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Library 'Jestern lvaryland College Vlestminster, lvld. HOMECOMING SUMMARY OF NOVEMBER 20 NATIONAL SPORTS PAGE 1 PAGE 3 Vol. 21, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 18, 1943 Seven Seniors Group Assigneel Acclaimed In To Raise Funels Who's Who For Construction Named Are Henry, Smith, MacLea Reports Neecl For Geary, Turnley, Branford Chapel, New Dormitories, Hall, And Rovecamp Library and Infirmary· Seven senior students of Western Dr. Fred G. Holloway announced Maryland College have been selected today that at a recent meeting of by the Faculty-Student Activities the Board of Trustees, a plan was ap- Committee to be listed in the 1943-44 proved which provides for the rais- edition of Who's Who Among St:u- ing of $300,000 within the next three dtmts in Anwrican Universities and years for the purpose of completing Colleges, an annual compilation of building construction plans at thc biographies of distinguished college conclusion of the war. students in the country. Mr. Daniel MacLea, chairman of Those selected by the committee Building and Grounds Committee, re- were Ella Josephine Branford, Joseph ported that the immediate building Price Geary, Frances Elizabeth Hall, needs at Western Maryland College Paul Wayne Henry, Dorothy Helen are: a new chapel, an infirmary, a Rovecamp, Margaret Ann Smith, and men's dormitory, a women's building, Mary Margaret 'fIurnley. and a,.,new and more extensive library. ewhc's Who An Honor • Proposed Steps The purpose of Who's Who is to At the same time, Mr. MacLea, rep- ... serve as an outstanding honor in resenting the committee, proposed which a deserving student, after dis- that steps be taken to establish a fund playing merit in college, may be for the initial phase of this program. given due recognition for his accom- The recommendation of the commit- plishments, and to establish a refer- tee was unanimously approved by the ence volume of authoritative informa- Board of Trustees, and a new group tion on America's leading college stu- was appointed to undertake the pro- dents. The Irony of life --- Potential Engineers, Cadets of the 3308th ASTU, must first learn to curing of the fund. Dr. Holloway said that .Impartial Nominations engineer the English language. Here, a group of them' is seen in an English Department class- obtained will be immediately the money invested The students were nominated on room, being led by a fellow cadet, while Instructor, Dr. Thomas Marshall observes. The men in government securities, and build- the basis of character, scholarship, also participate actively in such events as Homecoming festivities. ing will proceed as soon as war con- leadership in extra-curricular activi- ditions will permit. ties, and potentiality. The decisions are made on a conscientious and im- partial basi~, and with an objective. little Symphony Strictly Formal D~nce To r-atbei- than critical, point of view. Thanksgiving Dinner ••• The committee which made the se- Mrs. Ann Lamb, Western Maryland lections consists of Dean L. Forrest College Dietician, has announced that To Be Directeel Climax Homecoming Day Free, chairman; Dean Katherine K. the Thanksgiving Day dinner will be Carmichael; Dr. Lawrence C. Little, served at 1:15 o'clock in the college By Te~ Co-eels and the presidents of the two Student dining hall. Cadets Will Serve As Escorts For Th. Government Associations. The menu will include celery hearts, The ninth conducting class, com- Queen And Her Court At Presentation .Thirteen Last Year. olives, salted nuts, roast turkey, gib- prised of ten senior women of wee- Last year thirteen seniors on the let gravy, sage dressing, cranberry tern Maryland College, will direct a The dance which will be the main event this year of the annual Hill made the grade, but because of sauce, succotash, sweet potatoes concert by the College Little Sym- Homecoming activities will feature the traditional ceremony of the decreased civilian enrollment this glaze, hot biscuits and butter, baked phony Orchestra on Tuesday evening, presentation of the Western Maryland queen and her court at 9 :00 Indian pudding a In modc, and coffee. p. m. on the evening of November 20, and will have a somewhat (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) "December 14, at 8 P. M., in Alumni Hall. different aspect from previous years in that cadets of the 3308th Tn previous years, this program has A.S.T.U. will act as escorts for the queen and attendants. Rebecca Larmore, elected as Homecoming Queen for 1943, will Bush Holds Only Male Role been presented since these are ruled be accompanied by Margaret Ann Smith, senior attendant; in a Monday morning assembly, but out of the college curriculum this Virginia Lee Horine, junior attend- In 'Ladies In Retirement' year, the members of the faculty have nnt; Eleanor Marsh, Snyder, fresh- at- sophomore while to devote a Levin's Gold Bug tendant; thought and Shirley it worth special evening to music conducted by man attendant. Play Scheduled To Be Given By College Players the students. Claims