Page 44 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGElWO The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md •• May 17, 1945 A more optimistic event was the In Retrospect ... long-awaited announcement of the end which have helped to harmonize the in- learned; we who are still here on the terests and goals of the nations of the Western Maryland campus must work As we approach the end of another of the war in Europe. Western Mary- world. Whether or not we in the corn- harder than ever to bring within our college year, we are tempted to look land greeted the news with joy, but parative isolation of a college campus knowledge the fundamental principles back on it, to review the events of that with calm knowledge that only one part realize the full import of these happen- of human behavior taught us by year, and their )significance both for of the total victory had been won. Our ings, we are certain to be affected by psychology, the social sciences, etc. We those who leave Western Maryland for campus did-not indulge in irresponsible the results that come out of them. must learn facts, but more important, the broader fields of experience, and for celebration and merry-making; rather, We students and graduates are en- we must learn how to use this informa- those of us who are still in our period students made their way to Baker tering the age when we must assume tion in life situations. Whatever we of preparation. . Chapel to thank God for the end of more and more responsibility for the learn we must use to the best advantage Many events of national and world- much destruction of human life, and to policies of our country. We must recog- in working toward the well-being of the wide importance have taken place while pray for courage and strength for the nize our part in helping to formulate world-family, for the good of all men we have been following our studies here trials yet ahead. The entire campus what are to be the attitudes of the and all nations. Unless we do this, ours on the Hill during this school year joined in a thoughtful program of wor- United States toward world situations, has not been an education in the fullest 1944-45. Our nation has lost leaders- ship and prayer as its official V-E Day and what is to be her role in the inter- meaning of the term. even a President. The news of Mr. national drama of the future. In large The events of the past school year Roosevelt's death came as a deep shock observance. measure it is ours to decide what is to have indeed been significant; but even to our campus, and we observed his Along with these occurrences go be done with the peace once it is achiev- more significant is the way in which we passing with reverence, and wonder as many others: the great meeting of the ed. have reacted to them, and the way in to what the future would bring, for, nations at the San Francisco Confer- Realizing that we have this responsi- which we use what we have learned whatever our political beliefs, we can- ence, to try to agree upon the structure bility is not enough; we must do some- from them in determining our own fu- not fail to recognize that the late presi- and function of an' international or- thing about if. Those who graduate this tures, the future of our nation, and the .dent occupied a prominent position in ganization to maintain the peace yet to year will face directly many situations future of the world. world affairs. be t..von; numerous other conferences where they can apply what they have -THE EDITOR. Cap's Caprice 'Back aIIome IJ)CY/, KeRfd' (j1J,---? It Says Here By Don Capobianco By Mindelle Seltzer By Harvey Buck The grains of sand in life's hour With but a few short days until This business of last editions is a glass are quietly falling, each grain that momentous occasion of gradua- Nan Austin and Carroll Doggett; bly as a director, will for the time sad affair. It necessitates the doing mathematics Dean Hess and Lt. Reindollar ; Ellie teach in high being bringing us closer to the end of an- tion one's attention is focused on the of many things for the last time and, other academic year. Grains that future and the aspirations of our own Marsh and" Lank" Gatchell, U. S. school. is going to teach in rather dismal p:-ocess, brings Dennis Blizzard Marine Corps, a former '45 claseman; bring happiness, grains that bring academic gownsmen! Your reporter Luciene Remsburg and Midshipman social studies at Bladensburg High to mind many occurrences of the year sadness, grains that fall too slowly has attempted to interview a fair now drawing to a close. There are, for some, grains that fall too rapidly sampling of seniors and from the re- Bill Pfefferkor-n; and also the couples School, near Washington. started fortunately, among these nostalgic of '45 who have taken the initiative; .has already Ruth Leister for others. Grains that are silently sults of her inquiries