Page 47 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 26, 1946 PAGE THREE State Golf Tourney Set For Saturday i Th' C Tennis Team Meets Delaware Four Terrors Travel To Naval Academy For First Post- War Tournament n IS orne~ Saturday On, Home Courts AFTER OPENINGTHEIR season with an 8·1 loss to George Washington University over the Manor Country Club course and a 6\>2to,2* victory over Racquet Swingers Have Easy Time At Haverford College on the Western Maryland College links, Professor Ma- by N. J. Wolfsheimer, Sports Editor Loyola, Winning By 7 to 2 Score kosky's Terror golf team is practicing for the Maryland Inter-collegiate tour- ney, which will be held 011the Naval Academy course at Annapolis THIS SATURDAYfinds the Terror urday. this Sat- golf team traveling to the Naval By WAYNE COWAN Bob Hendrickson, playing in the number five slot, is the only Western Academy golf course in quest of their Marylander who managed to garner a point from the smooth-stroking George first State golf championship. The IN AN ATTEMPTto gain their second win of the current season, Prof. Washington team on their home course. Ed Johnson, Al Jacobson, and Fred golfers, under the able tutelage of Hurt's hustling tennis squad will meet a strong aggregation from the Uni- Holloway lost by large margins as they found the lightning fast green too Prof. John Makosky, have really versity of Delaware on the Terror's courts here this Saturday. much for them after practice, on their unmowed home greens. is no guarantee of stiff competition, there Although looked sharp thus far in the season, Newark, Delaware, have always managed to give the Terrors these boys from Dick Hausler and Bob Beg-lin, play- a run for their and if the good weather continues money. This match will be the second Mason-Dixon Conference match for the ing in number three and number five through the weekend, the Green and positions respectively, managed to Gold divot diggers should do very Terrors in as many events this season. nick 13-11, 6-2; Lechliter and Carter lead their opponents until the second Western Maryland's Yolk, Kenny well in the tournament. ace, came through to defeat his for- (Western Maryland) defeated Panu- nine, where they also bowed by nar- Thus far in the season, the Green mer doubles partner of Baltimore ska and Opicella 7-5, 6-3. row margins. linksmen have split even in two City play-Will Thaler, handily and e Havertord walkover matches, losing to George Washing- later teamed up with Kenny Volkert The Haverford match was more of ton and humbling Haverford. Cap- to defeat Thaler and Parr, Loyola's a walkaway for the Terrors than the tain Dick Hausler and Ed Johnson number one doubles combination. Vol- Terror Cindermen score would indicate. Only Jacobson, are the big- guns...!or the Terrors and kart also defeated his singles oppon- moved up to the number two position, will be accompanied to the Annapolis ent by a large score. To Penn Relays and Joe Thompson, playing his first event by Fred Holloway, who is rap- Al Resnick, Jack Lechliter and Roy intercollegiate match, lost their idly regaining his st.ride, and either Carter also added victories in singles matches, while Thompson and Hend- This Bob Hendrickson or Bob Beglin. play, while Sig Jensen, the number- Maryland Saturday finds the Western rickson lost their team match. mile relay' team traveling The tournament is being held earlier two player for the Green and Gold, to Franklin Field, Philadelphia, to Holloway, Hausler, and Johnson are this season than usual. _In previous ran into a barrier in the Greyhound's definitely going to represent Western years the state event preceded the Scrivner as he came ~ut on the short participate in the Penn Relays. Maryland 'in the Maryland Intercol- will run in The Terror cindermen Western Maryland Invitation Tourn· end of the match. Scrivner is rumor- the Mason-Dixon Conference mile re- legiates this Saturday, while either ey by one week, but this year there eo to have played tennis during his lay in Philadelphia and the points Bob Hendrickson, the only undefeat- or squad, of the Terror ed member is, a month between the two events. tour of duty with the Armed Forces earned there will be counted toward Prof. Hurt's racquet swingers were while in