Page 33 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 33
'The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmimter, Md., February 15, 1945 PAGE THREE Terrors Win Close Games g~Clectio.. .. Following are the results Over Hopkins, Seminary voting in the Sophomore of the Agreement •.. Refutation •.. Class election, held on Friday, February The most thrilling basketball game night, February 9. The junior squad 9,1945: Several serious problems have been We would like to make a few cor- of the season was witnessed by g-ot off to a good start, but the "An- Preside,nt-Shirley Snyder growing in vehemence on this cam- rections and additions to Dr. Whit- W.M.C. fans as the Green Terrors gels" soon found themselves and Vice-President--Joan Fluke pus during the past few years. It may field's letter published in the last is- clashed with the Johns Hopkins five pulled ahead in the score. Secretary-Treasurer- seem useless for one to express his sue of the Gold Bug. First of all, on the Gill Gym court on Saturday • First Team Outplayed Janet Breeding opinions on such problems-perhaps through our many contacts we know night, February 3, to come off victors The first team was put in the game Historian-Jack Neville they have no solutions; but perhaps of no conscientious objectors who by a single point. at the beginning of the second quar- . Sergeant-at-At-ma-c-Ber-tha Britner- they do. Perhaps an article such as have ridiculed the efforts of civilian • First Half Close ter, but they were unable to stop the this does little more than create more defense, refused to aid the wounded, A quick lead in the score was tak- seminary five and found themselves i!1 feeling-that, however, is not the or give blood except in the case where en by the Terrors at the beginning trailing 18-32 at the end of the half. purpose. Therefore, having made ail of the game, but Johns Hopkins In the second half the Green Ter- On the necessary apologies and admit- :::: t:a~: :::~:~at:od g~~~e~~~~: ~:~ quickly organized and by good team- rors improved and slowly gained on ting my own weaknesses and incapa- Cross policy. They did this because work put .the ball through the hoop the "pre-flight trainees". The semi- bilities for writing such an article, there is no difference between the several times in succession to catch nary team still led, however, at the Toleration' I shall' proceed. I might also add blood of a Negro and a white man, up with the W.M.C. eager's. The two end of the third quarter by a 42-35 that my opinions may be prejudiced blood being tabulated by types rath- teams were neck and neck for the score and it was not until the late By Berl Harrison. and English is not my major-for er than by races. Some C.O.'s have next two quarters with the quintet minutes of the game that the Wes- these I also apologize. preferred to give their blood for usc from Baltimore emerging at the end tern Maryland five took the lead. Much thought has been provoked among Negro groups which otherwise , of the first half with a 22-19 lead. Are you tolerant of other people? and many discussions stimulated by would suffer. In the third quarter of the ball • Close Finish ,Already I am laughing, thinking of Dr. T. M. Whitfield's article in the No Military Training game the Johns Hopkins five outplay- The fans witnessed a thrilling in- the answer r would get from such a last iSSUeof the Gold B1I-g. My ideas Most C.O.'s have volunteered to do ed and out-maneuvered the W. M. cident when the game was tied by a question. You see, almost ninety- seem to be much in line with his- dangerous work, though of course, spectacular shot from the middle of squad to pull steadily ahead- in the seven per cent of the people you only from a student's viewpoint, so being C.O.'s they will not take mili- score. In the early moments of the the floor by Sam Flora of the Semi- would ask would say, "Of course those of you wfio found his article final quarter the Western Maryland nary squad. In the final seconds, how- I'm tolerant." worthless need not read any farther tary training, do it under military quintet found new life and began op- ever, Frank S. Stevens made a foul You know, most of the time we on this page. orders, or in military uniform. Four reasons can be given for this. First, erating very efficiently, both offen- shot that gave the Terrors a 52·51 aren't even tolerant of ourselves, so sively and defensively. victory. was high scorer for the how can we be tolerant of one anoth- • Serious Problem their service in the Medical Corps Thompson releases another man to fight and de- • Exciting Finish Green Terror quintet with 15 points er? Sounds like an easy question to Whether it is generally known or stroy. Secondly, they are not in The last few minutes of the game answer, doesn't it? Well, try it and not, on this campus at the' present agreement with the military system- found the fans too excited to remain to his credit. Hugh Cummings was see what your answer is. Now be hon- time a serious situation is develop- in their seats with the score 48-49 in the outstanding player for the losers. est at least with yourself. ing among the boys. This dissention its regimentation, racial discrimina- favor of the Johns Hopkins "Blues". is mainly between the Freshman men tion, prejudice and indoctrination of Then Captain Joe Thompson had the Honorary Hockey Tearn • Understanding