Page 16 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 16
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 16, 1944 Honemann Plays Role Of Fuffy (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) Cont. from page 2, col. 1) Let us reflect momentarily, before It is on non-violent precepts such InStage Debut for "the girl on campus starting the Carlo has just returned from two allowing ourselves to be swayed by as these that I believe the peace year '46-47." years in Trinidad. Two others in uni- soothing voices upon our ideals- should be founded. So that civiliza- (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Two ex-'44 boys-c-Nelscn "Scoop" form who returned to our lovely cam- ideals propounded by a man whose tion might be enhanced. Our emo- Charles Harry Mattax Wolfsheimer and Carlo Ottenzi, pus were Alvin "Rebel" Crawford insights on life were far deeper than tions must not run away with us, were back gathering data and dates. and Harvey "Rabbit" Smallwood. anyone's' before or after him. He nor should we let go unchallenged Haskell Cummings George Hankins These last two were both in the be will Forty delivered them on the mount not only those who advocate force and militar- charged, with tickets being sold in the Wonaerings ••• A. S. T. Unit that was here. Remem- cents admission to be followed by others, but by him- ism as the final word in peace mak- ber? self. And he did follow them even to ing. We must not allow them to mis- office of McDaniel Hall. Tickets will (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) Oh, yes, "Doc" Summers was also the Cross. He preached love because use their position as an opportunity on campus. Doesn't sound as if hate never solved anything. Hate to instill their doctrine in others, with 'the Indians, famous :for their there was much of a man shortage, does nothing more than breed hatred. whether it be from a rostrum or a scalp treatments. does it, what with the "imports" -It is also true that if justice is to pulpit unless t11ey are willing to be Everyone seems to be going Asiat- from the Westminster high school be sought on the "eye for an eye challenged - to permit somnolent ic nowadays. \Vhat with Lawrence for the Sadie Hawkins' dance. and a tooth for a tooth basis", the minds to be awakened. Tibet and Frank Sumatra. On the other side of the ledger we quest is in vain. For there always have two professor's sons leaving remains one party who feels that he Men's Athletics ..• Men weep and say, "what is the W. M. C.-David Bennighof left for must be justified for his loss. w1,rld coming to!" I answer them the Al'lny Monday and Max Bertholf It becomes imperative that ill pur- (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) and say: "the world is coming to." leaves the Hill sometime within the suing a lasting peace we tur-n from next two weeks. Hi, hot With peo- 1 mustn't force, violence and vengeance and high standing in sports as well as in on my sleeves. wear my disillusionment ple leaving maybe we'll have a little put our ideals into practice. If the academic pursuits. business for the Lonely Hearts Bu- nations of the world merely lay their Now, there will be a certain limited I surely grew Oil a gland scale, reau. Oh, Mr. Bat-renger something's You know, been both- swords aside and not destroy them, amount of intercollegiate basketball didn't!. er-ing me for a long time now, and they shall be too sorely tempted to participated in by Western Maryland pick them up again. I cannot help College. According to Dean Free, My supply of chips for the gambol that is-how could Miss Benson's but feel that Wilson's spirit has to games will be played after Christmas of life has always been depleted. cat have kittens when its name was use restraint to keep from laughing with Gettysburg, 'Dickinson, Wash- Queen Elizabeth of England was "Pete"? that That I want to know. is over, Now election the at us when it is suggested that we ington, and Johns Hopkins, but that very low, morally. This is proved by divide and strip our enemy and leave is hardly as inviting as the confer- her execution of Lord Essex, origi- Dewey-ites and Roosevelt-ites arc her economically prostrate. ence. nator of the famed Code of Essex. cracking wise with jokes. a brand new bunch of political The funni- We can conquer Germany by force A prominent problem in the ques- lUae Honemann est one I've heard is about the three and rule her by force and suppress tion of organizing a team, even for I am still in my angel inferency. her by force, but the more force we local games, is that of a good coach. A (1I1iss Honemamm: has the second You can lead a horse to water, but doctors who went to heaven. Harr-y use in suppressing her, the stronger man who is capable and able to divert leading role in t.he Tha1!ksgiving you can't make him drunk Mattax and Ed Justice don't like it, will be her desire for rebellion. Ger- the proper amount of energy toward play, "Junior 1I1i.!!s." She will pm·tray but they will probably tell it to you many's people have a great national- a team is one half of the battle. the wt80phisticatcd F-ufJy Adams, A flop house is the name given to if you haven't heard it already. It's istic pride, as indeed we do, and Eng- In connection with this I have inde- adolesclJnt to-mboy who is the best any place that is frequented by peo- one of the few that bear repeating. land does. This alone will urge these pendently and unofficially taken a poll /1'i6Itd of Judy GI'a'V6S,jlmior miss. plo who are considered failures. Alice Ginny Kiefer Stone (l have people to arms again to regain this of a representative group on the This l)W.y lOill be Miss Ho·ne?