Page 45 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 17, 1945 PAGE THREE , lose-Cup Ceremony, Lantern Chain Campus Personality Holloway, ViII Honor Gradua.ting Co-Eds, '~~', C~ (!;, ,4k1ta J}eanne Berryman, junior class his- and a sip from the traditional Friend- ;ollian and general chairman of the ship cup, while the junior girls sing By Mary F. Davies h:f:~;~i~ ~::::~::y ~:~bu~:n:n;~: ~:gi~::~:~~l ~~~~;::n~ ::_:~.graduat- vOitnen of the senior class will again At 8:30 P. M. of the same day, the I found Cindy in her favorite haunt, At various stages in her life Cindy they used to have a lot of nice re- akre place in Robinson Gardens, at freshman class will honor the senior The Aloha office, her chair tipped has aspired to be a naturalist, writer, freshmente." :J.~5P. M., on Wednesday, May 23. women in the annual Lantern Chain back against the wall, reading copy teacher, missionary, actress, G- "During high school, I think r .lr.::lever Skit Planned ceremony, directed by Pat Chatterton, to the accompaniment of a banging woman and African explorer. joined at one time or another every freshman WSG representative. TIle L i\_ skit for the afternoon event is typewriter, and people wandering in "When 1 was very young I used to club in the school," she continued. "I eirg prepared under the direction of procession will form on the brow of and out. In between selecting pic- belonged to the 4-H Club and wrote the hill above Hoffa Field, and will tures and giving advice to her as- some articles for them and learned ~~~~~lep~;tt~e:~o:~:st~~ill~y L~:;~ break formation in front of Blanche sistants she answered my queries to cook, but somehow I never was nl'l Toby Jones. After this presenta , Ward Hall. about her" past." Hurlock, Mary- able to learn to sew." "I was born in .io n under-class girls, chosen by a land-on the Eastern Shore and," For four years Cindy worked on the :or.~mittee, will imitate each senior Committees Listed she grinned, "J don't think it's fa- school paper and in her senior year I ,ir'~ in dress, speech, and mannerisms. mous for anything. It has a nice became editor. She was also inter- for 'Papa Is All' ested in dramatics and appeared in ( ~;ft:~e ~!~~ceti~~ch:~:m;;p~r:~:a~:~~ shady street, though, and that's what several plays. In fact that's what J like about it. 1 vii~h Jane Kester, Marjorie Little, (Continued from page 1, col. 1) made my father decide, to settle e Cculdn't Tap Dance n'f Perk Haller as helpers. The property lot consists of Grace there-the shady street." "There was one thing that always Jemison, chairman; L. J. Stoner, S. worr-ied me when 1 was a child," \\,erses To Be Read .Dangerous Tomboy Snyder, A. Little, B. Powell, R. Ma- Cindy said smiling. "I never could Cindy used to like to put on over- ~ n IPvUe:i~g\~~l~ ~:it;:!~~s'p:er~:!e~IU:; gin, K. Naylor, and D. Bopst, nils and play cops and robbers or learn to tap dance no matter how We had a dance to the hard I tried. dcina' Mehring and her committee, Jo The costume lot consists oi Jane cowboys and Indians with her broth- music of 'East Side West Side' and oNe, Ginny Powell, Doris Hines, Pat Kester, chairman; D. Bopst, M. Lit- ers (she has four and one sister, ,,11 I was never able to do it." la.rrett, and Gloria Mathias. tle, P. Shultz, L. Beg-lin, and M. older). "One time," she reculled, From Hurlock High School, Cindy J;n the concluding part of the pro- Statler. Henry Lamadrid and Gloria "my brother and I were pretending came to WMC and one of the first n,\m, each senior girl will receive a Mathias are co-chairmen of lighting to rob a bank and I was so carr-ied things she remembers was being effects; with E. Hahn also on that away with the game that I threw a asked if she was President's Hollo- I ed! rose, distributed by Doris Kemp, committee. big stick of stove-wood athim." The Lucinda. Holloway way's niece by everyone to whom she The set crew is composed of Gloria )OHUneHCemeHi .•. Mathias and A. Donaldson, co-chair- brother survived the blow, however, like to speak pieces for tile Ladies was introduced during freshman week. "As far as I know we're not and has just received a medical dis- men, K. Naylor, A. Cai~, D. Schubert, charge from the Army for wounds Aid and women's clubs in town," related, though," she explained !~Continued from page 1, col. 5) K. Wheeler, J. Fluke, J. Neville, M. received fighting in Italy, Cindy said "I think it was because Another early memory of WMC Amoss, A. L. Butler, J. Hastings, W. was a composition course from Dr. laps song or to give their yell. Shauck, L. Willis, B. Dupuy, and S. Wills in her freshman year. "That )~CDaniel Lounge will be open all Jones. The scene design is by B. 