Page 42 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 42
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, West,,:rnMaryland College, Westminster, Md•• Aprilll, 1946 Guest eampud. (JeM,(uf,a/died. By Ninlta Barkman Editorial Dudd.r.r Hausler scorn him 1 Does he not feed YOtl? Oh, ye of little faith, why do you By Daphne Clarke Does he not wait upon you, fulfilling, Coop. ration ... as far as he is able, your every de- You really have to give the music " loves" it. Matter of fact, she'd al- that one adorne his third finger left sire 1 Day after day he toils so that As long as the memory of majors credit. They have to give up most like to be in high school again. hand. So girls-that's the subtle you may receive a little more enjoy- most of us on the Hill can go a great deal more time to their "Those cute little boys." way of telling you he's very happily ment -out of life. Pity him. Have back, the students have sought a studies than the majority of us do. 'Course, Jane has another love in attached to the former Charlotte mercy upon him. Be kind to him, place on campus where they And especially we must commend her life, too-a certain George GOl'- Anne Wilkins, '45----so hands off. your waiter. might go to dance, smoke, or Jane Dudderar. Not only has she such (" Georgie Gorgeous" to her Three times each day, long before just plain relax. Finally, been very successful as a music ma- dorm pals.) He just got out of the your inner man has even begun to through the efforts of the Stu- jor, but she has accomplished mnny Ail' Corps and is home fqr good now. think about what manner of evil will dent Government, S,C.A., and other things, too, in her college ea- Could that be why her senior year has be tossed his way, your waiter is at the cooperation of the adminis- reer. It's hard to imagine where she been her best 1 And could that be work setting up tables. Bravely he tration, what is 8.0 fondly known finds the time for all she does. This why "Georgie(a) on My Mind" is fights for the valuable possession of as the "Ree" hall or "Reo" room year she is a 'Trumpeter, president of her favorite song1-Could be! the milk, coffee, and water pitchers, came into being. Although we Jota Gamma Chi, president of lnter- Janie's delight in life evidently scarce articles hidden in the depths know that there is appreciation Sorority Council, ill Who's Who. a dates back to her childhood. She of the kitchen. water must be for this advantage, some stu- member of the Glee Club and the learned things the hard way. She poured. Sixty times the heavy pitch. dents have an odd way of show- Choir. In her sophomore and junior started off at one-and-a-half by fall- er dips over sparkling- glasses, filling ing it; that is, through their de- years, Janie also worked in the din- ing off a chair into a coal bucket- them with refreshing liquid and chill- structive tendencies. Curtains ing hall (a singing waiter) and last ing chunks of ice. Bread, jelly, were obtained in order that the year she was secretary of her soror- "Cut her head wide open." A little after and tray cream, rooms might have a more com- ity. We repeat-How does she do it·! Inter she ran into a tree on her bl- eerts must be ear i'Ied tray of des- out. Before fortable atmosphere and the cycle-c-" Banged her bicycle all up." sashes designed to hold them in -'Course, it didn't even bother Janie. " you enter the dining hali your waiter place were not meant to be re- But then, nothing much ever seems has plodded many times from the moved and finally left on the to bother Jane. She's lived with the kitchen, to your table, and back to floor to feel the impact of many same roommate for 4 years; who, by the kitchen, to your table, and back dirty feet. Likewise the cigar- the way, is 'Betty Baker, her cousin. to the kitchen again, serving you ette machines placed there for She doesn't get peeved often, except faithfully. your convenience are meant to when people don't laugh-J anie also As your humble servant gulps remain in one place and not to . "loves" to laugh. She doesn't mind Dick Hausler down his last morsel of food, the be shoved toward the center of graduating too much (even though doors of the dining hall open and in the floor. We will not here go she will miss the gi~ls) because she Yes, they were college sweethearts. stampedes a herd of hungry people. any further than to make mere has a job all lined up, as assistant It all started back in October '42. Having shoved and pushed their way mention of the removal of mon- music teacher at the Frederick High Dick admits that he had had his eye to the table, they seat themselves ey from one of these machines School. And she's not going to get on "Chottsie" for some time pre- noisily and wait, like birds of prey, some weeks back, because we married until sHe's seen what she can vioua to this. And finally he got up, ready to pounce upon the food as can't imagine anyone on "the do with her music. Good luck, Janie! the nerve to ask for a date. And oh, soon as it is placed' before them. Hill" participating in such an But you won't need