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PRACTICE/" NAVY TEACHING FOOTBALL PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 22, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER: MD. November 30, 1944 Nine Seniors Chosen For Whots Who On Basis Of Outstanding Qualities Andrews, Holloway, Jackson, Kuhn, Maynard, Dr. 1. F. Free Elected Miles, Morey, Thompson, Waring Selected President Of College To Represent WMC In Annual Publication Deans And Advisors Nine Western Maryland seniors have been selected to be listed in the 1944~45 edition of Who-'s Who in American Universi- Dr. L. Forrest Free, our Dean of ties and Colleges, an annual compilation of brief biographies of Men, was elected president of the outstanding college students in the nation. Eastern Association of College Deans Those receiving this honor here on the Hill are: Jean An- and Advisers of Men, an organization drews, Lucinda Holloway, Lillian Jackson, Alice Kuhn, Paul May- composed- of representatives of col. nard, Ruth Miles, Earl Morey,' Margaret Thompson, and Catherine Budapest String Quartet To leges from Maine to Alabama, at its Waring. on a percentage basis, definite number of representatives ac- - annual convention celebrated recently Working in New York City. Stu- Play Here December 8 men at Western Maryland College for Who'8 Who a"lIots each college a cording to its total enrollment. com- Dean Free, who has been dean of dents are chosen by an impartial eight years, succeeds the Rev. Joseph mittee on the basis of character, lead- A. Koonz, dean of Fordham Urriver- ership in extra-curricular activities, World-Known Interpreters Of Chamber Music sity. This is the first time the asso- Senior Caroling .... scholarship, and potentiality. Judg- ciation has had an officer from Mary- Following an old Western Mary- ment of these qualities is based on an Will Present Program Of Varied Interest land. Previously, Dean Free had been land tradition, members of the objective view of the students' four- The Budapest String Quartet will present a concert for West- a member of the executive committee senior class will leave their warm year record. is the only national Who's 'Wlw ern Maryland students on Friday, De~ember 8, at 8.:1~ p. m. in for a period of seven years. beds at 4 a. m. on Friday, Decem- means of recognizing outstanding col- Alumni Hall. Composed of Josef Rolsmann, first violin: Edgar The topic of the two-day meeting ber 15, braving the wind and cold lege students which does not involve Orten berg, second violin; Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Schnei- held on the week-end of November 25 to sing Christmas carols through dues or fees. Copies of the book are der, violoncello, the quartet is known the world over as the superla- was "Postwar Problems in College the streets of westminster. sent to every American college and tive interpreter of chamber music. Counselling." On their return to the Hill they university. Students and faculty will be ad- count-y, as cO~lpared.with the twen~y The newly elected president, stated will eat a special breakfast ar- Following are brief sketches of the mitted free of charge, with reserved present:d duz-ing their first season m that the main emphasis in th~ associa- ranged by the junior class. The Western Marylanders named in this seat tickets now obtainable at the of- the Umted States. tion's program of activities for the seniors will sing to the freshmen, ;year's W/w's Who: coming year will be placed on the sophomores, and the juniors, con- fice in McDaniel Hall. se~~~:n~::e p~~!~~ina;:hi~al~~~oer:~ counselling of returning war veterans cluding with the Alma Mater. Jean Andrews, president of the fOI~O~~s;rogralll for the concert is as Buffalo, Denver, New York, Paris, (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) Argonauts, appeared in the Thanks- giving play "Junior Miss". She is the Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, and recipient of the Har-ry Clary Jones Quartet in B-flat major, Washington, where they have per- Koechel No. 458 ("Hunt") Mozart formed in the Library of Congress. Third Birthday Dinner To Be Held; Chemistry Award and a member of Allegro vivace assai However, the extensive travels of the the Iota Gamma Chi sorority. l\fenuetto (Moderato) Budapest Quartet- are rfoit limited to Lucinda .Hollbway, als? a member Adagio Europe and America. On several oc- Christmas Banquet To Follow of the cast of "Junior Miss", served Allegro assai casions they have journeyed as far as as feature editor of the Gold Bug for Quartet in G minor, Op. 10 Debu8sy (Cant. on page 3, col. 1) AU Western Marylander-s celebrat- shortly before the Christmas recess. a year, and is now editor-in-chief 01 Anime et tres decide ing birthdays during the month of This meal, which is the outstanding the 1945 Aloha. Asses vif et bien rythme December will be seated at a place of dining-hall event of the year, will be Lillian Jackson, editor of the Gold Andantino doucement expressif Pod g/lice ' . . honor during the third of the month- served at 6:00 P. ]\f. and will be a Bug for the past two years, is now a Tres model'S ly birthday meals, to be served in. the semi-formal affair. member of the cabinet of the Student Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No.3 college dining-hall next Wednesday, The menu prepared for the Christ- Christian Association, in which she Beethoven Application for work in the post December 6 at 6:00 P. M. mas banquet will include the follow- served ·last year as vice-president. She Introduzione-Allegro vivace office department in Baltimore According to Mrs. Julia Claihourne ing dishes: Fruit juice cocktail, roast is chairman of the Trumpeters, senior Andante con moto quasi allegretto during the Christmas holidays college dietitian, the birthday menu turkey, oyster dressing, giblet gravy, women's honorary society, sings in may now be obtained at the office Menuetto-Graaioso will be composed of the following: candied sweet potatoes, buttered baby the College Choir, belongs to