Page 29 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wes~inster, Md., February 1, 1945 PAGE FIVE Green Terror Quint's Expert Ball Handling Defeats Westminster Theological Seminary Playing their best game of the Starring for the Terrors was Cap- sium. The starting time and price year, the Terror quintet bounced back, tain Joe Thompson with thirty points. of admittance for this game will be after a defeat in Martinsburg, to Lionel Burgess also played a terrific the same as usual. trounce the Westminster Theological game scoring fifteen points. Bruce Lineups; Seminary 61-44. King, improving with the rest of the WMC FG FT F Tl. Using a shifting offensive, the im- team played his best game of the Burgess, F. 1 15 proved Green Terrors proved too year. Brohawn, F. much for the Seminary five. Bruce Hugh Cummings played the best Venables, F. 0 0 King, center for \v.M.C .., was shifted offensive game for the Seminary Buckingham, F. 2 2 2 6 to guard, as was Harry Buckingham, scoring twenty-three pninbs > The Culhane, F. 0 0 0 0 formerly a forward. Joe Thompson rest of the Seminary quintet fed the King, C. 2 1 0 and Jack Spicknall, ex-guards, were ball to Cummings. 0 0 0 changed to the forward positions. The Terrors got off to a fI.ying 3 0 0 6 start, with a 12-2 lead the first four Bruner, G. 0 0 0 0 the rest of Gettysburg Bullets minutes of play. Dur-ing- were trying to Thompson, G. G 14 0 2 0 2 0 30 0 the half the Seminitea Fedder, At Maryland. Trample W. M. C. catch up with Western they were only Seminary FG FT F TI the end of the half On Gill Gym Court trailing by a 29-22 score. However, Flora, F. 2 0 0 4 The names of playe1's on the Te1T01' Team ore left to 1'ight: during the second half, W.M.C. went Cummings, F. ...10 6 3 23 Front 1'010: Bruce King, Joe Thompson, Jack Spicknall; Second way ahead to make the final count. Thomas, C. 3 0 0 6 Gettysburg's 1'07.0: Ha?"I'Y Buckingham, Don BrohCLwn, Lionel Burgess, had no trouble free-scoring Bullets It was the first game this year that Gatjecn, C. 0 0 0 0 solving the Western "Pudge" Bruner; Back row: Don Fedder, Jim Culhane, George Maryland zone defense, as they took ever-y man on the Western Maryland MacIntosh, Gd 4 1 0 8 Hankins, Bud Venables, and Manage?' Georqe Carr. team got in the game. Also it was Kirkley, G. 1 3 1 3 an easy 41-22 victory frnrn the Ter- rors in Gill Gym on January 13. the first time theh- ball handling and Score By Halves First Seasonal Road Trip Made To Led by sharp-shooter Bobby March, passing was outstanding. A great 1 261 who scored 18 points, the Bullets deal of credit for feeding the ball is W. M. C. 293261 due Jack Spicknall. 22 44 22 Martinsburg; Tearn Met Defeat took the lead at the outset and never Saturday 'night the Terrors clash W. T. S. acted as referee Dean F. L. Free it, having a 20-5 margin relinquished at the half-time.' Joe Thompson's with Johns Hopkins at Gill Gymna- for the game. The Newton D. Baker Hospital at Silverburg with nine points each. floor shot was the lone Terror field Martinsburg, W. Va., was the destina- Lineups: goal in the first half. tion for the first road trip of the WMC FG FT F 'n. The last half presented a more even Twelve New Students Register season for the Western Maryland Bruner, F 1 2 2 4 "Pudge" For Second Semester Courses basketball team. Thirteen boys made Brohawn, F 0 0 0 0 contest, with the Bullets scoring 21 the eighty mile journey to engage Buckingham, F. 1 1 points to the Terror's 17. the hospital quintet. Venables, F. 0 0 Bruner made two baskets in the third Twelve new students have been enrolled in the personnel of It was agreed by the boys that, King, C 1 0 0 0 quarter, shot end Thompson sank a good Western Maryland C911egefor the second semester of 1944-45 long in the final frame, but even though they did have their noses Burgess, C. 3 lOG according to Martha E. Manahan, Registrar. ' and were Andrews rubbed in the dirt, the trip to the Spicknall, G 4 2 1 9 March, TripIer, fat" the Bullets with- Of these twelve students, the names sinking baskets hospital was well worth the time. Culhane, G. 0 0 0, out difficulty, by dribbling behind the Freshmen Honored; of Irvin Mann, Warren Earll, and From the first two minutes of play Thompson, G. 1 1 0 Terror zonemen and taking shots Harvey Buck have previously ap- to the time of the last whistle, the N.D.B. FG FT F Tl. from the side. WAA To Give Party peared on the files of Western Mary_ Terrors were outclassed. The hospital Bedini, F. 211 4 8 land College. These three men left show- had men with two or three years of Sflverburg-, F. -: 4 2 1 9 Foul-shooting of the Terrors over the For Letter Winners the college to enter the service. Now, college experience and this didn't help Bihary, F. 1 0 2 ed a definite improvement after receiving their Army dis- our plight a bit. After about six min- Hjortass, C.