Page 36 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 36
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., MARCH B, 1945 Unity ... men at odds with one another. landers. There seems to be nothing gaily, in this country, one has been which can claim the allegiance of a Even here on the Hill we are only freedom of religion and of guaranteed too conscious of a lack of unity. A Gold majority of students. expression. These rights are not very There is much talk these days about Bug of some seven years ago printed We are split over dozens of things; evident when one is made to suffer, unity-economic, political, or what what was captioned "Western Mary- some students fail 'to acknowledge the physically or mentally, for standing by have you. We live in the "United" States; we belong to the "United" Na- land School Spirit", and showed a validity of any opinion which disagrees his convictions and voicing his beliefs. others accuse A great deal of criticism has been ut- blank space with a line drawn around with their own ideas; tions; and we even talk about trying to it. That was undoubtedly an exaggera- their fellows of being hypocrites, while tered here, too often without any basis, attain urorld unity. tion, for conditions on the Western in the very act of criticism they set with the sale result of creating resent- In spite of the familiarity of the Maryland campus must have been vast- themselves up falsely as judges. ment and further schism among the term, the concept of unity has as yet. ly more conducive to college spirit then A definite lack of maturity on the student body. achieved little tangible meaning for our than they are now. If the editors in part of some students seems to be one . It is high time for us students to world, for our nation, or for us as in- 1938 considered the situation to be so cause for the oft-recurring clashes on realize the folly of what we are doing dividuals. There have been many dis- bad, how would they represent the cur- campus. There are certainly more and strive to improve the situation. ruptive factors,-self-interest with con- rent state of affairs? worthwhile occupations for a college With as many common interests as we sequent indifference to the rest of hu- It is very true that much of the old man's time than spending it in break- have in our college group, which should manity, class consciousness, race preju- tradition and attraction of the Hill ing bottles just to annoy one's neigh- bring us together, we are still greatly dice,-which have worked to undermine seem to have disappeared with butter, bors. Very few students can afford the divided. Until we take some action and the forces which would tend toward the tablecloths, and most of the male popu- time to squander in such juvenile past- learn how to achieve unity here on this establishment of harmonious relation- lation; but it is also true that because of times. campus, how can we even dare to dream ships among men. these abnormal conditions we should be In the atmosphere on the Hill at the of unity for the world? As our daily lives increase in com- doing everything in our power to present is found an unhealthful spirit plexity, so these negative factors seem achieve and maintain some degree of of intolerance which makes a feeling of to grow greater in their power to keep united feeling among Western Mary- unity impossible. Traditionally and le- Campus Personality Miles A1c~ruUeJp~, l1~t By Harvey Buck MADAME EDITOR: CAMPUS CULLTNGS . We wish to begin our second article Pedestrians using the road by the By Mary F. Davies by repeating a point made in our first; Post Office should be warned of un- i;e. that we recognize that Conscien- friendly guerrilla tactics from neigh- tious Objectors divide themselves into for narrowly escaping "Except boring trees. For further details, see drowning once when I was a small also president of the URAC cabi- Dean's List and is secretary of the two classes. While both have a com- Argonauts. In addition net. In her junior year she was elect- she to this Jack Spicknall. mon repugnance to the killing of war, child," said Ruth Miles, president of ed class secretary, which automatical- is doing honors work in Sociology. If you don't believe there is "wild the URAC cabinet, when we began ly made her chairman of the Rose "I'm doing work on juvenile delin- one class devotes itself to saving life, life" in the dorms, ask the gal who interviewing her for Campus Person- Cup ceremony for the seniorsl. quency and how it is related to West- while tHe other devotes itself to some- entered her room one day not long ality, "I had a very uneventful and Ruth is house president of Mcfran- ern Maryland," Ruth said. "I've at- thing else. We as readily accept into ago to find- two pigeons walking on ordinary childhood." iel and goes around "locking doors tended some hearings at the court in the first class those who submit the bed. . What well-known col- and kicking people out-for which Westminster and visited in the