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SYMPHONY DINING HALL REVIEW DESCRIBED PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Z286 Vol. 22, No, 9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD.' March 8, 1945 Dudderar-$mith Voice Recital Too Bad •.• March 17'Is Date Set For Listed For Tomorrow Night; The Green Terror Five of West- ern Maryland finally bowed in the Faculty Presentation Of Other Programs Scheduled last minutes of playing time to the Johns Hopkins "Blues", in a hard- fought game last night in Balti- "Arsenic and Old Lace" A joint voice recital will be given by Miss Jane Dudderar and more. Mr. William Smith on Friday, March 9, at 7:30 P. M., in the Music Although there was never more Hall. than four err five points difference Cast Says It's "A Lot Of Fun" Miss Dudderar, lyric soprano, is a voice major and is in her in the score, the Hopkins team As Final Rehearsals Begin junior year at Western Maryland. Mr. Smith, baritone, is a voice took the lead in the last three min- student and is in his senior year of pre-ministerial training. utes to emerge the victors to a For Three-Act Comedy The program of the recital to be given by Miss Dudderar and Mr. Smith will be as follows: score of 48-43. Maryland's Joe Thom- Arsenic and Old Lace, alias How the Faculty Does It, is the Western Where'er you walk ("Semele") Chopin, Grieg, and Johann son was high scorer in the game, kind of production that can best be described by exclaiming, "What G. F. Handel Strauss) with 16 points. Metros paced the a play!" Se vbol ballare IMiss Dudderar "Blues", with 14 points to his The faculty members are rehearsing eagerly every night to get ("Le Nozze di Figaro") The piano accompanists for the re- credit. this 3-act comedy by Joseph Kesselring ready for presentation on W. A. Mozart cital will J.leMiss Jean Murray, play- Saturday, March 17, at 8:15 P. M. for the entertainment of the To the Children S. Rachmaninoff ing for Miss Dudderar, and Miss Jean student body. Vision fugitive ("Herodiade") Smyrk, playing for Mr. Smith. Monthly Dinner Honors The fund obtained from the admission charge, which will be J. Messenet 60 cents for students and $1.00 for all other persons, will be, used Mr. Smith Students With Birthdays toward the purchase of a new grand piano for the college. Tickets Porgi, amor ("Le Nczze di Figaro") Miss Joyce Barthelson, a former may be purchased and reserved at McDaniel Hall office 01' Bon- \v.A. Mozart faculty member of the music depart- In March And July sack's Store, beginning Friday, March 9. Dove sono ("Le Nozze di Figaro") ment, will present a lecture-recital on Students having birthdays in ol~J1{"a:7:::'ef~~~~:~rArsenio ,and The hour for the rehearsal has W. A.Mozart modern music at the Music Hall on been set for 7:00 P. M. At 6:55 one of Non mi dir ("Don Giovanni") Tuesday night, March 13, at 8:00. March and July were honored at the Abby Brewster the minor characters, Mr. Carl W. A. Mozart Miss Baz-thelson left Western Mary- monthly birthday dinner held Wed- Miss Elizabeth Bemiller Schaeffer, is the only member of the By their rank and by their treasure land in the spring of 1944 and is now nesday night, March 7. The Rev. Dr. Harper ("The Daughter of .the Regiment") located In New York where she is March ceJebrants are: Anita Rich- Carl L. Schaeffer (Continued on page 4, col. 5) G. Donizetti teaching in a private music school. ardson, Janet Breeding, Jean Shane- Teddy Brewster L. Forrest Free Miss Dudderar man, Peg Shultz, Peg Davis, Mario~ Officer Brophy John B. Jones Blew, blow, thou winter wind In the early part of April Miss Dud- Stoffregen, Lillian Gillis, Mildred Officer "Klein...: . Lloyd M. Bertholf Sororities Elect, Roger Quilter derar and Miss Frances Brown will Amoss, Garnet Collier, Erna Lowry; Martha Brewster ..Miss Maude Gesner The Bell-Man .. Cecil Forsyth combine to give a piano and voice re- Marion Beck, Helen Wymer, Shirley Elaine Harper ..Mrs. Julia Claihourne Pledge Members Give me the sea R. H. Woodman cital. Miss Dudderar will be featured Jones, Ada Thomas, Louise Ridgely, Mortimer Brewster Clouds c. Earnest Charles as the piano soloist and Miss Brown J 0 Bove, Mary Lou Stephens, Louise J. Lloyd Straughn Three of the four sororities on the Upstream. Albert H. Mallette as the vocal soloist. Miss Gloria Ma- Willis, Mary Hershfeld, Jo Ann Mr. Gibbs Alvey M. Isanogle Hill have elected new officers for the Mr. Smith thias will accompany Miss Brown at Brown, Betty Giese, Charlotte Palmer, Jonathan Brewster ....Alfred de Long second semester, and two of the clubs At the cry of the