Necessary and those who in name only are "con- hate. Thirdly, they feel they are per- to a much greater service forming opportunity to win two points on Perhaps you don't like the other scientious objector-s". I firmly be- fouls; he was successful in both at- Revealed By W AA person, the things he does; perhaps lieve a man can be a sincere C.O.; but humanity in the long run by perpet- tempts and the game ended a few it's lack of understanding of his just as firmly do I believe he can uating the ideal of "peace on earth" seconds later with the Terror Quintet The honorary hockey team, select- ideals and actions. But we might go be an insincere C.O. A boy may hon- rather than a system which continual- the victors. The final score was ed by the W.A.A. Board and the fac- on ror hours with perhaps's. estly feel that he should not kill his ly perpetuates war. Fourthly, many 50-49. ulty, has been announced by Ruth Here on the campus the occasion fellowmen; however, many of our feel they can save a far greater num- Outstanding players for the Green Hausmann, president of the Board. arises time and time again when 'I'ol- boys overseas have the same belief, ber of lives by offering themselves Terrors were Captain Joe Thompson, These girls are selected on a basis erance should be the theme uppermost but "grit their teeth and go to it" as human guinea pigs rather than Frank Stevens, Lionel Burgess, and of attendance, skill, and interest. in the students' mind. Do you know just the same. What would happen serving as a laborer in the Medical Jack Spicknall. Stevens, playing his This year's honorary team includes: why? Do you understand what lies to us if all our boys professed to be Corps. first game with W.M.C. in the Johns RW Anna Rose Beesman behind it? Do you try to help? These C. O.'s when the rest of the world is Aid Typhus Fight Hopkins tilt, proved very valuable by RI Pat Chatterton are but a few of the hundreds of in conflict and when we have people An illustration of this is seen in demonstrating himself to be fast, CF Charlotte Anne Wilkins questions that would pertain to the in this world who aim to conquer and the contribution they have made in g~d on offensive play, and a sure LI Jean Baker guy who sou;;ds his soup, the girl project their culture (if it can be combating typhus, the dreaded dis- shot. Thompson held the high score LW Jean Lee Phillips with B.O., the conscientious objector, so called) on the conquered? Now ease cited as a plague as far back of the evening with 24 points. RH Marjory Welsh the isolationist, the fellow who is for they complain because the govern- as Boccaccic's Deeasnercn; 'I'hirty- LH Joanna Hauver peace-time conscription, or the paci- five C.O.'s volunteered to have the Coach wfdener started his second CH Mildred Lloyd ff\t. These people live around you, ~~;:teOftotht~e~ni:;d f::;i~~ :~~: ~~ parasites carrying this disease placed team against the Westminster Theo- RFB Ruth Hausmann work with you, and sometimes even register as C.O.'s and go to appro- under a special flap in the seat of a logical Seminary basketball quintet LFB Donna DuVall sleep in the same room with you. priate camps. I do not know why new pair of underpants so that med- in a .fast-moving game on Friday G Josephine Bove What are your reactions toward they think they should be exempt ical science might combat this plague them? Are you tolerant? from law and order; however, I feel to humanity. When the Germans quite confident that if given the blew up the main waterworks of Na- .Are Radicals Tolerant? choice, they would find themselves ples as they were driven from the The person who is radical to th9 more willing to take orders from city, typhus broke out. The Ameri- extreme, on the other hand, is he Uncle Sam rather than Hitler and his can Medical Corps had a powder with By Vernelle C. Po'rts TOLERANT? He too should follow regime. on page 4, column 1) which they sprayed everyone they (Continued not, the little verse that goes "Judge (Continued on page' 4, column 3) lest you be judged also." Yes, I said it About a year ago an organization and light to mankind everywhere. and I mean it. was started on the Hill called the We believe that there are other girls There are some six million guys Religious Emphasis Week W.S.F. (Women's Student Fellow- on the Hill who would like to share who are fighting for people like you ship). Olive Cook was the initiator, with us this approach toward life and and me. They have learned the mean- beginning the group under the lead- service. We invite them to join with ing of the word Tolerance. Have you! (Continued from page 1, column 5) ership of Mrs. Lloyd M. Bertholf w_ith us in striving toward Christian dis- Are you worth fighting for? Are you Friendship with Christ"; Thursday, under the supervision of Herbert H. only six members. Since that time cipline through prayer, study, voca- worth some guy giving his life for if "The Light of Consuming Service"; Doggett and Lillian Jackson, general the name has been changed .to the tional preparation, and sacrificial ser- you don't learn the meaning of the Friday, "Tend the Fire." After each chairmen. Wesleyanettes and there are at pres- vice. word? of these talks, discussions will be led The members of these committees ent sixteen members, four having e Constructlve work Ju'st what does this little word by Mr. Miles for any of the