Page 38 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 38
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., MARCH 8, 1945 Interviews 'OF Cast Faculty Offering Reveal Experience, Scheduled For (Continued from pageS, col. 4) (Continued from page 3, col. 2) Reactions OF Group March J7 of valuable time. Third, he may a. The Confirmed-Bachelor-and- (Continued from page 1, col. 2) sire, and to sow the seeds for a Chris- (Continued from page 1, col. 5) carelessly pick it up, and take the Old.Maid-Types. These, afraid to tian world order, would it not 'be chance that the mayonnaised knife middle-aisle it, insist on weaving You Like It" and "Romeo and Juli- worthwhile to mortgage our whole cast that has arrived. As 7:00 arrives, will smear the blond tresses on its their way through the standpacked et"l as a member of the faculty of the future-to expend at the minimum the prompter, Miss Manaha~, puts in amount on construction an eqgivalent drop to the fioor. He assures himself semi-aisles, and afford more confu- State Teachers' College in West Ches- an appearance, and shortly after- that it makes little difference, since sion than anyone notices, save those ter, Pennsylvania, he took character as we have on destruction-and dis- wards Miss Watts, the director, they would both be of the same color. who are to avoid them in the precar- roles in "The Last of the Lowrys", play to the world our sense of guilt comes, bringing with her Miss Bemill- Usually, he has a piece of bread teet- ious journey. Aside from. not con- "Idol's Eye," and "First Year," and for our bombing and slaying "as well er, critic teacher from the high school ering on the edge of the plate, and forming, they offer a real hazard, sang in the opera "Pagliacci". as our consciousness of inadequacy who is taking an important role. some overhanging foliage of lettuce, and every attempt should be made to As Teddy Brewster in Arsenic- and in expressing the spirit of Christian e Comrnotion Begins This will be the only penance love? broccoli or spaghetti dangling from lock them between the stands and tao Old Lace, Dean Free commented, "I worth showing. Gradually enough of the cast ar- the side, all of which makes him a bles, to exhibit to others that they have a good part, it gives me a rives to enable the rehearsal to begin. most unpopular guest in the Dining have broken a folkway. (Thanks to chance to tear up the stage and make • Christian Principles Room. Dr. Earp.) a lot of noise!" (The story of the There is much hustle and commotion back stage. takes her The prompter We should take the lead in uphold- 3. The Juxtaposition of Knife and 4. The Admirable Type. Called broken step affirms this I) ing the pr-inciples of Jesus Christ. place in front of the large curtain on Fork Method. Using by far the this simply because they are admira- • Opera Experience Hatred and revenge, with its result- one side of the stage and Miss Watts most desirable technique, these stu- ble for eating their meal with a rea- Professor Alfred de Long, who is ing evils, will be the return of our seats herself in the auditorium and dents arc usually members of the sonable degree of haste, never- taking the role of Jonathan, the vil- present destruction. Sharing real- orders, "Let's begin!" but Clean-Platter Club (Home Ec. majors theless retaining a considerable lain, has had extensive previous ex- istically-without thought of compen- if seated near the Faculty tables) amount of leisure in doing so. They perience. He had three years of stage sation-is the only certain way that .Step Breaks and, therefore, have the necessary depart when they are finished, sav- training under Wilhelm von Wymen- we can prove to our children that our Nothing happens-with the excep- room to place their utensils together ing for their rooms the quarter-hour tal, stage director of the Metropolitan intentions in this war are sincere, tion of a few characters (Dean Free in the middle of their plate. They are of sociability' so despised among the Opera Company, and three years (If that we believe wholeheartedly that and' Mr. Schaeffer) strolling casually by far the most beloved in the dining waiters, and then middle-aialing- it actual experience in Grand Opera. a copious life is a possibility, if we onto the stage - and - oh, yes, Dr. hall. out of the dining hall. Prof. de Long has been working on Straughn, pipe dangling in mouth, is The meal is finished and the guests his part for only three weeks, having are willing to sacrifice to see it es- engaged in sweeping the stage. Dean meal The are ready to make their departure, comparatively thus over, the tables taken it when Dr. Holloway raltn, tablished. Free decides to find out whether the clean, our social group which again seems to present danger- qulehed it. He hea found it rather dif- • Evaluation of Aims steps (just set up that day) are sub- ous problems. It is a cold winter of waiters gathers 'round a common ficult, because the intensity of the This is a moment for a real evalua- stantial enough to endure his mad day, and the necessary and unneces- table to feast on the humble scrap- characterization must remain high tion of our aims-for the rebirth of rush with his explosive shout, sary paraphernalia usual in such ings our masters have left us, grate- throughout the play, without a single the missionary spirit and for the "Charge!" To his amazement a step weather, such as jackets, coats, ker- ful for our opportunity to serve. let-down. As Jonathan, Mr. de Long building of new foundations. Jesus' breaks during his first practice chiefs, scarfs, earmuffs, gloves, and ia contrasted with the other charac- way of life considered on an inter- charge. Kleenexes have been unceremonious- ters, because he is the only one who is national basis could initiate a change Finallv the loud voice of Miss ly deposited on and around the chairs 't Says Here ••• wi'llfully and knowingly a villain. Watts c~l1s, "Hey, Bemiller!" A little