Page 30 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February I, 1945 Communi~y Concert Series Will Offer Mozart' 5 "The Marriage Of Figaro" (Continued from page 2, colt~mn 5) when he saw him, he had compassion feeling. We do not pretend we have "The Marriage of Figaro," the gay on him. And went to him, and bound all the right on our side, but we do opera by Mozart, will be presented UP. his wounds, gave him plasma, and feel that something should be said at the Westminster High School on picked him up and took him to the along this line. It may be that some , Monday, February 19, at 8:15 P. M., dressing station. who are torn in their attempt to de- as the second in the current series of Which now of these three, think est limit their duty may be helped a lit- musical programs sponsored by the thou, was neighbor unto him that fell tle. It may be that some may be Community Concert Association. among the enemy? saved from jail because of an ex- The Nine O'clock Opera Company, And he that was asked answered treme stand we believe alien to Chris- a group of young American singing- and said, He that shewed mercy on tian teaching. It may be that some actors, who have scored unprecedent- him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, will find it possible to give life anew ed success during the past two sea- and do thou likewise. by their- own blood or service to those sons in 125 cities, will perform "The This is the first of several articles who fight for a nation that gives to .Marr-iage of Figaro" for the audi- we hope to write if the editor in- the citizen of religious scruple the ence, using understandable English dulges us. We have not taken up freedom to choose. and modern dramatic dress. The oUI' pen with desire to stir up bad T. M. WHITFIELD. company has added to the power of the great music in the opera a touch of comedy by tr'anslat.ions of wit and Varied Program To Be Given By simplified plot. The cast of the opera includes Robert Rudie, Noted Violinist Stuart Gracey, Jean Greenwell, Can- os Sherman, Vera Weikel, Helen Van (Continued from page 1, column 4) Tom, and Alice George, with 'Ruth Cumbie as accompanist. In 1938 Rudie was g~anted a fel- Andante Semplice-AUegro--- Early in the history of the Nine lowship at the Juilliard Graduate Tempo I O'clock Opera Company, they dedi- School where he studied with Albert Lento cated themselves to stream-lined pro- These principals of "The MU1"Tiage of Figaro" win ap- Spalding and Albert Stoessel. Allegretto giusto duction of operas. In the spring of pear in the stream-lined version of Mozart's opera to be Following these studies Rudie was Intermission 1939, they appeared at the Tuilliard presented on February 19, engaged as concertmaster and assist- Poeme . ....Chausson in a costume performarlce of "The ant conductor of the Oklahoma Sym- Prelude in E major Marriage of- Figaro" and repeated it company, David Otto, bridged over The first substitution was made in phony; and he is scheduled to play Prelude in D major the foUowmg summer at the Chao- the gaps in plot by explaining to the 1941-42, the second the following four concertos with this orchestra. Shostakovich-Maganini tauqua Institute. The next time audience what had happened in the year. During these two seasons more He will also give a recital in New Nana (from Suite Populaire they gave it in concert form, and in meantime. than 125 cities of the United States York's Town Hall in February and is Espagnole) de F'allu order to cut the text of the opera The present transportable., moder-n- and Canada heard the novel produc- accepting limited concert bookings Dance Espaiiole (from La Vida intelligibly, one of the singers in the ized version, that will be given here tion of "The Marriage of Figaro". this year. Breve) deEafla-Kreisler- on the 19th was the result. It has In response to innumerable de· Robert Rudie, Violinist been worked out in a production aim- mends the company has prepared a Martina Rudie at the Piano Students and faculty members may q.~18-:Z3 ilar to Thornton Wilders' "Our similar production of "The Merry Sonata in A major... . .....