Page 23 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Janui!ry 11, 1945 PAGE THREE Terror Five Meets Gettysburg Saturday; Terrors' Schedule City Hall, Court Loses Close Decision To Loyola 29-26 Jan. Here. 13, Gettysburg College, House Viewed Jan. 19, Martinsburg, Away. By Reporter Entire Squad Practicing Teams PI.y Nip-And- Tuck Jan. 26, Westminster Theologi- cal Seminary, Here. Daily For Victory Over Gill Gym Game Throughout Contest; Feb. 3, Johns Hopkins Univer- MARY F. DAVIS Strong Bullet Quint Students and faculty rnem Trim State Guard, 46-19 sity, Here. The City Hall on Longwell Avenuc ber-s planning to attend Sa~ur- Feb. 9, Westminster Theological and the Court House on Court Street The Gettysburg Bullets, boasting day night's game in Gill Gym In a close game which never saw Seminary, Here. are the centers of government for a well-organized team with plenty, of arc requested by Dean L. F. more than three points separating Feb. 30, Loyola College, Away. Westminster and all of Carroll Coun- victories chalked up to its credit, Free to be in their seats in the the two teams, the Loyola Grey- Feb. 24, Gettysburg College, ty. clash with Western Maryland in what stands before the whistle at the" hounds defeated the Western Mar-y- Away. Originally the home of Colonel promises to be a hard-fought battle start of the game, at 8 P. M. ~~land Green Terrors, 29-26, in the Ter- Mar. 5, Johns Hopkins Univer- Longwell after whom Longwell Ave- this Saturday night at Gill Gym. All basketball games in Gill t-or-s' first intercollegiate contest of sity, Away. nue is named, the City Hall was pur- Bouncing back from their recent Gym this year will start at 8 the season on January 4 at Gill Gym, chased from George W. Albaugh in three-point licking at the hands of P. M. Led by forward George Bardelmap, 1941 and remodeled to accommodate Loyola, the Green Tenors have been Admission to the game is the Greyhounds met up with stiffer the city officials. Before this change, practicing with renewed vigor in an twenty-five cents for the faculty competition than they had expected, Former Co-Eds Now In the office of the tax collector in the ~ttempt to grab their- second win of and student body, and fifty and had " tough time penetrating the Firemen's Building had been the cen- the year, cents general admission, includ- Terrors' tight zone defense. Loyola C.reer Making Process; ter of city administration. ing tax. had been averaging 43 points per • City Officials .Saturday's Line VI} game uy until last Thursday night's Marriage High On List Slated to see action in Saturday's At the head of the city government game are .Joe Thompson and Jack contest. Marriage has claimed five out of the is the mayor, who is elected every two Spicknall, guards; Pudge Bruner, Engagements, Weddings e Good Defensive Play eight home economics -majoi-s of the years. Assisting him are the five Harry Buckingham, Lionel Burgess, Excellent defensive play by guards Class of 1944, while two have entered members of the common council, two and Don Brohawn, fO~'wards; and Are Made On The Hill; Joe Thompson and Jack Spickqull the service of the. WAVES. of whom are elected at the same time Bruce King, center, with the start- kept the Greyhounds from opening as the mayor and three others who ing lineup picked fr-om these player-a. Proof In Class Of '45 up a wide offensive. High individual The names of the home economics are elected the year the mayor is not. On the reserve list for the Terrors Wedding bells are ringing fOI"three score for the night was Bardelman's majors on the marr-iage roster who The terms of office of the councilmen will be Buddy Venables, Don Fedder, W. I'If. C. Coeds. it's June in Janu- nine points, with th~ Green and were prepared for their ma/Tiage are two years. Monthly meetings of Jim Culhane, and George Hankins, Gold's Harry Buckingham second careers under the able guidance and the mayor and council are held in the ar-y for Miss Jeanne Corkran and teaching of Miss Daisy Smith, head City Hall. • Fast Bullet Team Miss Thelma Young, and actually with seven tallies. of Western Maryland's Home Eco- "Gettysburg has a fast breaking, June for Miss Luciene Ramsburg. The Terrors took an early lead, .AAA Headquarters Department, were Phyllis man-to-man defense," Coach Stuart The candlelight wedding of Miss scoring the first basket of the game, nomics (Mrs. Paul Mannino), residing City Hall also contains the head- Hess Widener explained in appraising the J eanne Corkran and First Lieutenant and stQyed in front during the early at Ridge Road, Westminster, Mary- quarters of the Carroll County Agri-, Bullet team, "and ~t will take a keen, Carlton E. Mendell took place on part of the first half. The Grey- land; Elaine Ort, now Mrs. J. Cowan cultural Conservation Association all-out floor play on our part to take Wednesday, January 10, at Martins- hounds began to click later inc the McDermott, who has set up house- (AAA). This organization sponsors a this contest." The squad has been period, and at the halftime were lead- program