Page 32 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 32
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 15, 1945 Ji Scup- "J/e/U!, IIg~o/;po~ ec;,p'4.e~ By Harvey Buck By Donald Capobianco lid. II New. gta/,l; was going to the printers.. then Methodist Church choir and the Col- spurs," then I -mieunderstood the pretation by the artistry of Rudie. Fred Brown, '48 I was rather scared," lege choir. question correctly. The Allegro Moderato, the first move- Hilmore LangraIl, '48 Lil "loves" to eat ,but I have Lil is now breaking her fourth pre- ment of the composition, however, so Contributors: Don Capobianco, Joyce promised not to say that her favorite cedent-in the second semester of her • Enjoyable Evening confused the audience with the final- Edwards, Thelma. Evans, Donna is Shakespeare, for fear 'she .may be senior year, she is already teaching The evening of the Rudie recital ity of its coda that the audience (in- DuVall, Vernelle Ports, Carroll called a "bookworm," or a "stuffed school: English and Journalism at was an enjoyable one for this critic. cluding this' writer) s!!0wed the bad Doggett, Jan Lee Ganz, Onalee shirt". She shuddered as she enumer- Westminster High School. She is also He spent its earlier hours serving taste of clapping between it and the Cohen, Helen Wymer, Fern Ray, ated these. faculty adviser for the school paper, dinner for. the music faculty and its second movement. Rudie conspired Sara Jane Rice, Bert Harrison, Peg Originally, Lil had intended after The Owl. Lil plans to teach three honored guests, Mr. Rudie and his successfully with his talented wife Thompson, Harry Beall, Mildred high school, to work in the make-up years, and then do guidance work. wife. During this time he found the and accompanist to guarantee that Lloyd, Doris Hines, Pat Donovan, department of a printing establish- The hall phone rang, and someone young artist and his wife to be as the proper approval was not again Jean Tull, Jack Neville, Fonda ment. But, as she said, she "hap- called for Lil. "Someone is always nearly human as any musician can given till the end of the Concerto. The Sonata for violin and piano by Boyer, Nan Austin, Jane Beall, pened to win the Senatorial Scholar- calling me," she confessed. be. Harvey Buck. ship." And interestingly enough, she The program itself was one which Aaron Copland was, without a doubt, Student Advisory Council: Peg had also intended not to work on the .Late for !\feeling any music-lover, amateur or other- a difficult composition to perform. It understand. was not less difficult t, Thompson, Gloria Mathias. Bob Gold Bug staff, resolving to "aim at She wasn't gone for long, and soon wise, should enjoycd, and it was However, we should not be too hasty Adams, Warren Roberts, Vernelle good .marks instead of ha.ving so I heard her slippers clapping very unfortunate, therefore, that the con- (Continued on page 4, column 5) The cert was not bEltter attended. Ports, John Dorsey. mlrny good times." Incidentally, the fast down the hall.
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