/l.ann's to plug my family!) was here for 11 pride, this Nationalism. campus. Between the two possibilities debu.t on the> lI'cstC1'n Maryland As Little Black Sambo would say: few minutes Sunday with her broth- Nationalism has served well in ad- for the job as coach, Dean Free and stage.) "when the shoe's on the other ear it el' Bob who is now a captain in tho vancing mankind. It helped lead the Lt. Richards of the Mifitary Depart- go on sale on Tuesday, November 21, doesn't feel so well." Army. Bob's a W. M. C. grad, too. world out of feudalism. It was a ment, Lt. Richards is almost unani- and students arc urged to buy them Mere pittances should be spent nt Ginny was sporting a snozay new-ah- means of uplifting the people but it mously favored, since the consensus at the office before the night of the The Pit. (Railroad Avenue.) dachshund. She's trying to talk me has outgrown its usefulness for it of opinion seems to be that Dean Free performance. into accepting the hound "Gremlin" has turned from a source of advance- would not be in a position to devote as Edward Justice has been appointed One night in the city I saw an as a nephew. I don't quite see it. ment to a cause of war. It benefits much time and activity to the job as stage manager, with Janet Lee organ grinder and a monkey. We de- Wallen "Beanie" Beane is expected only that nation which take so much would Lt. Richards. Baugher assisting him. Others work- cided to give a nickel instead of "up from Boston" for the Thanks- pride in it and the rest of the world According to the Dean, Lt. Rich- ing with Miss Watts behind the a penny. My gesture of donation giving holidays. They are trying to suffering for it. ards may be forced to leave at any scenes are: Adele Tenney, Frances was not a g-raceful one, and the star- re-form (not reform) the "Serena- Science and modern means of moment. The argument runs along Brown, Anne Lassahn, Margy Gross, tled monkey screamed. The organ del'S" of last year for the occasion transportation have advanced to the the lincs that nothing is permanent and Dean Hess, property committee; grinder put a very angry look on his EO don't feel badly if you're not go- extent' where they have outgrown in the army and that though Lt. Rich- Jack Neville, Harry Beall, and Bruce face ... I hope L never have to ask a ing home-it should prove to be nationalism. In fact nationalism ards is assigned to Western Maryland King, lighting committee, Lillian frightened little monkey to make my something worth sticking around for. shackles these advancements for 'they for at least the remainder of the year, Jackson, holder of the book. living for me. And that's that! have grown now to the point where he may be transferred at any time. I I feel like a monkey in the city to- they have shrunk the size of the feel positive that Lt. Richards would The entire senior dramatic art night. Fate has handed me a destiny, world. If loosened, they might well not have offered his services if he class, with the aid of the juniors in but like other men, I am startled, do Compliments has been at work on that department, make the world "our back yard". thought that he would be unable to the ground floor of Old Main, build- not understand, and I scream. Fate's of Therefore, I believe that to secure do a thorough and good job. ing the stage setting. The college gesture of donation has not been a a lasting peace we must commence Lt. Richards has had two years of "shop" has also been cooperating in graceful one. I shan't always feel The Carroll Food Market by ridding ourselves of this menace. varsity basketball experience at the the making an~ crecting of the set. like a monkey in the big city tonight. 90 W. Main 81. a means of doing this is to make the University of California. Not only is world completely economically inter- he a born athlete, himself, but he \Iso dependent. Each nation should be- appears to be the possessor of the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS come dependent on all other nations "love for the game" which is a must we cater to the DRUGS-SODAS for economic security and then if one for any coach. COSMETICS nation should dare transgress on the Perhaps all these statements boil George' 5 Restaurant COLLEGIENNE rights of another nation, all the down to the question of or-ganized Open seven days a week world would have cause to suffer and sports vs. unorganized sports. in our would therefore stop the aggressor, 24 hours a Day whosoever it might be. No nation Collegienne Shop would under such odds dare move for Cootes' Barber Shop fear of repercussions. Compliments on the fourth floor of 'l'h~ time is ripe for international- Two Barbers HUTZLEI\ BImHER:) ~ Phone 9 p ism. It should now be ushered in EAST .MAIN STREET Carroll Pastry Shop WESTMINSTER, MD. and the sounding note should be the removal of tariffs and let free trade have fulI sway. This will hurt some SMITH &: REIFSNIDER people financially and they shalI op- Incorporated pose it but it is better to hurt a few LUMBER-COAL Carroll Theatre State Theatre financially then to have the world suf- WESTMINSTER, MD. fer another war to retain their wealth WESTMINSTER, MD. Founded 1897 WESTMINSTER, MD. for them. Thursday, November 16 Sharyn Moffett - Jill Esmond Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. HI, ~O, 21 Willi~m F. M'yers' MY PAL WOLF Meet Your Friends Fri. and Sat., Nov. 17, 18 NAT. BARN DANCE -At- Heagy' 5 Barber Shop Sons, Inc. Lum and Abner Radio Show, All Cast GOING TO TOWN Ko~ed Club Shop where you get service Country Brand Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 19, 20, 21 \Vednesday, November 22 Gal'y Cooper - Laraine Day Three Expert Barbers Meflt Products STORY OF DR. WASSELL Bill Elliott - Gabby Hayes HIDDEN VALLEY OUTLAWS Carroll County's Best Wed., Thurs., Nov. 22, 23 24 W. Main St. Ann Southern - John Hodrak' Compliments MAISIE GOES TO RENO Thurs. and Fri., November 23, 24 Next (0 Bonsack's Friday and Saturday, Nov. 24,25 Laurel and Hardy of PORK PACKERS Constance More - Jerry Colona THE BIG NOISE Paul Whitman SAUSAGE All Star Cast ATLANTIC CITY MANUFACTURERS Saturday, November 25 T. W. Mather GRIFFIN'S Sun., 1'I10n.,Tues., \Ved., Roy Rogers Nov. 26, 27, 28, 29 Shirley Temple, C. Colbert, SONG OF NEVADA J. Jones, B. Walker, & fo' Westminster, Maryland Monty Wooley, Joseph Cotton, "Your Stop Downtown" Liberty and Green Streets L. Banymore Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 26, 27, 28 Sons SODAS-SANDWICHES Office and Plant Phone 458 SINCE YOU WENT AWAY Garl ~ussell - Diana Lynn CANDIES Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2 Charlie Ruggles Westminster, Maryland Opposite State Theater Erian Donlevy _ Ann Richards OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AMERICAN ROl\U.NCE AND GAY
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