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CAMPUS GOLF PERSONALITY NEWS PAGE 2 PAGE Vol. 23, No,12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 25, 1946 Isanogle To Retire Following Four Fraternities Beverly·Mulholland To Be Twenty-Six Years As Dean Initiate Pledges Honored As May Queen fraternities on the Hill The four initiations With Coronation, Dance After twenty-six years of service to lege and Professor of Education at pledged and tnttiated 71 men to the Western Maryland College, Dean the State Teachers' College, Troy, clubs this week. Informal Alvey M. Isanogle has announced his Alabama. Dr. Stover plans to teach for the Preachers and the Bachelors Beverly Mulholland will be crowned Queen of the May on were held on Monday night, April 22, IIM"-="""-" intention to re- at Northwestern University this sum- with their formals the following eve- Saturday, May 4, in the outdoor amphitheatre at 3 :00 p- m. Miss tire from thefac- mer and will assume his duties at ning. The Gamma Bets and the Black M!llholland, a meIl1:berof the May C:0urt for three previous years, ulty on August Western Maryland on September L Will be honored With a play following the coronation, and a ball 31, 1946. "Dean and Whites held the ceremonies Tues- in the evening. I" came to the day and Wednesday nights. The court for the May Day celebration will consist of: Senior Hill in 1920, the WM Symphony The new members of the various Duchess, Millie Vanderbeek; Attendants, Barbara Richter and first teacher to be fraternities are as follows: ~ Eleanor Marsh Gatchell; Junior Duchess, Jerrie Harris; Attend- appointed by Dr. To Give Concert Delta Pi Alpha-Preachers: Bill An- ants, Betty Schmidt and Shirley Snyder; Sophomore Duchess, Ward, former derson, \Valt Dorsey, Al Jacobson, Marcia Koblegard : Attendants, Margie Eierman and Mary Jo president of the Friday, May 3 "!\Ioon" Paul, Carroll Wallace, Ed Lyon; Freshman Duchess, Betty Staley; Attendants, Martha Pow- Johnson, Dick Brown, Eugene Adams, College. Since ell and JoAnn Dillon. that time he has Adam Slysofski, Dick Palmer, Ernie Following the ceremony, a comedy Dean IsanogJc been Dean of Ed- On Friday, May 3, at 8:15 p. m., Leap, Charlie Berry, Jack Ammon, entitled The Romamcere, by Edmund ucation and pub- the Western Maryland College Little Ernie Twigg, Don Brohawn, Charlie Le Cer.cle Francais Rostand, will be presented before lic relations agent for Garrett and Symphony Orchestra will present its Brooks, Don Capobianco, Elmer Lip- the queen and her court. Student Thompson,. Ken To Give Comedy Allegany Counties. fifteenth annual spring concert with py, Homer Earll, wayne Cowan, Ho- directors of this play, both members The new head of the Education De- Philip Royer conducting in Alumni mer Campbell, Joe of the senior dramatic art class, are Le lI1ed6cin Malg1'c Lui, "The Doc- Bob Dubel, Ed Rammersla, partment will be Dr. G. Franklin Hall. Miss Helen Brainard will be Taylor, Morgan, Paul Kaetzel, Bob tor In Spite of Himself", a three-act Marjorie Little and Gloria Mathias. Fred Stover, curriculum consultant for the guest soloist. Members of the cast include Marv Department of Public Instruction at The climax of the program will be Gemmill, Elbert Van Nostrand. seventeenth-century comedy by Mo- Wright Silvey, Kathryn Wheele;, Pennsylvania State College since Robert Schumann's Concerto fOT Pi Alpha Alpha-Black and Whites; liere, will be presented by Le Cerete Ann Cain, Hope Kellam and Christine 1942. Dr. Stover received his Bachelor Piano and Orchc8tTa in A 1I1inor. John Barnes, winston Burroughs, Ji'Tamcais on Monday, May 13, at 7 Royer. Bob Kimbel, Bob Keys, John Parker, of Arts degree from Susquehanna "This work will be of particular in- p. m. in Robinson Garden, under the In the evening a semi-forma! dance University, his Master of Science terest to piano students," states Mr. Charlie Burkins, George Baldwin, direction of Miss Margaret Snader. will be held in Gill Gymnasium from Brant, Joe from Pennsylvania State Colfege, and Royer, "because that instrument is ""alter McJilton, Jeb Gordon Groby, burg Students of Hood College, Gettys- of 8:00 to 11 :45 p. m. The outstanding and University Ward, Bill Merriman, College, his Doctor of Education from Cclum- heard to its best advantage in con- George Carr, Al Goldman, Gene Maryland have been invited in an at- feature of the evening will be the bia