Page 11 - TheGoldBug1943-44
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Weatem Maryland College, Wesmftnster, Md., November 18, 1943 PAGE THREe Green And Gold FROM National Football Picture Places Notr~ Dame Booters To Play • THE· Eleven In Major League Limelight For Homecoming STANDS With the list of undefeated teams laying a mere 61-0 defeat on a weak by Tufts edged Harvard 13 to 7, Dart- The traditional homecoming foot- ed clash with Army this Saturday By Pvt. Harvey Smallwood mouth walloped Cornell 20 to 0, Col- rapidly diminishing, Notre \ Dame Columbia team. Army had more gate downed R.P.I. 26 to 0 and im- ball game will be replaced this year By Fred Hotloway seems to be about the only major trouble than was exp~cted in defeat- agine, dear old Swarthmore triumph- by a soccer match between the Green team left with a better than ever ing another bunch of sailors, the ed over Muhlenberg 13 to 8. and Gold boaters and the cadets from Doubtless many of you more rabid chance of finishing this season with Samson Navy, by a score of 16-7. the A. S. T. U. The game, as a cul- fans ran across the results of an unblemished record; and, the way • Southern Outlook mination of the afternoon's activities Ohio State-Pitt football game of formerly undefeated teams have been .Army vs. Navy Georgia ran up a score in the South will follow the cadet parade and the November 6th in which the Buckeye's manhandled in the last two weeks, On comparative scores, which don't that resembles some made by the presentation of the Homecoming trounced the Smoky City team by a the only prediction that can be made mean a thing in this game, Navy Rose Bowl eleven of last year in rout- Court. 46 to 6 count. It was my distinct concerning coming games is that each should emerge victorious, but, be- ing V.M.I. 46 to 7. Georgia Tech won The probable civilian line-up will to witness this gridiron bat- team will start the game with a group cause we're wearing khaki, and be- its second straight this time whip- be: ~ Pitt Stadium, and though rath- of eleven men----or a r-easonable fac- cause we're abetted by a slight ping Tulane 33 to 0, and N.C. State from a technical hunch, we'll pick Army to win by six beat Davidson 20 tJ O. Meanwhile Goalie Summers of view, it was from a more re- simile. points, although the game could easi- Georgia Pre-Flight posted Clemson A.F. Eckhardt vengeful attitude, a very enjoyable .Il'ish Opposition ly end in a tie. We'd also feel much 32006. LL. M. Gross afternoon. For the Panther team was After disposing of Northwestern by better for Army's cause if we could In the mid-west, a fine Michigan LR. Frank coached in its smothering defeat by a 25-6 score last Saturday, there still be sure that Glenn Davis and Doug team handed Wisconsin a 27 to 0 de- O.L. McFadden the same Clark Shaughnessy, who remain two hurdles in Notre Dame's Kenna would be in the line-up for feat, Great Lakes took Indiana 21 to O.R. Storer last year unmercifully defeated our path-the undefeated and untied. Iowa Saturday's game. ' 7, and Minnesota finally won one nt C.H. Harrison own Green Terrors while he was at Seahawks and a mediocre Great A University of Pennsylvania learn the expense of Iowa 33 to 14. Dkla- ~:~!~:~~~ps the University of Maryland. Lakes team. The Seahawks may easi- that was going like a ball of fire for homa practically clinched the Big Six If one had to pick the best football ly furnish Notre Dame with the five weeks burned down to a crisp in title by downing Missouri 20 to 13. R.F. G. Brewer game he has ever seen, he'd have a toughest game they've hsd this year, the last three weeks. First it was The undefeated Iowa Sea hawks scored L.F. B. Brewer pretty tough time doing it. The main but if you bet on the game be sure tied by Army, then beaten by Navy 28 to Camp Grant's 13 and Ohio State barrier he would face would be that to get ~t least 14 points. and finally, an under-rated North won a freak game from Illinois 29 to The two teams have met before, of deciding whether to choose it on a Much has been written about Notre Carolina team put out the last spark 26. at which time the Terrors came basis of the most exciting, or the skill Dame's offensive power, but they have with a g-6 victory Saturday. e Preak Win through with a 3-2 victory. Rainy of executing the plays, or the rough- held eight highly respected