Page 28 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, We.stminater, Md.. February 1, 1945 "Alaska Today" Is A1~, II.M. Dance Is Successful; Topic Of Next IRC Similar Event For May {Cent. from page 3, col. 1) Meeting, Feb. 12 Now Master Moliere was no ordi- ingale, who declared shc had definite- muttered Moliere bitterly. "I fmd no Planned By WSG nar-y mole. He had made up for his ly heard him sob, and burst into tears distinguishing characteristics!" And Mr. Stuart A. Widener, the basket- arranged in a long melodic line. he curled up under his desk and went In spite of feeble attempts by the ball coach of the Western Maryland small size by studying hard to receive "Please don't cry", said the king. to sleep with one paw over his nose, ASTP, paratroopers, civilians, the the royal degree of Master of Moles. team, will be the speaker at the LR.C. (This is the highest degree confer- Everyone stopped, except Proudas just like the King. Brjti sh Navy, the Air Corps and the meeting to be held on February 12, A., the Peacock, who continued to Army to hold their own, the dance at 7:00 P. M. in McDaniel Lounge. rable in the animal kingdom. The ani- sniffle whenever he wanted to. AJust like the King!" echoed Mo- last Saturday night was strictly a mals became somewhat nasty realists, The topic for his address is "Alaska living so close to the earth.) Then he "It seems," began the Lion again, Iier. "Why I ILm a King! ... I am naval engagement. Ninety sailors Today". decided to change his name to Mo- "that we are come to a-" glancing the King of myself. And if I've been from Mt. St. Mary's College at Em- and have found no distin- studying- The speaker has previously spent liere, just as all the royal dancers about, he saw the faces prepare- guishing characteristics, why should mitsburg invaded Westminster and nine years in Alaska where he taught took Russian names, though the ma- "that we are come to a you know the campus for the occasion-some school at various places within a five jority of them hadn't even seen Rus- what, Moliere." I stay down here when I'm sad. Be- with dates and some just hopeful. hundred mile radius of Nome, Alaska. sia on a map. "Yes," said Moliere. cause the KiJ1'g told me? That's sil- Dates had been arranged with wo- At one time he was located fairly Shortly after this, Moliere had fall- ly," answered Moliere, "because I am men students of the college according close to the Arctic Circle. en in love with one of the daughter e Humans the King of myself!' to age and height, and introductions Teaching was only a part of Mr. giraffes. No one could understand "The fact is," said the Lion, who • • Could Have were made in each dorm. Since more Widener's experiences during his stay this except Moliere, who had become chose another peppermint stick, "that He began pacing back and forth, girls signed up for blind dates than in Alaska. He served for throe years very broad minded as a result of his the giraffe reports a new life all our his hands clasped at his back. And there were sailors available, all the in the Department of Justice whilo education. Since it was just an adol- learth. wbut was that name again 1" the candle flame fluttered with fright girls' names were placed in a hat and there, and had various minor experi- escent romance, the two soon parted. " 'Humans' ", replied the Giraffe. each time Moliere swept past. the correct number drawn. ences such as weather observing, ra- She complained of not being able to "Poe want of a printable word." "Look here, King Lion," said Mo- Another dance of this type is being dio operating, and working as a doc- find him whenever she wanted some "Oh yes. Now Moliere, here's liere, remembering a class in "esprit planned by the Women's Stud~mt tor's aid. In his travels around the poetry recited; and Moliere was sen- where you come in. You must use d'escnlier" he once had in college Government for May. Those girls country, he often found it necessary sitive and couldn't bear to have her your knowledge of books, and expert- "If I have failed, then I have failed; "who weren't able to attend this dance to usc the dog team. not see him, when he always saw her merit, and find the distinguishing I'm not your slave and you aren't the will be given preference next time. At the present time Mr. Widener for what she was. As