Page 7 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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The Gold Westminster. Md .• November 4, 1943 PAGE THREe FROM Major Barney Speir, Former Physical Green Ancl Golcl • THE· Instructor, Serving U. S. A. Abroad Booters Triumph Despite a steady downpour, STANDS This is the second in a series of articles concerning outstanding Western ern Maryland sports enthusiasts West- wit- nessed the first win of the season on Maryland athletes, now in the services of their country, Tuesday afternoon when the green By Fred Holloway With the familiar uate manager of Athletics for foul' and gold hooters defeated a spirited Among the things which have sur- spiel of "Ahem, now years and then became the head of ASTP team 3-2. The game at first this year with Western Mary- keeds, hrrumph, to- the Physical Education Department. appeared to be a one-sided affair with the cadets at the 2-0 score favoring withdrawal from active inter- day keeds, ahem!" Another favorite sport of Major collegiate athletic competition, is a one of an upper Speir's is that of playing golf. His the end of the half. strong school spirit. The psychologi- class could only influence helped a great deal in the But the civilians returned to the cal effect of watching- a colorful team bring to mind a building of a course here on the cam- fray with renewed vigor as Emory clash against an age-old rival such as leading figure in pus, and he was profoundly interested Gross scored their first goal shortly the University of Maryland, Dickin- campus athletic ac- in teaching at least the fundamentals after the beginning of the last half. son or Mt, St. Mary's, can go far to- 'tivities c-c t h a t, of of the game to his physical education This was followed in good order by ward creating a loyal and spirited Hugh Barnette pupils. another from the toe of Bob Harri- feeling toward the Green and Gold. Speir. son, which tied the score. Affectionate- Major Spoil' is married and has one Competitive spirit increased but the • no Revives Spirit son, Barney, Jr., a former Western score seemed doomed to a tie until the Came the late thirties and the ly known as Barney Maryland student, who now is i~ the last minute when Davis, playing right school spirit here on the Hill had to most of. his stu- half-back sent the winning kick be- reached a ,",cry low ebb. However, in dents and friends, Army. "The Gold Bug" pays tribute tween the posts. Shades of Hap Wal- to a man with a sincere personal in- the fall of 1939 one Bo Baugher "hit he is now a Major, 'lace, the Terror scccerttes had done it this campus", and working with al- stationed somewhere " ~:::iC!:nto d:V;~~~i~'m~~:/outh of most superhuman energy, and ear- in England with the again. nestness, brought it to a sparkling Eighth Air Force. pitch. Who could help but cheer with Major Speir, best National Sports Outlook Viewed Bo! Any upperclassman will tell you remembered by in- that. tra-mural sports Besides his antics at football and fans for his famous In Contrast With Green And Gold basketball games, Bo, (now a Lieu- cry of "Beanbags", tenant in the Army) instituted a pro- was genuinely in- By PVT. HARVEY S~tALLWOOD gram of elaborate pep-meetings, and ter ested in the With a fast game of bridge or a lit- Breaking the country up into sec- gave the town a Joe-college touch building - up of the tle parlor wrestling being the most tions, the power in the east seems to with pre-game parades. Yet----Bo was men through an ef- strenuous sports engaged in by men be distributed among Army, Navy, really something to see in action-c-as ficient phy-sical ed- Major Barney Speir at Western Maryland this year, we and the University of Pennsylvania. a cheerleader. What a character! ucation program. turn to the national picture to find Army and Penn went into their game He had much to do with the organiza- Major Speir, born in Lonaconing, news in the sports world . last Saturday nndefeated, and untied, • Athletes In Army tion and promotion of inter-fraternity Maryland, was a member of the class Among recent graduates from OCS leagues and a familiar question of of 1922 at Western Maryland. Of course, a goodly number of the and both emerged undefeated-the and now 2nd. Lieut's., arc several ath- his was, "Keed, do you belong to a He was an outstanding end on the cadets have made themselves candi- score reading 13 to 13. letic stars who are still talked about fraternity or intra-mural team 7 If well-known Terror grid-team under dates for a medical discharge thr-ough On the outcome of this game when reminiscing over sports events 1101, be sure to get on one." And the direction of Coach H. M. Keller. participation in some of the football, hinged the question as to which was of the past four years. Lee Lodge, Barney's success is shown by the Barney, however, was better known bellbalJ (often called mass suicide), the strongest team in the East----that sharpshooting, baaketballer and ace number of such games that the men' for his basketball