~.... 1 1 Loyola game, as the Terrors made Freshman girls will be introduced charges, they will resume their utes of play in the first quarter, the McGann, G. 0 2 1 ten out of 14 attempts. Lionel Bur- to the Women's Athletic Association studies on the Hill. hospital Jed by a 10-2 score. At the Finestine, G. 5 2 2 12 gess and Harry Buckingham stepped at a party which will be held on In March, 1944, Irvin Mann was end of the quarter the score was 16-4. Thompson, G. 4 1 1 9 up to the foul line and sank seven Wednesday, February 7, in Blanche studying here under the A. S. T. P. During the second quarter it looked foul shots out of seven tries between Ward Gymnasium from 8 to 10 P. M. Unit. Just recently he received a Bruce King as though the Terrors might over- Seore by Quarters them, while also had perfect and Jack at As in former years, the party will medical discharge from the Army. nights Spicknall take the veterans, for at the end of 1 2 3 4 Total the foul line. serve to introduce the officers of the \Varren Earll enlisted in the Army the half the score was 24-15. W. M.C 4 11 6 2 23 Association and its purpose in func- Reserve three years ago. He received The fourth quarter was W.M.C.'s N. D. B. 16 8 7 17 48 tioning. Dixie cups and cookies will his discharge after suffering injuries worst; in that quarter we scored ex- Regardless of the losses that the be served by the refreshment commit- from an accident. Warren has recent. actly two points. Green Terrors have met, the team is February Games tee of which Nell Quirk is chairman. Iy been doing personnel work for an of the en- High scorer for the Terrors was due a great deal of credit for its per- Feb. 3, Johns Hopkins Univer- Josephine Bove, chairman has prepared air lines company. tertainment committee, guard Jack Spicknall. Jack played formances. There are many disad- sity, Here. After graduating in 'February, Har- up and up ball the whole game, mak- vantages facing the men, such as lack the evening's program. vey will remain on the campus for ing nine points. Runner-up for scor- of experience and lack of reserve Feb. 9, Westminster Theological Athletic awards will be presented advanced work. As roommates, Har- ing honors was Lionel Burgess with power. Most of all, the boys have Seminary, Here. to those freshmen who have earned vey and Warren will have the oppor- six points. had a minimum of instruction. Feb. 30, Loyola College, Away. five or more points, entitling them to tunity to rehearse ballads for the Finestime, 5'7" guard for the hos- Coach Widenel', because of the time their class numerals. Those upper. feminine population on the Hill who pital, was high scorer of the evening required by his regular occupation, Feb. 24, Gettysburg College, classmen who have over eight hund- await the return of the Serenaders. with twelve points. Next in line can spend ~Iy inciden1:_!I1time with Away. red and fifty points will receive their The rcmaining nine students rep- W. M. monograms. were Thompson, a 230 pounder, and his coaching work. resent Maryland, New Jersey, Penn- The following freshmen girls will sylvania, and Ohio. These new West- receive points for hockey; "A" team ern Marylanders are: Jane O'Neal, Gold BugCzaress Receives News And Views -100 points; Witter, Patricia Chatter- Netcony, New Jersey; Miriam Par. Anna Hess, Betty Lit- tle, Martha Gail ton, Janet Duffy, Dorothy Santini, sell, Ocean Grove, New Jersey; Jean Wilson, Cranford, New Jersey; From Western Maryland Men Overseas Betty Wilder, Gladys Sause, Peggy Dallam, Cardiff, Maryland; Frank Armiger, Hope Kellam, Doro- thy Shinham, Dorothy' Jacobson, Betty Stephenson, Kittanning, Pennsylva- nia; Dane Harvey, Frostburg, Mary- Former Western Marylanders