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The Gold .Bug, Weskm. Maryland College, Westminster, Md., October 21, 1943 PAGB THREB FROM Varsity Sports Bow Out For Duration; Girls' Hockey Takes Sports • THE· Intra-Mural Activities To Be Stressed years, all Limelight STANDS "Hill" are in for a dull year. Although freshmen and sophomore civilian stu- In spite of changes brought on by In keeping with previous It seems as if sports fans on the Western Maryland has dropped from dents are required to carry four hours schedule difficulties and similar handi- By Fred Holloway the intercollegiate football circles, of physical education weekly. Civil- caps, field hockey has again taken there was hope that the various win- ian instructors are in charge of the the spotlight ill girls' sports. During these brisk, clear autumn classes in which individual condition- days, when those who have been upon tel' varsities which require fewer C01\- ing is again the main objective. Box- from Practices are held every afternoon to operate. would continue testants 4:15 to being no days 5:45, the Hill in former years stroll to the These hopes have since been squelch- ing instruction is being fitted into the specified for anyone class. In this edge of the bank overlooking Hoffa ed by War Department's order barring weekly schedule under the guidance way girls may feel entirely free to Field, they almost expect to see the A. S. T. P. men from participating of student trainer AI Clrccs. come the days they are able. The brilliant green and gold of another on their respective college squads. e Boxers Hopeful season will end, however, with an in- fighting football eleven, giving all for Coach Byham, in reference to Wes- Al has also been given the respon- tramural tournament between tho their Alma Mater - amid frantic tern Maryland's status, stated: "Var- sibility of organizing and training a class teams, as in former years. shouts of "Hold that line!" or "We sity sports are definitely out for the. boxing team among the army men. want a touchdown!" duration." He did mention the possi- Having made a name for himself in e Sophs Favored But this year the scene is quite bility of organizing jayvee sports Intercollegiate boxing, Al is a compe- It is thought by most that the changed. Evenings, about dusk, one among the remaining civilian stu- tent man for the job. It is hoped that sophomore eleven will retain the is likely to see a lonely, well-built dents. The first of these will probe- u schedule of matches can be arrang- crown they won last fall as fresh- figure, gazing toward the ·field, bl~' be a soccer team ed for the army mitt-men, possibly men. This team will lack much of dreaming of the day when once again with other A. S. T. P. units at neigh- its scoring punch because of the ab- he can direct the pigakln-totera. He is .Weekly PoT. boring schools. If some of these sence of Peg Ludwig, and Betty LeRoy Byham, athletic director and An extensive physical education pro- matches nre scheduled for Gill Gym Eisanloln, although the backfield has head football-coach. gram has been substituted for the var- Coach LeRoy Byham there'll be some satisfaction for remained almost entirely intact. Mr. Byham was All Eastern tackle sity sports, with each A.S.T.P. man re- sports enthusiasts. Because of the accelerated courses, in 1924, and captain and All Mary- quired to take six hours of physical duced last year br the military de- "Western Maryland is not alone in the juniors have lost several of their land in 1925 and 1926. training weekly under the supervision partment has been improved and is her loss; many larger schools have a~! ;!~ His duties this year have been of Coach Byham and staff. The train- now an important part of the rugged been forced out of active sports com- ~~~;':l~~e~ ot;~J~u;l:hss::~id greatly revised because of the failure ing grind is principally designed to toughening up program. petition because of transportatlbn turn to the Hill this fall, there are of army officials to follow the prece- condition the individual rather than difficulties and man power shortages. still many excellent upper-class play- dent set forth by navy big-wigs in al- develop gl'OUP play. Active compe- Booters Called This will be a strange year without ers left to make the tourney a lively lowing trainees to participate in in- tition is held between sections in touch