Page 14 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 14
PAGE'IWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 16, 1944 Co-op ing more widely used. Through mem- soap at the Westminster Co-op will re- concerning the project can we get the information which is needed for full ceive a small slip indicating the amount bership, the SCA hopes to gain a wider understanding of. the movement and a of his purchase. He may then accredit participation. 'de~~e f~~r~o~fet~heese~~:otrl!li~p,:~~li~ knowledge of how the 'campus citizens that slip to the Student Christian Asso- that news which has been neglected in and the town citizens can work togeth- ciation by merely turning it over to other ways---one of such issues is mem- er. some officer of the organization. bership of the Student Christian Asso- Thirty dollars worth of stock is In order' to facilit¥e c~nection of Thank You ciation in the local Co-op which was ex- scarcely enough of an investment to as- such returns, a box for co-op receipts plained to Hill students in general by sure all the SCA members of life in- will be placed in each dormitory, and The Sadie Hawkins Dance was finan- the Town Survey printed in the No- comes, but the dividends to be accumu- these will be emptied weekly by the ciallyand socially successful as the re- sult of conscientious workers who gave vember 2 issue of the Gold Bug. lated from the investment, plus the Association delegates. unstintingly of their time and efforts. The Student Christian Association privilege of a vote in the Co-op, will At-any time that students wish to ask has taken a step that will bring finan- help to maintain some treasury re- questions concerning the system, they We wish to thank all of those who cial enhancement to the organization, sources for the group. may approach a cabinet member, or participated in the plans for the eve- but which will have an ultimate end As was explained in the previous is- they may submit questions to the Gold ning, and would give special acclaim to much larger than that immediate re- sue, individuals who make purchases at Buq. Barbara Richter, Patricia Donovan, ward. the co-op are given smail receipts which We hope that the response on the Jack Neville and John Dorsey, who In America, the Co-op is a new and are credited to the stockholders for part of the students will be good, 'and served in inconspicuous positions, but progressive movement which is becom- shares. In other words, any Western we trust that the questions may be made most important contributions to ing more widely understood as it is be- Marylander who buys even a bar of many; for, only as we ask questions the affair. o The • Of Rolling Stone SARA JANE RICE Cap's Caprice Introspection immediately becomes He doubted her audacity. Passing the conservatory, I heard By Connie Stone· retrospection. many students strumming their Ha- By Don Capobianco Someday when I grow up I shall waiian catarrhs. 0 The opposite of a lost soul is a own a cattle ranch. 1 shall call it For all you who remember what a As Lincoln, that great champion "So what?" That is the question constant duet they made last year, foundling. - the Barr-ing None. once said, "You can fool some of the asked of me ill reference to my arti- let it be known that Ruthie Broadrup He is the sort of person who steps I hope no one ever finds the pot of people all of the time, and all of the cle in the November 2nd Gold B~~g. and "Skeets" Hauff tied the knot into a drug store and orders: "two gold at the end of the rainbow. It people some of the time, but you A simple question, but how to answer about ten days ago, while "Skeets" dixie cups to go, please." would knock the props out from un- can't fool some of the people some it? Should I set about to point the was on furlough. They headed for der a lot of folks. ways of solving the problems posed? Niagara Falls for the honeymoon. Unrequited love is as puzzling, as of the time." 1 can only present my views, biased This past week-end found a num- unnerving as the reaction of a person The folks what hates me has the I fell down the steps. Which and bigoted as they might be. ber of ex-W. M. C.-ites back on the who looks into a mirror and perceives Tight idea. bruise I shall carry to the end of my Let me commence by pointing out Htll-c-for instance, Ann Covington and My window overlooks the sky. grave. a few danger signs we must guard Phyl Green-Phi Alphs deluxe, who As she talked, her face reminded No matter how high 01' how low 1 He climbed the 'Iaddel'- of success against in not only til~teS like these graduated last May, were there. me of the cat who had eaten. feel. there is always someone feeling escalator fashion. but always. Such thing as those Jeanne ·Williams, a sophomore of higher 01' lower. Always the middle opinions that will prejudice us last year, Helen Harris and Mary Do colored pcopJe leave white rings We seem to live a pay-day to pay- against truth. 'I'hose opinions that Jane Starr, both last year's fresh- in their bath tub? day existence. are presented with a narrowness of men, were also back and plenty glad The nun looks out from 'neath What this country needs is a pro- outlook on the future. Opinions giv- to be here, I'm told. Getting away fessional Dodge Ball team. Once a man who was living in en in such a manner as to play on a cowl. from the place seems to give you a I wonder what she thinks .1 India saw a young girl walking on our emotions to gain our sympathy new perspective. Anyway, we'll find of now. He's a professional ghost on the painted cardboard instead of broken but not our reason. This is the tut four weeks from tomorrow. Eerie Canal. glass. "Why you little faItir, you!", widely used propaganda method, im- Bob McColley's brothel' Charles And if it's !lways that. There is nothing like music for he said. munity to which can be gained only and Fred Morgan's sister "Bootie" Each morning we dress our preju- those cares that invest the day. "Good morning," as one man said by constant alertness. were up this last week-end, too. They dices as we do our bodies, and go to another man who was going to a From earliest times flattery has say Bob's brother is a mean hand at out into the world. Never hear yourself saying: "he funeral. been used by speakers to anesthe- the piano, and "Boofie" has my vote can't do this to me." But rather: tize their audience's reason and good (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) Recent rains have made the grass "I wish he would~'t." It's a real struggle to keep my sense, then they proceed to indoctri- very green, even though the leaves The first Hindu philosopher was head under water. are turning in for the season. Au- nate the listener with their ideas and tumn with Spring on the ground. Ezekiel. Ezekiel saw the wheel. My piflow is soft. Because my aspirations. This we have witnessed time again THE GOLD BUG "How beautiful!" we describe a Life is just a collccting of connota- head is hard. strife, and electioneering during and ~eriods re- of more Official student newspaper of \\~Mtorn Mary stained glass window. Yet we cry tions. Beauty parlours had an early be- cently, sadly to say, even in a chapel land Conego, published "omi·monthly. On out when we see the black lines that He was rolled by in his mental ginning in America. They originated service. A bold accusation, but, in Thunday, during N?vembe •• J ..n" .ry, February. March, Bnd Apr,]. and month11 seam QWT'lives. baby carriage. ~ (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) my perversity, 1 consider it to be a during September. December ... nd M"r, En· lered .. ucond e1... ~ m..tter d 'V .. !min.lnr just one! Post oftlee. under the Act of M..reh S. 1879. l,Ve are now on the threshold of Member Campus Personality W.ring formulating out of the shambles of This is to be done war a new world. J4ssociofed G:>Ue6icrlePreIS for the second time in twenty-five DistribulOro! tJ). <1.A.,
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