Page 12 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 18; 1943 • Th. ISorority Pledges . St~dents Make Dr. Maynard ••• Gold Brick Climaxing a four-day period of Kemp, Mary Ellen Lanham, Marjorie Who's Who Dr. Theodore Maynard, author and strenuous initiation, the four sorori- Little, Millie Lloyd, Nina Mizell, Cas- literary critic, is delivering a series _ By Stuart Massie ties of the Hill on November 12 ad- sie Schumann, June Vogel, Frances (Cont. from page 1, 'col. 1) of lectures here on contemporary lit- mitted into their organizations seven- wahmann. erature. These lectures are in Room (Cont from page 2, col. 1) ty-eight new members, nearly three .... year the committee was requested by 31, Science Hall, on Monday evenings to reduce the number the editors of times the number pledged last year. • Sigmas nominees in proportion. a.t7:30. The Phi Alphs pledged eighteen Sigma Sigma Tau added 00 its list "Contemporary Writers and Some girls, the Gamma Chis twenty-eight, Barbara Brower, Jean Burtis, Cath- Following are brief thumb-nail of' Their Works" is the general topic the Delta sixteen, and the Sigmas erine Dewey, Pat Donovan, Ruth sketches of western Maryland's rep- of Dr. Maynard's addresses. Special mummy in a line (for sixteen. Hagemann, Doris Hines, Henrietta resentativee: emphasis is placed on interpretation hours) in order that he won't Jones, Theodora Jones, Beverly Mul- Joseph Price Geary, from Mt. Sav- of the literature in the light of the gigged for the lack of a shave . • Delts holland, Mary Louise Reese, Barbara age, Md. Pre-minister-ial student, author's life and personality. Delta Sigma Kappa pledges were: Richter, Nancy Shipley, Jean Shirley, majoring in sociology. Member of Of the eight lectures scheduled, two e Last Bell Agnes Carnochan, Mary Lee Croth- Mary Studebaker, Charlotte Suddith, wesleyans, Argonauts, and the for- have already taken place. If he is lucky enough to be a mem- ers, Edna Haller, Phyllis Heider, Rose Mildred Vanderbeek. mer Black-and-White fraternity. Further lectures are scheduled for ber of the "brainy fifth," he may roll Lee Kuhns, Ruth Leukel, Fay Mac- Pauj Wayne Henry, from Washing- November- 22, 29; December 6, and his weary bones into his lattice- Donald, Ellie Marsh, Sally Moffett, ton, D: C., also pre-ministerial ; plans 13. Topics will be announced later. worked stretcher, only to awake in Jean Lee Phillips, Ginny Powell, Ani- College 'Players to enter Drew Theological Seminary the wee hours of the morning to the ta Richardson, Ruth Spry, Lucy Jane next year. President of St.udent wild clamor of the bell, 1)(Li1~fully Stoner, Catherine Ward, Margie To Present Christian Association, member of the aware of his tired and aching back. Welsh. College Players and former Delta Pi Students Conduct All too soon the last bell is sounded, Alpha. and the C.D. again sticks his nose in e Gamrna Chis Mystery Mary Margaret Turnley, hailing Little Symphony the door to take a count of the boys, Those who joined Iota Gamma Chi from Grafton, \V. Va., worked on the and to cheerfully call: "Ya mugs are Jean Andrews, Betty Baker, Win- (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) Aloha staff for two years, is this (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) got any letters to be mailed?" (As nie Baker, Jeanne Berryman, Jo Bove, year's editor-in-chief. Also worked by Kiler Bela will follow, conducted if we had any time for our much- Frances Brown, Audrey .Donaldson, phlne Branford. These three Seniors on-Gold Bl~g fer a year. Majoring in by Cordelia Price. needed correspondence these days.) Jane Ijudderar, Donna DuVall, Mary appeared in Stage Door last spring. Home Ec, and is an officer in the Beth Eresch, Peggy GeaTY,Polly Hig- Miss Clarke and Miss Branford Home Ec Club; member of Delta Sig- Fourth on. the program, "The • And So To Bed and the Young Prin- gins, Marie Hefldorfee. Phyllis Hess, also played in Tragic Chrfstening, ma Kappa. Young Prince "Scheherezade" by N. Snapping out the top light, lest he from