Page 41 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 12, 1945 PAGE THREE .1 WAA Board Chooses Honorary Basketball, 11 With the arrival of spring, the four- April birthdays are those of: Ed- sororities on the Hill have scheduled ward Justicc, Bert Harrison, Warren Volleyball Teams A regional meeting of the Inter- 1 their annual outdoor rush parties. Earl, Marie Wilson, Susanne Holston, national Relations Club will be held ;~~~z:t~~n~~~~~rS~~O~~d ath:o~~i:d The Sigmas have set Friday, April 27 Sarah Martha Moore, Elizaheth Ann Names of the girls chosen for the in Levine Hall on Sunday, April 22, States tolerate the setting up of for their hike to "tramp hollow". On Lewis, Mary Lou Parris, Milly Lloyd, honorary basketbaU and volleyball ~:g!~30h:;eMbee:iXi~~~:; St~t~:t:~!~ spheres of influence by other nations? Wednesday, May 2, the Phi Alphs Dottie Cathell, Mary Todd; Clara Ruth Miles will act as chairman of will hold their "hobo hitch". The Garlock, Jewel Haines, Catherine ~~:s b~rvd~ ~~;s/;~~l:~e :~ec~~: They are: Johns Hopkins University, the meeting, with John Dorsey as DeJts usual swimming party will take Brown, Jean Stein, VerneHe Ports, on the b~sis of pla~~ng ~kill, as being i:i~:A~~:~L~~OI!~a~i~~;dTeal\cl~:r~~ speaker and Virginia Voorhees as place on Saturday, May 12. Iota Dorothy Anderson, Sophie Jones, the best 10 the position Hated. College at Towson, and Western discussion leader. Following the Gamma Chi's rush party will be some- Shirley Noll, Virginia Voorhees, Jean meeting there will be a reception in time during the week of May 6. Kelbaugh, Ann Fullerton, Betty Mill- fOl~:;S~onorary basketball team is as \ M~:;a~:in topic of the meeting will McDaniel Lounge. er, Kitty Dewey, Janice McKinley, Forwards: G. Sause, B. Keckler, be: "The United States Foreign Pol- The refreshment Committee con- An evening of dancing and bridge Nell Quirk, Evelyn Clark, Beverly and B. Dixon, with D. Kemp as al- icy toward South America in the Post sists of Dorothy Schubert, chairman, will be held in the McDaniel Lounge Hoffman. ternate. War Era." Sub-topics are as fol- Jean Anderson, Jean Shirley, Anna Saturday night, April 14, from 8-10 by Those celebrating birtHdays in Guards: M. L. Stevens, J. Hauver, lows: (1) Should force be the para- Avers and Mary E .Todd. Doris Hines Le Cercle Francais. The party is open August are Albert Berrenger, Fred J. Bakel', and alternate, K. Brown. mount basis of our Inte't'-American heads the Advertising Committee, as- to all and the admission will be 15c Brown, Harold Lewis, K. Bouchelle, relationships?; (2a) As a member of sisted by Mindelle Seltzer and Flo- stag, 25c drag. The proceeds will be· Carroll Goodrich, Ernest Twigg, Har- The volleyball team includes these the world community should the renee Raum. used to buy French books for the li- vey Buck, Mary Emma Kemp, Lee girls: United States as an individual mem- Allan Poffenberger, president of the b!:ary. Stiffler, Marcia Koblegard, Mary Front line: J. Hauver, J. Baker, G. bel' maintain a policy such as the Western Maryland IRC, Winifred Louise Alexander, Mary T'aylor, Jane Sause, and alternate J. Beall. Monroe Doctrine?; (2b) Is the recent Bakel', vice-president, and Peggy Barbara Brower, class of '46, has Beall, Eleanor Runyon, Betty Powell, Second line: B. Baker, II. Kellam, treaty made by the United States at Davis, secr etat-y-treasrn-sj- of the announced her engagement to Corpor- Bertha Britner, Phyllis Myhre, Lil- and D. Kemp.vwith P. Chatterton as the Mexican Conference with her- sis- group here on the Hill, make up the al Davis C. Voris of the U. S. Army, lian Jackson, D. Hartke, Marie Hell- alternate. tel' American republics consistent Reception Committee. who is stationed at Will Rogers Field dorfer, Katherine Marshall, Helen Third line: V. Powell, rover; J. in Oklahoma. No definite date has Walker, Doris Hines, Millie vender, Bove, M. Witter, and alternate, A. A district conference of the Beta lowing three sessions: been set for the wedding, but it will beck, Marie Stuart, Jane Dudderar, Gleckler. Beta Beta, National Biological Fra- of research papers, 1. Presentation take place "sometime after the war." Marjorie Little, Betty Little, Helen ternity will be held at the American primarily by students. Emphasis is Tyson, J.anet Duffy, Elizabeth Burch. Softball, tennis and archer-y are University in Washington, D. C., Sat- starting now, and all girls interested placed upon research activities of un- Lieut. George Richards of the Mili- in these sports are invited to come urday, April 14, 1945. dergraduate students. tary. Department was promoted to The Westminster Community Con- The organization is divided nation- 2. An address by Dr. B. H. Wil- captain on March 22. Captain Rich- cert Association is having its annual out for them at times which will be ally into five regions. In previous liers, prominent zoologist from Johns announced. ards, then lieutenant, was stationed at membership campaign during the years, the conference used to include Hopkins University. W.M.C. in June 1943, as unit adju- week of April 14-21. Memberships The WAA Board, at its meeting the entire North Eastern region of tant to the ASTP. When the unit was may be renewed through the repre- Monday night, decided that all WAA which Dean Lloyd Bertholf is vice- 3. Chapter Talk. During this pe- dissolved last March, he was assigned sentatives in each dormitory on the dues must be paid by the end of this president. This year, however, on .ac- riod