Page 44 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 11, 1946 Moran's Orchestra Wesleyaneffes Plan To Play At Easter Gooa Friaay Service The "wesleyanettes, in conjunction Prior to Spring Vacation a plan tel' the last war. Hop On April 13 with the Wesleyans, will hold a three- was proposed here on the campus to Among the effects of this will be a hour Good Friday service in Baker help in a small way to alleviate the degeneration of the European race, (Continued from page ,1, column 1) Chapel on April 19, from 12 noon sufferings of the starving world. It for a sickly tree can only produce baton to start the music. The tickets (Continued from page Z, column 4) until 3 P. M. The theme of the ser- was proposed that we dispense with rotten" fruit. Self respect, morals are $1.20, including tax, with semi- "ice will be the seven Jast words of one dessert a day in the dining hall nnd ideals will be but words to taunt formal dress. The decorations are out specializing in advert.ising. Christ. The service will be com- and send the amount saved to any future generations, and the pedestal of this world with bunnies and signs During the first portion of Dick's posed of seven 25-minute services war relief agency the students upon which woman once proudly was of spring as the central idea's. This is career at W. M. C., he joined the with special music, poetry and medi- thought fit. In a poll that was taken held will be reduced to a monument to be a program dance. I've been Black and Whites and took a parti- tation on each of the seven last the reaction was varied-some looked of the glory that was once hers. asked to give this notice, and we'll ap- cular interest in individual sports. words. The program of the service upon it with great enthusiasm, some Already we can feel repercussions preciate everyone taking heed of it. He "fooled around" with boxing, and the speakers will be as follows: met it with indifference and apathy, of this in our own country. A sub- There will be NO SMOKING in the and excelled in golf. He's continu- 12:00-12:05 Opening service, Peggie and on the other extreme--even op- stantial part of the responsibility gym and doorway, It will only be al- ing this sport at the present time. Phillips. posttlon and hostility. Because of for the crowded divorce courts can lowed in the halls and restrooms. And he's good! Take our word for 12:05-12:30 "Father, forgive them, this, the plan remains in suspension. find its roots here, for moral decad- Please be careful of this. The spon- it. Speaking of the present, these for they know not what they The results 01 the poll are signifi- ence has transcended the boundaries SOTS are Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Dr. who attended the sophomore plays do." Mildred West. cant in several respects. First of all of Europe. Coupled with this is a new and Mrs. Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. will remember Dick as the minister 12:30-12:55 "Today thou shalt be Flattering With his Word." in "The it betrays upon the part of some feeling of irresponsibility to man, Straughn, Prof. and Mrs. Hurt, Dean Fascinating voice, he gave an excel- with me in Paradise." Bob gross selfishness, and unwillingness law or God brought about by the Hugenir, and Miss Ruth Watts. Mar- lent performance, and incidentally, Grumbine. to share with others at the time of breaking down of customs and tradi- tha Adams is general chairman for that was his very first dramatic at- 12:55-1:20 "Woman, behold thy the dance. greatest need. Secondly, it is indica- tions. The race problem in America The week-end will close on Sunday tempt. .: son. Son, behold thy mother." tive on the part of some (and this is shall be further agita tcd by the fact with just about the biggest musical Grace Jemison. based on such statements as "Let that the Negro will demand equality event that has thus far been done Dick's pet peeves are the 150 miles 1:20-1:45 "My God, my God,why the Europeans starve, then they will in 1111 things, for he has, among other here on the Hill. The Coliege Choir that lie between Salisbury and West- hast thou forsaken me?" be unable to make war again.") that r-easons, found the European women will sing "The Seven Last Words of minster. (Chottsie is teaching music Virginia Voorhees. there is a resurgence of the isola- not cold lind unreceptive to his ad- Christ." in Wicomico High.) As to favorites, 1.45-2:10 "I, thirst." Wayne Cowan. tionist policy even though two great vances. Everyone in the Sophomore class he claims there is nothing he likes 2:10-2:35 "It is finished." Mar- wars have proven the futility of such It is plain that we cannot remain has worked very hard, but three better than fish, French fries, spin- garet Statler. a scheme. And thirdly, it would ap- indifferent to the world situation and cheers should go to the following: ach, sweet buns, and chocolate sun- 2 :35-3 :00 "Father into thy hands pear that we, as college students, are if there is anything we can do to Sally Smith and Phyl Henneman, daes-especially