the green and gold terrors giving tercollegiate athletics. football, softball, bell ball and track, their all for old W. M. C. • Frosh Handicapped too, will be at a disad- The F'rosh, e Court. Possibilities however. The obstacle COUl'SC, tntro- For Practice vantage as they will have no special There are others who hope that the star, who succeeded Ted Leux as as- day 01 instruction. Many of these basketball outlook will be more pro- The Athletic Department has an- sistant to Mr. Byham, will coach the mising. For with the return of Ter- nounced that it will field a civilian socceiites. girls have played before in high ror basketball stars, such as rangy soccer team this fall against Intercol- IIII'. Byharn also announced that at- school so the stick and ball are not Ed Mogowski, high scorer in league legiate competition. Head coach, S. tempts would be made to have a entirely foreign to all of them. Millie Lloyd, '46, has been appoint- battles in 1942, and speedy Otts ... Leficy Bvhnm, stated that a four (,1' freshman basketball team composed ed hockey manager in place of Ruth O'Keette, along with Keckings of the five game schedule will be drawn up of civilians. No definite plan or Haussman who now occupies the posi- best from the cadets, a strong Terror against local collegiate opposition. schedule has been drawn up as yet, five could be put on the floor in Ma- Pete Grimm, former Terror soccer however. tion of softball manager. sdn-Dixon League competition. Also present for coaching duties would be Capt. Bruce Ferguson who, Terror Athlete Starring For Uncle Sam in 1941, piloted a well-balanced Hill team to its first championship in sev- This Is the first in a series of articles concerning outstanding Western en years. Capt. Ferguson, called "the greatest blocking back in Maryland athletes, now 'in the services of their country America for his weight", ma4e Bill Still familiar to members of the his hand, and contrived to play bril- year later he became head coach Shepherd what he was 011 the famous two upper classes is a medium sized, liantly for the balance of the struggle. when Harlow took over the crimson undefeated grid team of 1934, and solidly-built lllan, who .could have of Harvard. WIlS a member of the previously men- been seen on any Saturday afternoon • Assisted Harlow tioned championship court squad. Mter graduation, Havens played a • Upset Wake Forrest dul'ing the fall, nervously chewing on year of pr-o-football with the Phila- During his stay, Charlie turned out Capt. Ferguson .Flash Back a cigar stub, and pacing restlessly in delphia Yellow Jackets, returning to many tine teams. He was our last Yet, in spite of the respite from front of the bench. He is none other W. M. C. tile following year as as- coach to direct a Terror eleven to a football activities this fall, there are than Charles W. Havens, head coach aiatant. to Dick Harlow. He then left win over Maryland, when in 1936 the facts about other Terror elevens that Net, Tourney and director of athletics from 1935 to direct recreation in his home city Te rps were trounced 16-0. Other all faithful Western Marylanders until the summer of 1942. Just known of Rome, N. Y., and again returned standout victories include a 16-6 win For it was only a short while back To Reopen the call of his country in July of that over Georgetown, the defeating of "a should be sure to remember. to most as "Charlie", he responded to to the Hill us asststant in 1934. A over Boston Coilege, a 14-10 triumph that the great undefeated team of Due to continued bad weather last year, and is now a captain in the previously unbeaten North Dakota Hl28 and 1()29 met such first-rate col- spring, the tennis tournament plan- air-corps, stationed somewhere in thc team 13-7, taking a close 6-0 verdict leges as Bucknell, Temple and ned for that time had to be canceled Middle West. from Catholic University, a prized Georgetown on successive Saturdays, • Rat.ed All_Maryland 20-13 upset of a much favored Wake winning each game and holding the before it had hardly gotten underway. Capt. Havens entered western Forest outfit in 1938, and a 6-6 tie Miss Todd and Miss Parker are now two to a total of three point downs. another in tile hope of fin- Maryland in 1926 and played four with the 'I'erps from College Park in Bucknell had a net yardage gain of rn-ranging before cold weather sets in full years of