each year to aid its mem- 620 Linnaid Street, Bal- at working out every day or night since burg, W. Va. with the bride's father, ing by a score of 13-12. keeping 27, Maryland; Mary Turnley bel's---3,OOOfarmers of Carroll Coun- timore, the Loyola tilt, and Coach wtdener- the Rev. Dr. Clarence H. Corkran A nip-and-tuck battle featured the (Mrs. Paul B. Gipe) has her present ty. This year the AAA distributed believes that most of the faults of officiating at the double-ring cere- entire second half, with first one team lime to any farmers who wished to that night have been ironed out. and then the other taking the lead. address at Box 58, R. F. D" Bel Air, have it. The program for 1945 has The maid-of-honor was her room- Loyola kept one forward under the Maryland; Ruth Broadrup, last year's not yet been announced. • Short Practice Period Terrors' basket as a sleeper, succeed- recipient of the Home Economics Also located in the City Hall is the "The boys have done an excellent mate, Miss Deloris Hartke, with Miss ing in netting a few baskets by a Prize, and now a dietitian at one of job for the period of time they've had El~anor Pearson of W. M. C. and Miss quick downfield pass to the sleeper Baltimore's largest cafeterias, is the e Countv Farm Service in which to practice," he continued. Susan Portersfield of Martinsburg as for a snowbird. One Tenor guard wife of Clyde (Skeets) Hauff, U. S. County Agricultural Extension Serv- After a long layover during the bridesmaids. The bride was given had to remain out of play to protect Army; Evelyn Royer (Mrs. Manis ice, headed by L. C. Burns, county Chistmas holidays, the Terrors had in marrtage by her brother, Lt. the basket when the Tenors had the G. Zumbrum) is living at present at agent. This, like the AAA, is nation- two nights of practice before the Clarence H. Corkran, JI". Best man ball down-court. 105 Buford Ave., Gettysburg, Penn- wide, and endeavors to aid farmers in Loyola game. Although the Green was Charles 'I'souprnke, a W. M. C. sylvania. all possible ways. They make avail- and Gold should have won the tilt, man and former classmate of the e Loyola Takes Lead Jeannie Eckhardt entered the ser- able publications of state and nation- in Coach widener's opinion, he was groom. With less than three minutes left vice of the U. S. Navy in October al organizations and bring specialists began to play, pleased with the work of the player-s. A reception at the bride's home 101- penetrate the the Greyhounds defense, and, to 1944, and is now stationed with the to the county to advise and help the Terror farmers. .Foul Shooting Weak Jowed the ceremony, after wbich the aided by two long shot baskets by WAVE Unit at St. Albans Hospital, Other offices in the City Hall are One of the weaknesses of that couple left for their honeymoon in George Bardelman, took a three point Long Island, New York. The WAVES those of the tax collector, city clerk, game, foul shooting, has been worked New York City. The bride will later lead, which they never relinquished also claim Phoebe Johnson, who is at police headquarters, street commia on at every practice session. The return to complete her senior year for the remainder of the contest. Hunter College, New York. stoner, and the county board of edu- Green Terrors made only 6 out of 13 at \V. I'lL C. In an effort to tie up the score, the A most creditable showing has also cation. toul shots. Greater accuracy on the Miss Corkran is majoring in soci- Green and Gold refused several foul been made by Elizabeth Gable, home • Fifth Circuit Court part of the men taking the shots ology and voice, and is a member of shots in the last two minutes, and economics major of the Class of 1943. The to might have meant. the game for the the Delt.1 Sigma Kappn Sorority. She gamblcd on desperate field goal at- who in October, 1944, graduated from County Court House City is Hall Carroll to what the is team. is an active member of the College tempts. Good defensive work on be- the Army Training School f01" Stu· Westminster. Carroll County is one of "I expect even a bettcr perform- Players, having had the leading roll half of the Loyola however, dent Dietitians at Fitzimmons Gen- ance for the Gettysburg contest," in the Thanksgiving play, "Junior "put the game on f01" the Grey- crnl Hospitnl, Denver, Colorado. She three counties comprising the 5th cir. cuit of Maryland with sessions of the Coach Widener concluded, "and a lit· Miss." hounds. is now a full-fledged dietitian and a circuit court held in February, May, tIe cheering from the stands during commissioned officer in the U. S. August, and November. The judges the game won't hurt our chances The wedding of Miss Thelma .Take Season's Opener Army. are Chief Judge Melvin and Associate any." (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) The Terrors opencd the seaSOll "Psychiatric Assistall't" is the title Judges Boylan and Clark, all of with an easy 46-19 win over a free- which will be conferred upon Pvt. whom are elected for a term of ]5 shooting quint l'epresenting Company Harriet J. Smith upon the comple- years. The circuit court tries civil, e~R~n C of the Maryland State Guard, on tion of six wecks of basic training at criminal, County. and equity cases for all of Decembel" 14 at Gill Gym. Carroll All former Westminster High the Third WAC Training Center here. BY CHARLES BROOKS School basketball players, the State the tight It is appalling to notice the number social enterprises must be sanctioned Guard could not get past and had to B~g~ of the Terrors, defense of students on the campus who just by the proper authority. 