Page 10 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Weatem Maryland College, WatmiDlter, Md., November 18, 1943 • The • The Gold Brick Rolling Stone w. For;" A Committ •• To to search for those elements for which we can be - By Connie Stone. ---- By Stuart Massie - AHempt To Bridge A Gap thankfuL Whereas before, we have written of They seem to be hidden away somewhere in the McKinstry Hall announces the ar- J ohnny Cadet's daily schedule and Last week the military department announced darkest alcoves of our hearts, but, as soon as the rival of a few-pound kitten-Miss life at basic training, this time I the results of the election of a social committee dust is removed from their covers they shine Benson's latest discovery. One of the would like to bring into Johnny's for the promotion of recreation for the cadets. forth, new and lovely as ever they were. McK. morons-the most moronic of memo an incident in our average ca- This committee composed of H. G. Brown, H. S. As Americans, we can be thankful for our na- them all-names the animal Undie, det's life-things that make life more Massie, W. D. Preston, C. E. Smith, J. L. Teasier tion and the things for which it stands; as stu- short for Undesirable-and that's an worthwhile. understatement. Any words of love R-I-N-G! There's that bell again- and M. G. Burrus, combine the interests of all dents we can be thankful for the opportunities of tossed at that cat are purely comet- time for study hall. So off Johnny service groups, including both first and second learning more of our land and more of its glorious dental and not to be confused with goes to return to his room for those term A.S.T.U. and R.O.T.C. cadets. heritage. anything real or sincere. dreadful 3 hours of study. Grudg- It is the desire of all parties concerned to bring Looking out from this campus we see visions of ingly taking down his books, Johnny about a closer connection between the various or- • McDaniel Doings spies on his roommate's shelf the lat- ganizations on the hill, and by so doing contribute beautiful morrows, days that can materialize only Remember the swell party thrown est issue of the "Old Maid," humorous if we take advantage now of the opportunities when Peggy Reeve's came back to her magazine of Randolph-Macon Wom- to the mutual benefit of all. that are being presented to us daily. Alma Mammie ? We just heard of en's College. We are aware, however, that the pre-war status We need a Thanksgiving Day, if only to make the funniest part of the whole gay e Sclentiftc Interest cannot be attained, for obvious reasons that need us stop griping, and start extolling the good night. One still-embarrassed sopho- Easily convincing himself that. it not be enumerated here. Awareness of this fact things that happen each ensuing day. more in McDaniel Hall was awakened will be no harm to broaden his out. alone should challenge us to make the most of the We wonder why it is so difficult to be deeply by the patter of little feet returning look on life, he begins to thumb hur- situation at hand: to attempt to bridge to the best and humbly grateful; we might do well to think from the party ill the wee small hours. Sleepily she lurched out of bed, heard riedly through the pages until stopped of our abilities the gap between cadets and stu- by the blazing headlines of "The of the origin of Thanksgiving Day in America. the milling mob of marauders, and, World of Science, or Maybe I'll Make dents which could easily widen to a point disas- After this inspection, we may decide that the men mumbling how dark the mornings are now, she started to dress for class. an A in Chemistry Now!" Being in- trous to all. of Pilgrim Days realized that they alone were not trigued greatly by the prospects of an In the past month the general morale of the capable of founding a new land; of making a Pipe that, fellows! A in any subject, Johnny commences student body has definitely improved-thanks to piece of land into a world power. They were • Farewell to Chivalry to digest this following article on the earnest efforts of a few thoughtful people. chemistry. thankful for something more than the bare' ne- Maybe my mama done tot' me The newly-elected committee will attempt to as- cessities of life-they were thankful for divine wrong, but it struck me as slightly e Report on woman sist in the extension of this fine work; hence, do- guidance. Report: ~:~~:y o~~~~: ~eca~:1lledr~~~edth;~: Element: Woman ing their part in a job which requires the coopera- We are separated from loved ones, struggling girls helped him pick them up. He Symbol: Woo. tion of everyone. ~ through trying times, and we are called upon to was very decent about the whole Atomic weight: Since there are so Among the first undertakings of the group will forget our sufferings, to look ahead to greater thing, though, and even offered to let many isotopes