Page 41 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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GUEST FOOTBALL EDITORIAL NEWS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 23, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E.:., _W_E_S_T_M_'N_S_T_E_R_._~_1_D_. A.:.pr_i_' _1_1.:.,_1_9.....:46 Sophomores Plan Robert Beam To Sing With College Choir Fraternities Holel Week-Enel With In Palm Sunday Presentation Of Cantata Smokers, Biel, Athletics, Dance Mr. Robert Beam, a tenor from the organ. As special narrator for the oc- Elect Officers choir of Old St. Paul's Episcopal casion, Dr. Fred G. Holloway will With the completion of elections -by ANNE MURPHY Church in Baltimore, \ will be the give impressionistic meditations and smolrera, the four fraternities on All you y'eggs and wittle chicks leading guest soloist when the fifty- which will set the background for ,. the Hill" are speedily returning to get all fixed up in your slickest tricks five mixed voices of the 'Chapel Choir this moving music. the regular way of fraternity life. because Friday llight the fun begins. of Western Maryland College, under The composer, Theodore Du Boia, The Inter-fraternity council has The pep rallies which were so suc- the direction of Professor DeLong, v. Frenchman born in Mamoa in 1837, agreed that all bids will be out by cessful in the beginning of the cam- will present 'Eheodcre DuBois' "The devoted himself to teaching, and in this Monday, April 15, interviews 1867 he produced this important and paign are proving their worth again. Seven Last Words of Christ" in nnd initiations following. At eight o'clock of Friday night down Alumni Hall at 4:00 P. 1\1. on P.alm carefully written work known as Gemma Beta Chi's Frntemfty spon- in Hoffa Field, a rally will open the Sunday, April 14. "Los Sept Paroles de Christ." It was sor, Dr. Whitfield, has resigned his festivities. This is composed of sing- Mr. Beam, who has been in New produced on Good Friday and has post after long years of service. Dr. ing, cheers, stunts, and a SUR- York for two years appeared re- since been given in many other Str-aughn, professor of chemistry, is PRISE! Now what the surprise is I cently on. Broadway in One Touch or churches as a Passion Service on taking his place as sponsor of the don't know; however, I'm told that it Venus with Mary Mar-tin, was a Good Friday. r lub. Ken Volk has been elected has all the fixin's. Betty Little is scholarship student at the Peabody EnthusiaSlll runs high among the prcvidenf Ken Volkhart, vice-pi-est- chairman for Friday night. Institute in his native Baltimore. He lifty-fiYe members of the choir over- cent; Doug' Beakes, treasurer; Sandy Mark aown on your calendar April received his training for the musical' this famous and beautiful cantata. Noblev secrctary, and Lee Landauer, 13th~for that's a big day! At two ~tage singing tcnor leads in Don The public is cordially invited to sergeant-at-arms. o'clock the athletic events will take Pasquale and Martha with a resident attend the performance. Pi Alpha Alpha, the" Black and place. There will be a tennis match, a opera company. He has been seen Whi~es," have electe.5!.Don Burrough" golf tournament, track events, and a and heard at the Radio City Mu- loist in the College Choir, will also International House president; Bob Grumbine, vice-presi- softball game. The golf tournament is sic Hall in Jackpot and Dream Wilh be featured as baritone soloist. Pro- dent; Bill Sires, corresponding sec- a handicap which requires that the l\Iusic and has given a number of fessor Oliver Spangler will be at the Founder To SfJ..eak notary; Jim Skidrnurc, recording sec- player's average score be turned in concerts. His theatrical talents were retary; and Don Sullivan, treasurer. before the tournament. (To prospect. inherited from his grandmother, who In Assembly Here The club is planning a tea dance with ive players-there's a $5.00 prize! To sang with the Vienna Opera and .Dessert/ess Day! t+etr sister-sorority, Sigma Sigma prospective onlookers - give them toured this country in concert. Mr. Harry Edmonds, founder and 'fau, and also hope to reservice the some cheerel) Dean L. Forrest Free, leading so- As a result of the petition made by for many years director of Interna- club ping-pong table, restock the The track event is composed of 385 students to forego one dessert tional House. New York City, will be dance r-ecord supply and 'finish up polevaulting, 100 yd. dash, 50 yd. daily, the money thus saved to be sent the speaker at a college assembly on work in the frat room. dash, football throw, baseball throw. Easter Ch.pel Features to starving Europeans, the Adminis- Wednesday, April 24. He will also