varsity football (the 194~. Charlie's teams have scored ishing minus twenty-five yards. permanently. freshman rule was not in effect at many other triumphs too numerous Further glory came when the un- There will be thl'ee interclass pre- that time.) He was a member of the to mention, which arc all feathers in beaten team of 1934, led by Bill Shep- liminary tournaments to decide the great teams of 1928 and 1929, cap- the cap of a really fine man and herd, All-American and the nation's championship in each of the senior, taining the team that defeated Mary- coach. high scorer, trounced Boston College, junior, and sophomore classes. These land in the latter year. Considered Besides his football duties, Capt. a perennial bowl team 40 to O. This three winners will then play for tobeon~thegreatestfootballstars Havens was also Director of Athlet- was to be the last year for Dick Har- school championship honors. ever to attend here, "Charlic" was' ics, Baseball Coach, and could alwRYs low, nationally prominent Terror Tradition places WMC tennis tour- rated as All-Maryland his last two be found helping someone around Gill coach, as he stepped into the coach- naments in the spl'ing and so it will yeal·S. He is the top choice as All- Gym. He is a swell fellow, an excel- ing reins at Harvard Univel'l!ity. continue in the future. These matches time, All-Westenl Maryland center. lent pinochle pi"yer, and the father Charlie's character and ability were .Havens Takes Over are merely the postponed ones of last well revealed in an incident during of two sons. Those who know Char- lie all like him, Rnd we join with them Harlow's assistant, Charles Hav- year and are aimed to give racquet a game with Albright Colleg'e in in wishing him good luck and a quick ens, took over for seven yellrs, until wielders a chance to earn points for 1928, in which he broke his hand in return to his former athletic duties. the day when he announced the call to their athletic letters and to determine such a manner that the bones pro· Charlie HaveIUl his country's service. During this the current school champion. truded through the flesh. Since ~_~~~~~~~~~~, period he had many outstanding vic- Gan Lodge, tennis manager, is de- there was no othel' center, he taped r:" tories, including Georgetown, Boston fending the title she won as a fresh- O['der At Once Specials for November man in the last tourney. Dade Pyles, College, Wake Forest. North Dakota, For Personally Particular Your Catholic University, Maryland and who has !lot as yet entered this year, M~ LOWRY'S FRENCH OIL many others. . played in..the semi-fin~l of her class Personalized Christmas Cards PERMANENT WAVE $5.50 Finally LeRoy Byham came back to against Miss Lodge. HEAGY BROTHERS' Regularly $6.50 - ilis Alma Mater and for his first year The tournament began Monday, BARBER SHOP fo, a sizable saving of coaching intercollegiate football, October 18, when th.:; list of oppon- Next to Post Office Sure Delivery with a very limited supply of mate- ents were posted near the Blanche Phone 395 rial, acquired the enviable record of W·ard gym. Those entered will ar- SMITH & REIFSNIDER COFFMAN'S CARD SHOP Lowry B.auty Salon 5 victories, 3 losses, and 1 tie. range the time of their own matches Incorporated Opposite Bus Terminal Adjoining Post Office Outstanding among these games but are required to have played the LUMBER-COAL were the triumph over Boston Uni- sets by a certain date. WESTMINSTER, MD versity. and the famous Gettysburg tilt, in which the cry by Terror fans, DRUGS-SODAS "We were robbed", was answered by Wa[' Bonds and Stamp~ J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r shouts from the Battlefield team fol· Modem Shoe Rebuilding COSMETICS lowers "you wuz robbed." Sold at Successor to Cassell's Perhaps it will not be long before The Sto['e of New Fashioned once again a Western Maryland team C. VELNOSKEY & SON J. C. Penney Co. Jewelry and Old Fashioned will be taking to the gridiron. Maybe even yet, the Class of 1947 will have 10 Penna. Ave. at the Forks by Honesty an opportunity to know what it is to WESTMINSTER, MD. East Main St. help cheer for vietory for .the Green Western Maryland Coeds Westminster, Md. Phone Bnd Gold, being led by some rollieking Give Us A Trial And Be 7_10 P. M., Saturday WESTMINSTER, 9 MD. Times Building and spirited "Bo" Baugher. Let's Convinced hope that day soon rome!!!