teams to In other games in the East.s Yale This game was really something, weather was detrimental to the for- ness of the game, or just from the the !p-and to~l of 37 points. beat an inept Princeton team 27 to 6, Ohio State winning the game in 12 mer game, so it is to be hoped that eventual winner. Or one might make minutes after the final gun had sound- this one can be enjoyed by spectators . a combination of these factors and • Bainbridge- Undefeated ed. The score was tied 26 to 26 with undefeated Another choose it from that. erful football team holds sway in the Foils Appear two seconds left to play, Ohio State Racquet Tourney and quite pow- awake Forest Upset tried a pass from the Illinois 21 which state of Maryland, the Bainbridge failed, the final gun sounded: and the To Open Soon Using the combination basis, I Navy Team. When it comes to for- In Girls Gym would say that the finest football mer college and __pro stars, the Bain- team ran for the dressing room and Manager Charlotte l\1acConney is I have ever seen was in 1938, bridge list is about as long as any to Fencing, a new activity on the the fans for the exit gates. However, urging all racquet wielders to stock when a highly favored Wake Forest be found. campus. has been added to the al- Illinois was offside on this play, the up on shuttle cocks and begin practic- aggregation journeyed to Baltimore They have made good use of them ready full woman's sport schedule players were finally called back for ing for the tourney to begin the Stadium to joust the lightly regarded in easily defeating all opposition so this winter. Instruction is under the one more play, and twelve minutes twenty-ninth of this month. Terrors. The Green and Gold far, but the opposition has been none watchful eyc of Miss Todd. Foils after the game was over Ohio State Miss Parker or Miss Todd, along emerged a 20 to 13 victory in a gruel- too strong. Their real test will come made their appearance the first of kicked a field goal to win 29'to 26. with members of the recreation class, ing battle, one of the biggest upsets when the run-up against the power- this month and gained instantaneous The supposedly mighty Southern will be on hand next Monday, Wed- of that fall Saturjlay afternoon. popularity. California team was humbled for the nesday, and Friday at 4:15 p. m. and Those sixty minutes had every- ful Duke eleven begins. Bainbridge The lowest attendance at any meet- second consecutive week-this time by also on Tuesday and Thursday at thing that a good football game could and Duke both won by almost identi- ing has been eighteen. Freshman Marcy Field to the tune of 35 to O. The 5:10 p. m. to instruct beginners. cal scores Saturday, the Sailors over offer. It was replete with lightning the University of Maryland, 46-0, and Bertha Brittner holds the perfect at- previous week San Diego Navy had Those in the advanced group will passes, long runs, fumbles, scoring the Blue Devils took Univ. of Virginia tendance record, while Joan Fluke, ended their win streak with a 10 to 7 be able to 9rush up on their tech- threats and rallies, and blocked kicks, to the tune of 49-0. Mildred Amoss, Kathryn Wheeler, victory./, niques nightly from nine to ten in two of which led to Terror touch- Navy warmed up for ita long await- and. Betty Miller, all of the same California downed U.C.L.A., 13 to Blanche Ward Gym. downs. Coach' Charlie Havens had class, have missed only one practice. 6 in the other game on the coast. his Green team keyed to a high pitch, Those not having attended five meet- That brings to an end the football and everyone to the man, performed Hikers Urged ings so far have been dropped from scores and this column except to ask, • SMITH & REIFSNIDER Incorporated Dame riny his duty to perfection. the list. ' "What's dame Notre hasn't?" got It that must be LUMBER-COAL other In such a game no individual star should be singled out, though accord- To Sign Up Tuesday, Wednesday, every Monday, eleven men. WESTMINSTER, MD. are held Classes and Thursday ing to Roger Pippin, Baltimore Amer- nights from nine until ten; this hour ican columnist, the end play of Bob The first organized hike, held No- being chosen' to avoid conflict with Stropp and Frank Lesinski was the' vember 6, was a success. Nell Th. best that he had seen in the Stadium Quirk, hiking manager, led the