Page 42 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 12, 1945 Instrumental And Voice .eeJte;z. .. The Gold Bug regrets to an- Recitals Presented By nounce the death of of Pfc, John G. Eichler, who '45, class was Students And Visitors' (Continued from page 3, column 5) resulting from war. The pacifist standard of personal conduct; and if killed in action inside Germany on thinks that the only alternative to everyone followed it there would be February 21, 1945. (Continued from page 1, column 5) is not our cause to defend basic rights war is peace, It is not----sometimes no war. But man is not only an' in- Pfc. Eichler entered the U. S. could not otherwise be pre- which 14, 1943, and was Ii groups of songs and Miss Dupuy and served? on Justice?), but rather order to that alternative is oppression. Some- dividua.l-c-he is also a ,member of Army on July in August of 1944. to restore international sent overseas Society, a citizen. times God-given rights and liberties' based Mr. Mote singing one group each. completed two Mlss Audrey Clendening will ac- show that after all other means have can be preserved only by resistance to .To Preserve Society He had Maryland before years at he was western company Miss Donaldson at the piano been exhausted, to resort to war to that which would destroy them and to What is lawful for a person is not inducted into the service, A major and God-given rights defend certain and Miss Dupuy and Mr. Mote will be repair or preserve an essential right liberties is not immoral but righteous. always permissible for the commun- in History, he was preparing to be accompanied by Miss Jean Smyrk, is consistent with Christian Belief. ity. Not every man need be em- a teacher. The program of songs to be given Christianity does not teach that e lmportant Destination ployed by the government, or vote, His loss is mourned by all who by Miss Donaldson will be the follow- war is absolutely and intrinsically The extreme pacifist quotes scrip- but no society can exist without gov- knew him as friend and class- ing: evil, for it asserts that no human ture rind argues as follows: =I'he ernment. Not every man or woman mate. r-ight is so fundamental as that of needs to marry, but society cannot He was despised ("Messiah") Handel Bible says: "For all that take the Well Thou Knowest self-defense; hence the preservation sword shall perish with the sword," exist without marriage. In like man- to physical evil without en- Pianist. Giuseppe Torelli of that right even by force cannot be (Matthew 25:52), and "but if one lier, an individual can practice non- Since the right of self- Mandoline .. Claude Debussy called evil. is permissible for the indi- strike thee on thy right cheek, turn resiatence defense L'Anneau D'Argent .... C. Chaminade vidual, it is permissible for the state. to him also the other," (Matthew dangering the life of society. But a (Continued from page 1, column 2) Seguidilla .. Bizet If the arm has the right to protect the 6:39). And since the Gospel of Christ state cannot practice non-resistance Oh, when I slcep.. Franz Liszt body against 11 blow, so too the arms is not hate but love, it follows that to attack and still survive. talent. As he says, "With music I Velvet shoes Randall Thompson ,.." the state have a right to protect a Christian War is intrinsically evil." In the words of President Roose- made my \Vay." He was graduated hi summertime on Breden the body politic against attack, While the pacifist must be com- velt, "\Ve are fighting today for se- with the highest honous and soon af- Graham Peel mended for his love of Scripture, he cur-ity, for progress and for peace, terwards gained his initial promi- La Girometta Gabrielle SibelJa .To Preserve Rights forgets that the Bible is 1)0 more self- not only for ourself but for all men, nence by winning three of the most but for Christ went up into the hills The pacifists have a new argument interpreting than the Declaration of not only for one generation those who important and most difficult competi- all generations." Fighting Richard Hageman today, namely that highly developed Jndependence or the Constitution of would destroy these God given-rights. tions in the United' States. They Youth Er-nest Charles forces of destruction produce such the United States. One can prove brought him: first, a solo appearance Barbara Dupuy's group of songs carnage and devastation that they anything from the Bible by choosing Is not this the Cause of Justice? Did with the Detroit Symphony; second, a will consist of:' \. outweigh any possible good to be ob- texts: f~r example, "Judas went and not Christ say, "Blessed .are they that New York debut recital; the and finally, hunger two appearances justice," Philadel- with aftel; thirst and None but the