Page 46 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., 17.1945 Eighteen Men Will Be Graduated At Program OF Sixty-Second Semina~y Commencement To Be led By MAY 19-Junior Prom, Gill Gym, 8:00-11:30 P. M. The sixty-second commencement lisle, Pa. MAY 20-Installation of Sunday School Officers, Baker Cha_pel, 9:15 A. M. activities of the Westminster Theo- Degrees will be conferred upon ~ Seminary Baccalaureate service, Dr. L. A. Welliver, speaker, \Vest- Conducting Class logical Seminary will take place on eighteen young men who have COIll- minster Methodist Church, 8 P. M. (Continued Sunday and Monday, May 20 and 2L pleted their tr-aining for the minis- MAY 21-Argonaut Banquet, Charles Carroll Hotel, 5:45 P. M. o Give Thanks from page 1, col. 2) Old English Baccalaureate service will be held in try. All of them will enter at Seminary Commencement exercises, Bishop Fred P. Corson, speak- the Westminster Methodist Church once upon their work as pastors of er, Methodist Church, 8 P. M. Sara Jane Rice on Sunday evening at 8:00 P. M. Dr. churches. MAY 22-Conducting clese=-choral program, Alumni Hall, 4:15 P. M. Lester A. Welliver, president of the 'The graduates are: Robert William MAY 23-Rose-Cup ceremony, Robinson Gardens, 4:15 P. M. Rosa-becka-lina seminary, will preach the bacea- Borden, Wallace Joseph Cummings, Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, 8:30 P. M. American laureate sermon. Earl Clay Day, Kenneth Wesley MAY 24---Dress rehearsal for "Papa Is All", Alumni Hall, 8 P. M. Paul Maynard mountain The annual seminary banquet will Grove, Perry Oliver Hill, Harold Rus- MAY 25-"Papa Is All", three-act play by College Players, Alumni Hall, 8 Buy My Tortillas ..__.Chilean folk P.M. be held in the Social Hall of the sel Hodgson, 'Thomas Johnston, Jean Smyrk Methodist Church at 1:00 P. M. Mon- Charles Franklin Kirkley, Marlin MAY zs-c-Oerden Party, Robinson Gardens, 2 P. M. Land of Our Birth. ..__...Lowell 6 P. M. dining-hall, Alumni Dinner, day. The Honorable F. Murray Ben- Richard McCleaf, Alton Sanky Mill- "Song Fest", McDaniel Lounge, 8:30 P. M. Charlotte Anne son, Baltimore attorney and alumnus er, Christopher Fox Miller, Howard MAY 27-Baccalaureate service, Alumni Hall, 10 P. M. of Western Maryland College, will be Morrow Pape, W. Henry Harrison Commencement Exercises, Mme. Chi Shu Ming, speaker, Alumni t.he speaker at that ti~te. Shissler, Wyburn Skidmore, Thomas Hall,2 P. M. Commencement exercises will take Duane Stewart, John Leonard Thomas place in the Methodist Church at 8:00 II, David Jones Wynne, and Gordon ing the interim. P. M., Monday. Bishop Fred P. Cor- Claude Curby. Sororities Nam~ New leaders son, Resident Bishop of the Philadel- phia Area of ,the Methodist Church, WSSFDrive Closes (Continued from page 1, col. 3) nor Marsh is secretary, and Bertha will make the address to the gradu- Harvey Stone Park. Thc members of Br-itner, treasurer. Eleanor Pearson ates. Bishop Corson, who was elected Near $7000 Goal the sorority will be given a party to- is alumni secretary; Ruth Shuckhar-t, Dean Hess gave a 'piano to his office last June, was formerly llight by Miss Manahan and Misfi chaplain; and Janet Breeding, ser- May 11, followed by Jeanne president of Dickinson College, Car- (Continued from page 1, col. 3) Perry. geant-at-arms. voice recital on May 15. She been working to aid war prisoners in The new officers of Sigma Sigma Phi Alpha Mu elected Peg Davis companied by Janice Germany, Italy, and China; now, Tau are: president, Jean Burtis; vice- president; Ruth Callahan, vice-presf- In addition to the pending with the cessation of hostilities in president, Doris Hines; secretary, dent; Jean Anderson, secretary; Doris program, Christine Royer wiJI Europe, it will be one of the main Jean Shirley; treasurer, Polly Ship- Kemp, treaaurcr; and Cassie Schu- private piano recital on May (Continued from page. 1, col. 3) factors in the repatriatation of stu- ley; and alumni secretary, Emajane mann, alumni secretary. Members of New officers have also been elected dents, the reorganization of European Hahn. The sunshine messenger is the sunshine committee are Janice by the Home Economics Club, and colleges which have suffered great Dottie Schubert. Betty Shockley is Divers, Evie Benson, and Jeanette will take office at the next meeting