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Library tresto rn ivaryland College Reb~~~~nst~r;·ore Is Elected To Reign At Homecoming Date For Annual Alumni Event Scheduled To B. November 20; Dance Will Be Highlight Annual Homecoming Day will take place on Saturday. Novem- ber 20, in spite of the limitations made necessary because of the Vol. 21 No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE November, 4 1943 national emergency. announced Col. T. K. Harrison, secretary of \ the Alumni Association and director of the Homecoming activities, in an interview today. Home- Sadie hiawkins Will Begin Legal Pursuit Instead of the traditional Classes Elect coming football game, there will Ibe a 2:45, at which time the Homecoming Of Eligible Males As Nov. 6 Approaches parade of the cadets on Hoffa Field at Officers For Queen and her court will be honored. a Dance Sponsored By The Gold Bug Will Climax who has Rebecca been Larmore, as queen over Red Cross Unit New Year member of the court since her fresh- Informal Activiti •• Of Dogpatch Day On The man year, will reign her court which consists of one at- Hill; Contest To Be Held During Evening Price, Kuhn, Harrison tendant from each class. Makes Plea The spirit of the hunt has again hit the campus as Saturday, Will Serve In Office • Homecoming Court November 6, the "national" Sadie Hawkins Day looms in the near The court, elected by popular stu- Of President dent poll, consists of Margaret Ann For Donors future. Cordelia Price was chosen as the Smith, senior attendant; Virginia Women are practicing with fervor their roles as "pistol pack- ing mamas", and at the crack of dawn on that eventful Saturday, president of the Class of '44 in the Lee Horine, junior attendant; Elca- ,Stuclent Volunteers Are the old order will give way to the new when the merry-go-round of elections held Tuesday, November 2, nor Marsh, sophomore attendant; and Urged To Register W M C social life will reverse itself and allow the women to legally in Alumni Hall. She won over her Shir-ley Snyder, freshman attendant. chase the men. . two opponents, Margaret Ann Smith Colonel Harrison said that owing to Immediately All these who are students of the and Emory Gross, by a sizable ma- the wartime conditions, the customary Western Maryland College students are aware jority. Miss Price has previously alumni banquet will not be held this will be able to aid the Baltimore City Bishop Edwin Hughes Al Capp features Sadie Hawkins of the history Day, of the served as cl;ISS secretary. year. Guests are advised to make ar- Blood Donor Center fulfill its quota and are qualified to pass on to others The contest f01· vice-president was rangcments for supper as the dining of 90,000 pints of blood for this year Will Address Students won by Clyde Hauff while William hnll will be open to students only. when a mobile unit from that center the traditions that are attached to the occasion. Harrington defeated Mary Turnley .Sorority Open House wil! be stationed ill Westminster No- Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, will ad- The Gold Bug as sponsor of the day and Ann Meeth for the position of During the afternoon, the four vember 16th through 18th. . dress the students of Western Mary, secretary. sororities will hold open house and Bl60d plasma, a recently developed land College in the evening chapel on the Hill, and of the dance which will climax the activities, • Larmore Voted Treasurer "afternoou tea" will be served to the process which has proved its worth service on Sunday, November 7, at to explain the chief purpose: wishes only said day Rebecca Larmore, by a close vote, visiting alumnae and the invited many times over on the battle fields 7:15 P. M. was named treasurer. The office of guests of sorority sisters acco,rding to of Sicily and Italy, and in the tangled The chapel speaker on November provides each female with an oppor- historian will be filled by Dorothy Ann Covington, president of Phi Al- jungles of the Philippines, is urgently 14 will be Rabbi Norman Gersten- tunity to get a man, in spite of pro- test. Thrush. pha Mu, Rebecca Larmore, president needed this year, even more so than feld, leader of the Washington He- Junior class members almost unan- of Sigma Sigma Tau, Evelyn Royer, last, due to the greater number of brew Congregation. His theme will • Refreshments Included imously re-elected Alice Kuhn to president of Iota Gamma Chi, and concentrated attacks in the two main be ....'The Lord Reigneth". After having entertained her Li'l serve as president for the ensuing Jeanne Dieffenbach, president. of Del- theatres of war. The Army and Navy Dr. E. C. Riggin, District Superln- Abner ill royal Dogpatch style, each year. Gail Lodge, former class treas- ta Sigma Kappa. have requested the amount of 5,400,- tendent of the Baltimore East Dis- Daisy Mac is invited to finish up her urer, will fill the position of