Page 39 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 39
The Gold. Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 14, 1946 PAGE THREE In This Corner ProF. Hurt Has Bright Hopes Terrors Lose American U. Places Two Cugers For Good Tennis Season To American On Gold Bug All Star Team By Wayne Cowan Victory Makes Eagles TENNIS HOPES WERE shoved the squad brought home the Mason- by N. J. Wolfsheimer, of the Randolph-Macon team and to a new high at the beginning of the Dixon Championship. These cham- Tourney Champions Sports Editor meant the difference of their making new semester when three veterans re- pionships came in 1937, 1939 and 1942 AT.THIS STAGE of the game, the playoffs or being an also-ran. turned to the Hill. All three of these against stellar competition. Prof. AMERICAN D. CONQUERED this writer will stick out his neck and \Vhen the "Moe" was hot, he really have had ample experience prior to Hurt commented that the 1942 season Bruce Ferguson's fighting Green Ter- attempt to pick an "All Mason-Dix- swished the ball through the cords. their entrance into the armed forces. rors in the final game of the Mason- on" basketball team for the season He is big, experienced and a good They are Kenny Volk, Sig Jensen, Dixon Conference basketball tourna- just completed. shot. and Kenny Volkart. ment in Baltimore two weeks ago. To try to keep some of the wolves Ray Love gave Barthleme a real Kenny Yolk boasts experience of Western Maryland had conquered from howling about the particular se- battle for the scoring honors of the having played varsity tennis at City Gallaudet 49 to 39 in the opening lections made, it should be pointed out conference and then bowed only be- College and winning the State Junior night of the tourney in a hard fought that for the most part chosen cause the Eagle eager missed the last Singles Championship previous to his game, which saw the score change for the positions were judged to the conference game of the season. Ray entrance here. Volk has a record of hands many times before the Green greater extent on their performances never rushed his shots, was calm, a one loss in 22 matches during his two team finally surged ahead in the final in the Mason-Dixon tournament that good ftoorman and a good operator years here. Sig Jensen turned in a ten minutes of the game. was held in Baltimore a fortnight on the defense. nice record during his two years here, In the second night Loyola was de- ago. Bob Lindeman was undoubtedly the while Kenny Volkhart, playing a sub- feated in an upset by the Terrors by For the first time in several seasons choice for the center spot. The Ameri- stitute role, won all his matches in the score of 50 to 35. Loyola had de- the selection of such a mythical team can U. giant was constantly getting 1942. feated Western Maryland twice dur- is considerably hard since the confer- the rebounds and was also a good The tennis squad has been coached ing the regular season and the win ence operated at normal strength dur- man under the basket to tap in the by Prof. Frank Hurt since 1935. from the Greyhounds was registered ing the latter part of the season and ball when on the offensive. Linde- Mr. Hurt as yet has not met with as an upset. The Terror sharpshoot- there were more outstanding players man's point average was high and he his team, but he expects to work out ers were playing their best game of than there are spots on one ball club. was able to hold down his opponent by in the gym with the team soon after the season and were led in the scoring There were about fifteen' players good guarding. spring vacation and be on the courts parade by Al Jacobson, and closely that were considered by the Gold Bug Don Durkin at one of the guard by the middle of April. followed by Paul Zionkevicz and John Sports Staff to be outstanding to the spots was a fighter and scrapper for Under the present coach, the tennis Adamovich. point that they considered mention on the Cardinals the entire season. Don squad has turned in almost 100 wins FRANK HURT American U., in the meantime, had the first OT second team. After look- directed the play of the Washington against about 37 or 38 losses which was rather remarkable in .that the not much trouble in winning from ing at all the names it was decided team and in this writer's opinion was is quite a good average. Three times team piled up 14 wins against 1 loss. Randolph-Macon the initial night of that we would pick a first team and the best guard in the Mason-Dixon This season's schedule will be the tourney and took care of wash- not try to separate the other-s by stat- circuit during \he past season. that team to be about the best