Page 46 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 46
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 26, 1946 Shades Of Campus Personality Bey THE GOLD BUG Ben Jonson By P·40 Since someone has already said By Daphne Clarke that favoritism is the beginning of Sub8erlptlon Price $2.00 a Year tyranny, we find this article neces- At Western Maryland, there are We're not the only ones who think greatest feat wiil be graduating. sary in order to avoid being accused two sure ways of discovering that that Bev's pretty. A certain ensign, "I'm just going to make it," says Editor-in-Chief ..Margaret Statler, '47 of being tyrants. That brings us to summer is almost here----one of them Dwinton Morgan, has been admir-ing' Bev. "I'm getting through by the News Editor .... .. Jean Tull, '48 the subject matter, a treatise on the is the crowd of giggling females her for sometime, and has now made skin of my teeth. Three hours and Feature Editor Mary Davies, '47 English teacher. basking on the sun-porch, and the two points over." But nevertheless, Copy Editor _ Fern Ray, '48 Not so long ago we scantily de- other is the May Day celebration. even though Bev maintains that Make-up-Editor ..Don Capobianco, '46 scribed the daily doings of the aver- And with both of these we connect she's ".kinda dumb," you have to Typing Editor... Anne Klein, '47 age mathematics teacher, Mr. Adja- Beverly Mulholland, for this year have a little brains to major in Soci- Business Manager, cent Theta. Urged by the publicity she's Queen of the May, and we might ology and English, minor in Psychol- Mindelle Seltzer, '46 given his contemporary, Mr. Gerund almost say queen of the sun-porch. ogy, and earn a B. A. degree. Advertising Manager, Phrasal approached us recently, de- • Prettiest Girl In Class • Damsel In Distress Lucy Jane Stoner, '46 manding equal rights in accordance That's where she was when 1 found When asked what she planned to Circulation Manager, with the subordinate clause of the her, for she plans to. have a pretty do after graduation, Bev said, "Heav- John Barnes, '48 English constitution. Not wanting to tan to set off her new white May Day en ·only knows. If anyone hears of Contributors: Dorothy Anderson, Al be the cause of any needless shift in dress. Bev's beauty has long been ac- any good jobs, please let me know." Resnick, Irma Eney, Bill Cook, tense which might cause a paren- cepted by all her classmates. Even So there is a chance to help a beau- Lenore Hoffman, Daphne Clarke, thetical expression in the future when she was 'way back in high tiful damsel in distress. Bev cer- Bettye Benson, Mary Elizabeth Todd, tense, we promised to oblige Mr. school, she was voted the prettiest tainly has the qualifications for al- Betty Schmidt, John Conover, Wayne Phrasal with this article, knowing girl in her class. Then during her most any job that might be available. Cowan, Anna Stevens, Gerrie Harris. anyway that if we didn't, his Aunty freshman year here, Bev was so shy .Roommates Cedent would be on our necks with and quiet (Can you imagine it?) Bev has lived in the same room in several not-tao-mild interjections. that no one noticed her. She blos- McDaniel Hall for three years, (sec- I ,Q eoJUtM iJ)(U p~ I somed forth, however, in the sopho- We found Mr. Phrasal in his home ond floor corner, opposite the Grille). t.he next day, splicing commas. As more and junior years and was elect- For her first three years up here, MOOD ed Duchess of her class both times. we entered the door we tripped over Now she has the honor of being May Bev lived with Pat Donovan, a hlgh Cigarette fire is fascination in a dangling participle which had been Beverly Mulholland school pal. However, Pat left her to . black-light carelessly left there. After a few Queen. get married and is now Mrs. Jphn Casting an irreconcilable glow superfluous parenthetical expres- his dreams come true by placing a Vermilyea. Bev rooms with Doris alone sions, we noticed that we had split tion, however, he helped us out to pretty diamond on pretty Bev's third Hines now. to be seen our infinitive. Not wanting to let the library where we sat on a collo- finger left hand. The wedding won't • Regent At May Court by myself the-wound become an inflection, we quial adjective and watched him as take place fOI"about a year yet. My! Bev can usually be found in Earl's, yet no other called for help in a weak passive she mixed a restorative. For this re- What a couple they will make. or in the Rec. Room, or on the sun unless voice. storative he dropped one quotation (Dwinton is 6 feet, 4',6 inches.) porch; except when she is studying, he passes by-e- "You ought to have more sentence within a quotation into a glass. Into • Sorority President which is most of the time, of course. he who is lost sense than not to have seen such an this he poured a few superfluous con- At the present time Beverly is A nd she'll be reigning over the May or at odds with life obvious thing," exclaimed Mr. junctions and the result was a beau- president of Sigma Sigma Tau. She court on May 4th, smiling her pret- or with you Phrasal in that strong active voice of tifully colored intervening noun. Af- claims that she doesn't have many tiest-smiling to Dwinton, all the or me. his. After this appositive syllafica- Continued on page 4, col
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