ranging from 50 be the preparation of the Military Ball, tentative- things. one of them carry his books for him. to 500 pounds, '120 Ibs. has been ly planned for December 11. If you, as readers, Thanksgiving can remind us, Western Mary- Chivalry died a horrible death around taken as standard. this place. Occurrence: Can be found wherev- care to offer suggestions, we want you to present landers, that the Hill will once more be what it er man exists! them through the medium of the Gold Bug or has been. We must be thankful to have a part in .Machine Gun Jitters Physical properties: All colors and through an individual committee member. helping to maintain that which is worthwhile, To whom it may concern: \Ve, as sizes. Always disguises true con- The committee is anxious to consider your even as others are 'round the world fighting for students of W.M.C. realize full well dition. Boils up at nothing, wishes since there is no function performed ex- that goal in lands that have never known our way the importance of defensive warfare freezes any time! However, melts cept as it is done for your benefit and for ours. and all that, but, must we be shaken when properly treated. Very bit- of life. out of our boots (sloppy weather, you ter if not used correctly. eadd AI"""" BWl'U<4 We give thanks for freedom of mind, soul, and know) by the banging of a misguided Chemical properties: Extremely ac- spirit, and we give thanks moreover for the inati- machine gun? Oh, all right, if we tive! Possesses a great affinity We Give Thanksw--In Spite Of War tutions of higher learning which are forming a must, we must! But more important, for gold, silver, and precious please, for the sakes of any number stones. Has the ability to absorb We find ourselves again celebrating a war- firm foundation on which to build tomorrow's of co-eds, don't get those blanks all kinds of expensive foods! Vio- time Thanksgiving, and at times we must pause ,WOrld. --- cJ/uJ Cdi/oJ,. mixed up with live ammunition. The lent reaction when left alone. man shortage is acute enough with- Turns green when placed along- Campus Personality Eckhardt ' out' any further assistance. Amen! side a better sample. Caution: Handle with care. Likely ~aiMf Mae 01 Ute e~ .McKinstry Morons to be dangerous in inexperienced If you happen to call McKinstry hands. and hear a cheery voice scream, "Me- • Back to Books Kinstry Hall-we morons are on the Johnny reluctantly gives up his By Lucinda Hollowa;, Feature Editor dinal in a juvenile dance recital, a by the ambitious daughter of the ball. Who in the hall do you want?" broadening influence, and returns to That gal from Glyndon has gone pickaninny in a P.T.A. play, a gypsy house. don't be discouraged. They swear on his books, just as the O.D. pokes his in a Hallowe'en celebration, and a gun Jeanie is the typical Jill-of-all a stack of old newspapers that it's head in the door accompanied by a and done it again! For the third con- Moll in a senior play. trades. Not only has she baked a all in fun. Girls will be girls, they charging sabre. secutive year she has won the title She is most fascinating, however, cherry pie; she has dressed hair, tak- keep telling me. . at the an- of "Daisy Mae" presented Hastily dashing through his assign- nual Gold Bug Sadie Hawkins Dance in the role of Jeanie Eckhardt. en care of babies, clerked in a store, ments in math, physics, chemistry, "I guesa I'm just a tomboy," Jeanie and served in the dining hall. • Canine Canaan English, history, and geography for of Western Maryland College. Jeanie sighs, Playing with her two brothers What is it about W.M.C. that makes the next day, Johnny longingly looks Eckhardt, alias Daisy Mae, is begin- she has learned to swim, ice-skate, ."Miss Jeanie" it so attractive to dogs? The place During the past summer she work- ning to out-Dogpatch the bare- footed at the clock only to see that it's still sled, hunt, fence, and ride horse-back. is simply infested with otherwise in- 30 minutes to 9:45 p. m. (that's when AI. Capphei-oine herself. ed as an officer in the Montrose State fested canines. The A.S.T, unit (an institution for Johnny is officially allowed to turn on • Plays Many Roles School for Girls She read stories to the seems to go for that "man's best delinquents). his radio 8oftly-tiptoe quwtly to the Jeanie has played many picturesque friend" stuff. According to the latest (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) roles in the past. She was a red car- girls and helped them put on plays. Once "Miss Jeanie" walked with reports, they have adopted his four- twelve girls to a Reisterstown theater, footed friends. Rumor has it they Shirley Snyder Trensletes where she kept a vigilant eye on her even assigned special details to take Memoi/U 0/; A .e~ dusu . Her version of this do to get out of KP. care of them. What those boys won't young charges. makes