Page 15 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 16, 1944 PAGE THREE Prospective Conference Team Westminster Jail Is Second Of Vetoed By Athletic Council To the editor: Town Survey; Cells Adorned CHARLES BROOKS Militarism's trumpet was effective- MARY F. DAVIES ly sounded last Sunday night in The most formidable news in the realm _ofWestern Maryland Chapel, and, if one can judge from Even jail-birds have pin-up girls-at least in the Westminster College Sports is the revelation made by Dean Free that the college jail. The 24-inch brick or concrete walls are also adorned, in some will not participate in the Mason Dixon Basketball Conference. The the heated bull sessions which have. cells, by containers holding pamphlets on the Gospel. decision rendered by the Athletic Council, composed entirely of ensued on the campus, it was not The cells' on the first floor of the jailhouse are small cubi- faculty members, was made in spite of a petition signed by the stu- sounded in vain. If the speaker ac- cles, barely large enough for the four men they are supposed to dents and presented to Dr. Holloway. complished nothing else, he at least hold. There are four cot-like beds which can be let down from Olearly manifesting the desires of Again, ther-e is the college to con- awakened many of us from the in- the students, the petition was rejected sider. Unless a college maintains its tellectual stupor into which we have ::~s\:~~sba::.d B:~.~e~!t:~~ :::SI~n::0 oner, who had escaped Irom his own on, perhaps, debatable grounds. The athletic standing on a high scale, it fallen in relation to the chaotic sit- of the doorway. cell, attacked and overpowered the Council, however, has presented ex- will not be the institution chosen by uation of our world. The ceilings are high and outside sheriff, and escaped with the keys. cuses of its own. It seems that there young men returning from the armed 'Those who prefer to build a better the doors of the cells there is a cor- He ran through the office, knocked are two main reasons for the denial. forces following the war: These boys world on the basis of the ethics of ridor, lined with bars, which is kept aside Mrs. Conoway, and cut the tele- The lack 01 transportation is so acute, will be accustomed to a full physical Jesus were challenged to re-think locked. In spite of this double protec- phone wires. Although neighbors in spite of the offered use of the program, including much teamwork. their convictions. They were made tion, a prisoner escaped in May, 1943. called for help immediately, it was ROTC ear, that although other eel. They will want to attend colleges of not until the next afternoon that and ingenious leges are able to participate in the (Cont. on page 4, COl. 2) aware of the strength militarism which When Sheriff Charles Conaway, a state troopers apprehended the of- cleverness of the conference, western Maryland can- native of Carroll county aheriff of fender, who is at present serving an not. Secondly, the freshmen, who will ·1 opposes their idealism-that militar- Westminster for two years, took sup- eleven-year sentence in the peniten- undoubtedly compose the majority of Virginia S. Ballard To ism which, unfortunately, will write per to the prisoner, who was being tiary for robbery. the basketball team, are unable to Address French Club the peace, but never win the peace. held for robbery, the prisoner made a In the basement of the jail are six walking was sheriff The request. plan their work in such a way as to On the other hand, many students along the enclosed corridor, prepar- cells which are used mainly for cases drunkenness. arc violent There of enable them to take time off for a de- A W.M.C. graduate of the class of on the Hill who place their fajth in ing to grant the favor, when the pris- cent number of games held off the '42, MI·s. Virginia Sweeney Ballard, military might should have been six all-concrete cells with blocks of campus. So decreed the apparent op- jarred from their complacent sense concrete for beds. Because it is im- ponents of major, organized athletics. will visit on the Hill and speak at the on of security by being reminded of the New Ruling. Announced possible to damage these cells, they French Club meeting monthly It is impossible to pass on without November 20, according to inadequacy of mere force as the road are used for such prisoners as the glancing at the arguments of the stu- Monday, B. Hildebran, head of to enduring peace. By WSG And SAC one who burned his mattress, bed- Dr. Kathryn dents, and others who urge the en- the French Department. Is it too much to hope that all of clothes, and pillowcases and poured trance of the college into the confer- Mrs. Ballard, who graduated from us were awakened to the dangers of Two new rulings have been molasses all over his cell and the one cot out from his who the ence. It might also be undemocratic. nounced by the women's Student r-ipped Western Maryland with highest hon- saying a mental "Amen" to an emo- wall, tore the mattress and bed- The opposition certainly would be ors in French, has begun to do gr-ad- tional presenta tion of an issue which Government Association, Coot