he said to the characteristics .. only lion in the land," I could have Ruth Hausman, president of WAA, is employed in Baltimore as an in- king: "Hurrah for Master Moliere and said!' has announced that a profit of $162.71 spector for the War Labor Board and "\Ve just weren't made for each the Distinguishing Characteristics!" Going to the bookshelf, he took was made on the dance. This money coaches the Terror quintet on the other. But I always felt so safe with shouted the animals, who seldom list- down a volume entitled: Twenty Easy will help defray the expense of tho side. He came to Westminster from her." He never quite got over it. ened carefully, and thought the king Rrttiollalizttt1"on.s ~r, The Art of Mak- next dance. Alaska in December, 1942 and has .The King's Door • had just given Moliere a new charter. been residing here since then. Moliere walked through his door to "Please," said the King, "Now, Mo- in.q Up. He tilted his head back and 1 girls For the first time at a WiIlC dance smiled. "I haven't used this since of boys acted as coat- instead Emory and H\nry College, located the lion's reception room. You see, the liere, you must keep these experi- got that'D' in high chemistry," he checkers. The three girls checking at Emory, Virginia, is Mr. Widener's king's door wasn't exactly a door, it ments a secrcts.c-wa all like our ele- Alma Mater. He first became inter- was a door of doors with one for each ment of surprise, you know. And for mused. "This is just what I need." coats, Margie Little, Shirley Leese, ested in the International Relations sized animal. The Lion was a wise, as that reason, I have decided that un- .1I10liere Understands and .Millie Ll_oyd,.spent a profitable Club when he joined the organization well as a considerate, king, and he derground is the best place for you to The next morning, Moliere de-." evening - their ttps amounted to at college. knew that all sizes would be coming work. The Rabbit has consented to stroyed all his books but one, the $13.26. A combat movie film will be shown to see him. rent you a room. slow string quartet movements, and at the same meeting in which Mr. First he had tried a revolving door, "At a very low cost, indeed," said the exper-imental apparatus, and set Widener is to speak. The films will to accommodate all the sizes. But the the Rabbit. In those days, all rabbits about catching his own food. He be loaned to the LR.C. by the R.O.T.O., Snake required costly exercises to de- had black curly hair. stopped getting,. milk and table cream Marjorie Gross, WMC senior, Monday and will be shown at each future velop his forearms before he could "Yes," said Moliere. A tear fell and no longer replied to the frantic night announced her marriage to Pfc. meeting of the club. push the door around. And the Kan- upon the large feet spread beneath letters from the king. garoo's jumps were so long that with him. Standing by the front door to Jay Carter, former ASTP cadet sta- tioned here. The ceremony took place, "Why, Moliere," said the King, "I Mid- Year Graduates every jump he'd go right past the in- believe you're crying". watch the sun rise, he said to him- Ma rgie said, in Oklahoma last June. side door, and find himself already on are what humans "Maybe the self, Pfc. Carter at his was on furlough Moliere, as he sadly "Yes," said Receive Degrees the way out. The Snail complained of closed his door to the Lion's room for world needs ... books like geometric home in Texas where Margie was evidently they can't being rushed around by inconsiderate stated be in "We went for a drive one visiting. At Convocation ones in the next partitions who were the last time. principles. I haven't failed the King. day and decided to get married", she going too fast to notice the sign that Down .Deep (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) said: "Slowly, Please." The King curled up under the Oh, no." morning, Moliere believed said. The day was June 24. Each • An Assignment \ Margie left this week to join her at 6 o'clock in Baker Ohapel to Lt. Master Moliere shook hands with throne, and went to sleep with one more and more what he said. Each husband in Texas. She plans to fin- ani- the Ridgely Friedel, and the couple will the king and stood beside the throne. paw over his nose. to throw other golden morning he