if no one minds if I commend my spirit." John unwilling to accept part of the re- help, we are morally bound to do so. who have overseen all of the plans; he puts the ice cream over the fish. Dorsey. sponsibility and burden in rebuilding As John Donne -so well expressed it, Peg Shinham, Martha Messler, and (Note, dining hall menu for Friday Students and faculty are invited to and reshaping a dying world. "No man is an nand. intire of it Marg:ee Eierman-c-publicity ; Wally evening, April 5, 1946.) All kidding attend any 01' all of these services. selfe ; every man is II peece of the aside, though, Dick claims that meals Each day more and more l'epol~ts Haile for her ingenious decorations The congregation may enter or leave come pouring in from all points on Continent, a part of the Maine: if a for the dance; Put Patterson, orches- here have it 'way over the Army dur-ing the singing of one of the At least we sit at tables and chow. Clod bee washed away by the Sea, the globe of more and more people tra; Dot Santini and Pat Chatterton hymns which will close each service. faced with starvation. These people Europe is the Iesse, as well as as if if II a for the programs and tickets; and have it served to us. Promontarie were, as well should be helped on idealistic princi- Manner of thy friends or of Thine Pidge Taylor, Red O'Hara, Jess Dick is certainly a true picture of ples alone: penitence for man's in- Starkey and Betty Green for the va- a happily married man. Ah me! That YOUR HAIR DRESSER humarrity to man. However, a more owne were; any mans death dimin- in rious props. must be the Iife. And evidently this INDIVIDUAL PERMANENTS ishes me, because I am involved fundamental and more selfish reason Manklnde: and thereCore never send A week-end at the Waldorf has is the place to find it. For Dick and 91 West Main Street chcetete-ere the living proof of the exists. We have come to believe that to know for whom the bell tolls; it nothing on a week-end at W.M.C. And Carroll Theater Bldg. in order to preserve peace in the tolls for thee." just think-no long train rides and statement that W. M. C. is a "Mar- world the nations of Europe and Asia crowded buses! riage Mill." Telephone 190 Hours 9 to 7 :30 P.M. must be taught the ideals and ideol- ogies of the democratic way of life, Wedding To Be Finale but a hungry people cannot be taught any more than a lion tamer can teach Of Hutzler Style Show starving lions new tricks. Neither (Continued from page 1, .eolurnn 5) men nor beasts (and the terms are often synonymous) will stop [!,t any- Beall, Emajane Hahn, Martha Powell, thing to satiate their desire for food, Mary Dexter, Jenn Stein, and Mar- for the hunger drive is one of the gavet Ann Eierman. strongest drives that we possess. Plans are being made for an elab- Dissatisfaction, dissention and revo- orate wedding. to be presented as a lution are aU fermented in empty grand finale. Ali of the models will stomachs and Hitlers and Mussolinis participate, and traditional wedding find these conditions ideal for gain- music will be played on the organ. ing power. All clothes that are to be modeled Along with the starvation and may be purchased at Hutzler's. Mrs. impoverishment in Europe, another Andrew Johnson, supervisor of condition has grown up because ef fashion shows at Hutzler's, will be them. A condition that has and will narrator for the occasion. continue to have for generations to) Behind the scenes, Jcan Anderson, come dire consequences: the debauch- Virginia Powell, and Daphne Clarke ment of women kind, a debauchery will assist in dressing the models. A that pales white slavery into almost background of music will be sup- insignificance, for the women of plied by Christine Royer. Europe have become the tools of Admission is free, and everyone is pleasure for two armies-the con- cordially invited to attend. quered and the conquering. They have had to sell their very souls for the meager necessities and n few Baltimore Sun Agent luxuries of life-a place to sleep, Myers' Grocery Store some food, a chocolate bar, a pack of cigarettes. Things reminiscent of Complete Stock the inflationary days in Germany af- Handy to the Hill Carroll Theatre State Theatre WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. April 11, 12, Thur., Fri. April 11, 12, 13, Thur. to Sat "JUNIOR PROM" Freddie Stewart June Prelaser "THE ENCHANTED FOREST" April 13, Sat. Edmund Lowe Brenda Joyce "RANCHO GRANDE" Gene Autry April 14, 15, 16, Sun. to Tues . April 14, 15, 16, Sun. to Wed. ....'PINNOCHIO" Walt Disney "VACATION FROM MARRIAGE" April 17, Wed. "TEXAS PANHANDLE" Charles Starrett Robert Donat Deborah Kerr April 18, 19, Thur., Fri. "SPORTING CHANCE" Jane Randolph John O'Malley I April 17, 18, 19, 20, Wed. to Sat. "CRIME also INC" AtwAysBuy - ''THE VIRGINIAN" April 20, Sat. Joel McCrea Barbara Britton "ROARING RANGERS" II Charles Starrett .." 7A<.RIGHT COMBINATlONrfdeWORLO'S BEST TOBACCOS..,.PROPE.RLY AGED C'opJrigbII946.UoGmltllva.oTar.oa:oCo.
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