her sound like a veritable Me- • Sunshine Spreader Fashion Flashes: . "With the reached the place in her education A member of the Phi Alph's Sun- THE GOLD BUG gradual extinction of the saddle shoe where she is taught the use of a shoe shine Committee, Jeanie acts as a Ot!ldnl.tud.ntne,,·spaper of W'estern MBrY for the duration, the college co-ed has horn, thus the anemic condition of sunshine spreader to the entire col- land College. publishod semi·monthly. On become attached to a flat-heeled, soft, our contours. lege. Her naive remarks are irresis- ;:;;,~rF~~~~a~~,r;~~rc~~t~~dr, A;i~e~:r~o~~~~ May. September. slip-on shoe, known as a loafer." • Ups and Downs tible; so are her harum-scarum a~- during "" .. cond ~l"ss December ... nd We.,m;n.!er En· ~t tered mRtt"r As president of the "Society for From this point we and Abigail's ticns! PO"t office. under the Act of :March 3, 1879. Discarded Loafers", all I can say to walking appendages are one and in- "I can't remember jokes," she says. the above exerpt is "Humph". So separable. Up the steps, down the But then she is her o'wn best joke. Subscriptio~ PriCt) 52.nO a Year you think that being the shoe the col- steps, across the campus, umpteen • Will Graduate in Spring lege girl spent her 18 coupon for, is times a day until Abigail decides This is the last year that she can Editcr-Jn-Chief.. ....Lillian Jackson, '45 Managing Editor __..Mary V. Webb, '45 an honor, huh? she'd like some relaxation. lay claim to the title of "Daisy Mae", News Editor Bob Adams, '45 .Life Span, Increased 8Abigail Relaxes Jeanie Eckhardt fo; she is taking advantage of the ac- Assist. News Editor __..June Vogel, '46 Look, the only thing the 18 coupon During this relaxation period, we Once she tried to swing across the celerated program and will graduate did for us was to increase the length bear the brunt of her rug-cutting, stream on the obstacle course, and this spring. After that it's goodbye Feature EditorcLucinda Holloway, '45 Sports Editor of our life span twelve months. And which aids in our run-over and down was covered with m'ud instead of the to the best Daisy Mae in aU these Dorothy Rovecamp, '44 that's not good when you consider appearance. At least we can say that expected glory. hills. Copy Editor. .....Virginia Voorhees, '48 that every day of that life span is we aren't held to account for the spent in suffering the consequences of weakness of our "soles". Heaven for- e Daughter of Champion Cadet Editorial Council: Gillkeson, Howard Martin She is the moving force (and a very Burrus, a typical co-ed's customary failure bid that we should be held account- SCA Service ••• of women's to pick up her feet. able for the kind of day we live. fast-moving team. one) Prowess the in this art Stuart Massie, Ernest Francis Morgan, Harvey Sny- fencing Smallwood, .Hard Life .Our Days runs in the family, for her father is The annual Thanksgiving Ser- der. - Perhaps you'd be more sympathetic Even at night we have nothing to vice, sponsored by the Student with my cause if I gave you a faint look forward to because Abigail isn't the fencing champion of Maryland. Christian Association, will be held Business Manager Dennis Blizzard, '45 A home economics major, Jeanie is idea of what all of us are forced to of the school of thought that adheres now going through the paces of chief in Baker Chapel on Thursday, No- Circulation Manager endure every day for the simple rea- to the use of bedroom slippers. vember 25, at 6:45 P. M. The Barbara Brower, '46 son that we had the misfortune of be- Such is our day. Such are our cook, bottle washer, and aU the other Thanksgiving theme will be center- Contributors: Betty Waits, Marianna House pro- roles of the Management ing made with leather soles instead of days! gram. Housekeeping is a familiar ed around Millet's "Depiction of Murray, Shirley Jones, Mary Davis, rubber. e Cent' Win the Angelus", presented by Don Margaret Fredrich, Catherine Ward, .Abigail Arises The only revenge in sight is to art to her, since she has been at var- Lewis and Vernelle Ports. Let us begin this day by watching cause our owner to have fallen arch- ious times the "hausfrau" of her own The Sunday school choir, under Irma Young, Nevin Lindsay, Theo. Abigail, still in the process of prying es. But even this is small recom- home. the direction of William Smith will Jones, Margery Zink, Lee Wallen- stein, Janice McKinley, Henry Lama· her eyes open, grope for "Loafers" pense for our hardships, as fallen .Says it With Flowers sing, and Jane Dudderar will act drid, Audrey Studds, B,onnie Beth which were slung under the bed about arches only cause more weight to fall The Eckhardt family will never fOl'- as. soloist. Blake, Connie Stone, Shirley Snyder. six hours before. Abigail has not yet upon us. get the rose petal crystals prepared
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