Page 27 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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The Gold Bug, Weftenl Maryland College, We:stminater,Md., February I, 1945 PAGE THREE THE GOLD BUG Senior Dramatic Class Tries Hand StudJlnt Personality Harrison Official student newspaper of Western Maryland Col- March, and April, In Production Of Sophomore lege, published semi-monthly, on Thursday, during Oc- Plays tober, November~ January, February, and monthly dur-ing- September, December, and May. En- tered as second class matter at Wesbminster- Post Office, "Overtones", the first in a series by John Kendrick Bangs. The date under the Act of March 3, 1879. I of one-act plays under the direction for presentation is March 1. Evelyn By CHARLES C. BROOKS of senior dramatic students, was pre- Benson.cIdona Mehring, Jean Murray, Subscription Price $2.00 a Year sented Thursday, January 25, in Louise Willis, Janet Breeding, Bar- Alumni Hall during the usual sixth bara Dupuy, Winifred Baker, Fonda period sophomore recital hour. Most Boyer, Mildred Amoss and Ann Cain 14smciated Colleeiale Pre" of the series of plays scheduled will make up the cast for this musical be given during this same period but play. Di.lribu!oro{ some may be presented in the even- Another twosome, Adele Tenny and Collee;iate Dieiesl ing. Anne Lassahn, will direct the French Thelma Young was director of play, "Le Farce du Cuvier", which is "Overtones" and Janet Lee Baugher an anonymous play of the Middle Editor-in-Clti~f ".__._ Lillian Jackson, '45 Managing Editor. Mary Va. Webb, '45 was stage manager. The play is a Ages. The cast consists of Winifred News Editors. Virginia Voorhees, '46 psychological drama on a sophisti- Shauck, Virginia Voorhees and Ray- Copy Editors. . Margaret Statler, '47 cated woman's battle with her emo- mond Bennighof. The dates for this Enrique Lamadrid, '46 tions. play and for the following have not Business Manager . ...Dennis Blizard, '45 The cast was as follows: been announced, but they will be pre- Advertising Manager Margm-et Fredrich, '45 Harriet Emajane Hahn sented sometime between February Circulation Managers .. __..... Fred Brown, '48 Hattie (Harriet's conscience) 22 and March 1,. according to Miss Hilmore Lungrall, '48 Watts .. Contributors: Helen Frantz Jean Andrews has chosen Nan Aus- Charles Brooks, DOll Capobianco, Onalee Cohen Mary Margaret ...._............. Betty Powell Davies, Joyce Edwards, Jan Lee Ganz,Allen Poffenberger, Maggie (Margaret's conscience) tin, Enrique Lamadrid, Nancy Daw- Fern Ray, Betty R_obel'~s,Sara Jane mce, Josephine Bove, Jean Hastings son, Dorothy Schubert, Jack NeVille rfi~d~Il~2S~lb~r~n1e~~nT~1l~oD~~0~~VSl!h:;e~~, ~~ohi~i~ "Neighbors", Zona Gale's story of and Donald Shobert for the roles of Snyder, Grace Bevard, Helen Wymer, Marcia Koblegard, small town America, is director Sara her production of Tolmsbee's fun- Pat Chat~rton .. Fonda Boyer, Al Truitt, Harry Beall, Jane Rice's choice for production on tasy "Guki : the Moon Boy". Jack NcVille, Mildred Lloyd. Febr-uary 15. Her cast includes So- Edward Justice wilt direct Dorothy Student Advisory Council: phie Jones, Margaret Statler, Mar- Schubert, Jack NeVille and Shirley Gloria Mathias, Vernelle Ports, Peg Thompson, Robert Snyder in "Mooncalt 111u g for d". Adams, John Dorsey, Warren Roberts. garet Arnold, Anna Lee Butler, Her- bert Doggett, Grace Bevard and "Squaw Winters" has. Janet Lee Kathryn Wheeler. Baugher directing with Joan Fluke, Shultz, AloLuvze, 11.AI. February 15 is "The Purple Door- on ~~argaret Prokaska Mary Lee Beglin, Another play to be presented and Jean behind the foot- knob", which will be directed by Lu- lights. Ethel Sheeley,' Ruth Magin, By Sara Jan. Rice cinda Holloway. The plot concerns and others will comprise the cast for BOB HARRISON an actress; a purple doorknob, and an "Mrs. Harper's Bazaar", while Mrs. At the bright and cheerful hour of eight o'clock old Yankee lady. Susanne Holston, Jean Corkran Mendell will handle the each Sunday morning I am gently awakened to Once upon a time, long before there were any directing. boys and girls--or even any grown ups-e-thers Margaret Phillips, and Ann Little the melodic disharmony of a lovely