ability. He was 01"soccer games carried on dur-ing the question is still unanswered. Penn i-oundsman in the spring ... Nemo participated in. I one of the outstanding stars of this physical training periods. These are should finish the season unbeaten and Robinson, basketball captain and dia- Though given the name "Reds" by period of the early twenties, captain everyday occurrences, however, and Army should take Navy by one, or mond shortstop ... Frank Suffern, members of the Class of 1943, we fail his Senior year, and became head carry little interest to that part of possibly two touchdowns. varsity end, and member of the cage to be able to understand the exact basketball coach of his Alma Mater the population which is not directly Football teams in the South are team for 4 years ... Manny taplan, reason. For if anything, t11e Major during the years of 1929 to 1933. Dur- involved. mere shadows of last year's mighty triplethreat back and capable cager is slightly inclined to be on l the bald ing Dick Harlow's time he was grad- Army ruling against trainees par- men. Here was concentrated the foot- of the country-Georgia, ... Bo Baugher, tops for four years side. Major Speir, however, is a tall, ticipating in inter-collegiate athletics ball might Tech, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia on the tennis team ... George Bar- distinguished-looking gentleman, who has cost western Maryland its chance rick, fine linesman, and a second simply carries the respect of all who Weather Dampens for a sports year of average success. and Mississippi State, Duke, and Charlie Keller on the baseball team know and work with him. A mul- Although there are no Bill Daly'S, North Carolina Pre-Flight. ... and Tommy Price, ace soccerite, titude of friends are proof enough for Sports Outlook Angelo Bertelli's, or Hal Hamburg's This year, the only teams that can all now officers for Uncle Sam. that. among the campus cadets, there are stand up for their rights are the In addition to the suspending of Wester-n Maryland weather has quite a number of men who have still powerful Duke and an all civilian varsity football for the duration, in- (Cent, from col. 1) again decided not to cooperate with played on high school and college Louisiana State team. Power has ter-fraternity football as weU, has on the Hill. The backfield combina- the girls' sport schedule so both hock- teams throughout the country. shifted to the mid-west where we find undefeated been forced to idleness for the same tion of Nemo Robinson, Joe Work- ey sticks and tennis racquets had to tion Fortunately, the non-athletic situa- such teams as Iowa Seahawks, Notre is not true be put back on the shelf for several Let's and Dame, Purdue, everywhere. reason-lack of men to "run the man, and Randy Scholl, plus the stel- elevens of Michigan, show". lar Iinework of Lee Lodge, Jim Jones, days last week. will take a quick glimpse of league hap- the once-beaten and Great Lakes. penings. Northwcstern, This delay in 110ckeY'practices This year Notre Dame ap- Jeb Stewart, Fraz Scott, and Benj. undoubtedly result in a later start for peru's to be the team that will wear In the Southwest, Tulsa and little Smith, could have' given any all-star tournament games this year. Only the National football crown. Southwestern are the outstanding aggregation a stiff battle". the more optimistic hockey enthusi- For the last several years the Irish teams. Powerhouses in the \Vest are However, besides the competition have had more prestige than power, thc ~ndefeated Trojans of Southern that the league supplied, it also con- asts can now convince themselves that but this year they seem to have all California and the Huskies of the all will be ended by the time the win- tributed a generous amount of ter winds put in an appearance, al- the power needed to trample any foot- University of Washington. To these "laughs". To any who can remember though the field did not take long to ball team in the country. The ease two teams should-be added College of two years back, the familiar cry of dry due to the strong breeze and the with which they defeated the best the Pacific whom the Trojans defeat- "Beanbags, beanbags" emitted by a sun. Navy team in years stamps them as ed 13 to 0 in a dispnted game after well-known sports figure of the Some of the upperclassmen have almost certain to finish the season un- Pacific had a touchdown called back. campus, will still bring a smile of rec- managed to playoff the first set of defeated. There is a possibility that Wash- ognition and humor to his mind; or games in the tennis tournament but The road ahead will be harder ington and Southern California may the ejaculations of Frazier Scott, as a most feel that the gremlins have real- than most people think though, for meet in the Rose Bowl this year since play turned awry. with his famous ly been to work in that department, still to be played are the undefeated the Navy Department has ruled that a~m and hand signal of utter frustra- since it was