Also on the Black and Whites' . has proposed that we give up tration There are for these. $1.00 prizes The tennis match is open to all and Play, "Peter The Rock" one dessert per week on the same ba- address a public meeting which stu- agenda is the commemoration the of a cierrts may attend on Monday; April plaque with the names of fra- the softball game is to be between the Peter The Rock, by Mary P. Ham~ sis. 22, at 8:00 P. M., in the Lecture ternity brothers who have lost their freshman and upperclassmen. Don The dessertless meal will 'begin Room of the Centenary Meth0!list lives, during World War II, inscribed Brohawn and Joe Thompson, co-chair- lin, a play in three acts showing the next week unless objections are regis- Church. on it. men for the athletics, have adv-ised character development of Simon Pe- tered either with the dietician, the Mr. Edmonds founded Internation- me that there will be notices in ter, will be presented Easter Sunday president of the Women's Student al House in New York City, "A self- have The "Preachers," Delta Pi Alpha, elected Bob Beglin president; Government, or the president of the Science Hall, Gill Gym, and the two night at 7:15 P. M. Men's Student. Gover-nment, suataining world community of 1,OO!) ,ro~h Ensor, vice-president; Nelson bove' Berms, on which participants in Tho entire production is being di- durer,ts from 100 countries." Built Wolfs helmer, treasurer; Charles the various events are to sign. Be rected and staged by Barbara Richter- on democratic principles, this insti- sure to sign these if you want a place and Lucy Jane Stoner. Chlad, secretary; Sig Jensen, chap- The following cast has been chosen: Senior Class Hears in anyone of these events. And- tution antedated United Nations by lain; and George Stevens, sergeant- don't forget the cheers. (Bring your Simon, a fisherman, Ed' Hammersla: .Biology Department more than 25 years and became so at-arms . own crnckerjack I} his wife, Hazel Weeks; Deborah, her- famous that Mr. Edmonds was called Alpha Gamma Tau has elected Roy You'd better come out, and don't mother, Anne Murphy; Acal, his Head In Investiture upon to organize similar projects in Carter, president; Joe Wilson, vice- you be late! You'd better go out, and uncle, Robert Mathias; Mary of Mag- Chicago, Ill., in Berkeley, California; president; Pete Youngblood, secre- Sen- On April 10, 1946, the annual get you a date! The Easter bunny's dala, Mary Silvey; Pandlra, aGree};., ior Investiture Service was held in and in Paris, France. Their creation tary, and Don Smythe, treasurer. The corning to town! He'll greet you at Martha Witter; Titus, a Roman offi- .Alunmi Hall. The program com- and administration is regarded by "Bachelors" are planning a tea dance the door when you arrive to have an cer, Walter West; Azur, a physician, menced with the processional, "A educators and statesmen as a real with Delta Bigm::! Kappa, their sis- evening of grand dancing on Satur- Paul Kaetzel; servant to Acal, Mary Mighty Fortress 111 Our God". The ~ontributlon to world understanding. tE'r-sororitr. Sometime before sum- day night. The Easter Hop starts at Hershfeld; servant to Azul', Marcia Many alumni of the House,s have be- lller vacation the club will have a 8:00 when Johnny Moran lowers his Koblegard; servant to Magdala, Jan_ -faculty and senior class marched in ("ome leaders in the affairs of their party for all its members. aressed in academic gowns. (Continued on page 4, column 3) Lee Ganz. own coy_ntries. All the fraternities will participate President Holloway then led the Mr. Edmonds has long been a in a spring sports schedule including college in "The Lord's Prayer". Af- world traveler and lecturer on inter- softb:l.J1, tennis, and golf arranged hy Tri-Beta Society Elects Dr. Bertholf terwards the hymn, "Holy, Holy, national affairs. the Inter.fl"Uternit.y council. Holy, Lord God Almighty", was sung, followed by the scriptnre-Psalms President Of National Organization CXV, by Mr. John M. Jones. Former Student Plans President Holloway then intro- Inter-Fraternity Rules Meeting in St. Louis for the an- duced Dean Lloyd M. Bertholf, who To Hire WMC'ers nual cOllvention of the American As- proved to be the surprise speaker for The Inter-fraternity council sociation for the Advancement of the service. In Ocean City Club nounces that fraternity bids will be Science, the Tri-Beta Society elected Dean Bertholf opened his address sent in the morning mail on Mon- Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf president of its by recalling to the class of '46 their Lieutenant Thomas· Price, former day, April 15, 1946. The bids must national organization. Since 1941, Dr. H!42 freshman orientation week. He Western Maryland student, will open be returned to the respective fra- Bertholf has been vice-president in expressed the desire that each had n teen-agel'S club in the ballroom of ternity rooms by 8:00 P. M. the same the northeast region. I!chieved his purpose in coming to col- thE' Atlantic Hotel, Ocean City Mary- evening, either accepted or rejected. men are reminded All fraternity Dr. Bertholf now succeeds Dr. C. lege. He should, however, have land, in June to continue until mid- E. !