baritone voice, All casts of the above plays were lived a mole. His name was Master Moliere and make up the cast. 22 Director Lillian chosen from sophomore' dramatic echoing throughout a background of silence in Ward Hall (1895). A door slams, a shoe drops, On February he lived with all the other animals in a 'huge Jackson will present Thornton Wild- classes. Each senior director is re- and through the newly created din I recognize castle on a hill. er's comedy, "The Happy, Journey". sponsible for the entire production of Robert Winfield Harrison's own version of A There was plenty of space for everyone in this castle, The cast will be Emajane Hahn, Joy his play. Miss Watts, instructor in Mighty Fortrese Is Om' God. An infallible alarm and each animal could have as many rooms as he wanted. Morris, Betty Blades, Harry Mattax, dramatics, feels that both groups will clock is your Bob, as he borrows someone else's The giraffe, for example, had to have three of the largest ballroom~ built _one on top of the other, because, as you and Harry Beall. profit from the experience of parti- hair tonic and prepares to go forth to devour his Frances know, his neck was uncommonly tall. He was never co-directors Brown and Dean Hess are cipating in all these student play pro- Sabbath morning repast, ductions. Man", of "The Worsted troubled with having the roomers on the upper or lower eSt. Michaels Awakens floor complain of noises late at night. He was in all the On October 7, 1925, the sleepy little country town of St. rooms, you see. Michaels awoke to recognize the addition of a new mem- .The Lionlike I{jng ber in its Sunday School. Following the usual formalities, In those days, no one ever quarreled. That is because the indifferent little village went to sleep once more. St. there were no desserts to bother about, and the animals Saturday, February 3-Basketball Game, Johns Hopkins University vs. Michaels, one should understand, is located on the East- ate nothing but vegetables. Western Maryland, Gill Gym, 8 P. M. ern Shore, and for those who have not been enlightened, The lion was the king, and loved by all. In fact, the Sunday. February 4-"Fireside Fellowship," after Chapel, McDaniel the Eastern Shore is that marshland which is located west highest compliments you could pay to one of the animals Lounge. and south of Delaware. would be to say that he or she reminded you of a lion. Wednesday, February 7-February and June Birthday Dinner, College Said R. W. Harrison, when questioned as to his opinion And that is why any helper to the king who had served Dining Hall, 6 P. M. Student Christian Association, Baker Chapel, of the Eastern Shore, "As all good Eastern Sharemen, I his kingdom weil was honored after death with a lifesize ~~:~I:Women's Athletic Association Party, Blanche Ward Gym, think it is God's country and nothing may be compared to allow we shall it our beauty But and culture." for portrait of himself. The portrait would be hung in the library, and beneath it were words going like this: "He Thursday, February 8-Robert Rudi, concert violinist, Alumni Hall, thoughts to wander upon the assumption that there is was fierce as a lion", or "He was small as a lion", or "He 8:15 P. M. good and bad in everything. was calm as a lion", or "He was gentle as a lion". Friday, February 9-Basketball Game, Westminster Theological Semi- e Cfass Valedictorian No one ever thought, of plotting to overthrow the king. nary vs. Western Maryland, Gill Gym, 8 P. M. Bob distinguished himself early in life as the valedic- Everyone saw how much extra work he had to do. torian of his high school graduating class. But he was Sunday, February ll-"Fireside Fellowship", after Chapel, McDaniel • The Palace Dragon Lounge . hardly satisfied with the, shall we say, rather primitive As we first see Moliere, he is coming up the front steps Monday, Februar-y 12-International Relations Club, McDaniel Lounge, culture of the Eastern Shore. He plainly saw that it was of the palace, on his way to see the king. How did he get 6:45. Stuart Widenor will speak on "Alaska Today." his destiny to venture forth into the world to some large past the fierce dragon who guards the gate? -Lecture by Dr. Maynard, Baker