feels justified namely, Jeanne Corkran and Lt. Carl- reminiscences, many humorous recol- slipping by. in saying that Western Maryland will ton Mendell ; Thelma Young and Lt. her nursing course at the Mal'yhnd lections which might well be reviewed in Baltimore. General Hospital • Another Milestone Passed have creditable representatives in Ridgely Friedel; Mary Spaulding and Marge Fredrich has made applica- before we wrap up the college year In a few days commencement exer- nearly all of the important profes- Chief Petty Officer Louis Pfefferkorn. tion for a position as a Civil Service '44-'45 in the academic mothballs. cises will be held. For the graduat- sions! Artist. She has also received offers Here, then, is a chronology of ing class this will connote another Jean Eddy is going back to the • Dietitian For Cripples to teach art in the county high "campusmiles,", with apologies to hurdle on their road of life that will "green mountains" of Vermont, and Helen Stoner will be the head dieti- schools. those concerned: have been surmounted. The supreme relax, write letters, go trout fishing tian at a camp for crippled children warren Roberts has always en- September 29, 1944, 8 P. M.-First joy that the occasion brings shall be and swimming, and perhaps get a near Reading, Pennsylvania. Next joyed helping people when they were fresh buys chapel ticket and spends theirs. They shall know the happi- temporary job! (P. S. She evaded fall she is going to teach Home Eco- in need, and he hopes to prepare him- next three weeks trying to figure out ness that comes with the sense of the subject of plans for next fall and nomics. (She'd make a perfect wife!) self for the ministry at Boston Uni- who sold it to him. accomplishment. They shall know, winter-but your reporter believes " Neets " Richardson will try her versity and continue his beneficial September 29, 10 P. M.-First nine too, the tasks of the future which that with a little observation, one aptitudes for business administration work. o'clock date of the year brought to they must accompfish. We shall re- can readily draw her own conclu- when she acts as an aid to her father, sudden and untimely end by the tra , joice in their success. sions!) who is in the seed business in Balti- • Instruct In Alma l\Iater ditional "The bell has rung" by you Yet with all the prospects of hap- • Laboratory 'I'eehnician more. Her real ambition has always Anna Rose Bensman has a position know who. piness In view, there is a note of sad- Mabel Girton has a position "in been to learn to fly a plane. all set for next fall at Sykesville High • September 30, 1944-Frosh makes ness. The senior class is now spend- the bag," 8S laboratory technician for Paul Maynard, who has displayed School, her own Alma Mater. She devastating mistake of sitting at head ing its last days on the" Hill." -Soon the Baltimore City Health Depart. outstanding ability at organ under will fill the capacity of teacher of of table in dining hall. Result: A the class members will be gone, and met. She intends to matriculate at a the able guidance of Miss Murray, English and social studies. (Lucky "warm" reception from the upper- with their passing shall go the joy Medical Technology School at some will have the wonderful opportunity pupils!) classmen and 45 pairs of shoes to of their fellowship. We are thankful future date. (A microbe hunter!) of continuing gis organ studies at Janet Lee Baugher would like to go polish. for the honor and pleasure it has Marian Lee ~Stiffler's ability in Yale University under the renowned into radio work or a field which would October 25-First person to say: brought us. With their depar-ture we writing has made her eligible for a organist, Hindemith! require original script writing. She "What? Fried eggs again!!&I%!?" hope that they will carry with them position on the" 'Vriter's Digest," a eCommeretal Course would also make an excellent dra- November 12-Reorganization meet- the spirit which we held together. montl-ny magazine! (A W/estern Ann Nichols starts an eight-month matic director and has already proved ing of the Maladjusted Circle. Pri- e Obligatfona to Society Marylander goes to preeel) commercial course at the elite Kath- her ability as director- of the Sopho- mary causes designated and potential We also hope that the members of Jean Andrews, who has been award- erie Gibbs School in New York City. more plays and as production mana- members discussed. Applications were the gradnating class will not forget ed a scholarship and assistantship in She hopes some day to be a music ger of the coming Senior play. numerous! their obligations to society, to their chemistry at Columbia, will start the corporation executive's secretary. Anne Leete will act as Librarian at December 5th-First day of tieez- alma mater, and to themselves. They studies toward her master's and doc- (That's really