Page 24 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 11, 1945 Lack Of Room For Recreation -, (Cant. from page 3, <';01.2) (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) take place January 31, at 6 o'clock eeived her miniature of the Naval Hit By Student dormitory. Ellie Marsh will head the Haile, and Ethel Dunning. in the' college chapel after the in- Academy ring at the Ring Dance last Blanche \V"ard Hall drive, assisted by Following is the proposed URAC tended bride's graduation that morn- June. (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 2) Donna DuVall, first floor; Shirley budget for the current year, 1944-45: ing. Miss Ramsburg is a member of the rention facilities and the girls have Snyder, second floor; Pat Chatterton, Miss Young became engaged to graduating class, a major in sociolo- theirs, but the grill provides the only third floor; and, Grace Jemison, ~~;!t'ch~:i~ti'~~"~I~~~~~~t$5~~:~~ Lt. Friedel ('43), soon after his gy, and a member of the Phi. Alpha convenient spot for mixing. A sizable fourltt floor. McDanielites will be cap- World Student Christian graduation from O. C. S. at Fort Mu sorority. Midshipman Pfeffer- room, preferably located near the tained by Millie Vanderbeek, with Federation 40.00 Benning, Ga. She is the president korn will remain in the navy as ~n Grill, would be ideal for the purpose. Frances.Molesworth as first floor rep- Freshman Handbook 50.00 of the Phi Alpha Mu Sorority and an officer. \ Permanently decorated for comfort resentative ; Jane. Dudderar, second, Freshman week 5.00 active member of the College Play- Although bells are not yet ringing and amusement, it would undoubtedly and Sally Smith, third. Little Sister Movement 4.00 for Miss Mary Louise Sehrt and form a lasting asset to the college as • In Albert Norman Ward, Joy Mer- Fireside Fellowship 25.00 She will have as her maid-of-honor, Miss Mary Spaulding, additional well as to provide the students with a ris will be dormitory chairman, aid- Service Committee. 30.00 Miss Nan Huddeaton, of Catons- lights have been reflected into their place in which to entertain themselves ed by Mary Alice Herahfeld in first Wednesday Night Programs ville, Md., and Miss Margaret Ann eyes from the sparkle of new dia- socially. section; Mary Jo Lyon, second; Betty Advertising 5.00 Smith ('44), and Miss Mary Jackson mond rings. A juke box or a decent victrola Little, third, and Audrey Clenden- Misc. Equipment 20.00 ('43), as her bridesmaids. A cousin MIll'y, Louise Sehrt ("Snooky"-'43) ~:~:h::l~~~~n f~;ds: Speakers 25.00 of the bride, the Rev. Dr. Joseph R. has announced her engagement to Lt. ;:~~;~ :n~~;ol~~~d~:~'~l t~f d:~~:~t:~~~ ~:;;i::l~l"::.~ Conferences 150.00 Young of Cumberland, Md., will offi- William (Slim) Parks. Lt. Parks has ment. Arrangements could be made Hall, while Christine Royer will head Life 4.50 elate. spent two years in the Pacific. for games of bridge, or simRly a spot the drive among the day students. Literature 5.00 A reception in McDaniel Lounge Miss Mary Spaulding became en- for relaxation. Harry Buckingham is chairman of Retreat 5.00 will follow, with the Phi Alpha Mu gaged, Tuesday, January 9, to LOllis Such a provision would assist in in- the student committee to the faculty, SCA Chl"ist:.n·i"~Program 12.00 Sorority assisting as hostesses. The Pfefferkorn, U. S. N. R., stationed creasing the college spirit if only assisted by Mary Webb, Jane Beall, Sunday School Expenses. 15.00 couple will spend their honeymoon in at Corpus Christi, Texas. She will through recreation. Eroperly decorat- and Bob Harrison. 1 Washington, D. C. and New York graduate January 31, with her in- ed, it could well be made an attraction The publicity committee consists of Total Disbursements $905.00 City, then return to Baltimore to tended sister-in-law, Miss Ramsburg, on the campus for the college. The ex- Mindelle Seltzer, chairman, and Ver- make their home. and Miss Young. Petty Officer pense would not be a particularly nell Ports, Nan Austin, Carron Dog- Miss Luciene Ramsburg and First Pfeffer-korn is a radio and radar in- great burden and would be well worth gett, Earl Morey, John Dorsey, Win- SUBSCRIBE TO THE Glassman William Pfefferkorn of the structor. Miss Spaulding is a soci- it in the final analysis. nie Baker, Marie' Wilson, Barbara GOLD BUG United States Naval Academy, will ology major and vice prexy of the Why cannot something of this sort Richter, Pat Donovan, Charlotte be married June week after his grad- Phi Alpha Mu sorority. be provided? uation, in the traditional ceremony SMITH & REIFSNIDER held in the Naval Academy Chapel. PATRONIZE Incorporated when she re- Money For Peacetime Conscription Better They became engaged OUR LUMBER-COAL Spent For Science And Education, Writer Says ADVERTISERS WESTMINSTER, MD. Faculty To Act (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) Compliments In Comedy Hit Young, and Lt. Ridgely Friedel wiil him in the same frame of mind as 01 Going Dancing? example of others but we do not find that of the Nazi boy! How easy it (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) it necessary to set an example. would be to make him a worshipper BONSACK'S MATHERS' The cost of peacetime conscription of Mare! ~ looking forward to the time when we will be stupendous-a burden on an There will be taken from the boy at SODAS • LUNCHES downtown should see Dean L. Forrest Free, Mrs. already burden-weary nation. \Ve least one year of his life. Multiply 10' Nina Veale, Miss Maude Gesner, and will have to spend a colossal sum 'on that one year by the millions who will Dr. J. Lloyd Straughn, camouflaged teaching youth how to destroy. We have to undergo this training and in John Everhart EVENING DRESSES an-d in action. find very little taught for the better- present-day terminology consider the THE COLLEGE BARBER One student has been so completely ment of mankind in an army camp. manpower hours lost which might AND BOBBER sold on the idea that she spent one How much more wonderful it would have been loaned to something con- WRAPS night in far from peaceful slum bel', be to give this money to science and structive-constructive within the in- AT THE FORKS dreaming of the scenes that would be education, to It means of enriching the dividual or for mankind. Demanding presented by our academic leaders. world! How much better it would be a year of a person's life is a violation According to her dream, the acting, to expend these sums on slum clear. of his freedom-freedom for which or other divine elements, caused the ance and social improvement! we are supposed to be fighting. J, WM. HULL, Jeweler auditorium to be carried away by a More important than the extrava- How long will the world believe Successor to Cassell's START- tornado, or a reasonable facsimile gance of this undertaking will be the that our mass regimentation is moti- thereof. effect that it will have upon the boy vated by peaceful pursuits alone? In- The Store of New Fashioned the New Year right We make no sweeping statements; to be trained. At seventeen a boy has deed, how long can we deceive our- Jewelry and Old Fashioned we offer no promises; we merely re- not as yet formulated any clear cut selves? You cannot teach war and ex- Honesty STOP- peat what we have heard-THIS will pattern of life. He remains suscep- pect to practice peace; one must give be worth seeing, and at long last, we tible to any idea that is presented, es- way to the other. History indicates Times Building of th'c Hill will have something to pecially when it brings promise of that those who taught war' abandoned East Main St. write home about. glory. How little it would take to put peace! Westminster, Md. GRIFFIN'S For Personally Particular Compliments M,n Margaret & Earl's Sodas-Candy-Ice Cream HEAGY BROTHERS of "More Room For Our Students' Center Sandwiches BARBER SHOP The Carroll Food Market Goodies" Phone 214-W 24 W. Main St. 90 W. Main SL SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS At Our New Location Theo, F. Shaeffer Cootes' Barber Shop Carroll Pastry Shop Master Plumber Two Barbers 5 E. Main St. Ros~nsto~k's Ladies'Shop Plumbing, Heating, Tinning East Main Street I Contractor 92 W. Main St. Phone 359·) FOR YOUR Westminster, Md. Carroll Theatre St{l.teTheatr~ WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Sweaters - Skirts Fri. and Sat., Jan. 12-13 Thun:;., Fri., Jan. 11-12 Jeanne Crain _ Frank Latimore Basil Rathbone - Nigel Bruce we cater to the "SCARLET CLAW" -tx THE MEANTIME COLLEGIENNE DARUNG" • Sat., JHn. 13 Starrett Blouses - Jackets - Anklets Charles in our "SADDLE LEATHER LAW" Collegienne Shop Sun., Mon., 'rces., Jan. H.-15-16 Sun., Mon., Jan. H-15 Marie IIlontez - Turhan Bey Ann Shit-ley - Michael O'Shea Also A Complete Selection Of on the fourth Boor "BOWERY TO BROADWAY" "MAN FRO.\! FRISCO" HUTZLEK BFOTHEf\) ~ Tues., Wed., Jan. 16-17 Boga:·t Joan Blondell - Humphrey Wed. and Thurs., Jan. 17-18 "STAND IN" Coats - Suits and Dresses Jer.n Parker - Jack Haley '·O:-.'E BODY TOO MANY" Thurs., and Fri., Jan. 18 and 19 DOUBLE FEATURE DRUGS-SODAS '"CRY OF THE WEREWOLF" • COSMETICS "d Fri.. Sut., Jan. 19-20 "ONE ~1YS1'ER!oUS NIGHT" Abbott and Costello Sat., Jan. 20 "LOST IN A HAREM" Peggy Stewart - Allen Lane Shop Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop "STAGE COACH TO MONTEREY" Sun., 1\1011., Tues., Jan. m~~~!~ 21-22-23 67 E. Main St. Westminster, Md, Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer Sun., IlIon., Tucs., Jan. 21~22-23 Phone 9 Ann Sheridan - Jack Carson. WESTMINSTER, MD. "TOGETHER AGAIN" ''THE DOUGHGlRLS" j
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