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Library ':7estern i\-aryland College Vle~minster, Md. MILITARY BALL SUMMARY OF DECEMBER 11 NATIONAL SPORTS PAGE 1 PAGE 4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 2, 1943 Building Needs Civilian Men Form Club . . • Military Ball To Be Held Stressed By nities and the Men's Student Government Association, three In Gill Gymnasium Dec. 11; In an effort to fill the gap made by the absence of frater- President civilian men students, under the guidance of Dean L. Forrest Dennis Blizzard, Thomas Bush, and William Harrington, Announce. Gift OlChapol, Free, have taken -the initiative in forming a campus service Strictly Formal Affair In~rmary At Dinnor Hold club which will be known as the Hospians, the group an- Cadot-Sponsored Dance To Feature Twelve Piece nounced today. In lnterest 01 Program The club will provide organized assistance to any campus Third Regimental Swing Band From Fort Meade function that expresses a desire or need for such services as A dinner in the interest of the pro- the club is able to render. These include the work of ushers The annual Military Ball will be held in the Gill Gymnasium on posed $500,000 building fund, and and monitors at college Chapel services, ushers and necessary the night of December 11, and with the large increase in military featuring several noted speakers, was personnel at plays, coneerte, dances and parties. personnel on the Hill, it promises to be one of the feature events of held on Tuesday, November 30, at the The Dean of Men is privileged to call upon the members the year. Merchants Club in Baltimore. for service of a general nature. In keeping with the general "khaki" theme, the music will be The speaker who brought the oc- As an organization with status equal to all other clubs furnished by the Third Regimental Swing Orchestra, an all soldier casion to a climax was Dr. Fred G. on the campus of Western Maryland College, the Hospians will . band from Fort Meade, Maryland. Holloway, President of Western function as an independent group, with the right to sponsor From all reports, it is not an ordinary Maryland College, who turned the at- activities. Paul Maynard To organization, but one full of former. tention of those present to the build- Four officers, president, vice-president, secretary, and professional performers. It is com- ing program. He stressed the need treasurer, will be elected by the members for the period of one Give Recital Dec. 7 prised of twelve experienced musi- for a new Chapel, Infirmary, Dormi- semester. Civilian men students of Western Maryland Col- cians who, previous to induction or Paul Maynard, son of Dr. Theodore tory. Residence and Activities Build- lege are eligible for membership. Maynard, will inaugurate a new type enlistment into the U. S. armed ing, and Library. At a specific time, a committee of three, composed of the forces, were affiliated with Guy Lorn- In the course of his remarks, he vice-president and two others, will receive and present, at a of student recital on December 7, bardo, Sammy annomtT:ed the gift of the new Baker meeting, applications for membership. A 2/3 majority vote when he presents a program of organ equal-fame. Kaye, and others of music in Alumni Hall at 8 p. m. Memorial Chapel, to be dedicated to of the whole membership is necessary for acceptance. Mr. Maynard, who is a member of As in former years, the Military the memory of William G. Baker, Sr., "This project has my hearty support, and may I add that dance, Joseph D. Baker, Daniel Baker, and I stand ready to offer every assistance to the membership," the Junior Class at Western Mary- Ball will be a strictly formal uniforms Army, or ROTC tuxedos, land, has been studying organ under Sarah Baker Thomas. He also an- commented Dean Free. the direction of Miss Grace Murray being the only masculine attire in or- nounced that the Infirmary would be Charter members of the Hospians include Dennis Bliz- for the past year. An advanced stu- der, Admission will be $1.00 per erected as the gift of Dr. and Mrs. zard, William Harrington, Thomas Bush, Fred Morgan, John dent in the music department, he is couple, and this charge will include William H. Thompson, of New York Vermilyea, Allen Poffenberger, Ralph Collins, Clyde Hauff, now doing special work in music com- refreshments. City. Edgar Bond, Robert Adams, and Walter Carr. Officers have position under Miss Joyce Barthelson, The dance will begin at 8:00 p. m., Dr. D. Roger Englar, class of 1903, not been elected. and plays the violin in the college