Page 8 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 4, 1943 • Ode To ------- Annual Plans For • Ma$$ie Presents ----- Sadie Hawkins The Gold Brick Feminine Athlete Women's Sports Loose On A _DyingGoldfish' Announced - Gues;, Cadet Walter West- In Naval Service- . An alumnus Campus ----:By L. Wallenstein' (Cant. from page 2, col. 1) standing, Betty of only two months (Cont, from page 2, col. 5) already is Rose, you can picture any of these things, Last week the first meeting of the Having arrived at this singularly wearing the uniform of a midshipman (Cont. from 'page 1, col. 5) then you would know why I brought Women's Athletic Association cabinet picturesque section of Texas jungle, at Smith College, New Haven, Con- you here. was opened by its new president, Johnny scrapes the mud off his shoes, necticut and judging by the enthu- clutches the villages of Dogpatch, siastic letter which Jean Williams, Skunk Hollow, and the Hill, it will Please do not die little fish; Hip Mary Jo Davis. The other officers at- piles it rectangularly, and calls it a Becky Larmore, "Cor-ky" Price, and even be permissible for men to ap- your tail and swim all around once tending were Agnes Dyson, vice-pres- foxhole. Dot Clark, Betty's former roommate pear stag and in uniform if not cos- more. Get that glassy stare out of ident; Peg Thompson, secretary; Kit- • Ah Wilderness have received, she's thrilled with tumed, if they arc willing to subject your fish eyes. Pray, deign to tarry ty Waring, treasurer; and the vari- The rest of the afternoon is' spent everything and everyone. themselves to the- wiles of lonely and in these halls a little longer and view ous managers, Ncll Quirk, hiking; crawling from tree to tree, striking forlorn Daisy Mae's. with your own eyes some of these Mildred Lloyd, hockey; Charlotte up intimate acquaintanceshipa with .Heavy Schedule wondrous happenings. Mac Conney, badminton; Doris Kemp, .Chaperons .Co-Ed Curfew basketball; Ruth Hausman, softball; some eight dozen grub-worms, taran- Five classes a day, two hours of and water monsters, tulas, guila Fulfilling the duties of Mammy and Gail Lodge, tennis; Jean Dieffenbach, moccasins along the way. After com- drill and two of supervised study Pappy Yokum, will be the chaperons, You know, everyone has to be in archery; Marjorie Welsh, golf; and muning with nature in this manner manage to keep hcr pretty well oc- Dr. and lUI's. Thomas Marshall, Mrs: at ten o'clock, little fish, so at pre- Anna Rose Beasman, volley ball. for foul' hours, the company sprints cupied while some of the time left quarter three Evelyn Wenner, 'Miss Margaret Sna- cisely fifty-nine nine and It mass of girls This club was one of the first to be- back the scant six miles to camp, and over goes for keeping her skirts properly pressed, lisle stocking scams minutes after der and Dr. James P. Earp. gin functioning this year, enabling it Johnny continues the sprint into the OJ' Man Moae, Dogpatch oracle, surge through the doors in one body. to give candy favors to the incoming barracks. straight, and old-lady's shoes shined. predicts a grand chase between mid- And at this point another three or freshmen, as has been done in other She is quartered in style at the Hotel night November 5 and midnight No- four hours of interesting things oc- years. e Ralns Come ,Northhampton but cats off time trays vember 6. Be warned, and act ac- An idea was presented at the meet- After a 40 second pause during exactly like thosc of the' W. M. C. cordingly, you men and women. Almost every night someone goes which he showers, shaves, shampoos, cadets. to the kitchen and proceeds to cook ing to encourage students to take combs his hair, shines shoes, and something, a job they doubtlessly hikes ill their free time. As the out- changes clothes, he falls out for re- .Receives Uniform have never under-taken before. And come, organized hikes will be spon- treat. It always rains at retreat time She received her uniform around for the rest of the night we will be sored, taking place on Saturday after- in Texas, but this day it doesn't. It the tenth of October and spent the greeted by unusual whiffs of unusual noon and covering between five and pours, and Jonathan's patriotic ardor following week end showing it off srt cuisine. ten miles. Girls interested will sign is considerably dampened. Ginna Black's home in Boston. Ginna on papers to be placed on bulletin was a Sigma sorority sister and grad, .Eat At Own Risk • Cereal Again boards before the first hike and unted last June. Another shore-leave Maybe we will be invited or dined points will be earned, counting toward He- goes to supper, (baked cereal saw Betty shoving off for 'New York to partake of some of it. But you their letters. and corn grits!!!) retires to the bar- to splurge her salary of which she is would not have to suffer so, fishie. racks, writes a cheery, oh-boy-do-I- very proud. I would give you some of your own ever-like-the-Army letter home, and food out of a little black and orange Red Cross Unit goes to bed. Eight minutes later .• Ruth Reese At School box called "Fish and Turtle Food" whistles-start blowing, and an UlI- and maybe I would even join you in I Makes Plea pleasant individual with stripes wakes One of her nicest surpr-ises upon a little snack as I should think Johnny with the bellowing request ar-rival was to find Ruth Reese, '40, should prefer that to the hopeful "Fall out in five minutes-we're goin' was almost ready to' graduate. Betty amateur cook's concoctions. For Donors out on a 3-day problem". was the one to receive the dollar for Well, little fish you don't seem very Oh, well. giving Ruth her first salute, an old interested. You haven't batted an (Cant. from page 1, col. 3) .Army Parlance Navy tradition. The small, typically eyelash, if fishes have eyelashes, in "In Army 'Parlance, this means four- New England store bchind the hotel two minutes. Why don't you speak to eat for throe hours previous to teen men are still in bed but the pla- delights Betty especially when thcy to me, darling? Tell me what's wrong their- appointments. Transportation toon sergeant owes them a fin apiece. have old-fashioned stick candy and .. For the benefit of .those Swooning for college students will be provided maple sugar on hand. females left stranded without a man with you. Are you lonesome, or is It by the women of the Westminster ""Seventeen mile hike with varia- that you're bored to death from going in view, we present a picture of the around in circles? Well,aren'tweall? Motor Corps. tions, getting no place fast. e'To ~Graduated best catch of the year, 01' I\Ian Mose's You're growing quite pale. Kather-ine K. Carmlehael, Dean of =vwooda with specific density of 2.7 Graduation takes place November- Kid Brother. Women, stated that, to date, only trees per sq. ft., or better. 6, and Betty is hoping for a leave .Poor Fish twenty girls have signed up in her of- long enough, so that she can visit came about fifty-five girls Social News ... here. You were black when you white. fice, as against last year. Ydo&on ••• W.M.C. . Now you are perfectly who registered After that it will probably be eith- In keeping with the annual fali cus- You .swam in the bottom of the wa- Dr. L. Forrest Frce, Dean of Men, (Cont, from page 2, col. 5) er another course in advanced indoc- tom, the four sororities on the Hill, ter at first, but now you seem content is expecting only about twenty-five of firm disbelief in the originality of or- trination 01' specialized training of Delta Sigma Kappa, Iota Gamma with floating acr
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