lonely heart tained by war. This argument makes hanged himself " "Go and do (I1fatt. 5:6), and "Blessed are they phia Orchestra under Stokowski in 'I'schaikowsky the morality of war hinge en+irely thou in like manner." (Matthew that suffer persecution for justice's both Philadelphia and New York. In Cuba (Habanera Tu) on its methods, while completely 27:5; Luke 9:37). Bake; for theirs is the Kingdom of Sanchez de Fuentes ignoring its cause its intention, I would like to 'remind the pacifist Heaven"? (Matt. 5:10,) 0)' The Bird of the Wilderness There is no doubt that the methods of of an important distinction which he SMITH & REIFSNIDER Horseman modern war are often immoral and forgets in quoting scripture. He for- Incorporated 'When I was seventeen always murderous. But the proper gets the distinction between personal PATRONIZE Swedish Folk Song conclusion from such a premise is: duties and State Duties. The Sermon OUR LUMBER-COAL Tell Me 0 Blue, Blue Sky Since such evils so often follow, the the Mount presents us with a ADVERTISERS. WESTMINSTER, MD. Vittorio Ginonnini champicna of right must exhaust all Flower song (Faust) .. Gounod peaceful possibilities before taking' The selections to be sung by John up arms. But having done this, the COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF Margaret & Earl's Mote will be: problem still remains: When one na- The Dido's Lament (from "Dido and tion resorts to such evil methods from Stoner Geiman Students' Center Aeneas") Purcell an evil intention, must a nation so at- Westminster NurserIes Phone 214-W The sun o'er the gorge Scarlatti tacked make no defense? Certainly a Furniture for the Home Beautiful SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Serenade Deb vieni all finestra refusal to allow Right the assistance (from "Don Giovanni")... Mozart of force under any circumstances John Everhart For Personally Particular The Medlar Tree simply allows might to take preced- M," (a lyric from Sappho) CoryeJI ence over Right and delivers up hu- THE COLLEGE BARBER HEAGY BROTHERS we cater to the Even Bravest Heart ("Faust") manity to far more serious moral dis- AND BOBBER Oounod orders than the physical destruction AT lHE FORKS BARBER SHOP COLLEGIENNE 24 W. Main St. in our Cootes' Barber Shop Pete's Grocery Collegienne Shop Two Barbers GRIFFIN'S on the fourth Roor East Main Street SOUTHERN DAIRY ICE CREAM COllfPLri\IENTS OF HUTZLm BIUfH EI\S € ' Compliments "Your Stop Downtown" , of The Carroll Gardens SODAS-SANDWICHES BONSACK'S CANDIES SODAS LUNCHES COMPLIMENTS OF Opposite State Theater Compliments Compliments Rutan Chevrolet Co. of the of The Carroll Food Market Theo. F. Shaeffer Charles Carroll Hotel 90 W. Main St. Master Plumber Plumbing, Hearing, Tinning COMPLIMENTS OF "We take pride in our Contractor home-cooked meals" DRUGS-SODAS 92 W. Main St. The W. H. Davis Co. COSMETICS Phone 359·] Iml UN RIGHT COlllPLIMENTS OF Westminster, Md. • lB~~!~~ The Gore Motor Co. '--. Phone 9 . Carroll Theatre State Theatre WESTMINSTER, MD. COMPLIMENTS OF WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER. MD, Thursday, April 12 Thurs., Fri., April 12, 13 BOLLINGER'S Nelson Eddy Double Feature Jeannette MacDonald "ENTER, ARSENE LUPIN" "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" "A NIGHT OF ADVENTURE" - HOlliE MADE ICE CREAM Stoner $. Hobby • Friday, Saturday, April 13, 14 Saturday, April 14 73~ Constance Moore "CYCLONE PRAIRIE" C. R. Aldridge~ Owner Dennis O'Keefe Charles Starrett RANGERS" INSURANCE plus SERVICE "EARL CARROLL'S VANITIES" Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., April 15, 16, 17 Westminster, Maryland ICE CREAM Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Joel McCrea - Gail Russell Api-illS, 16, 17, 18 "THE UNSEEN" Elizabeth Taylor Compliments Mickey Rooney Wednesday, April 18 "NATIONAL VELVET" Richard Dix - Jane Wyatt of "THE AMERICAN EMPIRE" If'lt Is Borden's Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 19, 20, 21 Thurs., Fri., April 19, 20 Taylor Bogart - Lauren BaeaU Humphrey Mickey 'Rooney - Elizabeth William F. Myers' It's Got To Be Good T. W. Mather "TO HAVE OR HAVE NOT" "NATIONAL VELVET" Sons, Inc. Sun., Mon., Tues., April 22, 23, 24 Saturday, April 21 Richard Dix - Jane Wyatt Roddy MacDowell Preston Foster PORK PACKERS & "THUNDERHEAD_SON OF "SILVER QUEEN" SAUSAGE BORDEN ICE CREAM CO, FLICKA" Sun., Mon., Tues., April 22, 23, 24 Dick Powell - Ann Shetidan MANUFACTURERS Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., "MURDER MY SWEET" Westminster, Md. Phone 261 Sons April 25, 26, 27, 28 Liberty and Green Streets Margaret O'Brien - Jose Iturbi Wednesday, April 25 Office and Plant Phone 458 I "MUSIC FOR 'MILLIONS" Smiley Burnett "SHERIFF OF CIi\lARON"
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