Page 19 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md .. November 30, 1944 PAGE THREE Green Terrors Again Take To Court War Fund Local Canneries As Varsity Basketball Is Resumed campus for the National War Found To Have Almost $100 was collected on the to according ~====~ Fund Drive, who were in charge the Wide Market Trumpeters, Coach Stuart Widener To Head New Tearn; Choir Will Present of collecting funds for the cam- (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) Seventeen Boys Appear At First Practice; Christmas Service paign on the Hill. $40 was con- two miles from Westminster. Of this amount, According Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins On Schedule On December JO tributed by residents of Blanche superintendent to of Mr. Chester Ecker, the Westminster The first Green Terror basketball quint in two years is now Ward Hall, $22.75 by residents of of branch of the cannery, the PW's $29.50 McDaniel, by residents being formed with a new coach at the helm, the Student Athletic The College Choir will present its Albert Norman Ward, and $4.50 were quite satisfactory as help, and Council announced this week, in revising an earlier ban against annual program of Christmas carols by the men of Ward Hall. caused no trouble. Most of them varsity basketball competition this season. in Alumni Hall on Sunday evening, could understand English and some Coach Stuart Widener', former box- December 10 as part of the tradition- could speak it. The PW's were used ing and basketball coach at Emory The new "free substitution" rules al Christmas services on the campus. mainly for picking beans, but a few and Henry College, has been signed will give a greater number of boys a The Choir under the direction of were used for work inside the can- up to direct the squad, which will chance at some real competition, Prof. Alfred de Long, will sing the nery. play regular competitive games with the formation of a "8" team to play following carols: (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Seasonal help at the cannery usu- Glory to God in the Highest such nearby colleges as Gettysburg, ~~:~'b~a~~h ~;!:e~~epo;cht':~s ;:~ll~as; Pei-golaai Paul Maynard is an outstanding ally amounts to not more than 225 Dickinson, Johns Hopkins, Loyola, chance at some real competition, Wake, Ye Shepherds student in the Western Maryland mu- employees, depending on the type of and washington College. Salama sic department; he is known here on canning and whether or not any of .Gettysburg Scheduled Coach Widener explained. (Moravian carol) the Hill for his organ recitals and or- the seasons overlap. Of this num- Two games have already been While a student at Emory and Hen- I Sing of a Maiden Davis iginal musical compositions. ber, about 30 are regular employees. scheduled with Gettysburg, one to be ry College, he participated in boxing, Balkan Candle Carol Gaul At the end of the canning, the sea- baseball, and football. Af- basketball, played here at Gill Gym on January The Holly and the Ivy Whitehead Ruth Miles, president of the Stu- sonal help is no longer needed and (Traditional) dent Christian Association and the at Gettysburg on :~;uc~:;du:~~g, a~:is;::~ b~:~~:tb~~i Galician Christmas Cm-ol.; __.Erjekaon United Religious Activities Commit- the regular help is used to make re- by the coach at the college, and has also The Little Jesu of Braga Gaul tee, is house-president of McDaniel pairs on the farms owned itself. company and in the factory upS;::~~e:~e~~:~ :~;~e:,h~:~~i~:~~~ coache~ a n.umber.. of independent (Portuguese) Hall and secretary of the Argonauts. Brohawn, Harry Buckingham, Lionel teams l!l various cities. H~ recently Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella She is a member of the College Choir, During the busy season the can- Burgess, Jim Culhane, Don Fedder, - retu~'ned from a long. s:ay III Alaska (Old French Carol) the Trumpeters, the Student Activi- ning is begun at 7:00 A. M·.-varying according to the weather. The pro- George Hankins, Bruce King, Tom to his home in Westminster. Hallelujah Chorus Handel ties ,Council, and belongs to Iota duce is gathered about 5:30 A. M. Gamma Chi sorority. Mulligan, Dick Palmer, Guy Smith, and taken in trucks to the cannery Jack Spicknall, Joe Thompson, AU Earl Morey, remembered as college so that it will be available as soon Truitt, Pudge Bruner, Bob Harrison, Annapolis Analysis postmaster of last year, is president as the factory begins operating. and Buddy Venables began practice of the Wesleyans. He is a member of Markets for the canned goods of Tuesday night. the Student Activities Council, and the Shriver Co. extend as far north e No Conference Play served as vice-president of last year's as the New England states, to Flor- Explaining that most of the Penn- sophomore class. ida, Louisiana, Texas, and occasion- sylvania colleges have done away By JO BOVE Margaret Thompson, vice-president ally into the !lfiddle West. There is with conference play, Dean L. For- of the senior class, is president of the also a buyer on the West Coast. rest Free, chairman of the Council, Delta Sigma Kappa sorority and stated that many of these colleges op- [Ed. Note: The folloWing w an account of the interviewing by two W.MC {firis treasurer of the Argonauts. She is here Less than half of the goods canned available to independent are erating without army or navy train- of several members of the Naval Acadc?ny's football team after the Navy- also a member of the Gold Bug Stu- buyers, however. A large part of ees have banded together and sched- Pw·d:u.e-.Game.] dent Advisory Council and is chair- uled games with each other. At 8:20 A. 1\'1., Saturday, November 18, Jeann~ Berryman and man of one of the programs in the the products are held in reserve for "Our team will play only those col- yours truly left town on "ye olde Westminster train", bound for series of Freshman Orientation As- government use and above this re- leges similar to western Mar~and in that fair and beautiful city of Annapolis (or Eastport, to be more semblies. quired reserve there is also a "con- men and materials, thus equalizing exact.) Catherine "Kitty" Waring is vice- tingent reserve" which each canner the competition," he announced at a After stopping off at Baltimore president of the Argonauts, a mem- is required by the government to put meeting of the male student body in Stadium to see the Navy-Purdue ber of the W AA