Page 34 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 34
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 15, 194~ Student Music Critic The Gold Bug staff wishes to extend its most heartfelt sympa- Reviews Recital Of thy to Mrs. Jackson and to Dr. Agreement •.• just biding their time 8(Llety until the social ostracism are often the price and Mrs. Holloway on the recent RobertRudie, Violinist paid. is quite aggravating death of Air. Jackson. war is over-this (Continued from page 3, column 4) to the average American youth who Dr. Whitfield speaks of C.QI.'s de- We had grown to know and love (Continued from page 2, column 5) has his share of what 1 would term voting themselves to projects of less Mr. Jackson as a familiar figure in our judgment of such types of I understand that some C.O·.'s on "guts". They find it hard to realize urgent nature than that of defending this campus refused to go to our bond that such young men exist. After the state. Is it not true that the about the campus; his passing music. second half of the program The marks a real loss to us individual- rally in the fall because they would occasional arguments, pranks have law providing for C.O.'s designates ly and to Western Maryland as a was begun with the Poeme by Chaus- have to buy war stamps, which would been played by the Freshman men in the alternatives to be work of "Na- son. Here again was a real opportun- eventually help the war effort. The the form of heaving a heavy bowling tional importance under civilian di- whole. ity for Rudie to display a fine rich- money from this particular bond drive ball down the hall into a formation rection?" This puts the 'x-eaponsibil- ness of tone. This composition was was to buy ambulances to carry the of milk-bottles, for the sale purpose ity on the government, 110t on the certainly written by a man who knew wounded from the battlefields of Eu- of disturbing those below. One might. C.O.'s. the possibilities of the violin. rope. These boys would not have been term this childish, but I might add • Services Refused wounded had they not taken up the that from their foes has come retal- The military, through Selective (Continued from page 2, column 5) Shostakovich is, as is Aaron Cop- cross to fight; therefore, why should iation in the disguise of buckets of Service, has turned down the offers The past is full of unifications: uni- land, a contemporary composer but makes his more contemporariness an ambulance be purchased to help water poured into the 'bed of the of C.O.:s and instead has in most fication of tribes, unification of city- sense to this reviewer. This critic will save their lives when they had been Freshman boys. All this may sound cases, preferred to isolate them in states to form nations, and unifica- so "ignorant"? I repeat-what if all very trite; but it is a nucleus for Civilian Public Service Camps. A tion even of nations. We live in a risk being branded a "communist" of us felt this way? more trouble, find more trouble has ~ China unot of C.O.'s under the Amer- world now smaller than any of the and "unpatriotic" two by stating that more he Preludes these enjoyed e Need of Sincerity already started. SOme of these men ican Friends volunteered to do recon- nations formed by city-SUItes at the compl~tely than the works of our If a boy is a sincere C.O., ii he reg- who claim to stand for pacifism did struction work in China and were time of their inception; and we are American modernist. isters and goes to a C.O. camp, his not refuse to take up arms in the ready to sail when the American Le- far more communicative than those The de Falla works, Nana (from efforts can be put to good advantage form of base-ball bats and golf clubs gion and others put pressure on and nations. These nations have ror many Suite Populaire Espagnole) and -such boys deserve a lot of credit to defend themselves against their prevented any conscientious objectors years lived in internal peace despite Dance Espagnole (from La Vida and I admire them greatly. We have Freshman aggressors who were un- from serving outside the United the many ever- present obstacles. Why Breve), of the style with which boys from Western Maryland Col- armed. Is this pacifism! States. Dr. Whitfield would do the can we not live in a unified world in Kreisler more completely guaranteed lege who have done this very thing, cause of the C.O.'s a great service a similar fashion? the continued loyalty of his many and I think they deserve the respect .Soluti
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