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Miss wa:rd '01. lAo C. SENIOR COLLEGE PLANS CALENDAR PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Vol. 22, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 17, 1945 (Papa Is All' Will Be Presented We Are Appreciafive Graduating Class Will Hear We were very much afraid that the As Annual Commencement Play last issue of the Gold BltU was really In Alumni Hall, Friday, May 25 to be the last one of the year. We are Madame Chi Shu Ming happy that such was not the case. Through the efforts of our adver- The kitchen of the Aukamp farmhouse, north of Lancaster, tising' staff, we have received an in- Many Activities Scheduled For Pa., in the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch country. is the scene creased number of advertisements; Commencement Week-end ofthe trials of a farm-mother, her daughter, and her son who rebel this, along with administrative back- against the tyrannical will of an unyielding father. To be per- ing, has enabled the Gold Bug to pub- Madame Chi Shu Ming, wife of the Attache to the Chinese formed Friday, May 25, at 8 P. M., Papa Is All, by Patterson lish this final issue, dedicated to the Embassy in Washington, D. C., will address this year's graduating Greene is a three-act comedy with a humorous plot and a back- graduating class of 1945. class at the annual @ommencement service at 2 P. M., on Sunday, grounlof Mennonite manners. A!thoug~ the i~cidents and ch,ar- To .those who have helped in any May 27, in Alumni Hall. Madame Chi, a graduate of Wellesley acterizatione are humorous, the dialect IS musical and charming way to make this issue possible, we College, is the sister-in-law of Joshua and Doris Zia, who recently rather than ludicrous. are deeply grateful. became members of the student body at Western Maryland College. Commencement exercises will climax the many activities of WSSF Total Nears $1000 Mark the week end beginning Friday, May 25. As the first of these events, the College Players. will present a three-act play entitled "Papa Is All", by Patterson Greene. As Campaign Is Officially Ended New Trumpeters The performance Friday night at 8 will be given in Al- on umni Hall Western Maryland's URAC-WSSF dame Zhoulu; Bess Butler, Pat Pat- o'clock. drive for this school year ended of- terson, and Evelyn Benson, partici- Announced At At 2 P. l'I1., Saturday, there will be ficially yesterday with the moving pants in the floor show; Ethel Dun- a reception in the form of a garden picture, sponsored by the United Re- ning and Helen Frantz, silhouette party for the seniors and their' who Tapping Service ligious Activities Council, with the artists; Dr. Lloyd Straughn, guests. The reception will take place kind cooperation of Mr. Dulaney, presented the "walkies without the in the Robinson Gardens, in the rear president of the Carroll Amusement talkies", movies of pre-war \VMC; Jane Beall, Jane Dudderar, Henri- of McDaniel Hall. Co. Ellie Marsh, chairman in charge Bert Harrison, auctioneer and bark- etta Jones, Grace Jemison, and Min- Because of the ODT regulations of arrangements for the event, re- er; Tom Holt, "set-up" and "clean- delle Seltzer are the Trumpeters for limiting traveling, it will be impos- next year, having been chosen yester- ported that 50% of the total receipts up" man; the advertising committee; sible for the alumni of western Mary- from yesterday's showing of the all who patronized the bazaar or day at the special tapping ceremony. land College to return for the custom- These five junior women were se- movie will be given toward the World helped in any way,-the evening was lected by the present Trumpeters ac- ary Alumni Dinner. Student Service Fund. a social and financial success. The dinner this year will be incor- The URAC-WSSF bazaar, which- The World Student Service Fund is cording to a point system and on porated into the regular cOllege'din_ was held on April 21, netted an esti- a student war relief agency, which is leadership and ability, personality, char- ner- hour. The Alumni who are mem- acter, Points .are potentiality. Edward Justice mated Isum of $60, a figure which a participating service of the Nation- bers of the faculty and those who will brings the total amount raised for the al War Fund. This organization has awarded for membership in organiza- be able to come back to the Hill will The cast consists of Francis Brown, World Student Service Fund near the (Continued on page 4, col. 2) tions, offices held, and other accom- join the seniors at special tables ar- as Mama; Edward Justice as Jake; $1000 mark. Through the united ef- plishments accumulated the fOIl1" ranged in the dining hall. Donald Fedder as State Trooper forts of Kitty Waring and Mindelle years. During the dinner, the Class of '45 Brendle, Jean Cochran Mendell, por- Seltzer, eo-chairman of the affair, Sororities Elect The Trumpeters is an honorary so- will be inducted into the Alumni As- traying Emma, Lucinda Holloway as which is an annual event on the ciety for senior women, organized sociation of Western Maryland Col- Yoder, and William Smith play- western Maryland campus, and with. New Officers; .,.ll's:t yea, .and, dedkr).t;.!!d tl'_.