col- somewhat modified, including our ri- ington College by a big score in the ing that they are second or third team Al Barthleme was selected as the lection of hardwood operatives from vals from up the road at Gettysburg, semi-finals. choices' on this team, but to consider fifth player on the Gold Bug's team the Mason-Dixon circuit, one could Dickinson, Loyola and Johns Hopkins. The Eagles got off to an eight point them as alternates. and was shifted from his normal for- still get one or two teams that no lead against Western Maryland in the doubt would make it very hot for the ward post to guard on this club mere- I All Conference ly to get him on the team. Barthleme "first" team by choosing from the Golfers Reacly For title tilt before the Terrors were able then to score a point.ยท The Terrors was the high scorer following players: Sid Roche of Loy- Moe .l\Iaradino, Rand-Macon... F ence and was constantly for the confer- ola, Poston and W. Smith of Ameri- .Year's First Match rallied and at half-time, the lead had dangerous on been cut 'to two points, but American Ray Love, American D... . F all his shots. Al played a smooth game can U., Al Jacobson and Paul Zlon- WITH SEVERAL PRo'MISING was not to be denied the game and Bob Lindeman, American U C and could not be left off any all-star kevicz of Western Maryland, Gene newcomers and two former Western came back strong in the second frame Don Durkin, Catholic U... . G team picked from the State or eonfar-' and Jim Rook of Washington Col- MaTyland golfers furnishing the best to ice the game. A I Bar thleme, Loyola G lege, and Carl Holub and Bobby San- ence. material to hit the Hill in recent For American D. it meant the sec- Moe Maradino was the apa rkplug Despite the fact that I consider dell of Johns Hopkins. years, Prof. John D. Makosky's golf ond successive year that they cap- team will resume its intercollegiate tured both the regular season and in Strong Teams Dominate Terror Gridiron History competition have abandoned scheduled 1943. \ playoff titles. Also it was ~he first Matches time that any team had won the post with been \ Navy, Loyola, Hopkins, Haverford, season t);vice since the tourney was Many Winning Tearns Since Football. th;~::~e ~a;~~;, ~~~c~r~::\~t~~:~~g~~~e~~;, :;;:~:~~ and Bucknell, while half a dozen oth- initiated in 1941. ers are still in the prospective stage. Started In 1898 At Western Md. ~~~:~~d3w~sU~:~~;;t~,!: ~~dg~~:;ia~~~I~:e:9i;, !~:~:~ Among the newcomers are Eddie Johnson, Bob Hendrickson, Al Jacob- Anderson Wins Bv Al Resnick scored 9 wins, 1 tie; the squad was captained by Paul son, Joe Thompson, Bob Dubel and Bates. John Noble. Johnson, who held the A PROBLEM OF MAJOR proportion and of tremen- In the opening game of 1931 Georgetown defeated in 1940 Wrestling Title dous interest to students and alumni now faces the execu- Western Maryland 25 to 7 which ended a 27 game win- Forest Park championship tive committee of Western Maryland College. The problem and 1941 is one of the smoothest is to what extent will Western Maryland indulge in inter- ning streak. strokesters western Maryland has JOHNS HOPKINS walked off Mason-Dixon Conference collegiate athletics in the future? The following season the Terrors defeated Georgetown ever enrolled. Bob Dubel looks like a with the tournament held at Home- wrestling Ever since a number of vets 'returned to the Hill and 12-6, Maryland 39 to 7, to end up with a five won, one lost, consistent point winner and the other wood last Saturday night. the immediate success of elevating. a last-place basketball and two ties. For the 1926 through the 1932 seasons our men, while a bit more erratic, should club to second place in the Mason-Dixon tournament, stu- teams had rolled up 1441 points and had allowed but 299. make reliable match players. Despite the fact that Western dents have begun to ask questions of the sporting past. In 1933 Duquesne. Georgetown, Maryland, Bucknell, Bos- Back on the Hill are Dick Hausler, Maryland entered only three men, the It is usual dining room conversation to discuss the great ton College, and Loyola fell before the Terrors. a member of the '41 and '42 teams, Terrors 'were able to gain one cham- football teams of the past, some of the outstanding play- In 1934 Bill Shepherd, national high scorer, captained and Bob Beglin, who played on the pion and one second place. Bill An- ers and coaches. Let us look back a few years. the Terrors as they went undefeated in 9 games, only to '43 squad. Hausler seems to be hav- derson defeated grapplers from Gal- Footbaif was inaugurated here in 1892. The squad was. be tied by Villanova. Western Maryland received 7th rat- ing difficulty getting his game under Iaudet, Johns Hopkins and American captained by Dr. H. G. Watson and had a record of 1 win, ing nationally that season. control, but should be in better form D. to win the heavywe~ght title. 