University. He has been an in- certos with orchestra". Dr. Daniel Skidmore, Harold Lewis, Bob Ma- promenade led by the queen of the structor at Pennsylvania State Col- Gregory Mason, one of America's tempt to reestablish the close rela- May and her courtiers. Johnny foremost composers, has said of thias, Dave Young, Sam Keiffer, Jess tionship of former years among the Moran's orchestra will furnish the Schumann's A Minor Concerto, "The Starkey. French students of the four colleges. Freshman CI ass Plans concerto stands as a flawless master- Alpha Gamma Tau-Bachelors: Jack The leading roles of Martine and music for dancing. piece. The themes are inspired . Eccles, Ronald Keith, Jack Lechliter, Sg narelle will be played by Jeanne As many people already realize, the plans Saturday Outing To Though it in no way suggests the vir- Hugh Gordy, Howard Phillips, Al Berryman and Fred Brown. women's Student Government each year and sponsors this program tuoso, it is perfectly suited to the Resnick, Jack Neville, Raymond Via, Other members of the cast are as C.scade Lak~ Park piano, bringing out unfailingly the Wilson Webster, Ken Bouchelle, Rob- follows: Geronte, Gordon Groby; for the school. Henrietta Jones is all the planning, and the supervising very best the instrument is capable ert Wilson, James Bigger. Valere, James Leonard; Lucas, Ray- l On Saturday, the 11th of May, the Gamma Beta Chi; william Donley, mond Via; Leandre, Edgar Ham- student government committees work- L__.Ereshruen will sponsor a class party of." Miss Brainard, a member of the Dallas Butler, John Conover, Harry mersla ; Lucinde, Louise W·illis; M. ing under her are: May Court ar- to nearby Cascade Lake Park. Buses music faculty, was coached during Christopher, Harold Hammergren, Robert, Thomas Holt. rangements, Anna Jones and Arlene leave at 1 :00 p. m. and return before her preparation of this concerto by Marshall Engle, John Adamovich, Evelyn Clark is assistant director; Chen; dance, Sally Moffett and Peg 11 :00 p. m. Swimming, boating, hik- Frank Sheridan, concert pianist and Paul Zkmkevica, Louis Pietroforte, Louise Willis in charge of costumes; Davis; publicity, Emajane Hahn and ing will be the order of the day; and teacher at the Mannes Music School Walter Piavis. Jay Cummings, electrician. Pat Chatterton; program, Jane Beall in the evening, dancing and singing. in New York City. and Vernelle Ports. A picnic- lunch will be packed by the In case of bad weather the after- thirty- dietitian; and accompanying the The orchestra, numbering by several Senior Class Play To Be noon exercises will be held in Alumni two, be augmented will group as sponsors will be Mr. and members of the Baltimore Symphony Hall, but since they have been held Mrs. Jones and Dr. and Mrs. Earp. inside for the past three years, the 'cellist, Felix "Taming OF The Shrew" Responsible for planning the day Orchestra. Among the guest members senior class, especially, is hoping they are Dottie Gambler, Ronnie Kieth, will be the distinguished will have an opportunity to see them and Pete Youngblood; in charge of Mendelssohn, a direct descendant of in the am£hitheater. transportation, Henry Meuller. Fi- the great composer. J "The Taming of the Shrew," a nancing of the trip will be done by The program will be as follows: Shakespearean comedy, is going to Student Governments the general treasury of the Freshmen Corioianlts Overture be presented by the senior class on Class. All freshmen may go without Ludwig von Beethoven May 24 under the direction of Miss Release Results Of additional cost to themselves. Presi- Orchestra Ruth Beth Watts, dramatic arts pro- Campu~ Racial Poll dent of the Freshman Class, Ted Symphony No. 88, G 1I1aioT fessor. \ Quelch, says: "Don't miss this last Joseph Haydn Marjorie Little, Grace Jemison, The results of the Student Govern- big chance to get together as fresh- Concerto in. A MinOT Sigurd Jensen, and George Norman ment poll which concerns the prob- men. A geed time is being planned Robert Schumann are taking the leading roles of lem of inter-racial conferences on the for all!" Piano and Orchestra Katherina, Bianca, Petruchio, campus of Western Maryland Col- Baptista, respectively. lege have been released for publica- Chairmen Seltzer, Grumbine Plan tion. Bearing in' mind that the issue is one which affects not only the stu- dents of our college, but other people URAC Bazaar