stood by his front door ish her last semester and get her mals went outside reside in Baltimore. In June, Miss "Good morning," said the king, balls at the sun in the royal garden, and practiced seeing the situation degree elsewhere. Ramsburg plans to marry First taking off a shoe that had begun to this being a favorite pastime of less and less. Classman William Pfefferkorn of the pinch. theirs. e Just A Uole United States Naval Academy, while "Good morning," said Moliere, look- The next time we see Moliere, he At last. he had found the most dis- McKinstry Hall is again to become Miss Spaulding and Louis Pfeffer- ing respectfully down at his large tinguishing characteristic of humans a boys' dormitory, housing war vet- korn, U. S. N. R., who is brother of feet spread beneath him. is coming up from his underground the ability to face a situation with erans studying here at Wl"I1C.These room for the bottle of milk and pint Miss Ramsburg's fiancee, became en- "Moliere, Master of Moles,' began of table cream on his doorstep. A eyes open, 01' bedimmed by the 'gray- gaged recently. the king, "you are a good friend to ish brown fur of the mind. But Mo- will include Harvey Buck and warren Harvey Buck has returned to the everyone; your presence is never ob- year has gone by, but still Moliere is liere did not know his search had end- Earll, former students at the college, campus to receive his diploma and jectionable, and in your head sits the sad; there was no breeze to stir the ed: Moliere was just a. mole now; and and Bert Harrison, Henry Meredith, blue chintz at his window; cur-tains will remain here to engage 'in grad- most orderly collection of knowledge no sunlight to make his favorite be- that is what you'll find him today. Ernest Twigg, and Bob McColley. uate study for his master's degree. that exists in our kingdom." gonia plant want to grow; and he Arlene Wauneta Jones and Margar- "Thank you," said Moliere. often fell asleep during experiments, et Poole Shauck, who were also eligi- "And now I have an assignment !Jt gatp d/e/I,e ... because it always ble for diplomas, were not present to for you. It is a tough assignment, at night no matter seemed to be late how much black receive them from the stage. but we are come to a depression. coffee he drank. Working in Washington at the • Depression By Harvey Buck present time, Arlene Jones was not At the word, "depression", all of • Discovery ON THE HILL . excess, is, of course, a normal outlet able to return for her part in the cer- the animals began to cry. They "Distinguishing Characteristics," for the energies of the average col- emony yesterday. didn't know what the word meant- Since one of our favorite pastimes Miss Shauck has been teaching the in fact, it was all a mistake. You to Tri-Beta Establishes is speaking rumors, it might be well lege student. third grade of the Westminster see, Gorky, the Squirrel, happened to squelch the reports that there was McKinstry Hall, last occupied by grammar school and will continue in sigh. The Kangaroo thought he had Milton Hendrickson ice skating in Ward Hall last week women, is 110W housing a few of these that position. heard Gorky sob, and told the Night- during the freezeup--on the con- men and, undoubtedly, their numbers merely Scholarship Fund trary, it was landmark tobogarring , will increase considerably as timo passes. is regrettable Thus, another was passed Although it The foundation of the Milton Hen- in the life of this venerable old dorm. that their associations with other stu- drickson Scholarship Fund by the In all seriousness, we all owe a vote dents may be more limited under the (Continued from page 1, column 5) of thanks to the hard-working main- new arrangement, it is felt that their members and alumni of Alpha Aiu their generous help and donations in the drive, and they now stand as rol- Chapter of Beta Beta Beta in honor tenance staff for setting the house in re-orientation to civilian and student the drive. Due to the interest of the lOWS: of Major Milton H. Hendrickson, '38, order again. They're doing a fine life will be facilitated by this move. solicitors and the willingness of all The student committee to the fac- has been announced by Dr. Lloyd M. job generally, under almost insuper- GRADATA. to give, the drive has already exceed- ulty consists of Harry