attention is given to the activi- to the Western. Maryland ROTC night of Mr. Franz's concert, either month, or all points already earned count of the regulations set by the ties of the various chapters. where he has been instructing since. before the program or dur-ing- inter- by the girls who haven't paid will be Office of Defense Transportation of On the following Saturday, April While an undergraduate at the- mission. lost. 50 out-of-town persons, it has been 21, Professor Cloyd Bennighof will go University of California, Captain necessary to subdivide the different to Marietta, Ohio, where another dis- Richards won the Pacific Coast Inter- regions into districts. trict conference will be held. Mr. Ben- collegiate championship in track. Af- WMC Delegates Attend ConFerence; The conference that will take place nighof will attend this conference in ter graduation he entered the army at the American University next Sat- the place of Dean Bertholf, viee-preai- School at Fort Benning and Committee Formulates Resolution and took his training at the Officers' urday will include the chapters at dent of the region, who, on the same Infantry Gettysburg, Richmond, Va., American day is attending a pre-medical con- the Parachuters' School - at Fort (Continued from page 1, column 2) University, and Western Maryland ferenc 7 at Schenectady, N. Y. At Bragg. College. the Marietta conference Professor ployment, which was supposed to R~~ .. The names of Alice Kuhn, president Bennighof will present a research pa- Two campus residents, Patricia. have been led by Mr. Bruce McDon- of the Western Maryland chapter, per on May flies. Donovan, '46, and John Vermilyea, \ aid, but who could not attend, was (Because they wished to take Dr. Isobel Isanogle, and Dr. Lloyd Applications for the Milton Hend- '44, who is now attending Westmin- also led by Mrs. Cuthbertson. some definite action on decisions Bertholf have been sent in to the rickson scholarships for summer ster Theological Seminary, have an- Other leaders attending the con- made, members of the Student American University as possibilities work in Biology are to be in by April nounced that they became engaged on ference were Mrs. Patricia Reith of Christian Movement Conference for the program. The delegation to 15. This fund which was created re- February 15. They plan to be married the American Friends Service Com- held at Johns Hopkins University represent our college at this confer. cently amounts this year to $177, and next September. Pat will graduate mittee, leader of a discussion group on April 7 and 8 voted to go on ence will be composed of about fifteen most of it will be spent in scholar- next February and John will gradu- on Peacetime Conscription; Dr. Ger- record in the form of the following members of the-local chapter. ships ranging from fifty to one hund- ate from the Seminary in May, 1946. trude Bussey, Professor of Philosophy resolution, released to the press, The conference consists of the fol- red dollars. at Goucher College, who Jed a discus- and destined to be sent to members The promotion of Lieut. William sion group on Religion and Higher of the American delegation to Prettyman, class of '43, to captain Education; and also Daniel Atwood, San Francisco. The following is occurred in March, it was announced who is known for his inter-racial the expression of the group, as recently. Captain Prettyman is now work in Baltimore, and who was the written by a specially appointed Madame Editor: tration without attempting to learn stationed close to Marseilles, France, Jeader of a discussion group on the committee of Conference dele- In the majority of ways, Western the reaction of the students to it. We where he is in the adjutant-general's Minority vs. Majority problem. gates) Maryland has kept pace with the oth- should like you to feel out the col- department. He is engaged to Ruth The out of town delegates spent the RESOLUTION OF AREA IV OF er outstanding institutions of its type, lege population, trying to discover the Miles, WMC senior. night on the campus and in various STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVE- and in many ways she has surpassed degree of interest in such a project as homes in Baltimore. Meals were MENT TO THE AMERICAN others. There are, however, some in- this. Western Marylanders having hirth- provided at the Wilson Memorial DELEGATION TO dications of the fact that we have Will you ask the students to ad- days in April and August celebrated Methodist Church, which is a short SAN FRANCISCO I room to improve just a little on stu- vance their ideas on the subject? the occasion at the monthly birthday distance from the Johns Hopkins .. April S, 1945. dent attitudes and practices. Sincerely yours, dinner held in the ,college dining-hall campus. Because the various delegafions The Trumpeters, honorary women's The Trumpeters. last evening, April 11, at 6:00 P. M. There are only two offices in the are proceeding to San Pranciscq organization of the campus, has sen- Ruth Hausmann, area organizations and both of these with the purpose of discussing an qusly considered the existence of a Lillian Jackson, are Area Cop's Caprice in Maryland IV students. held Nan by Western is international organization to es- cheafing problem among the students Ruth Miles, Austin whether and we feel that there Helen Stoner, are Area Program Chairman and Ruth tablish a lasting peace, we feel many or few offenders in this respect, (Continued from page 