first bird the piano. This recital will also be Bette Mason, Dorothy Dailey, Vir- Dr. Einstein Thomas F. Marshall pledged new members. David Guion held in the Music Hall. ginia Dodd, Fred Morgan, Jack Ne- Officer O'Hara Phillip S. Royer The Iota Gamma Chi' pledged six The Musical Snuff-Box ville, Allan Poffenberger; Jeb Brant, Lt. Rooney Clyde A. Spicer new members, Grace Bevard, Evelyn Anatole Liadoff Bob Johnson, Harry Beall, Carroll Mr. Witherspoon ..Cloyd L. Bennighof Clark, Kathleen I Naylor, Charlotte Doggett, Lullaby r.... il Scott The usual Tuesday afternoon recit- dith. Ruby Stein, Marian Mere, i Belter Relations Palmer, Betty Schmidt"and Mary Will o'the Wisp... C. Spross als at the Music Hall will continue, Lou Stephens. Long, long ago.... Bayly.Sandoval featuring various members of the July birthdays are those of June The production of Arsenic and Old (with variations in the styles of music department. Gehlhaus, Barbara Dupuy, Marjorie Lace by the faculty is hoped to build Two new pledges, Arlene Samuels Welsh, Leucia Venable, Betty Shock- better feelings between the students and Ethel Sheeley, were taken into ley, Gale Lodge, Joan Fluke, Lee Beg- and faculty by letting the students the Phi Alpha Mu. /I A. And O. L./I lin, Joan Johnson, Dotty Jacobson, see their professors as human beings The new leaders of the Sigma Sig- Dotty Scott, Jean Smyrk, Martha in more informal attire taking char- ma Tau are president, Charlotte Ann Messler, Binkey Dexter, Natalie acter roles. It is part of a campaign Wilkins; vice-president, Nan Bell; Variety Of Experience,Reactions Pumphrey, Nan Bell, Jean Andrews, that might be entitled, "know your secretary, Peg Carter; treasurer, Barbara Richter, Eleanor Baker, professors better!" Margaret Frederick; Alumni secre- Jones; Revealed By Faculty Thespians Henrietta Mary Jones, Jean Burtis, June "The rehearsals are funnier than tary, Henrietta Jones; sunshine mes- Shirley Katherine Joy Fielder, arms, Hall, Morris, Barbara Streeter, Hope Kel- the play itself will be." This state- senger, Jeanette MilholJand. By Margaret Statler ment of Dr. Thomas F. Marshall ex- lam, Shirley Tuttle, Sarah Jane Eh- emplifies the attitude of almost all the The Delta Sigma Kappa elected Interviews with members of the Bound," and "The Late Christopher Iers, Mary Jane Biddle, Joyce Ed- cast members. Alumni Hall, at re- president, Gale Lodge; vice-president, cast of A rsenic and Old LaCI) revealed Bean" are among the stage plays in wards, Jean Tull, Jim Culhane, hearsal time, has become a social cen- Edna Haller; secretary, Janet Lee many interesting details of their pre- which she appeared. George Hankins, Onalee Cohen. ter for the faculty,' and the majority Baugher; treasurer, Anita Richard- vious theater experience and various • "Steal The Show" of the "dramatis personae" agrees SO:1; sergeant-at-arms, E 1 e a n a I' reactions to the presentation of such Miss Maude Gesner, when asked Students Assist In with the opinion that "it's a lot of Marsh. a play here at Western Maryland. her reactions, commented that she fun.'. President Ann Leete, aided by vice- Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, who will has had no previous acting experience Infirmary During president, Anna Rose Beasman ; sec- portray the German Dr. Einstein, ap- whatever and that in A rsmic rend Old .Typical Rehearsal retary, Jean Eddy; treasurer, Alice peared in the ~mie opera company in Lace, she is "just a crazy old lady." Nurse's Absence An informal manner is the out- Kuhn; alumni secretary, Mildred So- Philadelphia as Mr. Alfred de Long Miss Watts, the director, feels as- Eighteen women students of West- standing feature of the ArSenic and per; chaplain, Ann Nichols; sergeant- some years, ago. At that time the two sured, however, that Miss Gesner is ern Maryland College are assisting Old Lace rehearsals. The typical re- at-arms, Mildred Lloyd; sunshine men did not know each other, except going to "steal the show" with her Miss Idona Mehring in the college in- hearsal, although practically inde- committee, Joan Fluke, Marjorie Cas- to say "Hello" in passing. presentation of the role of Martha firmary during the absence of Mrs. scribable to anyone who has not wit- sen, and Marion Stoffregen, will di- • End ]\fan? Brewster . Belle Griffin, head nurse, who left the nessed one, proceeds somewhat in the rect the activities of the Phi Alpha Mu during the coming semester. following way: Besides having done operatic work, Dean L. Forrest Free is a veteran Hill on February 23 to journey 00 Dr. Marshall has had extensive ex- of the stage, having