Europe. the Mason-Dixon meet to be held in Bob Beglin, whose consistency makes impressive in their start last Satur- The box score: Baltimore in May. John Makosky him a reliable medal player, will serve as the fourth man on the team. Singles: Volk (Western Maryland) At present, student-coach Carroll .36 Hole Event defeated Thaler 7-5, 6-1; Scrivner Wallace is rather indefinite on the All of the Maryland colleges wiJI (Loyola) defeated Jensen 6-0, 6·3; sta~·ting positions for the event, but Dear Ed: be represented in the thirty-six hole Volkart (Western Maryland) defeat- tentatively stated that Stan Abrams Don't stop me now. I've got medal play tourney in which the Na- ed Gaudreau 6·0, 6-3; Resnick (West- would start with Jack Ammon run- to get my prediction on paper val Academy team, playing on its ern Maryland) defeated Parr 6-2, ning in the second position, either before I change my mind. home course, looks like the team to be 6-1; Lechliter (Western :&:laryland) Doug Beaks or Don Egner in the The boys really came through beaten. Western Maryland's chances defeated Askin 4-6, 6-2, 6·1; Carter third slot and Wallace finishing the for me on the Terror golf team, for victory depend largely on how the (Western Maryland) defeated Casto- event. slaughtered Haverford after somewhat erratic Johnson, Holloway, 105-7,6·4,7-5. 1942 was the last year that the losing on foreign soil to G.W. and Hausler happen to be hitting the Doubles: Yolk and Volkart (West- Terrors were represented in the Penn But, by golly; those racketers ball on Saturday. Each of these men ern Maryland) defeated Thaler and Relays and that season the Green really carne through with flying is capable of an occasional hot round, Parr 6-2, 6-2; Scrivner and Gaudreau runners came in third in the Mason- colors as Prof. Hurt's boys but none has been scoring low consist- (Loyola) defeated Jensen and Res- Dixon event on the program. went all out to whitewash Loy- ently. I ela7-2. Either Beglin or Hendrickson, With The Greeks For next time: while they may not match the rounds Preachers to win F}at soft- of the first three men when those men ball title. are on their game, can be relied upon Preachers, Bachelors Open Frat W.M. to beat Delaware-ten· to score low enough to make a Terror the other team victory possible if nis. Softball Season With Wins W.M. to slaughter Johna " members are "on" Saturday. Glenn McQuillen Hopkins-c-tennfs. After a half dozen more matches, day against _ Loyola in Baltimore. By AI Resnick Navy to win Inter.C;olleginte Western Maryland will be the host to Prior to the match little was known golf. Mason-Dixon and other nearby col- of the new men on the 'I'error squad, g'les by AI Paul and Bob Dubel, then Ken Volk and Ken Volkart to lege teams in the 'Western Maryland but after solidly thumping the Grey- Interfraternity League the longest hit ball of the day, a go through season unde- Invitation which will be played over hounds by a 7 to 2 score, everyone home run to long left by Al Jacobson, feated-tennis. the local course on May 18. concerned was well pleased. Sig followed by another homer by Paul Won Lost Jensen was the lone Green man to Stalldi"9 of tho I."ms Pet Kaetzel. . Wallace, pitching for the 9 7 W lose his match, and that was easily Delta Pi Alpha ... ,. 1 1 1.00U Preachers, allowed only four hits. Yours truly, I Sports Calendar Gamma Tau _\Jph" 1_000 traceable to the fact that he was Pi Alpha Alpha .. 0 .000 • Bachelors Win Easily forced to split his time between Gamma Bem Chi 0 .000 The Bachelors slaughtered the Saturday, April 27: spring football and tennis practice, DEAN FORRESTFREE formally op- Black and Whites in the opening Golf-Maryland Intercollegiates at which resulted in Sig being able to ened, big league style, the Fraternity game of the season for both clubs yes- . Annapolis. get on the courts only twice prior to Softball League on Monday, by toss- terday by the score of 27 to 5. Tennis-c-Delaware at Western the match. Things an~ really 1001,- ing in the first ball of the season to Alpha Gamma Tau got off to an SMITH &: REIFSNIDER Maryland. ing up for the tennis team! the Gamma Beta pitcher-Ken Volk- early lead and were never headed. Joe Incorporated Monday, April 29: at Western Maryland. Golf-Loyola After