1 believe that be content with long shots from prac- live for the day when they can go the student body in general also rec- tically midfield. • BLEACHER TIPS home. The sad expressions uQon their ognizes this fact. With this in mind, a The Terrors, in the meantime, had faces and the resignation in their ac- certain amount of respollsibility is For followers of the Green Terrors who are interested in individual tions all portray a subtle air of bore- placed upon authority to assist in the no difficulty in fiading their oppo- scores, the GOLD BVG publishes a tabulation of the number of field goals dom. To some they look like groups of pursuance of college activities. nents' hoop, taking a '19-6 lead at the scored, foul shots attempted and completed, fouls called against the players. and a 25~17 lead at thc first quarter perverts wishing for the pool halls, A place is definitely needed by the and total points scored by each individual Terror in the two games played beer establishments, and other dens students in which to mingle and enjoy half. Joe Thompson was high scorer thus far: of iniquity back home. Others recog- themselves. The boys have their rec- with 14 points, with center Bruce No. Player Position Fa FT , F TP King second with ten points. nize the situation as caused by the (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) 14. Thompson G 2-3 I' lack of college spirit. F 1-2 15 Certainly the old days 9f football 20. Buckingham 2-6 14 teams and of high pitched spirit can· IS. King" F 1-2 13 not be revived immediately, although 17. Bruner 1-1 they may come in a year or two. This, 10. Burgess 1-1 however, is no excUSe for tile lack of Saturday, January 13-Basketball Game, Gett.ysburg College vs. Wes- 12. Spicknall G 0-0 activities and for the lack of loyalty tern M.aryland, Gill Gym, 8 P. j\f. lO. Brohawn toward the college. The activities 27 72 which llave been held, with few ex- Sunday, January 14-"Fireside Fellowship," after Chapel, McDaniel Totals 32 8-15 ceptions, have not been patronized Lounge. The most imprOVed ball player on the squad, in our opinion is Bruce King, very heavily. Probably numerous fac- !\Ionday, January 15-WSSF-URAC Drive begins. French Club 6 foot, 4 inch center of the team. Although his height would seem to make tors may be attributed to this. Ad- Meeting, McDalliel Lounge, 6:45 P. M. him a natural basketball player, King didn't play high school basket.ball, vertisement has not been vigorous and knew very little about the game before coming up here. Since that enough. Or perhaps the lack of col- Tuesda~', January 16-"Tag Day." time, however, he has shown steady improvement, and is showing promise lege spirit is the basie cause. Certain- Wednesday, January 17-January Birthday Dinner, College Dining Hall, of becoming a good player. ly it has much to do with it although The Terrors can have no squawks about the quality of the officinting the others are important. In any case, 6 P. M. at their collegiate tilts. Refereeing the Loyola game 'fere Dave Kaufman the student body is in a position to do Friday, January 19-Basketbail Game, Martinsburg, vs. Western Mary· and Jack Menton, sports editor of the Evening Sun, and czar of Mason-Dixon a great deal toward remedying the land, at Martinsburg. "- Conference officials. Scheduled to referee the Gettysburg game Saturday situation. A little initiative applied in night are BiB Liston and Ben Artigiani, former WMC athletes. All these the right places may well be the par- Saturday, January 20-Semi-formal Dance, Gill Gym, 8 P. ~f.-Midnight men have been around Baltimore sports circles for a number of years, and tial remedy to a dull life. Sunday, January , Fellowship," after Chapel, McDaniel are noted for their keen-eyed officiating. 21-"Fireside I recognize that the student body Lounge. The two games scheduled with the Westminster Theological Seminao cannot function in a social manner are no "breathers," as they might seem t.o be. 11he Seminary "Angels" relative to the building of moral and Monday, January 22-College Little Symphony Concert, 11:30 A. M" ha\'e a full schedule with nearby colleges and seminaries, and will probably to the consequent lifting of college Alumni Hall. International Relations Club meeting, McDaniel Lounge, be rated" favorites to defeat the Terrors, when the two teams clash on th~ spirit without the assistance of the 6:45 P. M. night of January 26. administration and faculty. Naturally
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