cess" Lillian Jackson, Caroline McBride, El- which was produced last March. Margaret Ann Smith, rrom Prin- Rimsky-Korsakoff will be Jed by Irene be gigged for "lights on", len Piel, Vernelle Ports, Dade Pyles, Another member of the casts of rolls into bed to dream of: Louise Ridgely, M-indell Seltzer, Win- Stage Door and Trag'u, Christening, cess Anne, Md. Also known as "Smit- Beard. We know that we work hard in of Women's President ty." Student nie Shauck, Jean Shenton, Ann Stev- Margaret Anne Smith will be seen as Government Association, vice-presi- An excerpt from the First Move- physics, ens, Margie Strickland, Irene Va!"\ Lucy Gilham in the forthcoming dent of Phi Alpha Mu, senior attend- merit, Fifth Symphony by Ludwig In Hist'ry and Math we get C'a, Fossen, Marie Wilson, Erma Young. Thanksgiving production. Dorothy ant on Homecoming Court. von Beethoven directed by Mary Reh- But cheer up my boys, do not wor- Armacost, a veteran of Dots and meyer is to be followed by "The Em- ry, .Phi Alphs Ella Josephine .Branjord, from peror Waltz" by Johann Strauss. This In time we'll be made P.F .C.s!! SMhes and - last year's senior play, Phi Alpha Mu received Mary Lou- will interpret the role of Sister Lewes, Del. President of the Sunday will be conducted by Lois Corbett. ise Alexander, Jean Anderson, Pat Therese. School and program chairman of the The seventh number is entitled Phone 283 84 E. Main St. Barrett, Jane Beall, Ruth Callahan, Student Christian Association. "Ohaconne" by Auguste Durand, and KEEFER'S MARKET Peggy Davis, Ruth Davis, Ethel Dun- • Psychological Horror Dorothy Helen Rovecamp, whose the director of this will be Marjorie Free delivery Fruits ning, Je~n Eddy, Nan Edelston, Doris According to Miss Esther Smith, home is in Sparrows Point, Md., is a Strickland. Anita Rue is to wield l\tanday Groceries Wednesday an d director of the College Players, La,. member of the Aloha ·Staff, sports the baton for "Oriental Patrol" by Friday Aftcrnoons Meal Gold Bug ••. dies lin Retil'eme-nt develops an atmos- editor of the Gold Bug, and a mem- Franz von Blou. bel' of Sigma Sigma Tau. in a psychological of horror phere Themes from Piano Concerto No.1 (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) manner as Albert Feather tries to pry"_ Frances Elizabeth Hall, from Del- by Peter Tschaikowsky are to be con- PERSONAL NOTES of Minnesota. Twice a year, a con- the secret of a stone oven from the mar, Md. Assistant editor of this ducted by Ann Covington, and Doro- test is held to judge the effectiveness old maids. year's Aloha. Member of Phi Alpha thy Clarke will close the program by REGULAR SIZE with which they serve their individual Percy-'s and Durham's British lllur- Mu, and a consecutive'Dean's Lister; conducting "March of the Meister- schools. del' mystery received praise~ from the Argonaut president. singers" by Richard Wagner. STATIONERY To receive All-American rating, noted New York critics when it was the Gold Bug scored 975 points. The presented there in 1940. The psych- John Everhart last issue judged was edited by Miss logical effect remains with the audi- Margaret & Eari's Jackson, the others were under the ence long aftel' the last curtain goes Students' Center THE COLLEGE BARBER P. G. Coffman Co. editorship of Mr. Levin. The paper down. AND BOBBER Times Buitding received first-class ho~or rating for An admission charge of 'thirty~five Phone 214-W the first semester of the year 1942-43. cents will be made. SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS AT THE FORKS You Can't Seat Their MILDER BETTER TASTE There's no busier place than Washington, D. C. It's the control room of America's mighty war machine. And Chesterfield is the busiest cigarette in town. It's on the job every minute giving smokers what they want. It$ Milder, Cooler, Better Taste makes it the capital smoke. You can't beat Chesterfield's Right Combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos for real smoking pleasure. Ma\
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