of our ravenous hur-pies.. Wiggling into that would shake humanity to its while later Miss Bemiller, who has roots. It is the only possible way by all these contraptions has more than (Continued from page 2, col. 1) .A Lot of Fun which Christians of the worlq could caused the delay, comes in and the re- once caused a mittened hand to de- unsuspecting Frosh. Everybody seems The two romantic leads, Mrs. Julia. again say that they actually believe hearsal is in progress. And so on it posit itself neatly in a mixture of happy, however. Said one victim, Claibourne and Dr. Lloyd Straughn, in the brotherhood of man and the goes, night after night. Butterscotch pudding, being trucked quote: "Now I can sleep an extra declined to make any statement about fatherhood of God. \Vith such an enthusiastic cast and in this faculty show, but their parts away by some hapless servant, caus- five minutes in the morningl" To both said that the play is "a lot of such inspiring rehearsals, Arslmic ing them both no little disappoint- which we add, If Ah! 'True!" College students of this generation and Old Lace promises to be the hit ment and mutterance. Here, we will Every column during the span of fun, but a lot of hard work tool" Dr. have this chance of twenty centuries production of the school year. again deal with our favorite types: Straughn acted in Sevtmteen while in -a chance for a future. its existence must sponsor a contest college; Mrs. Claiborne has had little EARL W. MoREY,JR. 1. The Romanticists-and-Music- of some sort, so perhaps we should previous dramatic experience outside Lovers. The song "Linger Awhile" follow suit. Among the more "valu- of high school 'productions. Dr. has doubtless been the cause of no able" prizes will be two packs of me- Straughn, besides acting in the play few tete-a-tete's held long after an- dium size Lesnorsrnorphols and one is taking an active part in construct- gry glances have failed to be effec- •bottle (large size) of "One Night in ing the stage set . SUPPORT THE RED CROSS Compliments tive. (At least I can think of no Hoboken" perfume. With such incen- When Miss Watts wall asked how FUND DRIVE better reason at present.) This is tives as these we expect to be deluged the production was progressing, she of peculiar to no one group as is often with replies (?). Please send all en- replied, "I've never worked with a suspected, but students themselves tries to Room 402, Blanche Ward more cooperative cast or under great- - ---may-be elessifled here, also. . T. W. Mather Hall, Anyway, here goes-just identi- er difficulties, caused by illness and 2. The Gunder Haag Enthusiasts. fy the speakers or personalities [ndi- stress of work. However, all difficul- Theo. F. Shaeffer Probably prompted by their desire to cated. ties seem to be ironing out and the be the first at the Post Office, or first final production will be ~vell worth the Maste-r Plumber to bestow the nightly kicks on the 1. "Ahhh! There's GOOD news to- price of admission." Plumbing, Heating, Tinning & Post. these individuals dash from the night!!!" Contractor Hall with lightning-quick speed, up- 2. "The Battleaxe." setting in their haste tray-laden 3. "It says in the catalogue .. John Everhart • 92 W. Main St. Sons stands, knocking over incapacitated Phone 359·J waiters, and leaving in their path of 4. "The, Myth." THE COLLEGE BARBER Westminster, Md. destruction, furious and befuddled From here on, you're on your own. AND BOBBER plate-gatherers. AT THE FORKS SMITH &: REIFSNIDER DRUGS--SODAS Incorporated J. WM. HULL, Jeweler we cater to the -COSMETICS LUMBER-COAL Successor to Cassell's GRIFFIN'S WESTMINSTER, MD. COLLEGIENNE The Store of New Fashioned fo' Jewelry and Old Fashioned "Your Stop Downtown" in our Boor Im~~~!~ Margaret & Earl's Honesty Collegienne Shop SODAS-SANDWICHES Students' Center Times Building on the fourth Phone 214-W East Main St. CANDIES Phone SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Westminster, Md. Opposite State Theater HUTZLER BIUl'HERS ~ WESTMINSTER, 9 MD. Eat in the Congenial Atmosphere of Compliments THE ROYAL RESTAURANT of E~STER SPECIALS Under new management Th. Carroll Food Market IN Carroll Theatre State Theatre Cbas. Gatuso coto PERMANENT WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. 90 W. Main St. WAVES Thursday, Friday, March 8; 9 Phone 395 Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 8, 9, 10 DOUBLE FEATURE Deanna Durbin - Robert Paige "WATERFRONT" Cootes' Barber Shop Lowry Beauty Shop "CAN'T HELP SINGING" Compliments of "DANGEROUS JOURNEY" Schmitt's Rexall Two Barbers Adjoining Posroffiee StyJ., Mon., Tues., March 11,12,13 Saturday, Elliott - Bobby Blake March 10 Bill Drug Store East Main Street Claudette Colbert "VIGILANTS OF DODGE CITY" Fred MacMurray Sun., Mon., 'rcee., March 11,12,13 55 E. Main Street Alan Ladd - Lorretta Young "PRACTICALLY YOURS" "AND NOW TOMORROW" Westminster, Md. Wednesday, March 14 Bill Boyd Phone 298 Compliments "Where college chums mee\t. Wed., Thurs., March 14, 15 "BAR 20 RIDES AGAIN" To chat and eat" Vera Ralston of the Eric Von Stronheim 'I'hurs., Fri., March 15, 16 ALL STAR CAST FAMOUS FOR BAR-B_Ql "STORM OVER LISBdN" "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" Place Your Order for Saturday, March 17 EASTER FLOWERS Charles Carroll Hotel 24 Hour Service Friday, Saturday, March 16, 17 Smiley Burnette _ Sunset Carson Early Laird Cregar - Linda Darnell "FIRE BRANDS OF ARIZONA" Stewart N. Dutter.r "We take pride in our "HANGOVER SQUARE" SUn., Mon., Tues., March 18, 19, 20 Ann Miller - Joe Besser FLORIST home-cooked meals" George's Restaurant "EADIE WAS A LADY" Pennsylvania Ave. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., AI McIntyre and Orch. March 18, 19, 20, 21 Phone 350 • Across from the Post Office Lon McAllister _ Jeanne Crain Wednesday, March 21 Alan Lane Telegrapb Flowers Home "WINGED VICTORY" ''THE SHERIFF OF SUNDOWN"
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