something to look for- Maryland Park High School, near ig weather. Fuss gives Chev 6th gal- are going out to preach the Gospel of tor's degrees next fall! (Our own ward to.) Washington, D. C. lon of Pl'eston1. Christianity, to teach the youth of Madame Curie, perhaps!) Ir-vin Mann has intentions of study- Ruth Miles has a position as a so- • December 15th-Vacation begins. America, and to take their places in The marriage roster has quite a ig at Duke University in preparation cial case worker for the Nutley, New Two tons of broken glass removed the professional world. In spite of promising list of candidates on it, for work in physical therapy. Jersey, Social Service Bureau. She from Ward Hall. the diversity of occupations, each has among which are Charlotte MacCon- Ed Justice, who has hopes of con- is also going to continue studies at the same obligations, each must try ney and Howard Hall, U. S. Army; tinuing with the "drama," prefera- the New York School of Social Work. ~:~~:~~:;!=~~~!;o;:te:~mester.~ to elevate mankind, each must try to Fuss adds another two gallons! better the world we live in. Campus Personality Whiteford March 16th-Spring!! Six intrepid (Continued on page 3, col. 3) co-eds break the ice at Cascade! " Rip" Collins sheds red flannels. Winter April Malf 2ueen., allOIUewo.ffl,Q,H, Fuss, in 10th-King says, "Let returns. 'er despair, THE GOLD BUG By Shirley Snyder freeze! " " Bring Five Society" holds first meeting at Charlie's. ~J;~~i;~&;;0~~f;~;if[f71;t::~ as regularly as school curricula; at WMC she has to the seventh begin. May 2nd-The yearly pilgrimages afternoon, Every HiJlaughs .. his Pod offi"~, "nder the Act of Maroh S. 1879. the doctor hangs out hangs "out to been on the May Court every year, • From th", New Yorker and Porky served of as and treasurer Delta sign, lunch" on her Marion Subscription Price $2.00 a Year door her "Please do not disturb". sign, Sigma Kappa. Levin's Gold Bug column April 8, which indicates that she is in the Marion regrets (with that twinkl- 1943. Editor-in-Chief Virginia Voorhees, '46 realms of Morpheus-this habit she ing smile) that her graduation will "the judge said to the old settler News Editors Fred Morgan, '46 established in her freshman year. mark the end of her three-year strug- he said you saw these two trains Margaret Statler, '47 Now do you believe in beauty sleep? gle on the Hill to learn to play golf. coming lickety-split head on and you Feature Editor .... Charles Brooks, '48 But r fear that besides these "30 Besides playing golf, she has ma- (Continued on page 3, col. 1) Copy Editors ....Enrique Lamadrid, '46 winks" we would need a charm from jored in sociology, and minored in Mary Davies, '47 Lucy Jane's Punchinello bag to give psychology and economics. Next year Business Manager us the comeliness that made Marion she plans to work for a business firm Josephine Bove, '46 our "Queen of the May." in Baltimore. Advertising Manager Marion wishes that she could have Mindelle Seltzer, '46 ridden down the aisle on horseback, Unless she joins a Spanish firm It stole into my weary soul, and with Circulation Manager because she thinks that she would that takes an afternoon siesta, she'll Caressing touch, as soft and tender as sign among have to hang her little Fred Brown, '48 have felt more at ease that way. As her other WMC treasures. A mother's hand upon the fevered Contributors: Don Capobianco, Thel- Janet Lee Baugher, her roommate, brow, ma Evans, Fern Ray, Doris Hines, says, "Marion learned to walk at the Laid low the heavy burdens of ex- Pat Donovan, Harvey Buck, DOll age of one. What for, I don't know; istence, Fedder, Lucy Jane Stoner, Arlene she's been riding ever since." In her And brought therein a Hope, a Life, Chen, Mary Elizabeth Todd, Char- room among her favorite horse pic- Dear SCA cabinet, a Love. lotte Suddith, Onalee Cohen, John What's this we hear about your D Voice subljme! But could I hear Dorsey, Jean Tull, Joyce Edwards, !~:e:~C~iv:~ef~: :e:r t~~~t~o~::~h~~~~" Marion Whiteford plans to set up a pup tent as busi- ag'ain Shirley Snyder, Bob Adams, Kath- Marion may have been the inspira- a very enthusiastic "farm girl". She ness headquarters? Surely, Western Thy God-like l''ichness, sweet and airy erine Brown, Ed. Harvey. tion for "Beauty and the Beast", be- lives on a farm where two other Maryland isn't that hard up for tones- Student Advisory Council: Peg cause she also likes bulldogs--"the Whiteford families live, in Whiteford, space ... ? Sincerely, Could see again the form divinc Thompson, Gloria Mathias, ..Bob uglier, the better." Maryland. "Esprit de corps," it wherein Adams, Warren Roberts, Vernelle Despite the fact that the 4-H Club seems. The soul revealed in voice and look Ports, John Dorsey. never recruited her, she calls herself Sports supplemented her high resides, -I.mA.
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