Page 40 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold 'Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmiD5~, Md., March 14, 1946 General Holdridge D.enounces Bill INDIVIDUAL HAIR PERMANENTS Compliments ~f DRESSER YOUR 91 West Main Street Westminster Laundry Favoring Peace-Time Conscription Carroll Theater Bldg. Telephone 190 Hours 9 to 7:30 P.M. Phone 328 Brigadier General Herbert C. Hold- which might occur should be brought ridge spoke in Alumni Hall at 8 P. about by society and education, not (Continued from page 2, column 5) Bowl at the New Compliments -M. on Monday, March 11, on the sub- by the Army. Perk is a native of ." Warshing- Modern Recreation of ject of Peace-time Military Conscrip- In answer to the point that a strong ton" (" that's the way all good tion. military force would protect us from Warshingtonians pronounce it."), Center BONSACK'S According to the General] there is aggression, Mr. Holdridge said, "We The Blanche Ward first floor clan Longwell Ave. ~ODAS LUNCHES not one point to recommend this poli- are now one of the great militaristic have a number of recommendations cy of conscription. It will not give nations; we are no longer a peace- for Miss Haller, or more apprcpr-i- our country national security, for, loving nation." We need leaders who Carroll Theatre State Theatre because of the fact that the Army al- are peacefully-minded and will keep ately, "Miss Howler." She's famous WESTMINSTER, MD. for her mother's toll house cookies,of ways looks backward to the past war, the country out of conflict." Accord- which she always has a good supply. WESTMINSTER, MD. the training the boys will receive ing to the General, " This -Army will And she's referred to as the passion would be the same as supplying them be as useless as our ships in Pearl flower----cold potato variety! She's Thurs. to Sat., March 14 to 16 Thurs., Fri., March 14. 15 with bows and arrows to fight an Harbor were." usually found with her nose buried "THE SPIDER" atom bomb. If anything, this pro- General Holdridge made several in -a magazine and the gentleman "THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE" Richard Conte, Faye Marlowe posal will be dangerous to the United suggestions by which the destruction mentioned previously is the only in- Dorothy McGuire, George Brent Also States because everyone will rely on of civilization might be prevented. fluence which will disturb her read- "SHADOW RETURNS" the fact that we have an Army to They are: (1) a strong international' protect us from aggression rather authority for the control of the atomic ing. She insists that the correct $nturday, March 16 than to try to prevent it. spelling of tough is "tupf" and bomb, (2) an international system of manages to exclaim at least once a Sun. to Tues., March 17-19 "HAUNTED MINE" Some people feel that a year of courts of the Nuremburg type to try day, "well, I swan!" Johnny Mack Brown military training will help teach our and punish any person who suggests Her ambition in life-e-well, you just ".MISS SUSIE SLAGLE'S" young men democracy. "There is no going to war, (3) advertise every- guess! She's a firm believer in get- Sun. to Tues., March 17 to 19 democracy in the Army," stated Gen- thing we do so the public will know ting- everything accomplished in one Sonny Tufts, Veronica Lake "SUNBONNET SUE" eral Holdridge and went on to say exactly what to expect, (4) have big effort! And she'll do it too! Be- Phil Regen, Gale Storm that the Army and Navy are feudal small compact force of leading mili- cause Perk perculates! in their concepts and un-American in tary men, scientists, and so forth who their essential characteristics. The will keep up-to-date on new methods Wed.; Thurs., March 20, 21 Wednesday, March 20 Army has no system of justice, but is of fighting, and (5) teach democracy "TOKYO ROSE" "GAY CAVALIER" a system of discipline and punish- to our people as the Germans and Gilbert Roland, Helen Gerald ment. Russians have taught their systems Byron Barr, Osa Massen Another argument for the Con- of governments. COMPLI~fENTS OF Thurs., Fri., March 21, 22 scription Bill is the benefit it will In regard to the problem Of the "RHAPSODY IN BLUE" have on the moral and ethical train- atomic bomb, General Holdridge Robert Aida, Alexis Smith ing of our future citizens. In reply stated that "the Army is trigger- The W. H. Davis Co. Fri., Sat., March 22, 23 to this, the General made this state- happy and should not be given control "UP GOES MAISIE" Saturday, March 23 ment, "This is no youth movement. of the atomic bomb. The only de- "GUN TOWN" The Army has no means of guarding fense of the atomic bomb is not to be Ann Sothern, George MUrphy Kirby Grant, Fuzzy Knight the morals of youth." Any benefits where it hits." Compliments of The Charles Carroll Hotel Accommodations for your Week.end Guests Barnes Appliance Service BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY All kinds of Electrical Appliances Serviced and Repaired Let us electrify your Kero. Lamp 45 East Main Street Westminster, Md. Phone 793 Radio Electronic Service 14 West Main Street SELL AND REPAIR 703 RADIOS LISTEN TO THE Telephone ~4U/¢t Butler and Carter PRESSING AND S fIIighh 0 me,, 011NBCSlolion§ CLEANING SAVE MONEY, TIME, ESTABLISHMENT· AND EFFORT Bring it to Room No. 292 McKinstry Hall . · · . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• III BETTER TASTING · . REXALL DRUG STORE /]:. ALWAYS MILOER · . SAVE WITH SAFETY . . · · AT THE · . · (£ COOLER SMOKING · . Old Spice, the Friendship Show Durante-Garry Nome, Orloff · Garden, . Cara · . . · and Bergamot Toiletries · . Rexalt Moore Jimmy . Listen to Friday every Radio Drug eveni~g BEST TOBACCOS · . · and WFMD 9:30'P. M. WCAO . • THE RIGHT COMBINATION · • · . Schmitt's Rexall Drug Store OF THE WORLD'S · •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Phone 298 . 55 E. Main Street Compliments SMITH 8< REIFSNlDER Compliments of of Cootes' Barber Shop Incorporated Theo. F. Shaeffer T. W. Mather & Sons The Carro" Food Market Two Barbers LUMBER-COAL Westminsters Department Store of MASTER PLUMBER 92 W. Main St. 90 W. Main St. East Main Street WESTMINSTER. MD. Good Service and Values Phone 359-J Westminster, Md. J. WM. HULL,Jew.I., Run Right to Davis Typewriter Co. Gore Motor Company Successor to Cassell's READ'S Greeting Cards PACKARD CARS The Store of New Fashioned 32 West Main Street Stationery For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries and INTERNATIONAL Jewelry and Old Fashioned and all your Westminster, Maryland TRUCKS Hcnesey DRUG STORE NEEDS Telephone 585 Magazines Times Building Expert repairs on all makes P. G.CoffmanCo. Phone: Westminster 640 East Main St. 15 E. Main Street, typewriters and adding rna- Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. chines. Times Building
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