Title Of In Alumni Hall On Thanksgiving Evening Western Maryland is one of the e Dance Strictly Formal few colleges in the United States All American In contrast to previous years, the Thomas Bush, veteran of many dramatic productions on the Homecoming Dance will be strictly have students Hill, will occupy a unique position as the only male member of the where the music and carry out their a All-American honor rating has formal, tuxedos or uniform being in chance to plan cast of Ladies In Retirement, the mystery to be presented by the o}vnprograms with an orchestra. This been received by The Gold Bug from order. Members of the R.O.T.C. are College Players in Alumni Hall on Thanksgiving Day, November year, ill spite of the war, the orches- Associated Collegiate Press for the requested to wear uniforms. The tra has increased in size and instru- second semester of the year 1942-43 price of admission is $1.10 per couple 25 a~~ ~. s~~dent of dramatic art for the past three years, Mr. mentation by virtue of the nine ca- when the paper was edited by Alvin and the dance will last from 8: 00 p. Bush has appeared in several of the major plays which have been dets who are taking an active part in H. Levin and Lillian Jackson. 11:45 p.m. presented during this period. In 1941, the work. There are thirty-one in- The student newspaper of Wester~ Music for the evening will be pro- he played in The Man Who Came to struments being played in the Little Dinner, and continued to display his ;';ea;~~a~:p:~~le::bl~vs~se~~~ ~~:;v;e~l; ; vided by the Townsmen of Baltimore talent in TIw Male Animal, last year's Symphony Orchestra. colleges with an enrollment of 500 to who have played at Gill Gymnasium Thanksgiving production, when he Lucille Gischel will conduct the or- 099 to receive this rating. dances for years past. "Star in the portrayed Michael Barnes, the young chestra Banner," opening which Span- • Reeeptfon Line gled Sabra after editor. .Collegiate Press Comment MacDorman is to direct the second Composing the reception line will He filled a major role in one of the number which will be "March 'Spirit In reviewing the paper, Associated b'.! Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, junior plays of last season, Dote amZ of America' " by G. Underwood, Jr. Collegiate Press made this gener-al K. Carmichael, Col. T. Sashes. Olimnxing his dramatic ac- The "Overture Hungarian Comedy" comment: "carefully written and ed- Dr. Kathar-ine Dr. and Mrs. L. Forrest K. Harrison, tivities last year, he was seen in his ited paper, wifh good typography, interpretation of the role of Keith (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) well used". The use of new values Free and Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Burgess in the senior play, and sources was rated as consistent Bertholf. DQQr. and as containing vitality. • Feature Events In Ladies In Retirement, Mr. Bush Dance Flash ... "For the most part there is evi- The dance will be the climax to the will have the role of Albert Feather, dence of thoroughness in editing", other planned activities of the day. A off this from Visitors campus a sinister young man of dubious char- week-end who are planning to at- was the criticism made in this field. demonstration consisting of battalion acter, who visits the ancient farm- The feature page was rated as excell- attack at 1:45 and a parade and re- house in the marshes of the Thames. tend the annual Homecoming dance ent with this remark "The AloysiuS There he finds an ex-chorus girl, to be held on Saturday night be re- in and Pig Pen: columns are good; they view at 3 :CO by the combined units of Gill Gymnasium A.S.T.P. will not cadets and R.O.T.C. will be three old maids, and a murderess, the quired to wear formal dress. rarely missed!" The make-up on page chief character. Dorothy Thrush will two was termed "attractive and the feature events of the afternoon, This provision has been made so fill this part. Thomas Bush that those corning to the Hill from unique." concluding with a soccer game be- Miss Thrush was selected to fill the • Cast Members any great distance will not be in- Associated Collegiate Press is an tween the cadet and college teams at leading role on the basis of the dra- The roles of the three old maids, convenienced. Resident students, association for the promotion of good 3:30. These items will take the place matic ability which she exhibited in Lenora Fiske, Louisa Creed, and Em- as formerly announced, ~will be re- journalism in high schools and col- of the customary football game. her work in two of last year's major ily Creed will be portrayed by Bever- quired to wear formal dress or leges and is "sponsored by the Jour- A reception will be held in Me- productions, Tragie ChriBtf!J"lttlng and ly Slacum, Dorothy Clarke, and J cee- uniform. nalism Department of'the University Daniel Lounge between 7:00 and 8:00 Stagf!J Door. (CQn~, on page 4, col. 2) • (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) p. m. for the r ..turning alumni.
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