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T. x, Eiima·JOll '•• Ii. C. RESOLUTION HONOR SYSTEM BY S. C. M. ASKED PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Vol. 22, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD.' April 12, 1945 -------------------------------- Community Concert Artist. May Day Activities Listed; A Plea For Help!!! This is the last issue of the Gold BI~U to be published this year---. Special Breakfast To Reveal unless enough money is raised somehow for subsequent editions of the paper. Identity Of Queen, Court Current funds have been ex- hausted, and there ~eems to be lit- Festivities For The Day Include tle chance of obtaining a supple- mentary appropriation as has "The Wonder Hat", Semi-Formal Dance been the case in previous years At a May Day breakfast on Wednesday morning, May 1, West-- when the original allotment has ern Marylanders will learn the identity of the May Queen and her run out. court, now being kept a secret. This new feature of WMC May In view of the fact that the Day activities was announced today by Helen Stoner, who has i usual activities fee was abolished , this year, the staff asks whether charge of arrangements for May Day, according to the custom of each student would be willing to having' the Vice-President of the Women's Student Government pay a "subscription fee" of $0.75 make plans for the observance. for the next two issues? The Trumpeters, who will be hostesses at a special table for Will you let us know your reac- the May Court at this meal, would like to see a large "turn-out" at tion to this appeal.f Unless there is breakfast on that morning. The members of the court will be an immediate response,-this is the Jast Gold BlIg. easily recognizable because of the corsages which they will be wearing during the day. On Saturday, May 5, which is Visi- tors' Day as well as May Day here on Plays To Be Presented On April 18 the Hill, the traditional outdoor cere- monies will take place in the amphi- By Junior Dramatic Art Students theater in Harvey Stone Park. In Dalies !:ranz case of inclement weather, May Day will move inside to Alumni festivities Three one-act plays will be pre- Florence Ryerson's farqe, "A Cup Hall. Included in the afternoon pro- Dalies Franz, Pianist, To Appear sented. on Wednesday, April 18, 1945, of Tea", will be the third offering of gram is a play, "The wonder Hat," the evening. It tells of thc philander- of the junior as a project dramatic At Westminster High School art class, under the direction of Miss ings of a poet, and includes the fol- under the direction of Miss .Ruth Beth This play is a harlequinade Watts. Ruth Beth Watts. lowing cast: The first of the plays, a melodra- On Monday, April 16 matic farce by Gilbert Emery, is Wilfort Wendall, a poet Bob Harrison called "Thank You, Doctor". It con- Jane, his wife Mildred Lloyd Dalies Franz, the distinguished Mr. Franz, a native American, was cerns a clever adventuress who uses a Azalea Waring, a lady of artistic young pianist, will present a concert born in Denver, Colorado. It was doctor's office as a means of conceal- yearnings .. Barbara Richter on Monday, April 16, at 8:15 P. M. there he received his ear-ly education ing the theft of 11. valuable string of in the Westminster High School audi- and musical training and began his pearls. The cast is as follows: John, her husband Bert Harrison torium. This performance will' be career as a concert painist when quite Mrs. Lester VernellePorts the third and last-of the currentsertee ·roung. "He then attended the- Hunt- Nurse ·Gray " GJoria Mathias Record Group Of of musical programs sponsored by the ington School in Boston and worked Dr. Gurney... Carroll Doggett Westminster Community Concert As- his way through by playing in con- A Patient . . Jack Neville Students To Give sociation. certs and acting as organist and Cort . . Bert Harrison Thr -·~l11g artist will present the director of a church choir. Bread", by Jean Lee Lath- Blood To Red Cross inaugural piano recital on the new Upon completing his studies in Bos- "Gray concert grand Steinway piano pur- ton, Mr. Franz went to Europe to am, is a drama based on an old Scot- A record-breaking total of 85 blood chased last fall through the coopera- st.udy with Schnabel and Horowitz. tish proverb: "Better eat gray bread donors from Western Maryland Col- tion of the Carroll County Board of Returning to America he attended the in your youth than in your age." It is lege volunteered to give blood today Education, the City Council, the High University of Michigan where he also the story of a young girl who is ad- and tomorrow, April 12 and 13, at School, and the Community Concert worked his way through by using his vised by her grandmother to give up the Red Cross headquarters in West- Association. (Continued on page 4, column 5) her lover, whom the old lady believes minster. Kitty Waring, director of to be just a "passing fancy". The blood-donating arrangements on the scene is laid in a peasant's cottage, Hill, stated that Western Maryland Western Maryland Delegation long ago. The characters Mindelle Seltzer has reason to be proud of this splen- Helen Stoner are: request to the did response Riga of the . Solda . Dorothy Bopst Red Cross for volunteer donors. in one act, by Kenneth Sawyer Good- Largest At SCM Conference Yolande. . Jane Kester this For most of the 85 WMC students, in are as follows man and Ben Hecht. The characters Peggy Kerns Motka will be the first experience donating blood. Various students, Harlequin Donaldson Beall Pier-r-ot Implications Of Future Peace Graduating Class however, have aided their country in Punchtnello Lucy Jane Stoner Theme Of Area Meeting this manner as many as five times