Page 21 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 21
MiSS Helen Ohler .....__Western Maryland College City. WMC Men Overseas Earn Admiration, Respect OF All Award of Silver Star was made to Captain Malcolm Kullmar, Western Maryland graduate of 1940, for initiative and courage displayed by him in France on August 11 and 12, 1944. Captain Kullmar, of the U.S. Army " Infantry, prepared a well controlled ly communicated with Dr. L. Forrest defensive position for his isolated corn- Fl;;t.d~:lk~f~~e:~berof the class of Vol. 22 No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE January 11, 1945 pany, and under constant enemy fire, directed his troops so skillfully that '45, in his letter to the dean, speaks :::t:;~:t:~~~~'~~::~~:l::~C.kSsup- Of'~~:l~x:~:~~n~:=si~nth!~:n;n~~i:;:at- WSSF-URAC Financial Campaign Will tack on the Philippines. I was in the learned what war really is, and what Begin Officially, Mon~ay, January 15 fo~~~~n~·e~~~i~g,re~~!01~~~:;t~e~~~ ~~:t;~~;~~fw:SS::!~t~:~s £:~~O~::dI~ ganized his company and led an at- tack which resulted in an important it means to have Japs, jungles, marsh- capture. Goal Of $500 Set For es, disease, and r-aina-c-all as your The citation awarded reads in part: enemies at the same time. "Captain Kulllllar's demonstrated My luck finaHy ended on November World Student Fund; leadership ability, his resourceful- ~Oth-I was wounded, and it was ness, coolness, and disregard for per- only by the Grace of God that I ever Full URAC Budget sonal safety, reflect \he highest credit got out of it alive. I was hit in the A special goal of $500 to be upon his character as an officer and arm and the left hip. The shot went ~;.:,.,.:,- A8' raised for the World Student upon the military service." through my hip bone and tore up sev- Service Fund by Western Mary- Pfc. Fred A. Kullmar, recently eral minor things inside, but even at landers will be included when killed in action in Germany, was Cap- can say I'm in the Philippine J~~}~ WSSF-URAC that I was very lucky. T was operated the combined tain Kullmar's younger brother. on on the beach and later evacuated financial campaign gets under Located in another' area of combat to a h6spital in New Guinea." way next Monday, January 15, are Pvt. Ken Volk and Captain Rich- From Captain Richard Baker, the Kitty Waring, chairman of the ard Baker, both of whom have recent- Dean received this type of news: "I drive, announced today. Islands Service Student Fund The World Currenl Farce To M.rk although I cannot mention the spe- (WSSF) is an international agency cific island even though the papers in for raising money to supply books, "Faculty Players" First the states are full of it. I have a rifle food and other necessities to student company as you can tell by the ad- evacuees, refugee students and pris, Appearance On Stage dress, and we landed in the third as- oner-e or' war throughout the world. sault wave and have had our share of "Contributing to the WSSF is our who have "carried" universities 2,000 Chinese Broadway and Hollywood each at- shooting ever since. cate themselves students in a_country spot, and erect thei1 a wall newspaper. miles, lo- chance to do something for students, Such en- tempted to make the well-known com- "I certainly got into things quickly, deavors have almost no source of financial aid other than that offered by from students," Miss Waring stated. edy Arsenic and Old Lace come to for I've only been overseas two the World Student Service Fund to which Hill residents are contributors. "This is a sound investment in hu- life, and the results of each experi- months, but I really have a fighting Previous to this year, the sole contribution from WMC to th!5 organi- manity which we're milking," she ment have been presented to the gen- outfit and I'm proud as punch of it." zation was made through the URAC. This year the need is much greater_ continued, "for what we give now will eral public for appraisal and criti- be developing leadership all over the :;'~·h~'~::::~t:O~:".:;'o~nt:'::::;,E/~venth Stuclent Conclucting Class Will Direct world. It will be these leaders who will decide whether we are to have a "charge," and causing others such as lasti ng- peace or whether, in twenty, :~'t~v':;:.:p:'~:yJ:;~,"~i~g;,::;:~;Little Symphony Orchestra Concert Jan. 22 five years, our own sons will be going war. In addi- off to another horrible productions. According to Prof. Philip Royer, g-ram, with the student conduc~rs, is Themes from Piano Concerto No.2, tion to giving aid to foreign students, Under the direction of the expert; the College Little Symphony Orches- as follows: S. Rachmaninoff we will be helping- our fellow Amert- enced dramatics producer, Miss Ruth a-a will present two