vice- 000 pints of blood for this year alone. trict of the Methodist Church will day by taking her Skunk H~llow or president during Miss Kuhn's regime. ~CJima~ed By Dance present the evening sermon on No- Dogpatch swain to the big dance in Climaxing the day's events will be In the race for secretary, Ruth a Homecoming Dance to be held in GAge Limit. vember 21. Blanche Ward Hall Gym. Miles barely nosed .out Dennis Bliz- Volunteer-s for blood donations On schedule for the first Sunday in Hours for tile juke box dance will Gill Gymnasium at 8:00 P. M., u;;ilet: zard. Catharine Waring won the the sponsorship of the Student Acttv- must be over eighteen years of age, December is the Rev. Oliver J. Collins be 8 :00 p. m. to 11:45 p. m, and the office of treasurer by a fairly large ities Committee. T4e reception line and, if under twenty-one, must obtain (Cent, on page 4, col. 2) admission charge to be collected at margin while Ruth Hausman, in an- signed releases from their parents. It the door will be $.75 per couple, or other~ close contest, defeated Mary will be headed by Col. Harrison and has been requested that these releases $.50 stag. Admission price includes as soon as Library Offers Books will include Miss Larmore, the Home- Spaulding- for the position of ser- coming Queen, her court, and spon- be secured and returned refreshments. geant - at - arms. Janet Lee Baugher sors to be announced at a later date. possible, so that a working schedule Of -Current Interest was elected as class historian. may be developed. .Prizes To Be Awarded .Close Balloting Music will be provided by a name or- The unit, which will be located in To Students Costumes for women and civilian chestra price of admission and the Sophomore voting resulted in close will be l.'L10 per couple. the Immanuel Methodist Church on men will still be in order, for during balloting for many of the offices. Rob- East Main street, will be open every According to Miss Minnie Ward, the evening, thcre will be a contest to ert Harrison won the presidency by a after-noon during its three-day stay librarian of Western Maryland Col- choose the typical Daisy Mae, the large number, and Earl Morey, by Cadet Subscriptions ... from one to seven P. M. College stu- lege, there is again this yeau a wide most reasonable facsimile of Sadie one vote, was chosen as vice-presi- dents are requested to make their ap- variety of books available to the stu- Hawkins, and the most bashful Li'l A. S. T. P. pay their Cadets dent over James Green and Betty Gold Bug subscriptions may on their next pointments between the hours of one dents of the Hill. Abner. Waits who tied for the position. pay day, December L Representatives and three forty-five P. M. Because of lack of funds the library Skeets Hauff and Peck Bond, co- Nina Mizell was elected to the of- DOIIOI'Swill be examined by physi- will not have the uaual numbei- of new chairmen of the dance, feel the urge fice of secretary by a sweeping ma- of the paper will be present at the cians before they are allowed to give books, but the many recent publica- to announce that there will be some Military Building to collect thc fee of jority. The race for treasurer was seventy-five cents, which entitles the their blood, and will be rejected if tions which it has should be of inter- few reservations this year. The men won by Carroll Doggett, and in the they do not meet the established est to all. are encouraged not to be too bashful, same vote Robert Adams was named subscriber to six issues of The Gold standal·ds. Donors are requested not Those who are interested in re- for with all the schedule conflicts that Bug. to fill the position of class historian. (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) ligion aud sociology will want to read keep the women from talking with "The Crisis of Our Ages" by Pitirim men, every Li'l Abner has more than A. Sorokin, a sociologist. Home Econ~ sufficient protection. 'Ladies In Retiremen( Stars Thrush omics girls who were always interest- Since (Cont. on pag~ 4, col. 1) its has drawn war within ed in the books of the late Della T. Lute, will like hel· latcst, "Cousin Williams". Bush Plays Only Male Role curs in the mid-Victorian year of fashion-by sealing it within the • Herald Tribune Sug;estion Student Recitals In Thanksgiving Day 1885, is laid in all ancient farm house stone fire place-and the attempt of which were on the Herald Tribune's Begin Nov. 9 There are many of the new books the secret located in the dismal marshes the young man to wrest of the Production Thames estuary about ten miles from of the stone oven from the old maids list of "What America is Reading", Gravesend. provide the psychological character The first musical recital for this The Western Maryland College development which makes the play such as "The Robe", by Lloyd C. year will be Pl'esented by the 1l1usic Players, under the direction of Miss singularly