or-> and will last until 11 :30 p. rn. Tick_ addressed the group on the subject, chest.ra. He is majoring in organ. ets will be numbered, and at some "Free Institutions for a Free World." The program Will be composed of time dunng "the evening, a drawing Dr. Guy E. Snavely, Executive Sec- the following selections: will be held with the holder of the retary of the Association of American WMC Tradition The Stair Spangled Banner lucky number receiving a prize. Colleges, spoke on the topic, "Wes- Grand Jcu. . Du Mage Gill Gymnasium, decorated in a mil- tern Maryland's Place in the Educa- Seniors Will Sing Carols To The Toccata. .. . Pachelbel itary fashion, together with a short tional World." Chorale Preludes . ..Bach sabre drill to be presented by the ce- Miss Joyce Barthelson, Professor o SaCl'ed Head Now Wounded det officers of the week, will round Alfred deLong, and Professor Philip Faculty, And Later J0 Students Christ Lay in the Bond.g Of DeGth out a complete military theme, which Royer, members of the Western Prelude and Fll.gUe iJt~ B Mnwr ..Bach will no doubt be impressive. The re- Maryland music department, rendered Following an old Western Mary- the Seniors to the climax of their col- After a short intermission, the pro- ceiving line will be composed of Lt. several musical selections for the mnd College custom, members of the lege career-Commencement Day. gram will conclude with: Col. and Mrs. Charles McGeehan, group. Class of '44 will climb sleepily out of After returning from caroling to Cantabile .. . Franck Capt. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, and warm beds at 5 A. M. on Friday, De- the gracious faculty members on a number of the cadet officers. cember 17, venture forth into the Ridge Road, the Seniors will eat a Rest In Peace .....Lowerby The dance is sponsored by the of- Piano Team To chill morning air, and wander through hearty breakfast in the college din- G Minor Fugue (The Little) ... Bach ficers of the 3308th Service and the streets of Westminster singing ing hall, then will proceed to sing to WMC ROTC units, and will be car- Appear First In- Christmas carols. aetivtties the Juniors, Sophomores, and Fresh- Cantiques de Noel ried out with the assistance of the As a climax to Yuletide cadet social committee. They will conclude with their men. Class goes Concert Series on the Hill, the year Senior to spread the class song and the Alma Mater. To Be Presented every caroling Christmas spirit, which has come to In charge of Senior arrangements Library Books For Holidays As the first program of the Com- them through the preceding week of this year is Cordelia Price, president The Junior com- By French Club munity Concert series, Ethel Bartlett ::~~~: pageant, parties, banquet, and of the Senior class. lI1iss Millllie· Ward, librarian, an- and Rae Robertson, known as the mittee, elected at a class meeting this ncunccd today that students maybor- Lee Can{3ques de Noel, a tradition- "best-beloved piano duettists in the This is the first of many traditional week, is composed of Alice Kuhn, al part of Christmas Week exercises row books from the Western Mary- world", will be heard in a two-piano acti,yities which will eventually lead Ruth Miles, and Anna Avers. land College library for use during concert on Monday, December 13, at at Western Maryland College for the the Christmas holidays, on and after 8:15 P. M., in the Westminster High past ten years,· will again be con- Monday, December 13. School Auditorium. Dramatic Art And Music Groups ducted this year by the members of Reserve books will be loaned dur- Miss Bartlett, Mrs. Robertson in the French Club, in McDaniel Hail ing the vacation, but students must pr-ivate life, was born in Essex Coun- Join In Annual Christmas Program Lounge on Monday night, December sign up for these books on Thursday ty, England, while Mr. Robertson is 13, at 7 p. m. Snader, director of morning, December 16, and will not Mlle. Margaret a native of Scotland. Both studied The traditional Christmas Vesper Hallolnjuh. Chorus-from The Mes- this year's program, has selected .a be permitted to take them out until under Tobias Matthay at the Royal Service to be givel) in Alumni Hall on siah-Handel number of inspiring French carols, to Thursday evening. Academy of Music in London, and Sunday, December 12, at 4:45 p. m., The solo part of I Wtmder As I be sung by a chorus of French stu- No magazines can be borrowed. were married after completing their will consist of a program of Christ- Wander will be sung by Mary Ellen Reserve hooks must be 'returned to musical