'Cap' Looks Ahead To Commencement was one of the greatest pleasures of ( f 'Satur-day levening fo! seniors and Richter and Bert Harrison; the make- my college life," Cindy said. " I like ~ Ut~sts. At 8:30 the entire group will up by M. Lloyd. Jack Neville is in (C~tinued from page 2, col. 1) efforts to teach those who come to courses when the professor lets you j OilP in a "Song Fest" which will eli- charge of the curtain. you to learn that they are world citi- argue with him." r. a~xan evening of singing and music. The ushers for the evening are: It should be apparent to every zens. The fruits that you shall reap .Enjoyed Yearbook Jraccalaureate service will be held Joan Fluke, chairman; Janet Breed- member of the class that we are citi- are a peaceful world and higher form Cindy was formerly feature editor zens of th-e world. In their aware- n Sunday morning. At 10 A. M., the ing, Ann Cain, Beverly Holland, Suz- ness of this each one must strive to of mankind. of...The Gold Bug and also a member of '45 will assemble in Alumni anne Holston, Sophie Jones, Fonda awaken in all others this truth. The The fields of the professionals are of the College Players. This year lah to hear choir selections and the Boyer, Jean Murray, Lee Beglin, E. future destiny of the world depends forever- growing, The duty of each she is the editor of The Aloha. "I've a'"fcalaureate sermon. Benson, R. Magin, and K. Wheeler. upon the recognition of each indi- person in the professional world is to enjoyed ..wor-king on the yearbook be- vidual of his part in life's panorama. give to mankind the finest that he cause it's introduced me to many He must come to understand that his can offer. His obligation lies in thai modes of expression and a lot of in- every action affects all of mankind. he must do all that is possible to teresting people and has helped me No person can be bound in by the elevate humanity as a whole. It is to appreciate the college, realize its walls of his acquaintances. When we for him to help in world beauty, aud all the things that go to come to recognize this, we shall be suffering. , make it up." prepared to lay the foundations of a • Farewell to Graduates At present Cindy is interested in peaceful world. It is with sorrow that I see the becoming an English teacher and if .To Future Ministers graduating class of 1945 leave West- she does any writing she says it will To those who are becoming the ern Maryland. I feel confident that probably be in connection with edu- ministers of Christ, f say this: He the gradtthtes will not betray the cation. will best serve who lives as his Mas· trust that is held in them. Tt is with She also has some other ambitions tel' taught him. Christianity is most remorse that I say "farewell." I which she says are left over from highly expressed in universality. hope that all others with whom they childhood. "I've always wanted a Therefore lead your flocks into world- come in contact will enjoy the plea- cowbov suit and when I get rich I'm ly pastures so that they will come to sure in associating and working with going' to buy one and visit a dude know the true meaning of love and them that I have. ranch." brotherhood. Strive always to teach them that we must prepure for peuce, For Personally Particular not for war; we must use our hanrls Mon to lift humanity, not to grasp a sword HEAGY BROTHERS to devastate it. Whosoever fails to teach youth to COMPLIMENTS OF BARBER SHOP take his place in the scheme of the 24 W. Main St. ®£SQ1]JRp.. 'NC .• IO'~ Reprinted from the April issue of Esquire universe is false. Those of you who "Can't you ask for a neu, dress without dramatic,,?" are going into the educutional world The Gore Motor Co. shall be heavily weighted with duty. You, above all others, shall have the Compliments of fit Says Here' ---Says Goodbye opportunity to formulate the minds The Never slacken in your of the future. ~Continued from page 2, col. 5) Says Here" to appear again this year. Compliments Westminster Laundry didn't do anything and the settler And appreciations also to those who of' William F. Myers , no and the judge said didn't you have been good enough to read. Yes, ewn think anything and the settler this is it. But it was fun while it The Carroll Food Market .sons, Inc. Phone 328 said yes and the judge said what and lasted. \)0 W. Main St. th~' settler said i thought that's a hell PORK PACKERS of a way to run a railroad." Compliments SAUSAGE there was the radio comedian MAiNUFACTURERS that he'd always been of Compliments of type, with his nose BONSACK'S Liberty and Green Streets " By the time 1was Schmitt's Rexall Office and Plant Phone 458 old," he said, "I had SODAS LUNCHES I 73onkn/.J way through 'Uncle Drug Store Cootes' Barber Shop 55 E. Main Street ICE CREAM Westminster, Md. Alhalluoi,mti,m is like a married Two Barbers Phone 298 Compliments . He sees double East Main Street of If It I. Borden's J. WM. HULL, Jeweler T. W. Mather It's Got To Be Good Successor to Cassell's COMPLIMENTS OF The Store of New Fashioned & BOLLINGER'S Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty / BORDEN ICE CREAM co. HOME !'tUDE ICE CREAM Sons Times Building Westminster, Md. Phone 261 East Main St. Westminster, Md.
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