Page 12 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 2, 1944 Three Major Events In Music Department (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) evening of March 2. Dr. Kindler's corporation the business division of gional wholesales) in Chicago. These interpretations of the works of clas- late than it was two hundred years remedying post-war unemployment as the co-operative movement. co-op products may be purchased sical and modern composers have ago. This desolation shall be of a na- they do upon actual peace plans. It is from the wholesale corpora- only in co-op stores and are not sold been met with increased enthusiasm tion stripped of natural resources and Secondly, notice the plea for work- tion that the Westminster co-op buys through any other business concerns. as each year's program has been pre- populated by men of the sleepy type ers that war factories have recently the canned and packaged goods it sented. mentioned above. made. Reports of an early end to the sells to the consumers. The wholesale Considered by many music critics The first concerns tbis present war have sent the people in our na- in turn buys from independent pack- IRC Dance And as the "superlative interpreter of presidential election: It is the fact tion scurrying out of jobs that may ers whose sample products have been chamber music" in the world, the that both candidates must put as no longer exist after the war is over. and found tested in their laboratories set by the De- Round Table Budapest String Quartet is now com- much emphasis on their formula for If America warrants the displays of to meet the standards posed of Josef Roisman, first violin; garish patriotism rampant today why partment of Agriculture. Edgar Ortenberg, second violin; Boris should a worker consider leaving an The products accepted by the Hold Interest Kroyt, viola, and Mischa Schneider, Dramatics Crew essential job, even though it should wholesale company are separated into violoncello. mean the eventual starving of himself three grades which are designated by (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) The repertoire of the Quartet in- of Build New Set and his family. You laugh, and my the color of the label on the product; be offered for bidding at intermis- cludes many of the melodies point is made. The Revolutionary grade R-red, grade B-blue, grade sion by auctioneer John Dorsey. Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Dvorak, War was won by the donations of the C--green. In this way customers can Although most of the Saturday Mozart, and many other great music For Department wealthy. Tn this war America has tell at a glance the quality of the programs have been free of charge, composers. made nearly everyone a James Madi- product they are purchasing. the IRC feels justified in announcing Complete programs of each of the (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) son. And we scurry. Although the co-op is completely in_! an admission price, as the money de- recitals will be published in future place to spend an idle afternoon and Thirdly is the necessity of govern- dependent and consumer-owned it is rived from the dance is to be used issues of the Gold Bug. never find what you're hunting for. mental aid to the people of America. subject to the same taxes es other for the purpose of sending delegates They say it is a senior project but A long time ago the people of Rome business concerns pay. to the Middle Atlantic International Delong Will Feature people from all classes are helping were fed in the streets. It wasn't Once a year, the members of the Relations Club Annual Conference at and help is what they want! Also, I called the PWA or the WPA, but the co-op in Westminster meet and elect Scranton, Pennsylvania. Therefore, Franz Schubert Set heard rumors as I hid behind a mat- same decline of individual responsi- a board of directors. They choose the the admission charge will be fifteen (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) tress to keep from being put to work bility foretold collapse. manager of the co-op and decide on cents per person or twenty-five cents again, that they have had twenty America faces the supreme test. policies. The manager is responsible per couple. Cokes and hot dogs will man School-of Music in Rochester, N. people working in there at once'. May- And anyone who says, "I don't be- for carrying out the policies of the be on sale at a refreshment stand. Y., where she received her Master's be so, but they must have been wen lieve in meddling into the affairs of board. "Germany in Peat-War Planning" degree. She also took additional jammed. Space is the need, but not the rest of the world", is a fool. His studies in Chicago and London. Later In addition to groceries, the West- will be the topic of a panel discus- the mode. head may be in the stars but his feet minster Co-op has a line of cosmetics sion at the next regular meeting of on in November, Mrs. Alexopoulos r-na g'ms running about in slacks are on the 1I0il of America. and toilet articles which are made in the IRC on November 6 at 6:45 in will appeal' in her own piano recital. with their little pans of glue (right