mak. "The Community Concert." that their children were going to the familial' with the new surroundings. institutions, we must. be careful lest Maryland needs to be livened up!" OJ. "I don't have much to do with dogs. (P.S. I think so too!) The strangers now are friends and we become slaves to them and alien- and "What this place needs is some that!" we laugh at old fears, calling them ate ourselves from those nations up- spirit!" The sophomores accepted Mak. "You have tickets, hav~n't creatures of imagination once thought on whom we are dependant for form- these challenges and seriously set you?" If Only - - - real. Thus with a little light and a ing an international organization about "doing rather than talking." D.l. Thinking and scratching his little understanding the demons that that {vilJ function toward the end for ,Organized pep rallies in Alumni head, "What did you say was at Butl we feared are disposed of. which it has been proposed. Hall and on the steps of Old Main, a 8:15?" • Suspicion • Understanding Needed powerful cheering section at basket- Mak. i'The Community Concert ANONYMOUS We can follow a trend such as this Weare in dire need at this time for ball games, a petition attempting to down at the High School." "Yep, every Sunday night-no mat- from the most primitive of all beings a mutual understanding among na- bring action on the cut system have D.L "Oh! I thought you said the. ter where I was-I'd pause to thi~k to the most polished of all men and it tions. We cannot reach that under- all been projects to "liven \VMC up." Beauty Contest!" about that chapel service we used to is still true-that which he does not standing by remaining in ignorance But the climax of all these efforts have at Western Maryland." A vet- know or understand, he fears. This of each other's philosophies, institu- so far will be the Variety Show on Speaking of faculty meetings re- eran who returned to the Hill two can be very readily seen by the re- tions, governments, and ways of life. Saturday night in Alumni Hall. The minds me of Dr. Eckhardt's brief in- weeks ago, looked at his watch and ports of our daily papers concerning We "annot reach that understanding work necessary for a grand success r-uston into the McDaniel Hall laun- smiled. A student at Western Mary- Russia and the Russian doctrines. We by remaining in our respective bound- has certainly been done' by the soph- dry room. Puttering around in the land just prior to his enlistment in tremble more each day as the mystery aries and denouncing one another as omores-they have spent innumerable adjoining kitchen where he was help- the Army of the United States on that enshrouds Russia grows. And being the cause of mal-content and hours constructing and painting ing to get the refreshments together January 15, 1942, he was honorably when the Russians hear such state- evil in the world. Each government scenery and gathering props, to say he spied the laundry room and its discharged last month. ments as were recently made by Win- has within it certain attributes apd nothing of the hours spent behind line of clothes hanging up to dry. . Back in 1942, after the completion ston Churchill, they too must tremble certain failures as does each philoso- clo8ed door8 practicing. Tip-toeing cautiously to the door he of his basic training, he was assigned for fear of a new colossus in the phy. They are imperfect creatures Success for a show, however, is one cried, "Ah, the room of the "unmen- to the 29th Division and remained West. And as the fear grows, the that need to be ._studied, not con- of these factors that must be looked tionables." Some high-pitched giggles, with the mid-Atlantic men through threat of another world conflagration demned. at from two angles-the actors' angle well-hidden behind the half-dry laun- D-Day, the Ardennes break-through, grows with it, for coupled with fear .Exehange Students and the audience's angle. dry caused e red-faced Dr. Eckhardt and the run into Germany. It was is suspicion. We are playing nine- In order to promote a more solid to patter quickly away from the room only after V-E Day that he left the teenth century games in a twentieth foundation for world peace, I would We believe that the sophomores de- of the "unmentionables." diviaicn, which he refers to as the 2- . century world. propose that a plan be drawn up serve to be supported by a large audi- _shooting, 9-Iooting outfit, for home the not only that ence. This means .Atlantic Charter whereby we may have an exchange of student body and the faculty them- Prof. Willen recently gave his sec- and discharge. It has been stated and reiterated students among all nations on a large selves must appear to witness that ond-year German class a surefire And, periodically, throughout his time and again that the recent war scale for the express purpose of un- evening of fast-moving entertain- method to learn how to speak a for- foul' years in the army, he said that was fought for those principles and derstanding the institutions, govern- ment, but they should back the class eign language within a short period he recalled the chapel service back at ideals set forth in the Atlantic Char- ments, and philosophies of these na- of '48 by interesting outsiders in