Columbine .. Marjorie Little previous to the current drive. Grace Jemison One World Tomorrow, If . '! was the theme of the Stu- Hears Mrs. Wenner Because the Red Cross unit in Margot dance will be held A semi-formal dent-Faculty Interracial Conference of Area IV of the Student At Investiture Service char-ge is extr-emely busy, it is very in the evening of the same day, Christian Movement which was held at Levering Hall, Johns Hop- important that each donor keep his May 5, with men to be "imported" kins University on April 7 and 8. Urging the class of 1945 to face ac- appointment as. scheduled. In case as at the dance in January. Ruth Area IV of the Middle Atlantic Region of the S. C. M. consists tualities but still believe 'that life is someone cannot go at the prear- Hausmann, president of WSG is of colleges and universities in Baltimore and Washington and vi- worth living, Mrs. Evelyn Wenner, ranged time, he should contact Kitty general chairman for the event. Shiro cinity. Seventeen schools were invited to send-representatives to of the English department, addressed immediately, so that another person ley Snyder has charge of "getting the the conference and ten of these schools were actually represented. the seniors at the annual investiture may be moved up into his place, and men," and Doris Kemp will make ar- Those ten who sent delegates are as follows: Goucher College, Hood service yesterday morning in Alumni those people not yet scheduled can rangements for securing the orches- College, Howard University, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland Hall. be given appointments. tra. There are a number of traditions ~!~I~g:,e~:,~:~nCoi!:~:' ~~~:~:~s S~o;~ ~:~:~tion to aid in carrying out their surrounding this ceremony of invest- ing the seniors with the academic cos- Organ, Piano, Voice Recitals By ~~gile~~~:::S\~es~~r~Ia~~l;y~:n~~~:~~ The three outstanding leaders and tume. Not only is Luther's "A oc- Students, VisitorOnApril 24, 27 speakers of the' conference were Dan- lege, and westminster Theological iel Corrigan, pastor of the Grace and'" Mighty Fortress is our God" used as processional hymn for the this Seminary. St. Peter's Episcopal Church of Bal- casion, but also for all academic pro- .To Awaken Students and Faculty timore, John Swomley, Associate Sec- cessions on the hill. The service, Miss Edna (Perk) Haller will be School of Music of the University of With the aid of one of the school retary of the Fellowship of Recon- which was begun many years ago, al- featured in a program of organ mu- Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., will give cars Western Maryland was able to ciliation, and Mrs. Mary Moss Cuth- ways takes place in April. The sic at the regular bi-monthly music a piano recital at the Music Hall, in- send the largest number of delegates bertson, Regional Secretary of the identity of the speaker is never re- recital to be held on Tuesday, April cluding in her program selections to the conference. The representa- S.C.M. in the Middle Atlantic Re- vealed until the day. of the service to 24, at 4 :15 P. M. in Alumni Hall. from Mozart, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, tion from Western Maryland con- gion. anyone other than Dr. Holloway. For A member of the Junior class at Ravel, and Bach. sisted of twenty-four people. The the past number of years, members of Western Maryland, Miss HaUer is Mrs. Prior, who is a friend of Miss total number of people in atteadartce .Variety In Attendance the faculty have addressed the sen- majoring in music. Her program will Grace Murray, faculty member of the at the conference was approximately Father Corrigan spoke on "What iors, Who always remain standing be as follows: Western Maryland music department, seventy-five. Motivates Us", which was the first during the address. Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne studied piano under Ernest Hutchi- The primary purpose of the two main address of the meeting. The A unique feature of the investiture Buxtehude son and Guy Maier. She is cutstand- day convocation as stated by the title of the second talk, which was service is that Western Maryland is Fantaisie and Fugue in C Minor ing as ail organist as well as being program chairman, Nan Austin of . given by John Swomley, was "Yes- one of the few colleges which permits Bach an excellent pianist, having studied 'Vestern Maryland, was "To awaken terday the Seed of Today." Mr. the seniors to wear the academic cos- Jesu, Meine Freude (Chorale organ under Carl Weinrich. students and faculty to the underly- Swomiey also led a discussion group tume before commencement. It is Prelude) Bach Audrey Donaldson, Barbara Du· ing issues of our day concerning the on Political Effectiveness. "Wh!\.t also almost the. only school which has Piece Heroique . Franck puy, and John Mote, voice majors in implications of a future peace." The Now" was the title of the final ad· formal exercises in connection with Now Thank We All Our God the music department, will combine conference was designed to serve as dress of the conference and was de- wearing the cap and gown. Karg-Elert their talents to give a recital in the inspiration to the various S.C.M. livered by Mrs. Mary Moss Cuthbert- Seniors wiII hereafter wear the cos- At 8:00 P. M. on the same Tuesday Music Hall on April 27 at 8:00 P. campus leaders and to supply them son. A discussion group on Full Em- tume on Sunday evening to chapel (April 24), Mrs. Evelyn Prior, a M., with Miss Donaldson singing two with a source of knowledge and in- (Continued on page 3, column 2) until commencement. member of the faculty at Eastman (Continued on page 4, column 1)
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