education. mas carols sung by the College Choir Lanham. Mary Rehmeyer will be the dents and several soloists. the sing- the library by 9:15 A. M., Tuesday, "I have always felt that Mr. and Mrs. Robertson give over and a nativity play, Bethlehem, pre- piano accompanist for the choir. ing of LeIJ CantiqueIJ de Noel at this January 5. All others must be re- a hundred concerts a year, and have sented by the College Players. During the intermission, the audi- time of the year is an integral part of turned by Tuesday night. toured South America as well as all ence will join the choir in singing of Europe. They have made thir-, • Organ Prelude Christmas carols. the Christmas atmosphere at Western explained. Snader teen tours of the United States and Miss Grace Murray, of the music Bethlehem by Laurence Housman Maryland," Mlle. carols, the peaceful Christmas Vespers beautiful "The Canada, playing with outstanding department, will open the program will be produced by the College Play- candlelight during the singing are all Include Speaking symphony orchestras. with an organ prelude during the pro- ers under the direction of Miss Esther atmosphere, and the soft glow of the For four seasons, they were with cession of the choir. This portion of Smith. The play is given in two essential to the Christmas spirit on the Cincinnati Symphony, and they the service will take place by candle- scenes: the first laid in the shepherd's the Hill." Choir and Music have also appeared with the Wash- light. The choir, under the direction fold; and the second, in the inn stable The choir will be led by Ruth Leu- ington National Symphony, the Roch- of Prof. Alfred de Long, will sing the at Bethlehem/, kel, while Lois Corbett will accom- The main theme of the annual ester Philharmonic, the New York nine carols, representative of Christ- pany the carolers at the piano. Mary Christmas worship service sponsored Philharmonic, and the Chicago Sym- mas in several lands. .Cast Members .Frances Shipley and Elizabeth Ann by tho Student Christian Association The cast for the play is as follows: phony. o CO'l17n, 0 Come Im'l111J.nuel- Chorus, Robert Adams; Mary, Mary Carter will read the French version to be held in Baker Chapel on Wed- Robert Elmore of the Christmas story. nesday, December 15, at 8 P. M., will Studebaker; Joseph, Don Griffin; Ga- be an interpretation of the nativity include will numbers solo Christmas Mail • • • Carol o] the Birds-Christma·s Folk briel, Robert Harrison; Three Kings, Gounod's "Ave Maria," to be sung by story, through readings, choral speak- The Song William Smith, Wil- John Vermilyea, First Class mail will be forwarded Jesu.J Thou Babe Divi~Tradi- liam Cook; Shepherds, Donald Lewis, Audrey Donaldson; "La Naissance," ing, and song. under the leadership The program, during the Christmas holidays up to tional Cradle "Song Prom Hayti Warren Roberts, John Dorsey, by Anita Rue; "Gloria In' Excelcie of Paul Wayne Henry, president of and including December 28, to those Pat-a-Pa.n-Old French Carol _ Fred Morgan, Carroll Doggett, Harry Deo," by Louise Willis; "Le Flambeau the association, and CarroU A. Dog- persons who leave their names and Mattax, Edward Justice; Angels, D'Isabelle," by Sara Jane Rice, and gett, will consist of the story of the addressed on a 4" by 6" card at the Ch.ristmas Snows of Sweden- Janet Baugher, Jean Andrews, Jeanie "Le Cantique de Noel," by Ruth birth of ·Christ according to St. Luke, Post Office window. Swedish Carol Eckhardt, Anne Lassahn, Janice Mc- Leukel. with suitable poetry and music inter- Col. T. K. Harrison announced that Czech08lavuJdalrl. Carol of the Cat- Kinley, Ruth Callahan, Barbara The role of the shepherd in "O'ou polating the reading of the main name and address should be tlemBn-Czechoslavakian Christ· Richter, Beverly Mulholland, Dorothy Viens Tu, Bergere", will be sung by story. written on each card. mas Carol Bopst, Catherine Dewey. Gloria Whitehead. Other carols to be Aiding in the presentation of the ... On Thursday, December_ 16, the I Wonder As I Wa'!lder_ The lighting and costumes will be sung by the choir include, "Dans Les service will be a robed speaking- Post Office will be open until·12A. M. Appalachian Carol provided by Adele Tenney and Mary Ombres de la Nuit," "Voici Noel," choir of twelve voices, directed by to permit students to mail packages. As Lateh( We WQ;tcked---Austrian Spaulding. There is no admission "Le Jour de Lumiere," and "Ancien Warren Roberts. Folk Song charge. Noel." (Cont. on page 5, col. 1)
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