concerts in the The Star-Spangled Banner, Dean Hess cans who are prisoners of war, for 'books don't grow on barbed wire'." Beth Watts, who is serving in the near future. The eleventh student Francis Scott Key Marbhc Slav Tschaikcwsky capacity of dramatic art instructor conducting class, composed of eight Queen of Sheba Gouuod "Tag Day", the annual high spot of at the college, the faculty members senior students, will direct the 01'- ,Tanice_McKinley Paul Maynard the PRAC drive, will be observed on are workinl; together en_cfhc .dram, chesbrn in a concert to be presented The orchestr-a is composed of ap- Tuesday, January 16, when students Cossack Revels Ivan 'I'schakoff proximately thirty-five members this may make cash contributions to the ~;i:~!~; a~~ ::::e:,r~Zne~':il~enipnl;n~:~~ on Monday, January 22 at 11:30 A. season, since Prof. Royer has been WSSF and the URAC, or sign cards Frances Brown to appear on the Alumni Hall stage Alumni Hall. As the culmi- able to fill vacancies left by the with- pledging payments to these organiza- sometime in February. nating activity of the season, the Waltz of the Flowers 'I'schaikowsky drawal of ASTt> cadets with fresh- tions, to be paid by March 1st. Although the cast is still in a members of the Little Symphony Jean Srnyrk man students of music. An influx of The budget of the URAC includes shifting state, rumors about which Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Royer, strings has brought the addition of expenditures for many student activi- profekacr- is to till each role are ram- will present tthelr annual spring con- Arioso J. S. Bach several violins to this section of the ties conducted throughout the year pant on campus. As Hill students cert on Fr-iday, April 27 at 8:15 P. Sara Jane Rice here on the Hill. Among these are the sat in the Carroll Theatre this week' 111. in--Alumni Hall. Finale from Fifth Symphony, ~:~:~::r~~ill E!!~:iC;:~lbi~'s th~f c~~~ Freshman Handbook, the Big-Little obseTving Teddy, Aunt Abby, Aunt In a program planned and carried L. von Beethoven certs. They are Dr. Lloyd M. Ber- Sister Movement, and Fireside Fel- Martha, Mortimer and all the othc.· out entirely by music students, the William Smith tholf, Dr. James Earp, I'IIrs. L. For- lowship, as well as the Wednesday characters created by Joseph Kesser- conducting class will pl'esent nine se- rest Free, Dr'. Kathryn Hildebran, SCA services and the Alumni Hall ling, much laughter was fortllcoming lections. Prof. Royer will announce ... Sarabande. .. G. F. Handel D.·. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall, ll'liss Christmas program. The URAC also -partially because the occasion de- the conductor of the processional, Charlotte Ann Wilkins ~::~dtVi~~:~cr~~rry, and Dr. Rcm- pays for subscriptions to Life foL' thc mimded it, and partially because of "The Star-Spungled Banner" on the Cossack Dance ~. M. MUSSOl'gsky infirmaries, and takes care of the ex- to represent penses of delegates thc (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) morning of January 22. The pro- Charlotte Ann Wilkins The program for the spring con- College at conferences such as Kane- cert as announced by Prof. Royer will satake. Drs. Hildebran And Marshall Attend consist of the Overture from the URAC, is, among other things, the The SCA, which is financed by the "King Stephen Symphony No.1" by L. von Beethoven followed by "The Wal- sponsor of the annual Religious Modern Language Association Meeting rus and thc Carpenter" composed by Week, to be held on the Hill this year Percy _:;:,-tetcher.On the latter, the or- during through Friday from Sunday chestra will be assisted by a chorus the week of February 18. During the holidays, Dr. Kathryn "Colleges in the United States re- ing drama, American literatUre, and from the 'Westminster Elementary The campaign will be conducted by B. Hildebran and Dr. Thomas F. port a, marked increase in the enroll- bibliographical reference were at- School, whose llumbers will include chairmen and their helpel's in each Marshall represented Western Mary- tended by Dr. Marshall while Dr. Hil- children of many faculty members. (Cont. on page 4, eo!. 4) land College at the annual meeting of ~n::~. ~nesFr:~cihs ..- --.. debran was present at the section the Modern Language Association of year," Dr. Hilde- meetings concerning French litera- America which was held in New York bran remarked. ture. Women Plan Semi-Formal Dance City for three days, beginning on De- Among' the out- cember 26. At the first meeting of this standing scholars Giving Emphasis To Navy Motif organization since the outbreak of the with whom she war, outstandiJ.g scholars as well as conferred was fJ'Uj
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