group late laboratory per-iods. Order Corsages Early all year, which included such great of sixteen girls out past the churches During the winter an elimination fo' Coffman-Fisher Co. --+- teams as Notre Dame and Navy. to the road near Tramp Hollow, and tournament will be planned and later The Homecoming Dance And the defensive play of back Kenny then they returned by the paved road meets with Goucher, State Teachers' Department Store Bills, was also very commendable, as on the other side of the administra- College and other Maryland schools he continually batted down despera- tion building. The girls were gone an are hoped for by the athletic depart- Stewart N. Duuerer It is also possible that a sys- ment. tion passes intended for the South- hour and forty-five minutes and cov- tem for awarding \v.A.A. points will FLORIST Ready-to-wear ern team's towering ends. ered approximately seven miles, giv- Sport Wear It was a great and stunning tri- ing each girl seven points toward her be worked out so that these dueling Pennsylvania Ave. Millinery umph, and it left the local team's W.A.A.letter. lassies will be able to receive their Phone 350 Nisley Shoes rooters weak with joy. This was the Members of the faculty are urged numerals or letters. Freeman Shoes time for celebration, and the tinkle to join these groups so that short nat- of toasts to a fine Western Maryland ural history talks may add to the in- Clothing grid machine were audible far into terest. The time and date of the next in Westminster For Personalty Particular the night. It was truly the Terror's hike will be posted on the bulletin it's the Mon 11 East Mai.n St. day. board and those wanting to go may HEAGY BROTHERS' Phone 102 sign their names at that time. Hotel Charles Carroll BARBER SHOP e Bc Returns Next to Post Office Just before J sang the praises of East Main Street the capabilities of Bo Baugher as a cheerleader in the Jast edition of the Private Parties "Gold Bug," he made an appearance Compliments and Dinners our Carroll Theatre State. Theatre and gave everybody a firsthand exhi- WESTMINSTER, MD, bition of his cheer-leading prowess. of Specialty WESTMINSTER, MD. Probably to the newcomer, the pep Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 18, 19, 20 Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 18 and 19 I ~~~:.~s itn:ro:!~~ forth ac- of 1. w. Mather DRUGS-SODAS Sun., Men.• 'I'ues., Nov. 21, 22, 23 Sun. and 1\10n., Nov. 21 and 22 Wendie Barrie meeting seemed a trifle listless, but to Sonja Heinie GIRL" "FOLLIES "wtnterume !~:u~~~;o:~~~s~:~ Saturday, November 20 COSMETICS Bosley in T. George O'Brien giving tion, VALLEY" "LAWLESS & his with famous Bette Davis - Paul Lukas "WATCH ON THE RHINE" Claire Trevor back host a "GOOD LUCK MR. YATES" The n too, Tues. & Wed., Nov. 23 and 24 the Nov. 24, 25, 26 Stanwyck - Joel McCrea Mike Phillips memories. presence Sons Phone 9 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Cagney " Barbara "UNION PACIFIC" of Mike Phillips, James one of the greatest WESTMINSTER, MD. grid centers ever to wear a Terror "JOHNNY COME LATELY" Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 25 and 26 now stationed at New Cum- Double Feature berland, Pe., did much to help revive Sat., Nov. 27 "ALASKA HIGHWAY" the old-time spirit. Blondie and the Bumsteeds "FALCON IN DANGER" J. WM. HULL Meet Your Friends I Sin~~gcJ~;i~~eOfA~;am~e:!::. :~~;:: JEWELER at "FOOTLIGHT GLAMOUR" Saturday, November 27 to a climax all the thoughts and Successor to Cassell's Buster Crabbe reminiscences of the "days of yore." Store of New Fashioned George's Restaurant Sun., Mon., 'rues. Nov. 28, 29, 30 "DEVIL RIDERS" But it won't be" long 'til the Baugh- rho Jewelry and Old Fashioned for Edward G. Robinson - Glenn Ford Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Nov. 28, 29, 30 er's, the Phillips'. the Beglin's, the Honesty "DESTROYER" John Garfield Richardson's, the Jensen's, and the Sandwiches or "FALLEN SPARROW" Ortenzi's, will be back, and once East Main St. a Good Meal .again school spirit and athletics will Westminster, Md. Wednesday, December 1 Wednesday, December 1 '''regaiJftheir rightful place in Western Times Building Dancing 8-12 P. M, "FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT" "RAIDERS OF RED GAP" Maryland activities.
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