of losses in the bitter years of the war, sergeant-at-arms, and Mary Louise Milholland. we cater to the the organization. and the continuation of aid to the Reese and Shirley Jones are Sigma The Phi Alphs held their annual Edith Bowling will replace Helen struggling students of China who are inter-sorority representatives. The senior farewell dinner last Wednes- COLLEGIENNE Stoner, this year's president, as head given food subsidies and grants for Sigmas will hold their senior farewell day at the Charles Carroll. of the club, with Addie Crow as sec- clothing and books. banquet on May 18 at the Charles in our retary and Joanna Hauver as treasur- Students and faculty of Western Carroll Hotel. They have voted fOI' er. Maryland College can be justly proud the ideal Sigma, but the returns Meet your friends Colleienn~ Shop Elections for the Women's Student of the part they have had in contrib- haven't as yet been announced. at on the fourth floor Government resulted in t.he following uting to a worthy cause. Ruth Miles Edna "Perk" Haller will preside new officers: president, Henrietta deserves special credit for capably over next year's Delta Sigma Kappa Ko-Ed Klub HUTZLER. BIUl'H ER) € Jones; vice-president, Jane Beall; filling her office as president of the meetings. Supporting her, as vice- honor chairman, Peg Davis; [unior United Religious Activities Council. president, will be Sally Moffet. Elea- Refreshments Patent Medicines representative, Emajane Hahn; aoph- more representative, Pat Chatterton. House presidents are: Blanche Ward, COMPLIMENTS OF John Everhart P_ G. Coffman ce. Sally Moffett; McDaniel, VerneJle 'fHE COLLEGE BARBER Ports; and Albert Norman Ward, The AND BOBBER COMPLIMENTS OF Wishes the Graduating Class Anna Jones. of W. M. C. the Le Cercle Francais, at a meeting W,,,tminster Nurseries AT THE FORKS Monday evening, elected these new Rutan Chevrolet Co. best of luck officers: president, Winnie Shauck; vice-president, Janet Reese; secre- T~eo. F. Shaeffer " Cards for Every tary, Louise Willis; treasurer, Ma~y Occasion" Jane Collerd; and program commit- Master Plumber COMPLIMENTS OF tee, Christine Royer, Violet Carr, Katherine Frounfelter, and Fred Plumbing, Heating, Tinning Brown. Contractor The W. H. Davis Co. SPECIALISTS 92 W. Main St. Margaret & E~rl' s SMITH &: REIFSNIDER Phone 359-J IN Incorporated Westminster, Md. COLD PERMANENT Students' Center WAVES LUMBER-COAL WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 395 Phone 214-W GRIFFIN'S Lowry Beauty Shop SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS I., Adjoining Postoffice Stoner & Hobby COMPLIMENTS OF "Your Stop Downtown" C. R. Aldridge, Owner The Carroll Gardens SODAS-SANDWICHES INSURANCE plus SERVICE CANDIES Westminster, Maryland Rosenstock's Ladies Shop Opposite State Theater 67 East Main St. DRUGS-SODAS Carroll Theatre State Theatre COSMETICS WESTMINSTER, MD. WBSTMINSTEiR, MD. 'Phurs., Fri., Sat., May 17, 18, 19 'I'hurs., Fr-i., May 17, 18 Do Your Summer Shopping NOW! Double Feature Lou Abbott & Bud Costello "CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE" "HERE COME THE CO-EDS" "THE BIG SHOW-OFF" / For Rosenstock's Have Saturday, May 19 Roy Rogers Phone 9 SU~ill~!:"p~~~:" ~l\~~'O~OFl~~n 22 "UTAH" WESTMINSTER, MD. "OBJECTIVE BURMA" Sun., Mon., Tues., May 20, 21, 22 Playsuits, Cotton Dresses, James Allyson-Simone Simone "JOHNNY DOESN'T LIVE Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat., HERE ANYMORE" May 23, 24, 25,26 Wednesday, f.fay 23 Halters, PinaFores, Skirts, Buck Jones Compliments Sonja Hcnie _ Michael O'Shea ARIZONA BOUND" "IT'S A PLEASURE" '-- Thurs., Fri., May 24, 25 of the Double Feature and many other summer clothes POWERED" "HIGH Sun., !\Ion., Tues., Wed., "UNWRITtEN CODE" May 27, 28, 29, 30 Charles-Canol! Hotel James Dunn - Peggy Garner - Saturday, May 26 I Dorothy McQuire Allen Lane - Wally Burn For you to select "A TREE GROWS IN "SILVER CITY KID" "We take pride in our BROOKLN" Sun., Mon., Tues., May 27, 28, 29 Foster-Turhean • home-cooked meals" Susanna "FRISCO SAL" Bey Allen Curtis • Thurs., Fri., SaL, May 31, June 1, 2 Wednesday, May 30 BUY YOUR BONDS NOW Lana Turner Day - Laraine "NEVADA" "KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY" Bob Mitchen-Big Boy Williams
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