com- of time. "Go to the country whose Western Maryland, wishing that he ter. Among the ideals set forth was tions. These students should learn, ing to the Saturday night perform- language you want to learn and could attend one again. "It's strange," "the freedom from fear"-a vague above all, to understand the people of either argue politics with the people he said, "how the war changed my concept then-a mockery now. If the the various lands where they go to Everyone wanted some "spirit at there or find yourself a girlfriend! outlook. When J was at Western international game of intrigue con- study, and then return to instruct WMC"---everyone wanted things "liv- (or boyfriend). Before he could be Maryland before, I invariably cut tinues on its present path, I would their own nation on what they ened up"-the sophomores have open- questioned as to which method he used chapel and griped because the college suggest that the charter be put up on learned. Thus, through understand- he quickly added: "I always argued tried to make me attend." a shelf with More's Utopia, Bacon's ing, fear of each other can be re- ed up the doorway-let us enter in~ politics!" Then, overseas particularly, he New Atlantis, et al. to be studied by moved, the artificial barriers torn the movement with the same kind .of went on, he would pause long enough vigor with which the sophomores have scholars now and then so that they clown, and a world governed by law, given it birth. A discussion about governors in every Sunday evening to determine might agree as to how wonderful it not force, can become an existing various states of the Union pardoning the difference in time between the would be if all men were perfect and reality. Thus, the communist ghosts (Attention, Director! This editorial prisoners brought the following joke zone in which he happened to be and -t-ilen we could put the charter into of the Russian graveyard will in the -c-despit e the fact· that we were from Professor Hurt, "It seems that the Eastern war Time Zone. That effect. If all men were perfect, they daylight lose their terror as welI as tossed out of a rehearsal into which there was some trouble in Texas not made it possible for him to know just would need no charter. the democrat.ic ghosts in the Ameri- we strayed unwittingly!) so long ago because the lady governor when the students were filing into can graveyard. -THE EDITOR. there was pardoning too many pris- • Respect that chapel thousands of miles away, It should be apparent to us by now when Dr. Holloway was beginning his that we cannot expect ever to have a sermon, and when the choir was peaceful world if we must rely upon Campus Personalities bringing the service to a close. those forces that would only serve to This ex-G.l. appeared to be any- instill fear in other nations. We must thing but a sentimentalist, but he learn to rely on those forces which says many were the Sunday evenings bind men together and not those that he would have given both his chance alienate. We must learn to respect By Daphne Clarke at a leave on the Riviera and his rat- and try to understand each other. ing for an opportunity to attend just .New Aryanism PERFECTLY NEGATIVE? arrival of the veterans), "doll," PERK PERCULATES one of these chapels, so much had the At the present time there is a sub- "heart," and "deefie dundogan" war changed his views. tle but moving force conceived to " I'm perfectly negative. I have no (translate that if you can). And then there was the little But last Sunday evening, the re- build an intense feeling of national- outstanding dislikes or likes. 1 live. During her days at W. M. C., Peg moron, oops, little girl, I mean, who turned veteran lolled back in the ism. It has gained a foothold in relig- I have a family. 1 am Peg Davis. I has accomplished much. She was wanted to be a missionary so she semi-dark booth at Margaret and ion by meetings that are designed to am a senior-and that's enough. president of the 'Phi Alpha last se- could ride into Jerusalem on the back Earl's off-the-campus cafe, looked at stir the passions and not the intellect, Amen!" quote Peg. But most people mester and a member of the Inter- of a pig. Now, is that the right at- his watch, grinned and said, "Seven meetings where more flags than cross- would undoubtedly disagree with this Sorority Council. She is honor chair- titude? But that's Perk-a-the inno- forty-five and here I am, on my first statement. "Perfectly positive" cent little girl who never ceases to man of the Women's Student Govern- surprise us with her original sense of Sunday back at ~Vestern Maryland, THE GOLD BUG . ment, and thus she has the headache humor. young miss-mu- cutting chapel to come here for a coke." all the blind dates who of arranging She's a talented Official sludonl new.paps. of Western Mary never seem to show up. Peg was sically and mathematically inclined; land College. published "en>i·noo"t~lr. on also secreturv of the I.R.C. and sings a strange combination, but so well Thursday. during October. Nay.mhor. Jan"' alto in the choir. secretm-y of the senior class and busi- .ry. Februuy. Mnrch, Rnd April. ~nd monthl, mixed that they have very effective during S~p(e'nber. Decemb
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