homes themselves as human guinea pigs in lege department is charging a penny .Close Call of some juvenile delinquents in West- the field of medical research as those for a penful of ink and where are the "It happened," she continued, minster. After graduation this year who carry a stretcher on the field of proceeds going? .. The freshmen "when I was about 5 years old. Our Ruth hopes to do family social work battle. For both, should the expert- deserve bouquets for their recent Val- family had gone for a swim in a riv- in Nutley. ence prove fatal, might one recall entine Hop. Nice going!!. . No, er near our home. I accidentally words spoken long ago: "Greater love you haven't been "hearing things", alipped off a rock and went in over • Charmed Room hath no man than this, that a man and chances are it'll be reverberating my head. Illy mother was standing "Of course the most importa;;t part lay down his life for his friends." about the Hill for the next few weeks close by, but was so frightened that of my whole college career was meet- with considerable volume. It's "HEY, she couldn't help me so my father ing Bill," she explained with a smile. By contrast we find pictured reo MOON!" Thus far, it has been heard rushed in and saved me." "Bill" is Lieutenant William Pretty- cently in the Baltimore Evening Sun in Baltimore, Washington and Friz- Ruth's home town is Nutley, New man, former W.M.C. student who is an Objector being carried out of ellburg. From there, who knows?? . Jersey, a suburb of Newark and it now serving overseas. "You know" court. He had recently been discover- A recent Associated Press dispatch is, as she will proudly tell you, "The she said, "This room (meaning room ed in hiding. Still earlier he had dis- gave a humorous account of a para- vitamin capital of the world." Be- 45 in McDaniel) sort of has a his- tinguished himself in a C. O. camp doxical situation in the European bat- fore moving to Nutley, the Miles fam- tory. Last year Ginny Lee Horine ncar Baltimore by a hunger strike tle area in which a certain Lt. Patten ily spent several years in Missouri. and I roomed together and we both begun when he was refused an emer- had as a member of his platoon a came back from the Christmas holi- gency furlough. Thus instead of as- Private Eisenhower. The officer, of e First Love I can remember days with our engagement rings. Thoe sisting in any way, he made of him- "The main thing course, turned out to be the well-re- two girls who lived here before us self a burden, for he was taken to a membered "Dick" Patten, class of from elementary school," Ruth smil- were both engaged, too." hospital for care. While many Ob- '44.. . A youthful, bemedalled Air ingly explained, "is the time I was .W.M.e. First Choice jectors will doubtless not make of Corps lieutenant drove up to the new in the play, "Sleeping Beauty". I had a themselves burdens, -can it be said dorm a couple weeks ago and made 'crush' on the boy who was supposed Ruth is an enthusiastic booster of that they are meeting the responsi- to de- his way up a somewhat familiar walk to be the Prince and when he got Ruth Miles W.M.C. "When I was trying we had bility that is theirs, if they choose sick at the last minute and someone cide which college to attend, to "B" section, the old location of the they love me!" She has been II mem- visited several in Pennsylvania, conduct of relatively slight import- Dean of Men's office, intent upon see- else had to take the part it just about ber of the choir for four years and Maryland, and Washington, D. C. The ing said dean. Discovering the new broke my heart." is a member of Iota Gamma Chi sor- day we arrived at Western Maryland ance? Throughout the four y,ears at W.III.C. situation a moment later when he Ruth has participated in many extra- ority. I was car sick and as soon as we got Objectors may elect to share in sav- spied several girls looking out of the curricular activities. She has been Although Ruth is active in extra- here I felt swell. W.M.C. just suited ing the lives of those who by their window of his old room he beat a a member of the SCA cabinet and curricular events, her regular school- everything I wanted and I haven't service in the army give the Objectors hasty but puzzled retreat. Said of- work does not suffer. She is on the been one bit disappointed." this very opportunity of choice. Ob- ficer was Lt. Robert Baker, '46, home last year became president. S~e is jectors may elect to work in woodland after 39 missions over the European camps, with holiday attached. The area .... Local barbers had a field choice is theirs, but we believe the day on Monday when they committed saving of life,-albeit of soldiers, our tonsorial treachery upon a number of soldiers, of more importance. And this (Continued on page 4, col. 2) By Milly Lloyd we believe on our understanding of After one and a half years of con- head-waiter, are Bitting and scurry- .Is It Clean? the teachings of One who declared: tinued and somewhat devoted service