looking at the box scores of hart. Wilson led the hitters, by getting on LUMBER-COAL 1: the American League for the first This formally opened the Frat base five times out of six trips to the WESTMINSTER, MD. Wednesday, May Hopkins at Western Golf--Johns ten days of the season, one notices competition for the first time in plate and Al Resnick pitched gOOd Maryland. that Glenn "Red" Mcquillen, for. three year-s. A large. crowd was on ball for the five innings that he Tennis--Johns Hopkins at Balti- merly of Western Maryland and a hand as Volkhart pitched the first- worked. Compliments of more. native of Frederick, has been play- ball to Carroll Wallace of the Preach- A full schedule has been completed Friday, May 3: season and plans arc Westminster ing regularly in left field for the ~t. for the softball Laundry Tennis--Gettysburg at Western Louis Browns. _Of course, one may e Preaehers Win 11-2 in the making f01" golf, tennis and Phone 328 . Maryland. argue that the Browns arc not the The Preacher-Gamma Bet game track. According to the Athletic Saturday, May 4: team this season that they were the was a closely-fought game, as the Council, no person who participates in Tennis--Loyola at Western Mary- past few seasons, but then again, Preachers led 4 to 2 until the sixth the same varsity \ sport shall be per- land. what other Western Maryland alum- inning when another z-ru» splurge, mitted to play that Inter-Frat sport. Monday, May 6: nus is playing in the major leagues followed by 4 runs in the top of the The Athletic and Sportsmanshio Golf-Loyola at Baltimore. since Stan Benjamin was g iven his 7th, gave Delta Pi Alpha an 11 to 2 Cups will not be awarded this year, COMPLIMENTS OF Wednesday, May 8: unconditional release by the Cleve- victory. but results will be added to the re- Tennis--Gcttysburg at Gettysburg. land Indians several weeks ago? lite- John Adamovich of the Gammas sults of next year. The Bachelors Quillen was in the Navy for the past scored the first run on a pretty slide have one leg on each of the new cups. few seasons and was not able to rat- after a wild pitch. The Preachers It requires three legs for permanent The W. H. Davi. Co. Save With Safety ten his average at too expense of lost little time coming back in the possession. I At The The the wartime pitchers. top of the 2nd, with a two bagger by schedule: remainder of the softball Rexall Drug Store Next season the Mason-Dixon Con- Sig Jenson, followed by two errors ference plans to operate a football on long-hit balls by Don Brohawn April 26 Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors Old Spice, Friendship Garden, and Dick, Palmer. The Bets remained conference with Washington, Mt. St. 29 Black & Whites vs. Preach- . Cara Nome, Orloff and Mary's, Western i1-Iaryland, Johns in the game, coming back by the fint Berganot Toiletries Expert Hopkins, :American U, Catholic U, home run or- the young season when May 1 Preachers vs. Bachelors Kodachrome Photo and Finishing Listen to the Jimmy Durante· Kodacolor Randolph-Macon, and possibly Dela- Walt Piavis hit a long one over the 3 Black and Whites vs" Gam- Service Garry Moore Rexall Drug ware, if the last-named does not re- head of left-fielder Bill Anderson. ma Bets Headquarters for Everything Radio Show every sume football to the extent that it .Two Big Innings 6 Gamma Bets VB. Preachers Photographic Friday evening participated in the 1941 and 1942 Volkhart pitcht)d well but hid poor 8 Black & Whites vs. Bachelors Authori:;t:ed Eastman Dealers 9:)0 P. M., WCAO and seasons, which was dcfinitely above backing, as again the Preachers 10 Bachelors vs. Gamma Bets WFMD the Mason-Dixon caliber. Also it is scored two runs on an error and two 13 Preachers vs. Black and Davidson Photo Finishers planned to have a playoff system in bases on balls. Leading 4 to 2 the Whites SCHMITT'S all the sports similar to the basket- Purple and Gold team let loose in 15 Bachelors vs. Preachers 49 Colonial Avenue REXALL DRUG STORE ball playoff system that has been both the six and seventh innings. The 18 Gamma Bets vs. Black and Westminster, Maryland 55 E. Main St. Phone 29B used by the conference since 1941. seventh inning started out with sin- White~
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