Iota Allegro molto of the dean of men in Smith Hall. Grapefruit juice, _ baked chicken, lima beans, cauliflowcr au gratin, Gamma Chi sorority, and represents All students who are interested in dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, salad, olives, pick- Western Maryland on the Student Since their American debut at this kind of work are urged to fill Editorial Board of Motive, Methodist with Cornell University in 1930, the popu- in these blanks as soon as possi- frozen green peas, pineapple house les, parker house rolls, plum pudding Student Movement publication. salad, cheese hard coffee, nuts, with parker sauce, grated and larity of this group has been con- ble. Both men and women are eli- rolls, butter, vanilla ice cream, birth- stantly increasing. Last season the gible for these jobs. fruit. Alice Kuhn is a member of the Ar. quartet gave eighty concerts in this day cake, and coffee. Outside members of the faculty are gonnuts and Tri-Beta, and served as The decoration of the dining-hall cordially invited to participate in the president of last year's junior class; as well as the entertainment program Christmas banquet. she is a consistent Dean's Lister and Last Year's Freshman Class is being taken care of by the Trumpe- In addition to the delicious food, a member of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. (Cont. on page 3, col. 4) ters, women's honorary (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) organization Receives Favorable Rating on the campus, who will also act as hostesses. The musical par-t of the program Two Performances Of Annual On Achievement Tests will be provided by a male quartet ac- composed of dining-hall waiters, companied at the piano by Warrcn Christmas Pageant To Be Last year's freshman class made an achievement score com- cards at each one of the places at the GivelJ By Nativity Guild parable to, and in some cases exceeding, the standard norms of Roberts. There will be individual students who had completed their sophomore year in similar insti- tutions throughout the country, according to results of a series of birthday table. The Nativity Guild of the Westminster Theological Seminary achievement tests taken here last April and scored by the Coopera- Wednesda'y, December 13 is the announces the fifteenth annual production of its outdoor Christmas tive Test Service of the American Council on Education. date chosen for the annual banquet Social studies, natural sciences, served to both students and ·faculty pageant on Tuesday, December 12, a~~~OS~riap~~e~~~?eJT~i~g8To All . mathematics, American history, and .---------------------1 contemporary affairs were the studies Speakers Of Three Faiths People, emphasizes the significance on which the present sophomore class of the Christmas message in the com- was tested last year. Although the Will Address Stu.dents ing age. The production will be inter- faith, .interracial, and international. :~~e:t:reh!~ve;o~;~ete~ri!'n~~::er t~~ In Next Chapel Service The theme is carried by a Pharisee college work, these norms varied lit- Three speakers from the National Sunday, December 3-Speakers fr?m the National Conference of Chris- who announces the Christ as Mes, tle from standard norms for students Conference of Christians and Jews tians and Jews at chapel service, 7:30 P. M. stab only to the chosen people against throughout the country who had com- the words of the Prophet proclaiming pleted their sophomore year in a simi- will address the student body at the Monday December ..-French Club Christmas Program, McDaniel the birth of the Saviour of all man- '" Lou'nge, 6:45 P. 111. Singing of French Christmas carols. lar liberal arts institution. chapel service on Sunday, December kind. A native of Greece brings a 7:30 P. M. Representing the 3, at Western Maryland students ·ranked Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant re_ Tuesday, December 5-SCA Panel Discussion on Peacetime Conscription, prophecy from an ancient oracle; higher in the natural science, science ligions, the trio will take as their McDaniel Lounge, 7 P. M. Saint Francis of Assisi announces and medicine, and literature section topic "The Need for Unity in Our Wednesday, December 6--December Birthday Dinner, 6 P. 1\1. the kinship of all men under God; the of the current affairs test than the Democracy". Friday, DecemlK-r 8-Budapest String Quartet, Alumni Hall, 8:15. P. M. Chinese, the American Indian, and standard national norm for sopho- The speakers are: the Rev. Andrew the Negro affirm their common faith. mores for the same tests. A higher W. Gottschall, National Director of Sunday, December 1(1..-Annual College Choir Christmas Vesper Pro- The following Western Maryland gram, Alumni Hall. norm was also scored in the American Programs in Army Camps, Naval girls will appear as angels: Mildred history tests, with high school stu- and Air Bases, and Southern Region Monday, December ll-IRC meeting and Christmas Party. Round Table Segers, Betty Little, Betty Joy Mor- dents having one year of American Director, National Conference of discussion on Post-War Japan. ris, Marjorie Little, Charlotte Pal- Tri-Beta meeting. Speaker: Dr. G. S. Langford. history in high schools being com· Christians and Jews, Washington, D. mer, Mary F. Davies, Evelyn Clark, pared. C.; the Rev. Wilfrid Parsons, Catho- Tuesday, December 12-Seminary Nativity Pageant, 8 and 8:4() P. l\1. Shirley Leese, Barbara Streeter, Following arc comparative norms lic University of Amt',Washing- Wednesday, December 13--Christmas Banquet. semi-formal, 6:00" P. M. Edith Long, Evelyn Dashiell, Nancy of tests in sodal studies, natural ton, D. C.; and Rabbi David Jacob- SCA Christmas Service, Baker Chapel, 8:00 P. M:' Haskin, Sara Jane Ehlers, Mildred sciences, and mathematics, ~th 505 son, Chaplain, USNR, PRNC, Navy Friday, Deeember 15-Christmas Holidays start, 12 noon. Duerst, Louise Mesloh, Virginia (Cont. on page 4, col. 8) Yard, Washington, D, C. (Cont. on page 3, col. 2)
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