appeared in California to witness the marriage of perience in theatrical production. He theatrical productions which include her daughter, Beulah Griffin. aides" have French Club To Hear Speaker; was assistant prodUction manager for Shakespearen plays, musical comedies, Most of these "nurse's Leroy Pri'nz, a dance director in Hol- operettas, and other 3-act dramatiza- either ha(J experience in hospitals or lywood. Dr. Marshall smilingly re- tions. In college, he play'ed in "As have taken the home nursing course Tri-Beta Names New Members flected, "I have also been in many (C()ntinued on page 4, col. 3) taught by Mrs. Griffin. They are as- minstrel shows-as end man, of sisting Miss Mehring in general medi- Miss Beatrice Green, of the Mary- ing, March 5, six students were ac- course-because no' one will believe cal care of p'atienh and in taking land School for the Blind, in Balti- cepted as active members of the Beta that I am a serious person!" c"are of the infirmary office. The more, will speak to the members of Beta Beta, National Biological Fra- An interview with Miss Elizabeth Woman Speaker .•. names of these eighteen student-as· Le Cercle Francais at their regular ternity, and sixteen others were ini- Bemiller resulted in her missing a cue A talk on "Tips 00 Campus sistants are as foHoWB: Betty Baker, meeting on Monday, March 19, at 7 tiated as provisional members. in her part as Abby Brewster, one of Co-Eds" will be given to Western Pat Barret, Jane Beall, Josephine o'clock in McDaniel Lounge. Having completed a total of at the old maid sisters. She stated that Maryland women by Mrs. Hester &lve, Agnes Carnochan, Peggy Da- Miss Green will discuss some of least ten semesters credit in biology, she has had to be introduced to most Beal Provenson, on Monday, March vis, M. B. Fresch, Ruth Hagemann .. her experiences in teaching blind stu- and having achieved a superior record of her fellow players but she is en_ 12, at 6:45 in McDaniel Lounge. June Hall, Marie HelIdotfer, Anna dents and some of the problems that in their general college work, the fol- joying her work as a part of the Mrs. Provenson whose home is Jones, Anna B. Klein, Pat Patterson, have arisen in this type of work. lowing students became members of W.M.C. faculty and feels very much Vernelle Ports, Mindelle Seltzer, Jean Head of the French department at the fraternity: Bob Harrison, Bertha honored to have been asked to take a in Washington, D. C., is connected Shirley, Mildred Vanderbeek and the Maryland School f;r the Blind, Britner, Evelyn Dashiell, Winnie Bak- with the Depart- Art Dramatic role: ment of the University of Mary. Dottie Wilder. MiBS Green received her A.B. degree er, Thea Jones, and Polly Shipley. all The new provisional members, at Oberlin College and her Masters' Mrs. Griffin is e'tJ)ected to be back • Children's Parts land. She is known throughout on the campus tomorrow, Friday, Degree in French at Western Reserve students of biology who have mani- Miss Bemiller has had the experi- the state for her work with home March 9, She went to San Francisco, University. fested their intention to continue in ence of participation in many pre- demonstration and women's dubs. California, by train in order to at- the department and become active vious dramatic productions. "While in Mrs. Provenson comes here tend the wedding ceremony of her French table will be held on Mon- memhers, include: Jean Brant, Fred college J did mostly children's parts, through the courtesy of the Uni- daughter, wh() is a graduate of West- day evening preceding the meeting Brown, Don Fedder, Anne Fullerton, believe it or not!" she remarked. versity of Maryland Extension ern Maryland College, and is now a instead of Tuesday evening as for- Jeanette Milholland, Betty Miller, She took children's roles in "Ope of Course. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, in the U, merly. French majors and other stu- Peggy Nichols, Maudie Riley, Gladys Me Thumb", "Queen Esther", and All girls and members of the S. Naval Reserve. She is stationed at dent!; of advanced French courses Sause, Gladys Schlag, Marie Stewart, "Gammer Gurton's Needle." As a faculty are invited w attend this San Fran'cisC() where she holds the will be guests. \ l\farion Stoffregen, Lucy Jane Stoner, member of the 'Westminster Players, talk. position ()f Liaison Officer with the At a meeting held in the home of Mary Taylor, Dot Wilder, and Helen "Abie's . Irish Rose,'" "Outward Communications Division. Profcl!ISOrBenn4:'hof ~m Monday even· Wright. 1
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