<:a.l'1-pm'l. -lege. The !!wm~flil-tion.of the seniors ing the part of Papa. the aid of the Delta Sigma Kappa, service. Members of this group have into the Alumni Society will be made .Janet Lee Baugher is production Iota Gamma Chi, Phi Alpha Mu, Sig- sponsored and acted as hostesses at by Dr. Fred G. Holloway, college the Wom- Hold Farewells manager; Mindelle Seltzer, stage ma Sigma Tau Sororities; the monthly birthday dinners, served president. The nomination will then manager; and Miss Ruth Beth Watts, en's Student Government; the Home All four sororities on the Hill have as hostesses on special occasions such be seconded in the form of a challenge director. The assistant stage manager Economics Club; the Tri Beta; the as May Day, and have done "any- by Mr. Wilbur Devilbiss, president of is Vernelle Ports. Women's Athletic Association; the recently elected officerS'"for next year, thing no one else wanted to do." the Alumni Association. Robert W. (Continued on page 3, col. 2) Hospians; Connie Stone, alias Ma- besides holding informal rush parties They are maintaining a file of ex- Harrison, the president of the senior celebrations. and farewell I ira-curricular activities in the reg- class, will answer the challenge. An Jane Dudderar was elected presi- istrar's office, and are working for election by acclamation will follow Chi; Mindelle Roe's Orchestra Returns dent of Iota Gamma ; Betty Schmidt, the innovation of an honor system on the senior class response. Seltzer, vice-preeident A roll call of classes will follow the the HiJI. secretary; and Joanna Hauver, treas- After five years, if the standards of induction of the graduating class into Saturday For Junior Prom urer. Th'eir intersorority representa- the Trumpeters to become a member of "the Association. As representing year that is each qualify, they have an is Idona Grace and tive Mehring, called, members opportunity Bevard and Polly Higgins are alumni Mortar Board, national senior wom- 'class will be invited to sing their Dance To Be Held In Gill Gym secretaries. Betty Baker and Jo Bove en's honor society. (COlltinued on page 3, col. 1) are on the sunshine committee. Eight O'Clock To Eleven-Thirty been Also, a special advisory council has To On this committee appointed. By Jean TuB are Lyn Clark, Kathleen Naylor, Dor- HAilAmerican" Rating Awarded othy Bolles, Erma Young, Marianna class of 1946 will sponsor a ry, girls, honest!) Over all will he Murray, and Mary Lou Stevens. Gold Bug In National Competition the watchful eye of Don Capobianco, The sophomores and juniors of president of the junior class. Iota Gamma CN are giving a picnic The senior class and the entire party for- the seniors on May 20, in For First Semester Of 1944-45 faculty will be the guests of honor. (Continued on page 4, col. 3) "Excellent editorial page, newsy coverage, and attractive top- Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Dean and ography" were among the factors which won for the Gold Bug the Mrs. Free, and Dean and Mrs. Bert- All American rating for the first semester of the current year, in holf will be the faculty sponsors. Clubs Elect At the recent Associated Collegiate Press judging. Let's sho,v how much we appreciate This rating, highest recognition awarded by ACP, was given Gym Final Meetings the return of the Junior Prom. Come to only eight other college publications in the same classification was sadly missed. Western on, everyone! Remember-Gill as the Gold Bug,-bi-·weekly papers published by four-year col- students of years gone by at eight o'clock on May 19! At the final meeting of the Inter- leges with an enrollment of less than five hundred students. forward with no little antici- national Relations Club for the cur- Lillian J ncksou was editor of the ~:!~o~:~t:~:i:~:~r;ec;sh~:Ut~:r;::~~ Choral Program rent year, held on Monday, May 7, paper during the time covered by the ft~~na:c~~~:ea: as:!~:!~':~i;~:~~~: ed: President, P~ggy Davis; vice- that time were Mary Virginia Webb, the following new officers were elect- recent judging. Also on the staff at president, fun enough to satisfy all, the thrill of To Be Led By .treasurer, Doris Hines; and secretary- managing editor; John DelVecchio Jean Shirley. Vorhees, news editors; and Virginia excitement which always attends the Conducting Class Following the election, Henry Mere- Margaret Statler and Enrique Lama- Prom was lost. dith presented a brief talk on the drld, copy editors. Janie Kester and Connie Stone, who Activities of the music department need for compulsory peacetime mili- comprise the music comm.ittee, are will be brought to a close on Tues- tary conscription. A discussion on the The Associated Collegiate Press is responsible for the rehiring of Mr. day, May 22, at 4:15 when the con- Yalta Conference, led by Anne Mur- an organization for the promotion of Roe's orchestra, It fact that delights ducting class will direct the Girls' phy and Harvey Buck, was the main good journalism in high school and colleges. It is sponsored by the J our- us all. Millie Lloyd is in charge of Glee Club of Robert Moton School in item on the program. nalism Department of the University the invitations; Barbara Richter is to a program of choral numbers. This The William G. Baker Sunday of Minnesota. Twice a year, a compe- see that due publicity is given to the recital has been preceded by a pro- School will install its new officers at tition is held to judge the effective- Decorations are under the gram of original compositions, a'voice the morning service on Sunday, May ness with which the papers entered of Fred Morgan; and the recital by Jeanne Corkran Mendel, 20. Elected May 6, the people who serve their respective schools. be handled by Jack and a piano recital by Dean Hess. will take office are as follows: Ver- In addition to this r-ating "service, The program to be sung by the ne- nelle Ports, who succeeds Harry Jones has a most d"ifficnlt gro students is as follows: Buckingham as president; Mildred ACP also maintains a feature service, Music Everywhere_. Stephen Foster Lloyd and Enrique Lamadrid, Girls' providing copy to affiliated college pa- the distributes edits and pers, and Francis Brown and Boys' vice-preside.nts, respective- Listen to the Lambs. __.Negro spiritual ly; and secretary-treasurer, Fred Collegiate Digest. Lillian Jackson the campus will deplore; to- Janice McKinley Morgan. Counselors for next year in- This marks the sixth time· in the Western Maryland paper made a Gold the Ca~ Ritchie and Mount Chumbara .__.French folk song clude Virginia Dodd, Harold Lewis, past nine semesters that All_American score this time of 1000 points to gain Bug has been awarded find it impossible to send Dean Hess and John Dorsey. r~tjng in the ACP competition. The this recognition. the dance. (We'resor- (Continued on page 4, coL 5) (Continued on page 4, col. 1)
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