\fcCling of the University of gained the following from his college September. This club, exclusively that thy are not to talk to any non- Pennsylvania who died in November, experience: 1-education to en~ble for teen-agel's, has been approved by fraternity man until after 8:00 P. M. 1945. him to earn his own living; 2-a lib- the mayor and city council of Ocean on Monday, April 15, 1946. There is Dr. Frank Brooks of Cornell, one eration from provincialism. He should City and by the seasonal crowds. to be absolute silence between fra- of the founders of Tri-Beta, was re- realize that all races can trace their Both groups have expressed enthu- ternity and non-fr'aternity men. elected secretary-treasurer; and in origin to the same Creator; 3-His siasm for the venture as a.n aid to Dt·. Bertholf's place as vice-president, idealisms and faith should be freed, the solution of a juvenile delinquency Dr. Earl Bowan of Gettysburg Col- and he should now see the necessity ~~;:~~m Ocean City has long recog· Hutzler Fashion Show for a freer, more peace-loving world. lege. The four years that eacll senior In his twenty-second year on West- has spent here at Western Maryland I).n~\,::i~:y~o~:o!; ~~ r.~~~.g~:~~ . To Be Given Tonight ern Maryland's campus, Dr. Bertholf !'hould enable him to put into prac- has been connected with Tri-Beta he studied abroad on National Re- tice in the next 25 years the follow- dents to staff his Milk Bar. The boys A fashion show will be presented since its founding in L922 in Oklaho- search Fellowship in Gennany. His ing: 1-Intellectual mind; 2-unfaiI- will work behind the bar; the girls in Alumni Hall on Thursday, April ma City. The first national president work has centered around the physio- ing service; 3-feeling of ~ratitude; will be waitresses. Rooms and pos- 11, 1946, at 7 P. M. In conjunction was Dr. W. M. Goldsmith under logy and behavior of organisms, par- 4-ideals; 5-----sense of responsibility; sibly board will be provided for the with Hutzler Brothers of Baltimore whom Dr. Bertholf was a former stu* ticularly the honey-bee. The l'eactions 6----deep religious realization; 7- girls in the Atlantic. Anyone in- several Western Maryland girls will dent at Southwester!1 College, Kan- of the bee to light, visible and ultra- Imppy family life. terested in these jobs might apply t.o model the latest ·in summer clothes. sas. Highlighting recent events with- violet, and its physiological reactions Dean Bertholf concluded his ad- Lf. Price in care of the Atlantic Ho- This is the first fashion show to be in the Fraternity has been the admit. to carbohydrates and various poisons dress by bringing to mind the atomic tel, Ocean City, Md. held at Western Maryland since the tance of the noted Dr. S. D. Mast of constitute Dr. Bertholf's main inves_ age in which we snddenly find our- "Tommy's Milk Bar" will be open war. Ethel Dunning, class of '46, Johns Hopkins University to honor- tigations along this line. During the selves. He said "We must learn to only teen-agel's from 7:30 to 11:00 has supervised most of the plans for ary membership. last two years he haS' been following quickly how to get along with the on week nights and 7:30 to 11:30 on the occasion. Dean of Freshmen since 1933 and the' life history of tunicates (sea rest of the world or nothing you do Saturday and will be closed all day Summer cottons, prints, suits, for- of the Faculty at W.M.C. since' 1939. squirt) at the Marine Biological Lab- will matter much. Liberty will have Sunqay. From 10:30 A. M. to 6:00 mals, dinner and afternoon dresses, Dr. Bertholf has spent only four oratory at Woods Hole, Massachu- to be shared." P. M. the establishment will be open and play clothes, will be modeled hy years away from Western Maryland, setts, this in addition to his regular The s~rvice was concluded with the to the' general public. Betty Staley, Ethel Dun~ing, ·Mai.·y in 1927-28 completing work on his duties as biology professor here on recessional, "Onward Christian Sol* Nothing but milk, milkshakes, soft Jo Lyon, Jacqueline Kilham, Jane Ph.D. at Hopkins, and 1930--31 when the HilI. diers." (Continued on page 3, column 2) (Continued on page 4, column 2)
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