__Handel obtain reserved seat tickets for the Town". Wives of Windsor". Andante concert at McDaniel Hall office, where (Continued from page 1, column 5) Allegro townspeople may purchase tickets for $.60, Adagio-Allegro from Febru- Wednesday Miles before the community concert, Night Birthday Dinner Concerto No.2 in D minor postponed to that night Wieniawski ary 5. Allegro moderato Other evening services will take Will Salute February And June Romance (Andante non troppo) J. WM. HULL, Jeweler place in Baker Chapel at 6:45 P. M.; A La Zingara Successor to Cassell's each will be followed by a discussion In order that all students may get Clendenning, Mary Jane Collard, Jan- (Allegro moderato) on the topic of the evening as well as their share of birthday cake and ice ice Divers, Pat Donovan, Annabelle Sonata for Violin and Piano The Store of New Fashioned on the subjects selected by the ques- cream, the Trumpeters, sponsors of Glockler, Ruth Hageman, Naomi Har- Aaron Copland Jewelry and Old Fashioned tionnaires recently circulated on the the monthly birthday dinners, have per, Nancy Haskins, Jean Hastings, Honesty campus. announced that the summer unniver- June Hollister, Grace Jemison, Lou- series will be combined with the win- ise Mesloh, Sally Moffett, Beverly On Wednesday night, February 21, PATRONIZE Times Building Mulholland, Eleanor Nichols, a reception in McDaniel Lounge will ter ones in the future celebrations. Pearson, Fern Ann Ray, Ruth Sassaman, OUR East Main St. hav- the students A dinner honoring follow the address. This reception, Westminster, Md. scheduled for 8:00 P. M., is open to ing birthdays in February and June Marjorie Sansbury, Betty Sauter, ADVERTISERS everyone. will be held on Wednesday, February Mlndelle Seltzer, Winnie Shauck, The afternoons of Religious Em- 7, in accordance with the new plan. Eleanor Schilke, Jean Shirley, June For Personalty Particular / phasl s Week will be devoted to indi- Valentine's Day will provide the Smith, l'Ifargaret Statler, Adele Ten- Men ney, Shirley Townsend, Hazel Weeks, vidual conferences and .tc recreation- theme for the table decorations and Kay Wheeler, Caroline Wilson, Anne OPEN AN ACCOUNT al periods of folk-dancing and games. a program of instrumental music will Winters, and Martha Witter. HEAGY BROTHERS WITH During the week, Dr. Miles will speak be presented during the meal. The The men having birthdays in these BARBER SHOP at each of Dr. Little's "religton and menu will be announced later by Mrs. months are: Levi H. Doegett, Guy 24 W. Main St. The philosophy classes. Julia Claibourne, dietitian. Smith, Jack Spicknall, William Smith, Lillian Jackson and Herbert Dog- Following are the names of the 38 Alfred Truitt, Thomas Mulligan. Colonial Jewelry CO. gett are co-chairmen for Religious women students whose birthdays are Emphasis Week. Chairmen of the va- in February and June. A Suggestion For EXPERT JEWELRY rious committees include the fellow- Martha Adams, Betty Baker, Grace SUnsCRIBE TO THE Valentine's Day ing: publicity, Jane Beall and Earl Bevard, Barbara Brower, Audrey GOLD BUG "Say it with Flowe1's" AND Morey; worship, Fred Morgan and WATCH REPAIRING Grace Jemison; decorations, Millie Lloyd and Warren Roberts; invita- Meet your friends Stewart N. Dutterer tions, Kitty Waring and Harry Buck- at we cater to the ingham; social committee (for the re- COLLEGIENNE FLORIST 34 W. Main St. ception), Jane Dudderar and Shirley Ko-Ed Klub Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster,Md_ Snyder; and schedule committee, Refreshments Patent Medicines in our Phone 350 Phone 303 Nan Austin and Carroll Doggett. Collegienne Shop John Everhart on the fourth floor PATRONIZE THE COLLEGE BARBER Carroll Theatre State Theatre AND BOBBER HUTZLER.5lmHERS @ OUR WESTMINSTER, MD. AT THE FORKS WESTMINSTER, MD. ADVERTISERS. Thurs., Fri., February 1-2 Thursday, February 1 DOUBLE FEATURE Gene Tierney· Dana Andrews SMITH Be REIFSNIDER Theo. F_ Shaeffer "More Room For Our "LAURA" "MARK OF WHISTLER" "JUNGLE WOMEN" Incorporated I Goodies" LUMBER-COAL Master Plumber Saturday, February 3 WESTMINSTER, MD. Fri., Sat., February 2-3 Smiley Burnette Plumbing, Heating, Tinning At Our New Location Virginia Bruce - Tito Guizar "CODE OF TUE PRAIRIES" Contractor Edward E. Horton Margaret & Earl's 92 W. Main St. Carroll Pastry Shop "BRAZIL" Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 4-5-6 Ray Milland _ Marjorie Reynolds Phone Students' Center Westminster, 359-J Md. 5 E. Main St. "lHINISTRY OF FEAR" Phone 214-W Sun., thru Thurs., February 4-8 Wednesday, February 7 I SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Spencer Tracy· Van Johnson Tom Conway - Mona Maris ''THIRTY SECONDS OVER "FALCOLN IN MEXICO" ''TOKYO'' Compliments DRUGS-SODAS Thurs., Fri., Feb. 8-9 of Going Dancing? DOUBLE FEATURE See COSMETICS Fri., Sat., February 9-10 ''THREE LITTLE SISTERS" The Carroll Food Mark'et MATHERS' It· Vera Hruba Ralston - Vera Vague "MADAME FI·FI" ~ UN RIGHT 90 W. Main 81. downtown ~i'(~'l'~ "LAKE PLACID" Saturday, February 10 Crabbe· Buster fo' "HIS BROTHER'S Al St. John GHOST" Cootes' Sarber Shop EVENING DRESSES .~- oIr_( Sun., thru Wed., February Mayo 11·14 Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 11-12-13 Bob Hope - Virginia and Two Barbers Phone 9 "THE PRINCESS AND TUE Carl Esmond - Osa Massen WRAPS WESTMINSTER, MD. PIRATE" "THE MASTER RACE" East Main Street -
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