board, president of aside for a certain length of time. If at the end of this time the govern- the gym Monday night. Iota Gamma Chi sorority, a Trump- game where Navy downed the "Boil- ment doesn't need it, this supply is e Nucleus for Spirit ermakers" 32-0, we took up our home- SCA To Sponsor Group eter, and treasurer of the SCA, made available to civilians. "This basketball team will become a ward journey once more. URAC, and Sunday School. nucleus for the revival of college Hearing so many argument's for Of Conferences To Be • The number of Western Maryland- The B. F. Shriver Company also spirit on the campus," he continued. and against both tbe Army and Navy ers receiving the honor this year rep- has branches in Littlestown, Pennsyl- "It is the hope of the Council that the teams, we decided to get the opinions Led By Mrs. Reith resents an increase of two over last vania and New Windsor, Maryland. rest of the school will rally around of some of the Navy football' players. year's announcement, when seven The Westminster factory is the larg- Mrs. Patricia this basketball team and really root "Swede" Hansen, 6 ft. 198 pounds secretary of the Sleezer Reith, youth students were named to Who's Who. est. Friends American for its success." of ruggedness who pJays end on the Coach Widener has issued a call for team, can be quoted as saying, "The Service Committee for the Middle At- any boys who have had high school lantic urea, will arrive on the campus experience in the game or who have Army outfit is always a difficult team Sunday, December 3, and remain for SELECT YOUR XMAS GIFTS NOW it looks year the ability and interest to tryout for to anticipate but this The outcome of the paneJ discussion on peace-time slightly supercharged. the team, to come out for the practice an Army-Navy game, especially this conscription to be held Tuesday, at Evening in Paris, Caro Nome, Coty and April Shower Gift Sets sessions, which arc held on Tuesdays 8:00 P. M_ in McDaniel lounge. On and Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 p. m., one, would be more ably predicted by Monday and Tuesday she will hold $1.00 to $10_00 and on Mondays and Wednesdays any of the experts who have spent personal student conferences, as well both stands in the hours watching from 4 to 5:30 p- m. as meeting with campus organiza- Evening in Paris, Caro Nome, Coty, April Shower, Frolick and clubs. But from what we've been able tions. L'Oele Men's and Women's Perfume Deodorant $1.00 to observe from reports, an opportun- The Student Christian Association String Quartet ity lies ill this game which has seldom is sponsoring Mrs. Reith's visit to the Exclusive Agency in Westminster for itself to a Navy presented football team. The most I can predict at this Hill and is also planning the panel L'Orle Men's and Women's Perfume Deordorant $1.00 discussion for Tuesday night. To Play Here point is a mighty anxious Annapolis A graduate of the State University L'Orle After Shave Lotion ,$1.00 Club that is looking forward to ring- of Iowa, where she majored ill politi- December 8 ing the Japanese bell on the steps of cal science, she has had wide experi- WE MONOGRAM STATIONERY AND BILL FOLDS this (Incidentally, Hall." Service 24-hour Bancroft bell is rung only when Navy defeats ence in intercollegiate conferences as (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) Army). regional chainnan of the Student Christian Movement. §rqmitt'.11 lRrxall lIIrug §tnrr the East Indies, Australia, and New Our next victim was Jack Baker Zealand. They have been in the East (one of Swede's wives---don't be disil- Mrs. Reith especially is interested Indies four times and each time have lusioned, girl; it only means room- in working with college students and 55 E_ MAIN STREET presented 35 concerts in a period of mate). Jack can be described as a faculty members who are sincerely WESTMINSTER, MD. six weeks. On two visits to Australia tall, (6' 2" to be exact) hardworking concerned with the problems of inter- and New Zealand they appeared 87 lad weighing 200 pounds. In giving national relations, reconstruction of Phone 298 times within two periods of six his opinion Jack said to be sure to say devastated areas, and world peace. months each. he was just a bench-warmer but if Her primary purpose is to help such The purposes for which the mem- you have been to any of the Navy individuals or groups know more bers of the quartet are directing their 'games you'll know differently. Jack about these specific issues, and to efforts are to perform fine music as says, "Army has a great team this help them find effective channels of perfectly as possible, to re-create the year, so it will be just that much bet- action through American Friends masterpieces of the great composers ter if we take them and make it six Service Committee projects and other of previous years, and to introduce victories in a row; and the team is practical experiments. the works of modern composers. out for another win. The name of the organization is an "We realize the tough job that is Compliments old and eminent one, dating back (Cont. from page 4, col. 4) many years in the annals of Euro- of pean musical life. Before joining the had P~ quartet each of the four artists ... The Carroll Food Market acquired a rich musical background, 90 W _ Main St. having played in orchestras and given (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) outstanding performances on their respective instruments. Dodd, Mary Jean Baker, Janet Duffy, Ice Cream All members of the ensemble are Beverly Hoffman, Helen Tyson, Eliz- now permanently settled in the abeth Burch, Madeline Burham, Mary Merry Christmas United States and are well on the Alice Burkhardt, Frances 'Newcombe, way to obtaining citizenship. They and Catherine Frounfelter. and a have stated that they enjoy American Other students and alumni of audiences, in which they have found Western Maryland College who. will Happy New Year • a growing appreciation of chamber appear in the cas_!;are Enrique La- music and a free and friendly atti- madrid, John Vermilyea, Don Capo- Heagy' 5 Barber Shop tude toward them as individuals. bianco, Don Fedder, Irving Arnold The group is especially noted for Russell, Paul Cummins, Herbert Dog- 24 W. Main St. its recording of quartets by Mozart, gett, Robert Harrison, and Harry Beethoven, and Brahms. Buckingham.
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