2, column 1) that the abolition of world-wide Catherine Ann Waring. Miles is Area Finance Chairman. compulsory military training is an if the problem exists at all, it must be ends. He is horrified by the ills of the important step in securing univer- eliminated from Hill practice. world; this saintly being acquires a sal trust. Otherwise the peoples of (The Gold Bllg departs from its burning zeal to reform. Jt StUf4 ,.I/eIUI • • • the world will be discussing an in- .l\Ieans of Prevention usual policy in printing this letter He finds that he is brother to all ternational organization for peace A judicial approach of making laws with(mt a name, the writer's is and sets out to gain universal rec- (Continued from page 2, column 5) at the very moment their govern- and punishments has not worked out withheld at his l'eqUCSt, in view of ognition as such. He vows that never from two years' duty in the Pacific, ments are conscripting and indoc- in the past, and we have little reason his relct.ionekip to the CoUege.) again will be set out on by-roads of also dropped in this week to bring trinating young men for war. to believe that it will work in the fu- destruction. Never is a long time .. back memories of his old talents be- We believe this is in harmony ture. Our discussions have led us to To the Editor: but what is a long time? Time is hind the drums and microphone. He with the desire of peoples every- one conclusion-there is a solution A Christian does not look at war eternal-time is ever-present. Man also brought word of his engagement where to be free from the crushing that has not been tried on the Hill, in the same way as one who lives by has vowed before. Did he vow to de- to Anne Covington, '44 ... Two other burden of militarism. The refer- but which has been effectively install- the spirit of the world .His point of ceive himself; to cover up his own fonner gridiron stars also put in an ence to this in the Atlantic Char- ed in other colleges and universities- view is different in that he has a set frailities? Is he going to vow now, appearance-Lt. (j.g.) Al Cohen, '43, ter received widespread public ac- the honor system. of basic principles grounded on the again, with the same deception in back from the South Pacific and Lt. claim. Therefore it is important to Some of our faculty members have eternal law of God, by which he mind? Time alone will tell ... Time "Mannie" Kaplan who leaves for recall the statement in the United been students in educational systems judges a given situation or problem, is eternal. overseas shortly. Nations Charter: where the Honor plan has been one ~f [IS distinguished from those who . , they believe that all of the most sacred parts of school tradi- change their principles to suit a sit- uation or who are guided solely by the nations of the world, for tion. Reports concerning the student emotion. This difference between the response to the confidence placed in realistic as well as spiritual rea- modern and the Christian is true not sons, must come to the abandon- them are heartening. only as regard to education, eco- ment of the use of force. + + + • Problems of Success nomics, politics, science, but even as April 14-Beta Beta Beta district conference, American University, Since no future peace can be In th~ first place, each person il' on regards to war. The Christian does Washington, D. C. maintained if land, sea, or air his honor to watch his own behaviour, not wait until war is declared and April 16 Community Concert, Dalies Frantz, pianist, High School Au- armaments continue to be em- and to see to it that his eyes "yield then, through the influence of propa- not to temptation." second the In ployed by nations which threat- tlitorium, 8:15 P. M. ganda, emotion or slogan, decide its en or may threaten aggression place, each person, realizing the prin- justice or injustice. He has a body April 17-Lecture on Tennyson, by Dr. Maynard, Baker Chapel, 7:00 outside of their frontiers, they ciples involved, feels it his duty to of prinCiples grounded in the Eternal P. M. believe, pending the establish- keep others from indulging in steal- reason of God: anterior to any can· April 18-Junior plays. Thank You, Doctor, A Cup of Tea, Gray Bread, ment of a wider and penn anent ing the products of the minds of oth- flict. Stated briefly, the determi- Alumni Hall, 8:00 P. M. system of general security, that ers. nants of a moral act applied to war the disarmament of such nations Such a system as this which we are dictate that in order to be just, a war April 19----S.C.A. Dr. Kirby Page, BakerlChapel, 4:00 P. M. is essential. They will likewise suggesting can be successful only if must be good in its object, in its April 22-Regional LR.C. meeting, Levine Hall, 2:30 P. M. aid and encourage all other it is upheld by every student of the intention and its circumstances. practicable measures which will Hill; it is the type of plan which April 24-0rgan recital, by Edna. Haller, Alumni Hall, 4:15 P. ]\f. .Other Means Exhausted Piano recital, by Mrs. Evelyn Prior, Music Hall, 7:30 P. M. lighten for peace-loving peoples should appeal to every loyal Western the crushing burden of anna. Marylander. My purpose here is not to prove April 27-Donaldson-Dupuy.Mote voice recital, Music Hall, 8:00 P. ]\f. ments." We will not take it upon ourselves that we are fighting a just war (for to present this plan to the adminis- (Continued on page 4, column 2)
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