Chapel, 7 P. M. metropolis and there make good; there perhaps to become Well, this palace gate was guarded by a dragon who a second Abraham Lincoln. So young Robert hitchhiked had sixty-five heads, complete with tongue and teeth for to Westminster where he enrolled with great optimism in each. You see, his mother hadn't sent him to the first Western Maryland College. grade when he was old enough, because she feared he ."Great City Life" would feel out of place with animals of neater size. After Perhaps it was the swiftness of the "great city life", four years, she had been around him for so long that he or perhaps it was the well employed use of match sticks didn't seem overgrown at all, and sent him to the first that kept young Harrison's eyes open wide for, "as any grade. But it was too late. The dragon had grown sixty- fool can plainly see", he has absorbed vast quantities of five heads before having the chance to read in a book that knowledge. Our young politician became president of his most dragons only have two. He stopped school and de- sophomore class, and in the same year, was enrolled upon voted all his time to the heads. As he said to the king: the famed Dean's list. Curiosity or insistency, as the case .Care of Heads may be, made Bob fight his way up from the bottom, the "My sixty-five heads have done no wrong. They are in- very bottom, to the position of vice-president of the nocent, and they shall never have cause to feel that they Wesleyans, boys' vice president of the Sunday ScilOOI, are unwanted." and vice_president of the Student Christian Association. From then on, the heads received the best of care. A This year, as a climax, the seniors elected him to the pres- complete staff was kept busy every day, except Sunday, idency of their class. brushing and polishing and attending to the needs of Throughout the long years of absence from the afore- those sixty-five heads. The royal dentist went over each mentioned area that some people unthinkingly term "the ,.. tooth with a special machine that detected any flaws. By forty.ninth state", there have been intervals when \Vard the time he had finished the last tooth in the last mouth, Hall's great baritone has returned to his home. Frequently six months were gone, and it was time to begin his cheek- the little town of St. Michaels has wakened, groaned, up again. turned over again, and fallen back to its slumbering tran- qui1ity . • Overwhelming Odds Bob's chief hobby, other than singing on Sunday morn- "Where does the time 'go?" he would say every six months. And the dragon would tell him. ings, is biology. He loves to spend long hours working and textbooks, biological through plodding tediously: When the dragon was young, he would step aside when keeping his nose to the laboratory grindstone. All that is anyone came to the gate, land each of the sixty-five mouths to his credit, even if it is beyond my comprehension. would say something cheerful, or just Smile. Then-the dragon grew a little older, and his mouths were tired, and .Graduates In '45 it took a long time to step aside when anyone came to the Robert graduates this spring and has high hopes of at- gate. He cluttered up the entrance dreadfully, but the tending the seminary at Yale University. Upon gradua- elephants remembered how cheerful he was when he was tion from theological school, he may study medicine and young, and squoze by somehow, in spite of the dragon. carry out his greatest ambition: that of becoming a medi- The dragon's name was Overwhelming Odds. cal missionary in China . • A Love Affair As Master Moliere came up the steps, he polished his dJlMA ••• spectacles on his grayish brown coat. Sniffing the air with @ESQlIIRE.1NC"liU his pOinted nose, he remembered a line from Milton; and Reprinted from the February issue ell Esquire NewJ~' elected officers of the Student Christian Associa- when he saw his favorite cloud in the castle sky, he tion were announced last night. They are: President, thought of a line from Shelley. "Someone called her for a elate'" Grace Jemison; Vice-president, Herbert Doggett; (Continued on page 4, column 3) tary. Henry Lamadrid; Treas~ll'er, Fred Morgan.
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