fascinating. Douglas, one of the most widely read of Esther Smith, will present the Brit- .Critics Laud Play novels of the season; "So Little department on Tuesday Western Maryland College afternoon, N 0- ish murder mystery, Lad~8 In Re- Noted New York critics unanimous- Time", by John P. l\Iarquand; Saro~ vember 9, in the studio of Levine tir6'lnent, in Alumni Hall on Novem- ly applauded· Percy's and Durham's yan's well known story from which bel' 25th at 8 P. M. featuring Dorothy horror play, and wel'e agreed on the the movie was taken-UThe Ruman Hall, under the direction of Miss Thrush in the leading role. fact that the English mystery, al- Comedy'; and "Hungry Hill" by the Cesner. The program will start at 5:15 P.l\L Miss Thrush was selected by Miss though not the greatest in its particu- authol· of "Rebecca", Daphne Du These recitals arc held for the pur- Smith on the basis of the dramatic lar field, was very far from being the }faul'iel'. ability which she exhibited in hcl' worst. The psychological atmosphere - • Best Sellers pose of giving all music students an opportUnity to perform before a large work in two of last yeal"s major pro- of the play injects itself into the col- First place on the non-fiction best- group of people. They are also pre- ductions, Tragic Chris toning and lective -mind of the audience, and re~ seller list is given to Walter Lipp- Stage Door. mains there until long after the last mann's "U.S. Foreign Policy". Also sented to other members of the stu- to hear dent body as an opportunity • Psychological Horror curtain goes down. standing high are "Pads Under~ classical music interpreted by stu- The single male role of the produc~ _ .. Miss Dorot11yThrush who will Miss Smith stated that an admis~ ground" by Etta Shiber and Wendell in the department. tion will be filled by Thomas Bush, play the lead in the production, "La- sion charge of thirty-five cents per L. Willkie's popular "One 'Vorld". dents trained recital on Tuesday, both dies In Retirement." Her senior year the For who has already displayed his talent mark~ the third Season of work in person will be charged. Another interesting non-fiction voice students and piano students will in previous Hill presentations. the field of dramatic art with the Col- • • Clark, Smith l\Iusic Team book is "Come Wind, Come Weather" . The play, which was eminently suc~ lege Players, directed by Miss Esther The student cast of Ladies i7~Rc~ Daphne Du l'IIaurier's small collection perform. ]\fiss Irene Beard will sing Year" This cessful in scaring the wits out ilf Smith. tircment includes Margaret Ann of. true stories written primarily to "May We Complete r.farketing" by by "1\Ioon and Bach sophisticated New Yorkers in March, Living in this depressing ahllos- Smith as UuG1/ Gilham, Beverly Sla- keep up Britain's courage dUring their 1940, was described by lIIiss SmIth us phere are the chief characters, which cum as Leonora, Fiske, Dorothy darkest days of war. Wcaver. "The Night" by Richard being one of "psychological llonor include an ex-chorus girl, under whose Thrush as Ellen Creed, Thomas Bush Last, are the six books which are, Strauss and "Joy" by Winter Watts are to be sung by Miss Audrey Don- rather than an assortment of sliding red wig is a head full of memories as Albert Feather, Dorothy Clark as at present, being filmed in Holly- aldson. panels, bats and spooks". of the good old days when she pli~d L01lisa. C~·ced, Josephine Branford as wood: "The Song of Bernadette" by DeaI) Hess will play fifteen chil~ • Set In Thames Marshes her dubious trade; two demented sis- Emily Creed, and Dorothy Armacost Franz Werfel; "Guadalcanal Diary" dren's pieces on the piano for the au- However, the authors of the play ters, both old maids, and a sinister as Sister Thtwesa. by Richard Tregaskis; "Colonel Ef- dience. Miss Edna Haller is going to do provide a cavernous fire place oven young man of dubious character, who Anita Rue has been selected as fingham's Raid" by Beiry Fleming; play "The Little Nigar" by Debussy, for the disposal of corpses and the visits them j also, the black-clad mur- Stage Manager, and Paul Henry will W. L. White's, "They Were Expenda_ and Miss Mary Rehmeyer will play grimmer moments are accompanied deress, who is the leading character. be the electrician. Accompanying ble"; "Victory Through Air Power" by by a hOwling wind and the gloomy • Body Sealed In Fireplace muSic will be furnished by Dorothy Major de SeverskYj and "Our Hearts "Polonaise in F Minor" by Chopin. " beat of rain onu the roof. A fiendish murder and disposal of Clark and William E. Smith. Mary Were Young and Gay" by Cornelia the A similar program fourth is scheduled for of and second Tuesday The scene of the drama, which oc~ the body _in true Edgar Allen Poe Studebaker is in charge of costumes. Otis Skinner and Emily Kimbrough. every month.
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