postponed from last Army, the Iowa Seahawks, and the no navy tr-ainee may be absent from tion. spring for the same reason. However, powerful Northwestern eleven. Add this station more than 48 hours. This And so it has been definitely an- with the of fair weather, the to this the fact that Notre Dame has virtually rules out the participation return nounced that there will be no varsity contest may be seen through to a con- lost Bertelli and five or six second of all the eastern or mid-western basketball team to compete in Mason- clusion and a new net champion de- stringers, and it spells trouble for teams since they are manned by Navy Dixon league competition this winter. cided. Irish aspirations. trainees. Rumors have been widespread that Eo Baugher the Advance ROTC men who returned to the campus could be allowed to And inter-fraternity football held a participate, but this was checked by a prominent part in the spotlight of definite NO from the Military De- Terror Boxing T ea~ Foreseen fall activities. Much interest and partment. According to Lieut. Rich- spirited competition was created ards, former track star at the Uni- tion match can be arranged between and now Adju- when representatives from any of the versity at this unit, "These ROTC men Prospective Boxers Answer of California, four fraternitics clashed. The com- tant tile two squads and presented in Gill petitive urge sped to high marks at are, as stated in \Var Department gym sometime during the season. various times, and anyone seen limp- regulations, under the same status as Coqch Circus's Call For Men e Expcrleneed Men Out ing about the campus after a game ASTP cadets, and are not allowed to There'll be a nucleus of exper-ienced was affectionately known as a mem- compete in intercollegiate athletics". Like the changing winds, the status names thus far. Naturally a larger men around which Circus can build ber of the fraternity" murder league." Prospects had loomed high as prom- of atbletice at Western Maryland turnout is expected when actual work- his team. From last year's J effra- e Preachers Champions inent stars such as Ed Mogowski and seems to sway first one way then the outs begin in the near future. Circus coached team, there will be Jimmy The Preachers have dominated the Otts O'Keeffe could have formed a other. In our last article we quoted indicated that the boys must be able Green in the 120 lb: leadoff post. Cir- circuit for the last five years, win, fine nucleus for a team. Capable Coach Byham as saying there would to show some ability iii. the ring be- cus himself, former North Carolina ning the championship each time and players, leaders in fraternity leagues definitely be no varsity sports this fore final plans will be drawn up for star, will fill in at 135 lb. and Em. compiling a record that will stand for in the past years, such as Fred Kull- winter. Since then, it has been an- the team. Gross, returned from the Army, will many years, of winning 35 games mar, Torn 'I'ereshinski, and Woody nounced that an intercollegiate box- eCompete With ASTP have a try at the 145 lb. post. If at with nary a defeat. During this Preston, could have helped consider- ing team will represent our school if The college team will probably least two of the other candidates de- period they have only been scored up- ably, along with_other former mem- suitable material can be scraped to- work out with the ASTP squad which velop into varsity material it'll give on twice, Abe Gruel turning the trick bers of the fraternity circuit. gether from the student body. Nat- is being whipped together. It'll pro- WMC a fairly balanced team to carry for the Blacks and Whites in 1..940, Thus the only form of Terror urally this announcement from the vide good practice for both teams and the "gl"een and gold" into the ring. and Harry Yingling scoring for the Athletics versus other colleges, will athletic department came as a sur- give coach Circus an opportunity to This year's team ,,,ill probably be a Gamma Bets last year. be the civilian soccer team. Though prise/ view his material under fire. Of far cry from the power packed days Fred Kullmar, ace end, and high still no definite schedule has been an- .Nine Men Report course the army boys wiU hold an ad- which saw such stars as Reynolds, scorer for last year's club, says that nounced, a few matches are pending, Under the direction of student- vantage in the heavier weight classes, Jensen, and the Ortenzis performing, (.. "the team of 1941 was probably the and the team under the skillful tute- coach Al Circus, a meeting was held but it is believed the college men will but nevertheless we know it'll be in strongest fraternity team ever seen lege of Coach Pete Grimm, has been to line up prospects for the team. In bc able to hold their own in the there punching until the last bell has (Cant. to col. 2) working out daily on the turf. all, nine men have turned in their lighter weights. Possibly an exhibi- sonnded.
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