now in Nemo knows and understands that the countryside I' esc m b Ie s that Dickson, Sara Smith, Helen Wymer, the Service display a continued inter- only a WMC'er can appreciate the. around Westminster, but there isn't Jewell Haines, Mary Alice Taylor, land; Joshua Zia and Doris Pan Zia, est in the activities on the Hill as true value of the "harp". Tracing any time to enjoy it. Bette Mason, Annabelle Glockler, Bethesda, Maryland: Ohio; Shizu Yamagu- Thomas and chi, Cin-cinnati, shown by letters recently received through the back editions of the Capt. Malcolm Kullmar, formerly Helen Tyson, Mary Lou Parris, M. Holt, Baltimore, Maryland. from the various battlefronts. In ad- Gold Bug, the origin of Lt. Robin- mentioned in the Gold Bug, was Louise Scott, and Betty Keckler. dition to news coming directly from son's nickname "Nemo" was revealed. wounded near Luxembourg on Janu- "B" team-50 points; Mary Dodd, the men, there have been a few let- It seems that a friend visiting Pine- ary 2, 1945. Fourteen fragments Dottie Cathell, Helen Scott, Sarah PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ters from friends and relatives of al- hurst University, where Nemo spent have been removed from Capt. Kull- Gordy, Mary Grove, Beverly Hoffman, umrri. his summers, in a moment of fond- mar's body, as a result of a mine ex- Jean Marie Patterson. ness tabbed him with the monicker, "C" team-25 points: June Hall, The Newest in e Receives Rewards plosion, but there are no internal Word has been received from Mr5. remembering a lion of the same or face injuries. He is progressing Mildred' Segers, Helen Lingenfelter, Valentines Williams that her son, Lt. John W. name. One must take into consider- very rapidly. Fred Kullmar, brother Nancy Haskins, Jean Silcox, Marietta Williams of the class of '43, was ation that Nemo needed a haircut. of Capt. Kullmar, was killcd in ac- McKee, Helen Walker. Kaye Buckel, P. G. Coffman Co. wounded twice in the Battle of Nor- Lt. Rubinson, former sports editor of tion. Peggy Nic~ols, Mary A. Her~hfeld. Times Building mandy. Lt. Williams, after treatment the Gold Bug for two years, married a in an England hospital, returned to WMC lass, Jane Miles, from the class e Battle Hero France for active duty. of '45. During his college years, he Capt. Norman Fay, Jr. of the 175th Among the rewards received by Lt. took an active part in athletics, rang- Infantry has received the Bronze Star Williams are the Purple Heart, Oak ing from baseball to varsity basket- Medal for heroic achievement in mil- Nemo and his- brother, Captain Leaf Cluster, Presidential Citation, ball. Robinson, arc "old standbys" itary operations against the enemy Compliments Bill and the Bronze Star. Mter graduat- in Germany. On November 20, 1944, ing from Fort Benning, he was ship- from Catonsville. Capt. Foy led his company in an at- ped overseas in February of 1944. e News. Wanted tack across open ground to secure a of the Lt. J. M. Robinson, the famous Lt. Richard G. Patten sends word town which was a battalion objective. "Harper" of WMC asked for a "break to the "Gold Bug Caaress" that he Despite casualties, disruption of com- START- and a Gold Bug" in a letter sent to would appreciate a Gold Bug or so munications and loss of key men, the editor. He hasn't stopped harping to .keep in contact with the campus. sustained as a result of heavy enemy the New Year right Charles Carroll Hotel yet. He also mentions Capt. "Mac" Kull- fire, Capt. Foy reorganized and em- STOP- • Always A Harp mar and Clyde Baden, whose names ployed his platoon in such a decisive at To quote from his letter: "I've appeared in the "Stars and Stripes". and effective manner that the great- thrown a few harps over here and Lt. Patten returned to the Hill as a er part of the objective was attained. GRIFFIN'S • they really travel great---especially member of the ASTP Unit; then he His high standards of courage, ini- Sodas-Candy-Ice Cream on the OCean on the way over. All went to OCS at Fort Benning, Geor- tiative, and operational ability reflect my boys get a kick out of it-----and gia. Now Lt. Patten is stationed in great credit upon himself and the' Sandwiches wonder." Luxembourg, where according to him Military Service.
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