Page 37 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., MARCH 8, 1945 PAGE THREE Green Terror rearn Bows W. Md. Rifle Teams Make Fine Record In Three Court Clashes Friday, March 9-Voice recital by Jane Dudderar- and William Smith, In 1945 Matches Music Hall, 7:30 P. M. Three defeats at the hands of Loyola, Gettysburg, and Bridge- Sunday, March t I-Fireside Fellowship after chapel, McDaniel Lounge. The finest record ever made by water Colleges mark the most recent activities of the hard playing rifle teams representing this institu- Green Terror basketball team. 'Monday, Mar"Ch 12-Mrs. Hester Beal Provenson speaks to girls 011 tion in the National ROTC Rifle On February 20 the boys from the Hill engaged the Loyolans "Tips to Campus Co-eds", McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 P, M. Matches for the William Randolph on their court at Evergreen and made an impressive start with a Tuesday, March 13-"The Music of Today", lecture-recital by Miss Hearst Trophies was made by the two 28-19 lead at the half. However, the rallying Greyhounds overtook Joyce Barthelson, Music Hall, 8 P. M. ROTC rifle teams of Western Mary- the tired Terrors in the closing minutes of the game and when the Wednesday, March 14-S. C. A. Baker Chapel, 7 P. M. land College in the recent 1945 con- final 'whistle blew the Loyola team was the victor with the score test. 47-45. Saturday, March 17-"Arsenic and Old Lace", faculty play, Alumni The two Western Maryland teams The Green Terrors met their worst Bridgewater College, of Bridgewa- Hall, 8:15 P. M. won second and third places in the defeat of the season at Gettysburg on ter, Virginia, was the Western Mary- Sunday, March IS-Fireside Fellowship, after chapel, McDaniel Lounge. competition against sixteen other February 24. The sharper shooting, land,.quintet's next opponent in the teams representing various colleges faster "Bullet" quintet again proved opening game of the Mason-Dixon Monday. March IS-Meeting of the French Club; Miss Beatrice Green, and universities of Maryland, Penn- McDaniel Lounge, 7 P. M. speaker. too much for Coach Widener's men Tournament at Loyola's court on sylvania, Washington, D. C. and Vir- and the final score was 73-36. March Thursday night, March 1. In this Wednesday, March 21~S. C. A. Baker Chapel, 7 P. M. ginia. First place in the shooting and Shepherd were high scorers for game the long shots of Houff and Thursday, March 22-International Relations Club, McDaniel Lounge, matches was won by a University of the victors with 22 and 21 points. Richards of Bridgewater spelled an- 8 P. M. Maryland rifle team with the high Captain Joe Thompson made ten other defeat for the Terrors with the score of 892. points and Jack Spicknall, nine score 7.1-56 at the end of the contest, Following are the three high teams points, for the Terrors. thus eliminating Western Maryland of the competition and personnel of from the tournament. each team: During the same evening Washing~ University of Maryland: Team I, ton won over Loyola, Johns Hopkins score 892: Harold F. Rodenhausen, took Gallaudet, and American Uni- Thomas A. Ashe, Emanuel Brigugfis, versity beat Randolph-Macon. The To the Editor: 8(1,Vage nations of our world but in Melville D. Bowers, and Milton Kurtz. By Don Capobianco following evening, Friday, March 2, Time has passed since the last ar- so doing, our hope is for a stronger Western Maryland College: Team American U. defeated Bridgewater ticle requesting a student recreation and wealthier United States, not for II, score 883:.Robert L. Hall, Ellis H. One of my main objectives in writ- and Hopkins conquered Washington. room has been written; but as yet, a better world. "all Until we learn that Bruner, warren \D. Bourquin, Jr., men are created the statement ing this column has been, and is, to The final playoff occurred on Satur- there hasn't been any effort on the equal" applies not just to our native William B. Turner, and Ober S. Herr, create interest in the formation of a day night, March 3 with American part of the administration to supply land, but to the whole world, we are "- wasting study group for the purposes of un- University defeating the Johns Hop- one. Probably effort I'm in renewing time, hypocrites. Until we can think of Western Maryland College: Team 1, the and space, derstanding, and posaibly, influencing kins "Blues" to win the Mason-Dixon plea; but if it means a student recre- ourselves as one individual and one score 872: Ronald Dashiell, Byron the peace proposals now in the of- championship. nation in a huge world, r-ather than Chen, James E. Culhane, Charles D. fering. :My intent was to offer a ation center, it's worth it. individual nation, our voicing of Brohawn, and Jean E. Brant. the challenge to the dormant intelligence to Waitress Classifies • Few Activities "peace on earth, good will to men" re- All rifle teams participated in indi- on the campus. Are we going The complaint that the students mains a master-piece of irony. vidual matches at their respective or are we going Students As To take a direct hand in the formulation rush home over the weekend leaving schools. The results were tabulated At this moment, we, as college stu- of our own futures, the campus empty and desolate has dents and therefore the future leaders and sent into the national headquar- to sit back and accept without any Eating Habits been heard over and over again. I of the world, are summoned to evince ters by ROTC officials. The shooting qualms whatever the august states- ask you-what is there on the Hill Christianity in a manner unique in gallery in which the Western Mary- men and diplomats decide upon? Thus (Continued from page 2, col. 4) to hold them back? Oh, yes, every all the history of mankind. Our task land teams participated is located in far the challenge has gone, except by once in a while we do have a dance, is to heal the sick, comfort the sor- the basement of the old Yingling a few, unheeded. Everyone is either the various ways of obtaining these a basketball game, or a party . _ Gymnasium. preoccupied, engrossed with pressing ends. Again you may classify your- yes, every once in awhile. The stu- rowing, feed the hung-ry, and re- Ronald Dashiell, high scorer for problems, or completely indifferent. self. dents don't want "every-so-often" af- habilitate the fallen and down-trod- Western Maryland made the second Utopia en. However, a materialistic 1. The Hungry-Look method. fairs only; they want a place of their highest individual score in the entire .More Important Among other things unrelated to the is not sufficient. A Christian world Apparently the commendations and own where they can mingle togeth- must have something more - and contest with 181 points. The highest condemnations of conscientious objec- subject, the chief object of this meth- er, hold discussions, and dance. it does! The emphasis on the value. individual score was 182 points. od is to ohtain food. tors and pacifists and their beliefs is As has been previously stated, there of the individual personalities of all According to. Lieutenant Richards of a farther reaching importance 2. Personality - Plus met hod. is a recreation room for the men and men as children of God, and the faith of the Western Maryland ROTC unit, than an intelligent criticism of world Through the use of some supposedly one for the women, but what about in the ability of men to achieve this the achievements of ' the two teams peace plans. This is similarly true original and clever remarks, many of combining the two? I believe it is sonship, gives to its adherents an in- of the Hill is the finest record ever with regards to heated debates con- our younger students seem to feel an accepted fact that man likes wo- centive for life and the longing for made by teams representing- the
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