Haus- clothes into shreds, and made his es- far from "too tough". All of the col- uate study at La Maison F'rancaise mann, president, has revealed. cape by digging through two feet of leges in the conference are in the of Western Reserve University, demands reason 1 Can we not hope These rules, effective at once, are brick wall. same position as Western Maryland, Cleveland, Ohio. At present, she is that the students of Western Mary- as follows: Before the jailhouse was built in with the exception of one which has teaching French in a high school near land College will read again the life (1) Men's game room is for men 1837, prisoners were kept in what in training a number- of V-12s. Annapolis. of that Man who met His enemies only: no women are allowed to en- used to be the Main Court Hotel, but ter. It has been said that the freshmen At the French Club mecting, to be with Love and not with the kind of (2) Slacks, dungarees, and similar does not exist now. There were cells are unable to plan their studies in ac- held in McDaniel Lounge at 7 P. M., hatred which we are urged to em- in the basement of the hotel and the cordance with a tough basketball sea- Mrs. Ballard will give the members ploy against our enemies? attire, may be worn only during' prisoners were chained to their cells. son. I cannot help but point out that a picture of the graduate work she Let's have more bull sessions on organized hikes or picnics by col- At one time prisoners were hanged lege arsnouncemeot groups when it is an exceptional youth who does has done; also, she will lead the group world problems. Let's give our full in the yard of the jail. It is said that not wish to make the most of his col- in French songs and games. support to those organizations on is made making such clothing one man, awaiting his execution, lege education and experience while campus which are intelligently dis- legal. looked from the small window out he has the chance. By this I mean, During the day the department cussing these problems! In short, The Student Activities Committee onto the courtyard and sang the not only an academic education but guest will visit several of the French let's do our part to avert a recurrence has also announced that any Hill or- hymn "Will There Be Any Stars In also the development of his personal- classes and talk with the students of of the tragic mistakes of the after- ganization wishing to sponsor Sat- My Crown1" ity and sportsmanlike qualities. 'I be- her field. She will be the guest of math of World War I. urday evening activities must present The most common charges against lieve it will be admitted that half of a honor at a special French table in its request at the Council meetings offenders brought to the jail are rob- college education is the development the dining-hall at the regular dinner Respectfully yours, held on the first and third Wednes- bery, reckless driving, and vagrancy. of one's character. Organized athlet- hour. WARREN H. ROBERTS days of each month. Adolescent boys are often held for J ics on as large a seale as possible is stealing tires and gasoline and dis- one way with which to bring out the turbing- the peace. better qualities of youth. It takes Prisoners are held in the jail until very little planning to organize one's the time of their trial in the court- work in order to accommodate a full house. If they are convicted, they are athletic program. It has been done returned to the jail and held until before in Western Maryland College. they arc sent to the House of Correc- It is being done now in other colleges, Friday, November 17-Dl'. James R. Houghton, baritone, music recital, AlumrW'Hall, 8 P. M. tion or the penitentiary. . \Vhy can it not be done now here on Saturday, November IS-War Bond Rally, Gill Gym, 8 P. M. Admission, 25 cent war stamp. Occasionally, women or girls who , "The Hill"? have run away from home are held Sunday, November 19-Chapel Service, 7:30 P. M. Dr. John O. Gross, guest speaker. Fireside 'Fellowship Meeting. McDaniel Lounge, after- chapel exercises. overnight in the jail until they can be or home. Spe- Freshmen Win Monday, November 20-French Club Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7 P .. 1'11. Mr~. Virginia Sweeney Ballard, taken to an institution cots are provided cial cells containing guest speaker. for the women. ChalT!pionship In Wednesday, November 22___,::ThanksgivingService, Bak~r Chapel, 7 P. M. Hockey Play-off Thursday, November 23-'£hunksgiving Day. James Houghton Monday, November 27-Internat.ional Relations Club meeting, McDaniel LOUnge, 6:45 P. M. The hockey tournament at W.M.C. To Give Recital ended on November 8 with the Wednesday, November 29-Mrs. Juliet Alexopoulos piano recital, Levine Hall, 8 P. M. freshmen holding the campus cham- In Alumni Hall pionship. This series of games open- ed on October 3 when the freshmen (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) began their offensive by defeating RfUJeIt.. ·1 Fellowship Stimulated By Fireside of the Metropolitan Opera Co.: and 1. On the 31st tQe IAfd40n the seniors 2 to abroad with Louis Bachner and juniors won over the sophomores 2 Meetings In McDaniel Hall Coenraad