it. You're bound what a happy ending! Like. magic" the bowls and dishes are activity. We believe that stu- to be as happy and successful as you Dick came here as a freshman in emptied. - Simultaneously cries ertee dents should bear in mind that have been here at W. M. C. September of .1942 and stayed until from table to table. "Is there any an abuse of a privilege results February, 1943. After that, two- more meat?" "Could we have some Western in the removal of that privilege. i'iage Factory! Maryland Cnllege-c-Mar- and-a-half years were spent in the more water?" "What's this stuff1 " And it has really We also ask that the juke box, earned that reputation, as many Army Air Force. H~ refused to com- " We didn't get any milk!" "Bread, which has been placed there for June Dudderar found out when the veterans re- ment about his service life, but pre- p l e a e e." "Cream! " "Jelly! " your late afternoon and evening fer-red to say that he was discharged " More!" =Morel " "More!" Back pleasure, remain unused until But Janie has so much vim and turned. Many were the times that in October, '45, but not before he and forth go the cries. Back and miss would drool over e some pretty after the eighth period because vigor that she could hardly be ex- hand§ome young strangel'-- married Charlotte Anne. That happy forth goes the waiter. Round and of classes in the building. Dur- pel!ted to do any less. She's one of event took place on June 9 of the round-e-tc and fre-e-he is kept on the ing the time that it is being those people who just naturai1y "Ummm-I've got to meet him! "- same year. After hls-dtecharge, Dick go. The meal must go on! played, it seems to us that in And oh, how disillusioned ;he was attended U. of M. for one 'semester, As the herd becomes calm, the consideration to infirmary pa- seems to enjoy anything she's doing, when she found out he was married. and a long with a few other credits waiter watches alertly for empty tients and faculty living above, and enjoys doing everything. She There really was no way of knowing. picked up here and there, he is pre- plates .. Such" prompt service! No students should try to keep it at loves athletics--all types (they had Many of the married men don't wear pared to graduate in May. After that, wait, no fuss, no bother! All you a moderate tone. (Can't you im- just won a game, too.) She's prac- wedding rings. Dick Hausler didn't he plans to attend Journalism school, have to do is to put do....-n your fork agine what it would be like to tice teaching now-and she just either, at first; but we notice now (Continued on page 4, co.1umn4) and remove your fingers "therefr-om. hear Wood-chopper's BaU twen- As if by remote control your plate is ty times in the same evening!) whisked away and you are ready to Likewise concerning the danc- eat your dessert. This over, you ing room, we ask that the lights • --- Letters To The Editor --- • leave the table without a care in the, be left burning while the room world and proceed on your merry is in use. The complaint has way, leaving behind dirty dishes, come to our attention that the crumbs, half-filled cups and glasses, present lighting is hard on the end an altogether sloppy-looking eyes, so a movement is under- mess. That is, most of you leave. way for the placing of wall fix- Pro Con tures in the room. A few days ago I was confronted with the question on \ Of course, there are always a few who must Ii~ger over a cup of coffee, The depositing of coke bottles the possibilities of an honor system here at Western Once the elouds of idealistic vagueness are dispersed, pausing- between each sip to solve in the racks provided would also Maryland. Honor System!-Honor System! it carried me the honor system as a college institution can best be eval- Ihe labor problem or expound the add a greater semblance of or- back to some of the thoughts that ran through my mind uated through the medium of three pragmatic questions. gory details of last night's date. der to the rooms. during the war. Perhaps living under the army's war time First: Can the honor system be made functional1 I Finally, all have gone except the If each would share in this conditions somewhat strengthened my faith in mankind- have seen a college and various army schools attempt to waite]' who quickly and efficiently responsibility, as we hope you strengthened it to such a point that I believe that a peace, make it work. In every case, the results were the same. cleans up the dirty tables. There is are sharing in the use of the such as we have just won, can only be a reality through Envy saw to it ,that those students who cheated to get no grumbling, no quarreling, no com- ping pong tables and the dance a larger JSystem that some are now trying to bring to top grades were reported occasionaily; men who cheated plaining. And so, we leave him P.S There were in order to pass could do so with impunity. floor, the Rec. Room would defi- Wl\fC. Honor, Truth, and Integrity are great words in 'l'l'e found him, serving you faith- nitely be a worthwhile addition living today. So great, in fact, that