ing aimlessly (at least to onlookers) 3. The Microscope-Toter type. This "Then shall the King say unto them THE GOLD BUG to the students and faculty in the doing menial tasks of pouring water group, probably the most unpopular, on his right hand, Come ye blessed of at the (missing 68% of the glasses College Dining Hall, I propose to set though not necessarily inherit the kingdom pre- biology ma- my Father, first shot), in as noble a to prepare down as complete a set of types as and Offic;,,1 &t"den~ newsp~per ~f;i~~l;i~~¥~;:~i~\i:'1l~I"::~~ difficult way as possible for those impatient jors, carry with them portable, With pared for you from the foundation of of \Ve"tem 111M), invisible often possible, that I have observed during microscopes. the world: inmates. It is on such a scene that months of sometimes these these they examine their plates, their "For 1 was an hungered, and ye the are Bung open, and cup, writer's Post offioe. under the Aot of March 3. 1879. and embarrassing duties. the doors study really begins. Here is silverware, their glass, their the part gave me meat; I was a stranger, and their saucer, their napkins, Subscription Price $2.00 a Year e The Setting your chance to place yourself in any of the table under their plate, and the ye took me in: "Naked, and ye clothed me: I was one of the following categories: First, let us get the setting and service spoons. A-ha! On the latter Edttor-In-Chlef Virginia Voorhees, '46 general atmosphere of this room- 1. The Immediate-Service tvpe.. they discover a wee remnant of some sick, and ye visited me: I was in News Editors .: .._. Fred Morgan, '46 first floor, Science Hall. The din- This type, favorite among 'waiters, bygone and forgotten meal and sum- prison, and ve came unto me. Margaret Statler, '47 ing room, during the evening meal, picks up the dish immediately, serves mon to the scene an innocent waiter "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch Feature Editor .... Charles Brooks, '48 is romantically illuminated by the himself a portion large enough to who is sent indignantly to the kitch- as ye have done it unto one of the COllYEditors ....Enrique Lamadrid, '46 light given off by II dozen or so spher- allow for only eight more helpings, en for a clean one, thus delaying the least of these my brethren, ye have Mary Davies, '47 ical chandeliers, each containing six and passes it on. progress of the meal for that par- done it unto me." Business Manager 5_watt, semi-orange bulbs. The t.a-. ticular table. We believe the medical worker with Josephine Bove, '46 bles, once covered with cloths of rich e'Tungue . a bandage in his hand better serves Advertising Manager linen damask, now curtailed due to 2. The Look-Swoon type. Here is 4. The Camel-Capacity type. Here the wounded than the man with an Mlndelle Seltzer, '46 the negligible factor of laundering, the diner who is placed in either is the headache of the meal. Aside Circulation Manager are spread with the bare necessities heavenly bliss or dejected agony be- from the already poured glass of wa- T. M. WHITFIELD. another, requires ter, this individual Fred Brown, '48 of extra-thin paper napkins and the cause of the sight beheld by him, as and some, perhaps a third. If there Contributors: Don Capobianco, Thel- usual utensils that go into the mak- the food is placed on the table. Hold- ill coffee, only two cups will suffice, I ma Evans, Fern Ray, Sara Jane ing of a civilized meal. The dieti- ing the dish contemplatively in his Rice, Mildred Lloyd, Doris Hines, tians, in their crisp white uniforms, hand, he proceeds to inform the five ~~ec:':::~~e;~t:g~i~h t~:s~~~';~~m m;!~ _ Pat Donovan, Jack Neville, Harvey stand, one at each entrance, observ- closest listeners about "The last time many is two. The requests usually Buck, Don Fedder, Lucy Jane Ston- ing with passive interest the clam- I had tongue was ... " Thus a story come at the time when the clean-up Furore .(to be rimed with Aurore) er, George Carr, Arlene Chen, ouring of the restless throngs out. is brougbt to the mind of each one, process has started, thus taking out Mary Elizabeth Todd, Earl Morey, side the screened doors. White- and by the time the ninth person has of circulation a vital waiter, while The sun is angry when it sets. Dr. Marshall, Dr. Whitfield. jacketed waiters, one extremely busi- been reached, three have lost their the desired beverage is absconded In fury it doth lie, Student Advisory Co~ncil: Peg ness-like in manner, because of the appetites, two are demanding more, from some other table. Thompson, Gloria Mathias, Bob pad and pencil he carries, and the and the. remaining few just eat, en- And spreads its red reluctance Adams, Warren Roberts, Vernelle frowning concern he shows in his tirely oblivious to any. previous It would be well to mention here In feints across the sky. -S.J.R. Ports, Johp Dorsey. face, indicating that he must he the cussion. (Continued on page 3, 001. 2)
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