Page 13 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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Library "Ie a'te r n Ivaryland College l'Iestminster, Md. Bond Rally Scheduled For Hill; Sponsors Reveal Double Goal Highlight of the Sixth War Loan Drive campaign in progress on the Hill since November 3, will be a War Bond Rally scheduled for Saturday evening, November 18, at 8 :00 p. m. in Gill gym- nasium. A complete program featuring the So far, we have realized one half student talent on the campus has of our goal. Enough money has been Vol. 22 No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE November 16, 1944 been arranged for the occasion. Tak- collected to cover the cost of eone of ing part in the musical program are the two ambulances. A regular field Jeanne Corkran, Anne Murphy, Bill corps ambulance of the type we are JIJunior Miss ll To Open On Thanksgiving Smith, Wesley Selby, Dotty Scott sponsoring, weighing *- of a ton will and her accordion, Betty Dixon, and be on display all day Friday in front Jeb Brant, who will play the guitar of the post office. and the harmonica. With Entire School Represented In Cast e Cantatns Appointed eDancmg, Singing Campaigning will proceed until col- Jack Neville and Jane Kester will lege closes for the Christmas holi- Corkran, Honemann Hold Worried Parents Are present a special exhibition-of the in- days. 'Val' bonds and stamps will evitable [Itterbuggf ng. In addition to continue to be sold in the college Lead Roles In Play On Portrayed By Cook, this, there'll be recitations, commu- bookstore and by the captains and nity singing, and dancing until 11:00 lieutenants who have been assigned Two Adolescents Young -Veeerens p. m. to supervise the sales in each dormi- Col. T. K. Harrison, in charge of tory. The captains include Fred Mor- Chosen individuals - from every Junior MW8 is a comedy written by conducting the Sixth War Loan ac- gan, Ward Hall; Jane Beall and class will hold pai-ta in "Junior Miss", Jerome Ch~orov a~d Joseph Fields and based on the stones by Sally Ben- tivities on the Hill has also an- Shirley Snyder, Blanche Ward Hall; Thanksgiving play which opens at son. An incident in the life of the nounced that a speaker from town Janice McKinley, McDaniel Hall; and 8:00 P. M. November 23 with seniors a typical will be presented at the rally. Mary Davies, Albert Norman Ward Jeanne Corkran and Mae Honemann Graves family, circumstances, city family of moderate furnishes Hall. in the title role and chicf supporting • War Stamp Adrnisslon position. the plot for the play . The admission fee to the show will Colonel Harrison urges students Miss Corkran will enact the role of The complete cast for the produc- to con- of the faculty and members be the purchase of a twenty-five cent tinue their purchasing of bonds and Judy Graves, unsophisticated 14- tion includes: war stamp. Each student will have year-old, whose predominating desire Harry Graves William Cook the opportunity of, signing at the en- stamps until the final goal set for the is to be an adult, while Miss Hone- Grace Graves ..Thelma Young Sixth War Loan Drive, the purchase trance, so that the amount of money of the two ambulances, is reached. mann will portray the boisterous Hilda Lucinda Holloway paid for his admission will go to in- Fuffy Adams, Judy's best friend, but crease the funds of his or her dormi- .'Var and Peace worst influence. Lois Graves .. Sara Jane Rice tory. It is expected that each dormi- He emphasizes that our goal will Her performance in Junior lIJiss Judy Graves . Jeanne Corkran tory will collect enough money at the not only help us win the war, but it will be Miss Honemann's debut on the Fuffy Adams May Honemann entertainment to buy at least one will help us to save the lives of those Western Maryland stage. Miss Cork- Jeanne Corkran J. B. Curtis William Smith $18.75 war bond. men who may help to win the peace. ran appeared ill "The Pot Boiler", one \V atts has studied at Emerson Col- Ellen Curtis... . Jean Andrews of the four junior plays presented lege, Boston University, Yale Drama Willis Reynolds Bert Harrison last year. Prof. M. C. Raver To Leave Post The play is- being produced by the School, and Central School of Speech Joe .. James Culhane College Players under the direction