we need a better \In- still honest m~n and dishonest men. Too often, "The in- fully. The next time you ask your have the honor, and we have the system" was structors to the campus. derstanding of all three-understanding as individuals more than an empty joke. waiter for something, stop a minute All we ask is cooperation and and not only according to Webster or Winston. Second question: What will the honor s~'stem accom- and ask yourself, "Is this trip neces- individual responsibility in the Today, more than ever, a system of honesty is needed. plish 1 Certainly we have incentives, under the present sary? " maintenance of 'a more attract- If we can't start it as a small student body, how can we system, to encourage honesty among us. Self-respect, ive and usable place to relax. ever expect it to function internationally? To start an the respect of our fellow students and instructors, pun. COOPERATION PLEASE!!! honor system at WMC is to start foundations which will i;hment and disgrace for those caught cheating-all of SELFISH inevitably follow into later life. Those simple things that -PEG DAVIS, we avoid, our shortcomings and what-nots, are all things these factors should breed at least external honesty. Selfish of me to be alone Women's Student that will grow into complexities later--complexities which There are opportunities to cheat, opportunities to de- with the sky Government .. would seem almost mountainous to the average student. I'elop our moral strength. Should we go further? .Would and breathe When we stop to analyze what· an honor system would the jewelers of Westminster develop 'honesty among the the virginal air mean, we find that it isn't just the thinking twice before citizenry by disbanding the police force and leaving theit· when born THE GOLD BUG we see what our fellow student has on question twelve or stores unlocked? Will we find the, honor system op- of parting sky-vapors. cuff. In college one should be the glance at the written Third question: Official .tuden~ n6w$Faper of Weot"rn Mary seeking truth within himself as well as materialistic erating in our post·collegiate days? Copyright, play- Selfish to live with space !rh:".d~;.ne~~,·r;n~u ~~t~b~r. 'lJ~~~':,;';:~lY~ft n~'~ knowledge. An education means a better understanding of light, and patent laws-together with enforcement or- away from the church Hy. Fehr"ary. Mareh. sud Aprn, and monthly life either through experience or a system of study. Why ganizations-combine in the attempt to tbwart common of tIle cities' god durin~ Sep(e,nhcr. December. ~nd ~AY. En tered SO .ewnd riRS' mR1t~r AI Wos"n;n.t.r can't both of these be used in perfect harmony toward the appropriation of the accomplishments of a few. Our life becansetolive Post olli"". under ~he Act of March 3.• 1879. building of our future realizations or so-called dreams? here on the Hill is idealistic and untramelled enough a.s as He Be honest with ourselves! Be able to dictate to our own Subscription Price $2.00 a Year it is. Should we broaden the difference between the life of etherial mists consciences! One of our greatest inabilities is being un- we enjoy here and that which we shall find later'! I stand alone able to think squarely and truthfully. As a result we try Statler, '47 to fool ourselves only to satisfy that small amount of self- In summary, we might well compare the honor system or with you News Editor _ Jean Tull, '48 ego that still sparks inside. This is definitely a slam on with those principles a~ound which the Utopian Socialist and I cannot Feature Editor _. Mary Davies, '47 our own characters for it buiJds nothing but foundations tried to build communities. They found at Brooks Farm have you. Copy Editor ..._.._....... Fern Ray, '48 of fallible and false egos. that the individual is reluctant to aSSllme even th-ose re- Make-up Editors, Don Capobianco, '46 Having an honor system is up to each and every stu- sponsibilities which reason tells him are his. Just as Shocking contemplation is to share Charles Brooks, '47 dent now in college. Although it requires group co-opera- their experiments failed, I. believe the honor system will Typing Editor .....__ ....Anne Klein, '47 tion it is basically dependent upon that mind of yours continue to be a failure. nocturnal firmaments Business Manager, that at times hates to admit that life isn't as rosy ai!! Just as many of the goals of those Utopians have been with man's marauding smoke Mindelle Seltzer, '46 Hollywood's technicolor presents it. Oh! it does require a achieved in a practical, evolutionary manner, however, I A4vertising :Manager, bit of courage and the breaking out of some of those IlClieve we all can advance, indiVidually, toward those when I would have Lucy Jane Stoner, '4& self-centered lazy ruts. The f~ts are all in front. Face goals which advocates of the honor system would legis- the fainting sky Circulation Manager, them or evade them? That's the Honor system-Honor to lat.e into- our laps. myself. John Barnes, '48 yourself! ..;_A VEf. -Charles Brooks.
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