Page 18 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 18
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 30, 1944 w. S. S. F.... ly-formed Service Fund and 'the Eastern uting toward the education and train- Christian Association is directly re- Far groups,-the Student Euro- lated to WSSF. The offering received at ing of the young people who are the po- The talk on Tuesday night about the pean Student Service Fund merged to tential leaders of the post-war world. the SCA Christmas service is sent to World Student Service Fund brought to form the World Student Service Fund. It also works toward reconstruction in WSSF, and profit from the annual our attention the work of an organiza- Beginning in China and Europe, the a tendency to modify the attitudes of URAC Bazaar also goes toward allevi- tion about which most of us know very agency has increased its range of activ- both those who give and those who re- ating the hardships of students less for- little,-an organization that provides ity as the war has spread over various ceive aid today. According to state- tunate than we. the means by which students and pro- parts of the world until now it is doing ments issued by the European Student Thus, through the WSSF, we have fessors here in America can have a relief work in at least sixteen countries Relief Fund and the National Student the means to make a concrete expres- part in making it possible for students on five continents. Help is given to all Relief Committee of China, many stu- sion of our desire to "do something" in other countries to keep on with their students on an entirely international, dents are developing a new and re- studies in spite of the hazards of war. non-political, and non-sectarian basis; about, present world conditions by our The WSSF is an educational and fund- students of all races and all faiths share sponsible attitude toward society 'as a contributions. But we would do well to raising agency which operates primar- alike in the administering of relief. result of the help which we have given remember that the World Student ily in American colleges and universi- Work is carried on among prisoners of them. This is a significant manifesta- Service Fund is something bigger than ties, preparatory schools and theologi- war both- in this country and abroad, tion of one way in which students may a money-raising organization; it is a cal seminaries to raise money for the among internees, refugees, evacuees, have a share in winning the peace. tangible demonstration of true democ- reJief of students in all parts of the and students in occupied lands. Here at Western Maryland we are racy and good will among fellow human world. Student War Relief, as supported by not without opportunity to contribute beings throughout the world. The organization as we know it came the WSSF, is already helping to pave to World Student Relief. Through the into being in 1940, when two previous- the way for reconstruction by coutrib- organizational set-up, our Student ---v. q. v. Ignobility Campus Personality Stoner Town Survey By Sara Jane Rico ''tAeL/;,on'',
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