audience are: graduated in the class of '44. There are millions of other college mean? You think you know? -Well, who desire to remain and participate. Wcrahip-c-Graca Jemison and Fred • Fourfold Purpose st.udeuts and youth who, like our- why not remember its meaning; Besides these evening worship servo Morgan, chairmen, Jean Andrews, The purpose of the group is four- selves, are seeking a way whereby a practice it; then preach it. ices, Mr. Miles will hold conferences Pat Chatterton, Hope Kellam, Betty fold: to enrich our fellowship with stable and enduring social order may "Dear God, give us strength to uc- during the afternoons with students Leister, Enrique Lamadr-id, Bob Har- God and one another; to encourage be established. We believe that we cept with serenity the things that and faculty. On Monday afternlJ:on he rison, Harvey Buck, and Henry Mere- students to discover and to aspire to have seen a light that can bring our cannot be changed. Give us courage to will meet with the Committee for Re- dith. high vocational goals so that we world to a new and better way of life change the things that can and should ligious Emphasis Week. Decoration-Mildred Lloyd and might help in creating a new world in which understanding will produce be changed. And give 1I-Swisdom to A party for everyone on the hill Warren Roberts, chairmen, Phyllis order embodying Christian ideals and brotherhood. rlistingu.wh one from the other." will take place on Wednesday night, Houck, Fern Ray, Bob Adams, and preserving the highest human values; immediately after the talk and dis- Hilmore Langrall. to study current problems in relation cussion. At this informal get-together Refreshment and entertainment- to the church and social service; to Mr. Miles will lead in some form of Jane Dudderar and Shirley Snyder, serve our college and community. recreation. Announcement of the chairmen, Betty Burgee, Jean Mc- .Call for Members place of this party will be made later. Dowell, Sophie Jones, Winnie Baker, Many of the girls are looking for- Saturday, Feb. 17-Henrt Hop, Blanche Ward Gymnasium, 8:00 P. M. In addition to speaking in the Sally Smith, Jean Silcox, Marjorie ward to Christian vocations upon Sunday, Feb. I8-Beginning of Religious Emphasis Week. (Schedule of Chapel services and holding individu- Little, Connie Stone, Betty Blades, graduating from Western Maryland. Religious Acj.ivi ties on page one.) al and group conferences, Mr. Miles Fonda Boyer, Jean Somerville, Ada Some are interested in mission work, will speak in several classes, includ- Thomas, Helen Stoner, Ellie Marsh, at home and abroad, several plan to Monday, Feb. 19-"The Marriageof Figaro", Westminster High School ing courses in sociology, religion, and Peg Carter, Mary Davies, Nan Bow- enter some form of social work, oth- Auditorium, 8:00 P. M. psychology. ers, Millie Amoss, Ann Leete, Joyce ers intend to teach; but whatever our Wednesday, Feb. 2I-Morning Watch Service, Baker Chapel, 7:40-7:55. Special attention will be given to Edwards, Bess Butler, lItindelle Seltz- vocat:on, our ideal is to bring relief Thursday, Feb. 22-"Happy Journey", one-act play, Alumni Hall, 1:35 the nightly prayer groups which will er, June Hall, Betty Baker, and Doris Kemp. be held both in the girls' and boys' P. M. IUI~···I Monday, Feb. 26----Lecture on John Keats by Dr. Maynard, Baker; Chap. dormitories. During the week various Harry Buckingham, chairmen, Mary - Invitations and Kitty Waring members of the faculty, including Mr. el, 7:00 P. M. IRC McDaniel Lounge, 7:00 P. M. Myhre. Clyde Spicer, Dr. William Ridington, The Wesleyans, campus organiza- Wednesday, Feb. 28-Morning Watch, Baker Chaped, 7:40, SCA, Baker John Jones, Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, Dr. Webb, Shirley Gaver, and .. Phyllis tion of pre-ministerial men students, Chapel, 7:00 P. M. Le Farce du Cuvier, FJ'ench play, Alumni Hall, and Dr. Daniel Sanford, will lead the Conference-Nan Anstin and Car- elected officer for the second semes- 8:00 P. III. boys' prayer groups. rol} Doggett, chairman, Bill Dulany, ter at their last meeting, on January Thursday, March l-"Mooncalf Mugford" and "Worsted Man", one-act The Committee of Religious E!!,- George Carr, George Hankins, Har- 29, plays, Alumni Hall, 8:00 P. M. phasis Week has decided to share the vey Buck, June Hall, Naomi Harper, Those elected are: Friday, March 2-National Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Hans Kindler, fellowship of the week with the town Betty Little, Audrey Clendening, 'President-Carroll Doggett Alumni Hall, 8:15 P. M. people and has extended invitations Jean. Tull, Peg Davis, Joan Fluke, Vice-P"esident-John Dorsey to members of all the different Joan Johnson, Bobby Randall, Connie Secretary-Bill Smith Sunday, March 4-GiI'ls' Glee Club concert, Reformed Church of West- churches of Westminster to attend Stone, Dotty Bopst, and Shizu Yam· Treasurer-Henry Lamadrid minster, 4:00 P. M. the services. aguchi. Mr. Dorsey, as vice-president, will Tuesday, March 6-Paul Maynard's all-Bach recital, Alumni Hall, The plans for the activities of the Publicity-Earl Morey and Jane be in charge of deputations for mem- 8:00 P. III. week have been made and are being Beall, chairmen, and all others who bers of the group. _ carried through by many committees contributed posters.
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