America must realize how far the laboratories of the National Co- McDaniel Lounge. Following is the complete program plus the de- operatives (an organization of all re- Peg Davis, Jeanne prokaske, Car- 1. Good Night off the sharp hot plate), goo--I mean ahead of the old countries she really only the realize ,that smell lightful is. She must of the roll Doggett, and Bert Harrison will 2. The Vane glue, all add to the enchantment. peace shall come from America's un- 3. Frozen Tears Bond Drive On lead the discussion, with Dr. Lloyd M. 4. Benumbed her master's hand Miss watts waves selfishly aiding the rest of the world So once more, Bertholf acting as coordinator. some- to catch up to her. This will entail 5. The Linden Tree and creates (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) 6. Tears of Fire thing out of nothing. In the past, sacrifice, but we owe a debt that can- 7. On the Stream headlines have read "Blacksmith not be escaped. In the event that prlorttlas or other difficulties prevent the purchase of an (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) 8. Looking Back Shop Changed To Theatre", or I hope that the children of the fu- ambulance, a goal equally good will 9. Phantom Fires "Morgue Assumes Theatrical Atmos- ture shall never read of the downfall be set for the drive. idly by this too, for it does not con- 10. Rest phere". Now, they read: "Cellar Be- of America-America, the Melting A huge thermometer in the book- cern us! 11. A Dream of Spring comes "Workshop; College Players Pot of the world that grew too big The more I see of it, the more con- store will follow the progress of t~e 12. Solitude Learn Art of Manual Labor." for its pot. drive, with each purchase of a bond vinced I am, that as the future edu- 13. The Post Intermission builders, or stamp raising the temperature of cators, leaders, and should take the 14. The Greybeard students American the I the respective dormitory scale a few opportunity to raise their voices and 15. The Raven THANKSGIVING we cater to the degrees. Last year the men of Ward Hall let them be heard in the shaping of 16. The Last Hope CARDS COLLEGIENNE out-purchased the other dormitories their own future-in de\nsing and 17. In the Village to walk off with a five-dollar prize to building their world. Idleness and in- 18. The Stormy Morning Magazines Books at the difference are most comfortable help beautify the building. present-but when the present is 19. Delusion Collegienne Shop Tentative plans have also been 20. The Sign Post P. G. Coffman Co. made for a gigantic War Bond Rally past, they make a hard bed to sleep 21. The Tavern on the fourth Boor to be held in Gill Gym on Saturday on. Perhaps Professor Makosky's 22. Courage Times Building night, November 18. Don Capobian- challenge last year, more universally 23. The Rival Suns HUTZLER. BImHER.') @ co is in charge of the program, which applied, was the dooming truth! 24. The Organ-Man will consist of singing, music, and a special display of Western Maryland's SMITH Be: REIFSNIDER military might. Margaret & Earl's Incorporated J. WM. HULL, Jeweler More details of this Bond Show Students' Center GRIFFIN'S Successor to Cassell's will appear in the next issue of the Phone 214-W LUMBER-COAL Gold Bug. WESTMINSTER, MD. fo' SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS The Store of New Fashioned "Your Stop Downtown" ] ewelry and Old Fashioned Compliments Compliments SODAS-SANDWICHES Honesty of of Theo. F. Shaeffer BONSACK BROS. CANDIES Times Building East Main St. The Carroll Food M.rket Master Plumber SODAS LUNCHES Opposite State Theater Westminster, Md. Heating, 90 W. Main St. Plumbing, Contractor Tinning 92 W. Main St. John Everhart Benny's Kitchen Phone 359-J ]HE COLLEGE BARBER Westminster, Md. AND BOBBER "Shop" Rosenstock's Where Old Friends Meet and AT lHE FORKS Like to Eat! ! 67 E. Main St., Westminster DRUGS-SODAS Carroll Theatre State Theatre COSMETICS WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTBR, MD. q.0It ~ Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 2, 3 Wed. and Thur-s., Nov. 1, 2 _ Louise Albritton Linda Darnell _ Ge~)fge Sanders Robert Page I>RIMITIVE MAN" "HER "SUMMER STORM" COAT November Saturday, '~i~~~ 4 Phone 9 Hoot Clbecn ; Bob Steele SUIT WESTMINSTER, MD. Friday, Saturday, November 3, 4 "OUTLAW TRAIL" Wallace Beery - Binnie Barnes DRESS "BARBARY COAST GENT" Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 5, 6, 7 Donald O'Connor - Suzanna Foster BLOUSE ''THIS IS THE LIFE" Compliments Sun., Mon., 'I'uee., Wed., Nov. 5, 6, 7, 8 Wednesday, November 8 SKIRT 0' Joyce Reynolds - Robert Hutton Hoot Gibson - Betty Miles JUMPER "SONORA STAGE COACH "JANIE" .Thura. & Fri., Nov. 9, 10 SWEATER or Double Feature T. W. Mather Thur s., Fri., Sat., Nov. 9, 10, 11 "SLIGHTLY TERRIFIC" ANKLETS Carmen Miranda - Don Ameche "GREENWICH VILLAGE" and & ''THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVE..~GE" Coming-Nov. 12, 13, 14, dJ,<» •• SIIJ. ~"4 I.. cIotI.e4 Sons Sun., Mon., Tues. Saturday, November 11 Jean Arthur - Lee Bowman Johnny Mack Brown Sloop R~'4.£a.Jiet Sloop Sara Padden "THE IMPATIENT YEARS" "RANGE LAW"
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