V. Bos. tol. (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) His program tomorrow will in- 'The two following games were county. He lived on a farm near the only ties in the toumament.; they Finksburg and attended Franklin JOYCE EDWARDS clude: Sonoe by Russia.n Comoosere were between the seniors and the High School in Reisterstown. Fireside Fellowship meetings are now being held every Sun- My Native Land (Tolstoi) sophomores who scored one point His wife, Kathleen Moore Ravel', is day evening after Chapel in the McDaniel Hall Lounge. These are Gretchaninoff each and between. the juniors and the a WMC graduate of the class of '33, informal gatherings organized to promote a feeling of fellowship When the King Went Forth to War freshmen who _also had one point when she majored in home economics. among the students and faculty, and to help release everyone from (Konopsitsky) Koeneman each. This game was the only one She lived in Denton, Md., prior to her the impending tension on the Hill. The Pine T'ree (Lermontoff) the freshmen played that they didn't marriage, and 'did graduate work at All students, faculty members, and guests are urged to come. Balakireff win. Johns Hopkins. The Pilgrim's Song (Tolstoi) The sophomores capitulated to the "I h,ave enjoyed working with the ~d~i:el~o!:~ j~~:;:s~~e~~~ ;~:p:~~: ~~ definite. Tschaikowsky The freshmen on the 8th with a score of faculty here at Western Maryland," to relax and talk. sponsored Fireside Fellowship, though Immortal Schubert by the S.C.A., is under no 4 to 0. thus ending the intermural 1111'.Raver explained in announcing No specific plans or programs are special direction. It is meant to be Nacht und Traume hockey tournament. The following his new appointment. "However, I arranged for these gatherings. Any- entirely different and afford a change. (Matthaus Von Collin) Schubert is a tabulation of the points each feel that it will be possible to main- one who has speeiaJ poetry, records, It is designed to give you relaxation Standchen (Re,.Jlstab) Schubert team made: Freshmen, 5; Seniors, 3; tain my relat.ionships with t.hem; my or stories which he particularly likes, and a time to forget about books, Am Mecr (Heine) Schubert Juniors, 3; Sophomores, 1. deepest regret results from the loss is urged to bring them along. The studies, and other worrisome details. Del' Atlas (Heine) Schubert Last Monday, November 13, prep- of the many fine student acquain- others would no doubt enjoy your fa- Old Engl-ish Songs arations for the badminton playoff tances that 1 have made and am con- vorites too. The radio-victrola is in Golden Slumbers Corder began. The schedule will be: No- tinually making on the Hill. These the lounge at your disposal. The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington vember 13-Practice begins for those I eannqt gain elsewhere. come on in! You'll always find some- 11l~··· Corder If you're up an appetite, working who ha've played befm'e; November One of his strongest convictions is Turn Ye to Me Lawson 20-Instructions for beginners start; that Western Maryland College will thing to nibble on. It may only be (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) The Floral Dance Moss November 27-Tournament begins. become the outstanding school of its pretzels or popcorn, but it tastes Third 'iI:rmored Tank Division is Sougs by AmeriCan Composers Everyone who is interested in type in the near future. Mr. Raver mighty good by the crackling fireside. Mae McPike. When on the hill, Mc- In Picardie (Tomson) playing in these games must sign up readily admits that his duties as pub- Some tentative plans are being Pike was one of the outstanding foot- Arthur Foote before November 24. The posted list lic relations officer have been greatly made for a special Christmas fireside. ball stars. Since graduation he has In FlandeTs Fields (Col. McCrae) will be found on the athletic bulletin simplified by the fact that he has This is the only one which will be married Ellen Honeman, member of Stephen S. Townsend board in B. Ward Hall. never had to think up anything fa- especially planned, so keep it in mind the class of '45. Sweet Little Jesus Boy No organized hikes have been vorable to say about Western Mary· and try to come. There may be an. en- Among women in the service is Robert MacGimsey scheduled. but according fo a recant land in the many pUblications he has tire musical program, so far it's only Jeanne Eckhart, '44, who is in Wave De Glory Road (Wood) annoUnCemellt by Coot Hausman, in- written about it; he has merely had a maybe. Don't you think it would be boot training at Hunter College, N. Jacques Wolfe dividual groups may feel free to turn to .mention some of the true faets of fun to roast apples in the fireplace? Y. While at Western Maryland Mis!i Doris Hilts, the accomplished in records of hours spent in inde- campus life here, and these have been This is tentative too, but maybe if you Jeanne was a campus personality and pianist, will aecompany Dr. James R. pendent hikes of five or more miles. more than sufficient. said you'd enjoy it, it would become a major in home economies. Houghton.
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