For April 27 as well, the Student Government sets forth its recommendations to the ad- Western Maryland's annual URAG dividunl pictures under the super-vis, ministration on the basis of the ques- & WSSF Bazaar will be held this ion of the Camera Club photogra- tionnaires which were circulated ear- Saturday evening, April 27, in phers. Madame Lavema, the cele- lier in the year: Blanche Ward Gym from 7:30 to brated phrenologist, .has consented to 1. We recommend that Western 11 :00 P. M., with many new features give her services and tell for-tunes. Mar-yland College be in the future n in store for everyone attending the The Women's Athletic Association host of conferences of an inter-racial will offer rewards for the most ac- Other members of the cast include: nature. The committees in charge of the ar- curate dart throwers, and the Home Vincentio, 'Louis Pietroforte; Lucen- 2. We recommend that the facili- rangements fo!' the evening consist Economics Club, which is noted for tio, Theodore Quelch; Gremio, Henry ties of Alumni Hall, McDaniel of Mindelle Seltzer and Bob Grum- its delicious preparations, will have a Lnmadrid; Hortensio, Robert Ma- Lounge, and the dining hall be made bine, co-chairmen; Milly West, Fred special booth. The Wesleyanettes are thias; Tranio, Alec Resnick; Bron- available to these conferees. Morgan, and Belen Lavin, publicity; featuring Bobo, the clown, who will aclio, Lucy Jane Stoner; Grumio, 3. We further recommend, in be- Edith Bowling, Mary Filsinger, Lucy se,lI green and gold...balloons. Popular Paul Kaetzel; Curtis, Kathleen half of the veteran~ that these con- JaJ!e Stoner, \Vayne Cowan and How- features of past years, which will Nnylor; a pedant, Walter West; ferees be permitted to use that por- ard Hall, layout committee. Financial again be part of the activities, are \Vidow, Vernelle Ports; servants, tion of the dormitory facilities which chairman is Mary Wright Silvey, the the "Wishing Well", the Doctor's Of- Mindelle Seltzer, Gloria Mathia~, are in the use of these men. newly elected treasurer of S.C.A. fice of Tri Beta, and the stationery Marjorie Little Mildred West, Phyllis Honemann. Previously, during the administra- All the outstanding organizations booth of WSG. , There will also be some extras in tion of Dr. 'Yard, conferences of an on the Hill have planned to have The proceeds fr_T: this affair wi!! Marjorie Little had one of the lead- the roles of servants, musicians, and inter-racial nature were held here booths and games for the bazaar. The go toward the Wor;j Student Service ing roles in "The Royal Family" wedding guests. under conditions similar to those sug- Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority Com- Fund which is !i student relief which was presented last Thanks- The committees for the play are: gested above. Several other colleges mittee will sell "cokes" and donuts; agency. This organization has been giving. Last year she was a mem- Properties, Shirley Snyder, Margaret and universities in this area have Iota Gamma Chi Sorority will spon- one of the main factors in the repat- ber of the cast of "Thank You Doc- Statler; Scene Designers, Barbara promoted such a program success- sor a horseshoe game and sell peanuts riation of stUdents, the reorganiza_ tor," a one-act play and the May Richter, Frances Bartley; Lighting, fully. and popcorn; Phi Alpha Mu Soror- tion of European Colieges which have Day play, "The Wonder Hat." In Jay Cummings; Costumes, Evelyn The Student Government does not ity will have a dancing pavilion; Sig- suffered great losses in the bitter her sophomore year, she had a part Benson, Anna Lee Butler; Stage wish to force the acceptance of these ma Sigma Tau Sorority will offer ice years of the war and thc continua- in the junior pla~', "They're None of Managers, Vernelle Ports, Mindelle recommendations. However, they cream sandwiches. Among the special tion of aid to the struggling students Them Perfect." Seltzer; Make-up, Mildred West, represent a. true expression of stn· of China who are given food subsi- additions will he features by the four dies and grants for clothing and Grace Jemison played also in "The Ann Cain, Beverly Holland; Crews, dent opinion, and should be consid- recently revived fraternities, and in- books. \Vonder Hat." members of the dramatic classes. ered in that light.
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