1 tie, and 3 losses. The 1897 and 1898 clubs were captained Dick Harlow left Western Maryland following the 1934 by the time matches begin early in Howard Phillips, the ISS-pound by H. D. Baker and had a record of 6 wins against 5 season to become head coach at Harvard. In the 9 years April. Beglin has lengthened his grappler, defeated Woolsey of Loyola defeats. On the schedule were such schools as St. Johns, Harlow was on the Hill, his teams had a record of 60 shots and generally improved his in the semi-final match, but lost to Johns Hopkins, Calleudet, and Baltimore Medical Col- wins, 13 losses, and 7 ties. Charlie Havens, assistant to game since '43. Lew Kerbel" ill the finals. Al Resnick lege. Harlow, then took over the head position and in his first The Western Maryland invitation lost his first round match to Meagher From 1900 to 1910 the Terrors had a remarkable record year his team won 6, lost 5. The team lost to Penn State to urn e y-to which Mid-Atlantic of Loyola, who went on to win the of 47 wins, 37 losses, and 8 ties against such schools as. 2-0, to Bucknell 3-0, but conquered Boston College, North teams were invited annually before it championship in the 165-pound class. Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Navy, and the Uni- Dakota, and Georgetown. The team was captained by was discontinued in 1942, when West- Anderson was selected as the dark versity of Maryland. Maryland fell to .both our teams of Nick Campofreda. ern Maryland walked off with the cup, horse of the tourney by the Baltimore '05 and '06. The '09 team was captained by R. J. Gill, The following season Havens' squad had a seven won may be held at the end of the golf press and proved the choice by easily after whom the present gymnasium is named. and three lost record. The 1937 team was captained by season this May. winning his first round bout, but had Tn 1916 our Terrors fell before the Fordham Rams Tony Ortenzi and had a record of three won and dropped a tougher time in the semi-finals 12-0. In 1918 there was no football for the first time in a six. Included in the loss column were two close ones to MEET YOUR FRIENDS against Brodsky of Johns Hopkins. quarter of a century due to the national emergency. Holy Cross 6-0 and to Boston College 6-0. Fighting his third match of the day Between 1920 and 1925 the Green teams had a 22 won, AT against Pietro from American Uni- 21 lost,S tied record. The 1924 and 1925 squad was cap- Frosty Peters led the Terrors in 1938 when they upset versity, Andy had a rough match, but tained by S. L. Byham, who served as football coach Wake Forest 20 to 13. The season's record was five wins The Ko-Ed Club emerged victorious. against two losses and one tie. The following two years during 1942-1943. the Terrors had a record of three wins and 10 losses. shments Patent Medicines Phillips managed to reach the finals In 1925 West- R f '" only to be defeated by Kerber. The ern Maryland ac- In 1941 the Terrors were captained by Irv Biasi. His match was a thriller all the way. quired the tal- team held a three victories, four defeats and a tie season. Phillips got off to a good start, but ents of our ever- Havens left in 1942 with a seven-year record of 27 wins, Compliments of the greater experience of Kerber immortal coach, 30 losses, and four ties. Mr. Byham took over in 1942 gained the title for the Hopkins man. Dick Harlow, and his team, captained by Mike Phillips, had a four won, One of the most surprising match- from Colgate. In four lost and one tie record. Rutan Chevrolet Co. es of the day came from Resnick and his first season Meagher. The match opened with a here Harlow's quick fall by Resnick and he took an team defeated Watch for Latest to hold Gettysburg, Dick- Complime~t5 01 Models of Chevrolet immediate lead. AJ continued only to be his lead for six minutes, inson, Swarth- pinned by a better-conditioned wrest- more, Washing- ton College, Loy- ler. ola College, and The Carroll Gardens Bucknell, losing onl y to HoI y See what the Easter Bunny has Cross 20 to 14. Margaret & Earl's Jeft for you! Again in 1926 and 1927 o u r Students' Center The makings of the prettiest team had an out- GRIFFIN'S standing record Phone 214-W Easter Outfit ever! At of 12 wins and 4 losses. The Ter- SANDWICHES- HUTZLER. BImHERS 0: rors were un- Home Made Ice Cream SOFT DRINKS DICK HARLOW scored' upon in 6 Baltimore, Maryland games in 1926.
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