Buckingham, Bertholf, 'I'r-i-Beta advisor. able obstacles. . Then there ed its $900 quota. "Because of the Mary Webb, Jane Beall, Bob Harri- Through the aid of this scholarship was the prof who wished his students Pfc. Carl 1I100dey '46, widely re- wonderful response and cooperation, son, Jane Dudderar, Connie Stone, fund, several outstanding junior or a good rest during th~ mid-semester membered as "The Schedule King", the goal for the W. S. S. Fund has Lee Beglin, and Bett;y Powell. Fred senior biology majors who are mem- recess. now has an APO number out of San been raised to $1,000," Miss Waring- Morgan and Bert Harrison are co- bers of Tri*Beta wiIl be able to at- And looking at the darkened rooms Francisco. . . . Recently returned to stated. chairmen for Ward Hall, while tend a summer laboratory such as Tuesday evening following the close tllis country after being wounded "At the beginning of the drive $170 Christine Royer is the head of the the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory of the semester, it would seem that overseas are Lt. Dick Shuck '43, Lt. had ulready been collected for the drive among the day students. at Solomons Island or the Gibraltar most everyone took the snggestion Bob Bricker '42, and Pfc. Ken Volk W. S. S. Fund. With a present sum In Albert Norman Ward, Joy Mor- Island Laboratory in Ohio. Alumni The turn of semesters '45 . . A recent visitor on Ithe total of $800, it is hoped that we will ris is dormitory chairman with Mary members are being asked for contri- brought to a halt temporarily the col- hill back on furlough after nlany be able to reach this goal by March Alice Hcrshfeld, Mary: Jo Lyon, Bet- butions to raise the $75 to $100 neces- lege careers of several men who are months in the Pacific, is Lt. "Slim" 1, when the campaign will corne to a ty Little, and Audtey Clendening sary to pay the expenses of one stu- due to enter the armed forces at an Parks, '41. Recent alumni ar- close." !issisting. Millie Vanderbeek is head dent. . early date. All plan to return after rivals in the European area were Lts. !'Irore specifieaily, Miss Waring of the McDaniel Hall I drive, and as- The scholarship is established in V-day to take advantages of the ben- ~:e~~:' Robinson '!3 and Dick Pat- wishes to thank the publicity com- sisting her are Molesworth, memory of Major Hendrickson, son fit of the .GJ bill. mittee. This group is responsible Jane Dudderar, and l Sally Smith. of Professor and Mrs. D. W. Hen- WAY BACK WHEN .. for the placing of posters concern- Ellie Marsh heads the Blanche Ward drickson, who was the first of Tri- PRECEDENT _. ing the drive in conspicuous places Campaign with Donna DuVall, Shir- Beta's members to give his life in the The college authorities have initiat- "By golly, got to bear down around the campus and it contributed ley Snyder, Pat Chatterton and Grace service of his country. He graduated ed a plan to aid in rehabilitating re- now!''''. the Mason-Dixon play- a great deal to keeping the Urgellt Jemison composing the team. from Western Maryland College in turning veterans which is, in my own offs. . Maryland Watch .. need of funds in the minds of the The publicity committee consists 1938 with a biology major, and later opinion, most commendable. It's ob- "Pop" Calhoun. students. The unique "Burma Shave" 0.( ~fi.ndelle Seltzer, chairman, with secured his master's degree in that vious, of course, that many of these A recent letter to the Gold Bug type of posters placed opposite Smith 8ubject. While a student here he at- discharges will have nervous difficul- from the aforementioned Lt. Patten Hall gained favorable comment from ~:~se~us~:'rn~I~:rOl~o~:~g~l;ar;~~: tended the Chesapeake Biological ties which might definitely be aggra- contained this closing phrase which many, according to Miss Waring. Haile, Barbara Richter, Pat Dono- Laboratory at Solomons Island and vated by the constant "horseplay" we pass along as one close-out fo. There have been some changes in van, and Marie Wilson a.s the com- the Gibraltar Island Laboratory of and hulabaloo of the characteristic this edition-"Best regards to all ane the various committees officiating in mittee members. Ohio State University on Lake Erie. dorm.. The latter, if not carried to buy Bonds."
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