in London. She has had extensive ex- Barlow Adams Harold Fuss perience in play production, having For New I;>osition, February 1 of Miss Ruth Beth, Watts, head of the acted as state director of dramaties Western Union B?y Don Fedder Art Department. Dramatic Miss under the Emergency Rehabilitation Merrill Feurbach Carroll Doggett of the Faculty Member Will Become Executive Secretary Administration and manager Minne- Albert Kunody Harry Beall in Winona, Playhouse Anvil 01 The Maryland State Teechers' Association sota. Tommy Arbuckle Bruce King (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) When the second semester of the school year 1944-45 opens at A Thanksgiving service of pray- Western Maryland, the faculty will be minus one of its outstanding er and meditation, led by Cather- members-a person whose name has been recorded there for eleven ine Buckel, will be held in Bakel' James Houghton, Famous Baritone, years as physics instructor and director of public relations, and Chapel at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, who has distinguished himself before the entire faculty and stu- November 22. Sings In Alumni Hall Tomorrow dent body during that time with his friendliness, efficiency, and versatility. Milson Carroll Raver will leave his present duties on On Thanksgiving day at 10:00 the hill to accept a position as executive secretary of the Maryland A. M. the annual community ser- Russian, German, English, American Composers State Teachers' Association. vice will take place in the West- Are Represented; Miss Doris Hilts Accompanist Terminating a career at the college minster High School auditorium, which began in the fan of ]932 when with the Reverend J. Edward Lip- Dr. James R. Houghton, the world renowned American bari- he was a student, Mr. Raver will'start Students With Birthdays py delivering the sermon. tone, will present a recital at Alumni Hall, Western Maryland on his new position on February 1, Students and faculty are invited College, on Friday, November 17, at eight o'clock. becoming the association's first full- In Month Of November to attend these two devotional ob- Born in Davenport, Iowa, Dr. Houghton inherited his beauti- time executive secretary. He will ac- servances of Thanksgiving. ful baritone voice and a keen understanding for all things musical tually set up that office in the Balti- Honored In Dining Hall from his English and Welsh parentage. His first public audition more central office of the association, Candlelight, soft music and delic- took place at the age of nineteen, where his duties will be that of public ious food were presented in the col- when he sang for Antonio Scotti, fa- relations officer and coordinator of af- lege dining hall last evening to the Ten Western Maryland Alumn; mous baritone of the Metropolitan fairs for the organization. people celebrating November birth- Opera Company, who pronounced his and predicted a br-ill- days. Now Located In U. S. Service voice unusual, for the young alnger. iant future Fruit juice, roast chicken, dress- The next few years of his musical ing, parsley, potatoes, fresh green Among Western Maryland students and graduates now in career found him at the University of beans, tomato salad, rolls, butter, service who have recently been heard from are: Donald Gminder Iowa and later Harvard University. chocolate ice cream,' birthday cake, Wooden, Bud Blair, Bo Baugher, Johnnie Williams, Norman Fey, At the latter institution he was im- and coffee made up the menu. Joe Wilson, Royce Gibson, Don Honeman, Nemo Robinson, and mediately rccognizcd by Dr. Archi- As they dined, Western Maryland- Mac McPike. bald T. Davison, conductor of the ers listened to Mrs. Helen Harbaugh's Donald Wooden was recently ap- Harvard Glee Club, as the possessor solos, Love Br01~ght a. Gift of Roses pointed a cadet at the United States Juliet Alexopoulus Makes of a charming voice. and I Passed By Your Wi1ldow. Mrs. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Dr. Houghton met with phenomenal Harbaugh was accompanied by War- Connecticut, as a member of the new Hill Debut In Piano and triumphant success abroad dur- ren Roberts. Severajl numbers were class of 1948. Don enlisted in the ing his first season from 1929-1930. sung by the trio, Jane Dudderar, Er- Coast Guard in February, 1943. Recit.1 November 29 ma Young, and Fonda Boyer. The famed former cheer leader of the class of '43, Bo Baugher, is sta- Those honored by the dinner were: tioned in Puerto Rico, according to Mrs. Juliet Alexopoulous will make Jean Anzulovic, Betty Blades, Dottie his sister, Janet Lee Baugher, '43. her first solo musical appearance on Bolles, Edith Bowling, Fonda Boyer, Lt. Bud Blair, '43, is in the Aleu- the Hill in her piano recital to be Peg Buhrman, Anna Lee Butler, Bess tians, but his wit is no less sharp, and presented on Wednesday, November Butler, Violet Carr, Bill Cook, Mary his chief comment is that the only 29 at 8 P. 1\1. in Levine Hall. Lee Crothers, Addie Crow, Paul Cum- there are the Army Nurses Mrs. Alexopoulous received her mins. Mary Dom, John Dorsey, Don women Bachelor of Musto degree at the Uni- the Prof. M. C. Raver Fedder, Helen Fockler, Helen Frantz. left over from twice, last war. versity of Kansas, and went on to Wounded but now believed Bob Hall, Mary Jane Harris, Vilma back in combat somewhere in Europe, major in theory at the Eastman Af'tci- graduating from the Johns Hoffmeister, Edith Long, Eleanor is Johnnie Williams, '43. Johnnie r~- School of Music in Rochester, N. Y., Hopkins School of Engineering, Mr. Marsh, Idona Mehring, Frances ceived the Purple Heart and Oak for her master's degree. She has Raver came here in 1932 to take a Molesworth, Margaret Phillips, Meu- Leaf Cluster. While at WMC, he was also done special graduate study un- course in education, and in February die Reily, Florence Raum, Irving the trumpet- blowing leader of the del' Carlos Buhler; Jose Echaniz; of the following year obtained a stu- Russell, Dot Santini, Matilda Sloan, Johnnie Williams orchestra. Alexander Raab, of the Chicago Mu- dent instructorship here in the phy- Susan Steelman, Joe Thompson, Don Honeman, wounded in France sical College; Cecile Staub Genhart, sics department, while he was doing Charlotte Suddith, and Bill Turner. and hospitalized in England, has been of Eastman; and Auben Rayman, cf graduate work at Johns Hopkins in Second important date in the dining returned to combat. He is married to the Royal College of Music in London. physics. hall calendar is ThanksgiVing, No- the former "Martie" Hodgson, '43. The program for her recital in- In the latter capacity, he has been vember 23. Dinner will consist of to- In an English hospital is Captain cludes these selections: influential in publicizing the college mato juice cocktail, roast turkey, oy- Norman Foy, who received a serious French Suite No. V Bach Dr. James Houghton throughout the country, and arrang- ster dressing, giblet gravy, cranberry leg wound. His wife is the former Sonata Appassionata-Opus 57 His career has been mal' ked by a ing for prospective students to visit sauce, candied sweet potatoes, green Ridgely Pollitt, '43. Beethoven series of honors including his recitals the campus. One of the college boasts peas, creamed onions, parker house Royce Gibson has been reported in Berlin, New York, and Boston, he likes to recite is the fact that no rolls, butter, celery hearts, olives, killed in action somewhere on the Ballade in F Minor... Chopin and culminating in his being awarded one who has viewed the rolling green pickles, hot mince pie a la mode, cof- Normandy beachhead, and the most first prize in a country-wide contest hills of the campus and surrounding fee, nuts, and fresh fruit. recent report on Joe Wilson indicates Nocturne in G Major.... Chopin conducted by the National Federation territory has ever refused to enroll Breakfast will be served at nine his being a prisoner of war. Scherzo in B Minor Chopin of Music Clubs. He has studied ex- here. and dinner at three o'clock. No' visit- Nemo Robinson. of the traditional tensively with Stephen S. Townsend Mr. Raver was practically born on (Irs will be allowed at the afternoon "Harp!" recently arrived overseas. Reflets dans l'eau DeBussy of Boston and New York. Also he has the campus, being a native of Carroll meat Classes will be suspended for Somewhere in Europe with the Minstrels ~ D'llu"y studied with Paul Eisler, conductol' (Cont. on page 3, eo1. 2) the day. (Cont. on page 3, col. 4) (Cont. on page 3, col. 5)
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