Page 20 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 30, 1944 1~ ... Fre'shman Tests OF Last Year (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) I piano makes you think of that which "I don't know how," he said. Are Graded cut out for us and we're really going proven to be one of the greater Navy you had thought was forgotten-or My hand in my pocket touched to go too work. Army has a lot of teams. not even there for remembrance. Babiole as I turned to leave. (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) speed and power but we have a little "The Navy line has more power I took from my pocket a small ob- He looked up at us, and I fancied of that ourselves, beside a strong for- than usually seen in any college. Be- ject and sat looking down at it. It his eyes looked into mine a trifle sophomores selected as representative ward wall._ hind that wall is a fine group of fast, was a bear carved from red-wood. longer than the rest. Perhaps I im- of similar colleges throughout the "It will be a honey of a game that powerful backs. With these well Previously, I had carried it with me agined it. country composing the national norm: should decide that old question of an matched teams the game should truly on all my tours for luck, and now I I stood with Babiole in my hand. I WMC Stand. immovable object and an irresistible be great." remembered a summer day when I was ready to go home now. I had Social Studies 63.0 66.6 force, of course I'm partial but I'm Last but not least we have the was a little girl. fclt the hostility of big cities long Natural Sciences 62.2 62.2 banking on the immovable object!" opinion of Navy's mascot, yes, none enough: I was ready to return to my Mathematics 60.('0 60.5 Next in line was "Bo" Coppedge. other than Bill the 9th. "May I come in, Jocasto?" I said. small city-to the hostility there. Contemporary affairs test, which "80" is 6' 3" weighing about 215 Bruce Winner (He's the tall dark To everyone but to me, J ocasto was was divided into six sections, \vas (He's so big-sigh). "Bo" in his and handsome "middle" you see run- a queer old man who lived in a rick- compared with 4,302 sophomores rep- neat Arkansas accent gave us the fol- ning up and down the field with the ety house and drove the train that SCA Christmas Program To resenting 74 colleges in the country lowing information: goat), had a long talk with Bill and thundered through the nocturnal se- making up the standard norm. "This year's Army-Navy game quotes him as saying, "Although be- renity of our town. But we took Feature Nativity Story, WMC Stand. should be the best of the season due ing obviously prejudiced, I have put walks together' and he told me the Political Events 17.9 18.0 to the great teams both schools have. quite a bit of money on the game, most wonderful stories I have ever Speaking Choir, Music Social and The Army possesses a well behaved and having Scotch parentage, I do heard: our very friendship was built Economic 17.8 18.0 club with great backfield strength. not make rash bets, I have been on Christian Associa- The Student upon pretense-his that of youth, and tion's Christmas program will be pre-.' Science and The Army line hasn't been tested and the sidelines for each game and my mine of wisdom mellowed by eight sented in Baker Chapel on Wednes- Medicine 11.1 9.0 proven as you might say the Navy first-hand knowledge says that the years of living. day evening, December 13, at 8:00 P. Literature 6.7 6.0 line has, but both their defensive and Navy boys will come out on top. Take "It seems to me," he replied, "that M. Fine Arts 6.1 6.0 offensive play must be very good, it from me Navy is the lucky number you are already in." Amusements 23.4 25.0 looking at their record. for the second of December." The nativity story, interpolated e Babtole the Bear with music and poetry, ,,",ill m~ke up American history test, with 25,000 "Certainly the Navy teem : has . Much to our sorrow Ben Chase, My favorite story that Jocaato told, the program as planned by Warren high school students in 110 high played a harder schedule and has captain of the team, was out "cross- me was one about a bear named Bub- Roberts, Carroll Doggett, Bob Ad- schools in the country composing the country" and Hal Hamberg and Jim iole who was really a kind prince ams, Earl Morey, and Grace Jemison. standard norm, had the following re- Dr. L. F. Free Elected Pettit could not be found. sults: that had been charmed by a wicked The Christmas story is to be pre- In order to get a broader sample of witch. Even now, the charmed as- sented in five parts: the Prophecy of WMC Stand. President OF Deans opinion we questioned three reserve pect of mankind fascinates me and Isaiah, the Annunciation, the Mag- American History 53.4 52,9 midshipmen, namely Myron "Mike" I long alternately to either reward nificat, the Nativity, the Angel visita- The main purpose of giving the (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) Cobb, Leslie A. Core, and Annand or do away with the wicked witch in tion, and the Visit of the Wise Men. achievement tests at Western Mary- Payardi. Their opinions can be questtori, . A speaking choir under the direc- land, according to Dr. Lloyd M. Ber- to college life, and their relations summed up in one statement: On this day, Jocasto looked down tion of Jeanne Prokaska will have a tholf, dean of the facuity, is to indi- with the younger civilian students. "Navy is too Impressed with them- at me for a long time instead of part similar to that of last year in cate to the student what courses of Many changes are likely to occur in selves; therefore Army will win with sending me off for home as he usually the worship service. Grace Jemison study he is weak in, so that the stu- the traditions of college life in the a score of three touchdowns to Navy's did when darkness came, and the will read the narrative and Warren dent may individually adjust his cur- future and, likewise, in the actual one''. riculum to take up the slack in those trees seem to cut deeper into the sky Roberts the poetry selections of the subjects. educational methods. P. S. Confidentiaily, from predicted and finally disappeared. program. Vocational goals will be added to facts the final snore will be 13-12 in "So you're moving away," he said. The old, beloved Christmas music The tests may also be considered as the curriculum of the colleges admit- Navy's favor. (We hopel) as sung by a male trio and a mixed a vocational guide, Dr. Bertholf sug- ting these returning war veterans, in .Comedy and Tragedy gests. I nodded and looked up at him. quartet will be a featured part of the "A student, for example, who ts, order to help them in securing a way Only those who know comedy can service. The trio will consist of Wil- planning on a medical career and who of earning their own living in civilian John Everhart liam Smith, baritone; . life. Jack Mote, ten- perceive the tragedy in life: only or; and John Vermilyea, bass. The makes a low score on the science and BARBER COLLEGE those who know tragedy, the humour quartet has not yet been announced. medicine section of these tests must rHE AND BOBBER of it all. I, being a child, saw neith- either change his future plans, or fill PATRONIZE in the gaps in that field," Dr. Ber- OUR AT lHE FORKS "Before you go, here is something Christmas Banquet tholf explains. I made for you." Plans have been made to give the ADVERTISERS "Babiole," I said, and it looked up (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) tests to the present freshman class at. me from the wrinkled old hands cf the students will also enjoy the at- sometime later in the year, so that J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Jocasto. mosphere that always exists at this those students will have an opportun- Successor to Cassell's .Affeetlon annual occasion, when the dining-hall ity to make any necessary changes in GRIFFIN'S In a burst of ribboned pigtails, I is lit by candles and the entire etu- their future curriculum at the col- The Store of New Fashioned was gone. Jocasto was good and dent body joins in the singing of the lege. Jewelry and Old Fashioned kind and I had loved Papa Jocasto traditional Christmas carols. Honesty with all the affection my own parents "Your Stop Downtown" did not care to claim. SODAS-SANDWICHES Times Building YOUR HAIR DRESSER .EastMainSt. I saw Jocasto today. But he did BEAUTY SHOP Santa Claus CANDIES Westminster, Md. not know me. He was whittling ani- visits the , Opposite State Theater mals for the few pennies that pas- 91 W. Main St. Tel. 190 sers-by would give him. Outside of Ko~ed Club the pack on his back, he looked the SMITH \& REIFSNIDER we cater to the Incorporated Why don't you? "Do you like to do this?" asked a curious spectator. LUMBER-COAL COLLEGIENNE ''Poverty forces much upon one." WESTMINSTER, MD. Compliments "Poverty in these days? Why don't in our you do something else, then?" ' of Collegienne Shop "I worked on the railroad once. Outstanding Then they said I was too old. When Theo. F. Shaeffer BONSACK'S on the fourth floor I needed them, they didn't want me. CHRISTMAS CARDS So now they need me, and I don't Master Plumber In Town HUTZLER. BFOTHERS @ want- them." ~ "Carve me a bear," said a littfe Plumbing, Hearing, Tinning fo, girl. Contractor Quality and Selection 92 W. Main St. Phone 359-J P. G. Coffman Co. Carroll Theatre State Theatre Christmas Greetings Westminster, Md. Times Building WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Carroll Pastry Shop Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. SO-Dec. 1,2 'I'hurs., Fri., Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Brian Donlevy - Ann Richards All Star Cast "AN AMERICAN ROMANCE" "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY"
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